03 Spontaneous Potential

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Chart: SP-1b (Spontaneous Potential: Bed Thickness Correction)

Applications: Determination of spontaneous potential corrected for bed thickness

Nomenclature: SP . . . . . . . . . spontaneous potential

SPcor . . . . . . . . spontaneous potential corrected for bed thickness
h .. . . . . . . . . bed thickness
Rs . . . . . . . . . . shoulder bed resistivity
Ri . . . . . . . . . . invaded zone resistivity
Rm . . . . . . . . . mud resistivity at formation temperature
di . . . . . . . . . . invasion diameter
dh . . . . . . . . . . borehole diameter

Given: SP = -70 mV
h = 11 ft
Rs = 1.9 ohm•m
Ri = 90 ohm•m
Rm = 1.5 ohm•m
di = 14 in
dh = 77⁄8 in

Find: SPcor

Procedure: To determine the appropriateness of using this chart, calculate

Rs 1.9 ohm•m
= = 1.27 ≈ 1
Rm 1.5 ohm•m

= 14 in = 1.78 ≈ 2
dh 77⁄8 in
For use in the chart, calculate

Ri 90 ohm•m
= = 60
Rm 1.5 ohm•m

Enter the chart from the 77⁄8-in Hole Diameter line at the 11-ft point. Project vertically into the chart to
Ri SPcor
the = 60 curve, then left to the vertical axis, there estimating to be 1.52.

SPcor = SP • = (-70 mV) • (1.52) = -106.4 mV

Answer: SPcor = -106.4 mV

References: Worthington, A.E., and Meldau, R.F., “Departure Curves for the Self-Potential Log,” AIME Paper
4701, Presented at the 32nd Annual Fall Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Dallas,
Texas, Oct. 6-9, 1957.
Chart: SP-2 (Rwe Estimation from SSP)

Applications: Determination of equivalent formation water resistivity from static spontaneous potential

Nomenclature: T . .. . . . . . . . formation temperature

Rmfe . . . . . . . . equivalent mud filtrate resistivity at formation temperature
Rwe .. . . . . . . . equivalent formation water resistivity at formation temperature
SSP . . . . . . . . static spontaneous potential

Given: T = 200°F
SSP = -120 mV
Rmfe = 1.50 ohm•m

Find: Rwe

Procedure: Enter the chart along the SSP axis at -120 mV. Project vertically to the 200°F Temperature curve, then
horizontally to the mfe axis, there estimating mfe to be 24.
Rwe Rwe

 1 
Rwe = Rmfe •   = 1.50 ohm•m • 1 = 0.0625 ohm•m
 Rmfe/Rwe  24

Answer: Rwe = 0.0625 ohm•m

Notes: You can calculate Rmfe/Rwe from the following equation:

-7.567 • SSP
 460 + T 
Rmfe  
= 10

with SSP in millivolts and T in °F.

References: Gondouin, M., Tixier, M.P., and Simard, G.L., “An Experimental Study on the Influence of the Chemical
Composition of Electrolytes on the SP Curve,” AIME Paper 4455, Presented at the Joint Meeting of
Rocky Mountain Petroleum Sections, Casper, Wyoming, May 17-18, 1956.
Chart: SP-3 (Rw Estimation from Rwe)

Applications: Determination of Rw from Rwe

Nomenclature: T . . . . . . . . . . formation temperature

Rwe . . . . . . . . . equivalent formation water resistivity at formation temperature
Rw . . . . . . . . . formation water resistivity at formation temperature

Given: T = 150°F
Rwe = 0.03 ohm•m

Find: Rw

Procedure: Enter the chart at 0.03 on the lower Rwe axis. Project vertically to the 150°F Temperature curve, then
horizontally to the left-hand Rw axis, there estimating Rw to be 0.0425 ohm•m.

Answer: Rw = 0.0425 ohm•m.

References: Gondouin, M., Tixier, M.P., and Simard, G.L., “An Experimental Study on the Influence of the Chemical
Composition of Electrolytes on the SP Curve,” AIME Paper 4455, Presented at the Joint Meeting of
Rocky Mountain Petroleum Sections, Casper, Wyoming, May 17-18, 1956.
Chart: SP-4 (Rw Estimation from SSP)

Applications: Determination of formation water resistivity from static spontaneous potential (an alternative method)

Nomenclature: T . . . . . . . . . . formation temperature

SSP . . . . . . . . static spontaneous potential
Rw . . . . . . . . . formation water resistivity at formation temperature

Given: T = 220°F
SSP = -80 mV
Rmf = 0.25 ohm•m

Find: Rw

Procedure: Enter the chart at 0.25 ohm•m on the Rmf axis. Project vertically into the chart and, using the temperature
curves as reference, estimate where the projection would intersect a 220°F curve. Project horizontally
from that point to the SSP axis, there estimating an SSP value of approximately -155 mV. Subtract the
logged SSP value (-80 mV) to this to obtain an SSP value of -75 mV. From -75 mV on the SSP axis,
project horizontally into the chart and, using the temperature curves again, estimate where the projection
would intersect a 220°F curve. Project vertically down from that point to the Rw axis, there estimating
Rw to be 0.034 ohm•m.

Answer: Rw = 0.034 ohm•m

References: Silva, Pedro, and Bassiouni, Zaki, “One Step Chart for SP Log Interpretation,” Paper Q, Transactions of
the Tenth Formation Evaluation Symposium, Canadian Well Logging Society, 1985.

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