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Porosity - Mineralogy associated with Dual Spaced Neutron-II (DSN-II*)

Common porosity logs respond not only to a formation’s pore fluids but also the formation’s mineralogy. Some
sedimentary rocks, such as those chemically precipitated, are essentially pure minerals. For example, many limestones
are comprised of pure calcite. On the other hand, some rocks, such as clastic sandstones and secondary dolostones,
can be extremely variable in mineralogy. Neutron/Thermal-Neutron tools are sensitive to the main mineralogy as well as
to any impurities in the rocks. This sensitivity can be described in part by the Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Section
of the solids, Σma.

Previous practice defined crossplot response curves based on observations of tool readings in blocks considered
representative of clay-free rock material. For logs recorded in liquid-saturated, mineralogically-pure rocks, this approach
may lead to points plotting slightly to the northwest of the appropriate curve. In the following set of Porosity-Mineralogy
Crossplots, Halliburton employed mathematical modeling and test pit data to establish neutron tool responses in the pure
minerals quartz, calcite, and dolomite. These data are plotted as curves which define the northwestern edges of three
bands representing common ranges of clean field rock materials (sandstone, limestone, and dolostone). Σma labels
identify the response in specific field rocks. For example, Σma = 10.0 c.u. is often used to represent a typical sandstone,
while Σma = 4.6 c.u. describes a perfectly clean quartz matrix. In dolostones, Σma = 4.7 c.u. is thought to represent a
pure primary dolomite while Σma = 20.0 c.u. is considered more characteristic of secondary dolomitization.
Chart: CPDSN-II-1a (Porosity-Mineralogy Crossplot: Bulk (Log) Density versus Neutron
Porosity (DSN-II*), Fluid Density = 0.85 g/cc)

Applications: Determination of porosity and mineralogy mix from density and neutron logs

Nomenclature: φNLS . . . . . . . . formation porosity from neutron measurement made assuming a limestone matrix
ρb . . . . . . . . . . formation bulk density
ρf . . . . . . . . . . formation fluid density in zone of investigation
ΣQ . . . . . . . . . quartz matrix thermal neutron capture cross section
ΣC . . . . . . . . . calcite matrix thermal neutron capture cross section
ΣD . . . . . . . . . dolomite matrix thermal neutron capture cross section
φDN . . . . . . . . . formation porosity from combined neutron and density data

Given: Borehole fluid is oil-based mud.

φNLS = 17% (from DSN-II* log environmently corrected)
ρb = 2.34 g/cc (from density log corrected for borehole effects)
ρf = 0.85 g/cc (Estimated. This is a reasonable value for pore fluids near the wellbore when oil-based
muds are used)
ΣQ = 4.6 cu
ΣC = 7.1 cu
ΣD = 4.7 cu
Find: φDN and formation mineralogy mix

Procedure: From φNLS = 17% on the Neutron Limestone Porosity axis, project vertically into the chart. From
ρb = 2.34 g/cc on the Bulk Density axis, project horizontally into the chart. Note that the point of
intersection of the two projections (later called the plotted point) lies between the Quartz and Calcite
curves on the chart as well as between the Quartz and Dolomite curves. Thus, the constituent minerals
can be quartz and calcite, or quartz and dolomite.

To determine the porosity and mineralogy mix if the constituent minerals are quartz and calcite, construct
a line segment containing the plotted point and connecting points of equal porosity on the Quartz and
Calcite curves. This line segment should connect the 19% porosity points on the two curves, indicating
that φDN = 19%. By using the plotted point to proportion the segment, you can estimate that the matrix
contains about 35% quartz and 65% calcite, with calcite having the higher percentage since the plotted
point is closer to the Calcite curve.

To determine the porosity and mineralogy mix if the constituent minerals are quartz and dolomite,
construct a line segment containing the plotted point and connecting points of equal porosity on the
Quartz and Dolomite curves. This line segment should connect the 20% porosity points on the two
curves, indicating that φDN = 20%. By using the plotted point to proportion the segment, you can estimate
that the matrix contains about 70% quartz and 30% dolomite, with quartz having the higher percentage
since the plotted point is closer to the Quartz curve.

Answer: If the constituent minerals are quartz and calcite, then φDN = 19% and the mineralogy mix is approximately
35% quartz and 65% calcite. If the constituent minerals are quartz and dolomite, then φDN = 20% and
the mineralogy mix is approximately 70% quartz and 30% dolomite.

Notes: As long as the rock matrix is composed of two of the three common minerals quartz, calcite, and dolomite,
the crossplotted porosity is relatively insensitive to the mineralogy mix. To resolve ambiguities regarding
which minerals are present (e.g., quartz and calcite versus quartz and dolomite), you can use a
Mineral Identification Plot.

Individual crossplots of two porosity logs define the mineralogy percentage mix for two known minerals.
Three minerals require three porosity logs. More minerals require more measurements.



Chart: CPDSN-II-2a (Porosity-Mineralogy Crossplot: Bulk (Log) Density versus Sonic)

Applications: Determination of porosity and mineralogy mix from density and sonic logs

Nomenclature: ∆tc . . . . . . . . . sonic compressional interval transit time in formation

∆tf . . . . . . . . . sonic compressional interval transit time in formation fluid in zone of investigation
ρb . . . . . . . . . . formation bulk density
ρf . . . . . . . . . . formation fluid density in zone of investigation
φSD . . . . . . . . . formation porosity from combined sonic and density data

Given: Borehole fluid is oil-based mud.

∆tc = 82 µs/ft
∆tf = 245 µs/ft (Estimated. This is a reasonable value for pore fluids near the wellbore when oil-based
muds are used)
ρb = 2.22 g/cc (from density log corrected for borehole effects)
ρf = 0.85 g/cc (Estimated. This is a reasonable value for pore fluids near the wellbore when oil-based
muds are used.)

Find: Empirical φSD and formation mineralogy mix

Procedure: From ∆tc = 82 µs/ft on the Interval Transit Time axis, project vertically into the chart. From
ρb = 2.22 g/cc on the Bulk Density axis, project horizontally into the chart. Note that the point of
intersection of the two projections (later called the plotted point) lies between the empirical Calcite and
Quartz curves as well as between the empirical Calcite and Dolomite curves. Thus, the constituent
minerals can be calcite and quartz, or calcite and dolomite.

To determine the porosity and mineralogy mix if the constituent minerals are calcite and quartz, construct
a line segment containing the plotted point and connecting points of equal porosity on the empirical
Calcite and Quartz curves. This line segment should connect the 26% porosity points on the two curves,
indicating that φSD = 26%. By using the plotted point to proportion the segment, you can estimate that
the matrix contains about 75% calcite and 25% quartz, with calcite having the higher percentage
since the plotted point is closer to the empirical Calcite curve.

To determine the porosity and mineralogy mix if the constituent minerals are calcite and dolomite,
construct a line segment containing the plotted point and connecting points of equal porosity on the
empirical Calcite and Dolomite curves. This line segment should connect the 27.6% porosity points on
the two curves, indicating that φSD = 27.6%. By using the plotted point to proportion the segment, you
can estimate that the matrix contains about 85% calcite and 15% dolomite, with calcite having the higher
percentage since the plotted point is closer to the empirical Calcite curve.

Answer: If the constituent minerals are calcite and quartz, then empirically φSD = 26.0% and the mineralogy mix
is approximately 75% calcite and 25% quartz. If the constituent minerals are calcite and dolomite,
then empirically φSD = 27.6% and the mineralogy mix is approximately 85% calcite and 15% dolomite.

Notes: As long as the rock matrix is composed of two of the three common minerals quartz, calcite, and dolomite,
the crossplotted porosity is relatively insensitive to the mineralogy mix. To resolve ambiguities regarding
which minerals are present (e.g., calcite and quartz versus calcite and dolomite), you can use a
Mineral Identification Plot.

Individual crossplots of two porosity logs define the mineralogy percentage mix for two known minerals.
Three minerals require three porosity logs. More minerals require more measurements.

Reference: Wyllie, M.R.J., “Elastic Wave Velocities in Heterogenous and Porous Media,” Geophysics, Vol. 21, 1956, p. 41.

Krief, M., Garat, J., Stellingwerff, J., and Ventre, J.: “A Petrophysical Interpretation Using the Velocities
of P and S Waves (Full-Waveform Sonic).”Presented at the 12th International Formation Evaluation
Symposium, Paris, France, Oct. 24-27, 1989, paper HH.
∆ µ

∆ µ µ

∆ µ
∆ µ

∆ µ µ

∆ µ
∆ µ

∆ µ µ

∆ µ
Chart: CPDSN-II-3 (Porosity-Mineralogy Crossplots: Sonic versus Neutron Porosity

Applications: Determination of porosity and mineralogy mix from sonic and neutron logs

Nomenclature: ∆tc . . . . . . . . . sonic compressional interval transit time in formation

∆tf . . . . . . . . . . sonic compressional interval transit time in formation fluid in zone of investigation
φNLS . . . . . . . . formation porosity from neutron measurement made assuming a limestone matrix
φSN . . . . . . . . . formation porosity from combined sonic and neutron logs

Given: Borehole fluid is fresh mud.

∆tc = 74 µs/ft
∆tf = 189 µs/ft (Estimated. This is a reasonable value for pore fluids near the wellbore when fresh
muds are used)
φNLS = 21% (from DSN-II* log environmentally corrected)

Find: Empirical φSN and formation mineralogy mix

Procedure: From φNLS = 21% on the Neutron Limestone Porosity axis, project vertically into the chart. From
∆tc= 74 µs/ft on the Interval Transit Time axis, project horizontally into the chart. Note that the point of
intersection of the two projections (later called the plotted point) lies between the empirical Quartz and
Calcite curves on the chart as well as between the empirical Quartz and Dolomite curves. Thus, the
constituent minerals can be quartz and calcite, or quartz and dolomite.

To determine the porosity and mineralogy mix if the constituent minerals are quartz and calcite, construct
a line segment containing the plotted point and connecting points of equal porosity on the empirical
Quartz and Calcite curves. This line segment should connect the 22.8% porosity points on the two
curves, indicating that φSN = 22.8%. By using the plotted point to proportion the segment, you can
estimate that the matrix contains about 30% quartz and 70% calcite, with calcite having the higher
percentage since the plotted point is closer to the empirical Calcite curve.

To determine the porosity and mineralogy mix if the constituent minerals are quartz and dolomite,
construct a line segment containing the plotted point and connecting points of equal porosity on the
empirical Quartz and Dolomite curves. This line segment should connect the 22.8% porosity points on
the two curves, indicating that φSN = 22.8%. By using the plotted point to proportion the segment, you
can estimate that the matrix contains about 55% quartz and 45% dolomite, with quartz having the
higher percentage since the plotted point is closer to the empirical Quartz curve.

Answer: If the constituent minerals are quartz and calcite, then φSN = 22.8% and the mineralogy mix is
approximately 30% quartz and 70% calcite. If the constituent minerals are quartz and dolomite, then
φSN = 22.8% and the mineralogy mix is approximately 55% quartz and 45% dolomite.

Notes: As long as the rock matrix is composed of two of the three common minerals quartz, calcite, and dolomite,
the crossplotted porosity is relatively insensitive to the mineralogy mix. To resolve ambiguities regarding
which minerals are present (e.g., quartz and calcite versus quartz and dolomite), you can use a
Mineral Identification Plot.

Individual crossplots of two porosity logs define the mineralogy percentage mix for two known minerals.
Three minerals require three porosity logs. More minerals require more measurements.

Reference: Wyllie, M.R.J., “Elastic Wave Velocities in Heterogenous and Porous Media,” Geophysics, Vol. 21, 1956, p. 41.

Krief, M., Garat, J., Stellingwerff, J., and Ventre, J.: “A Petrophysical Interpretation Using the Velocities
of P and S Waves (Full-Waveform Sonic).”Presented at the 12th International Formation Evaluation
Symposium, Paris, France, Oct. 24-27, 1989, paper HH.


∆ µ µ

Chart: MIPDSN-II-4 (Mineral Identification Plot - ρmaa Determination)

Applications: Determination of apparent formation matrix density

Nomenclature: ρb . . . . . . . . . formation bulk density

ρmaa . . . . . . . . apparent formation matrix density
φNLS . . . . . . . . formation porosity from neutron measurement made assuming a limestone matrix

Given: ρb = 2.34 g/cc (from density log corrected for borehole effects)
φNLS = 17% (from DSN-II* log corrected for borehole effects)

Find: ρmaa

Procedure: From φNLS = 17% on the Neutron Limestone Porosity axis, project vertically into the chart. From
ρb = 2.34 g/cc on the Bulk Density axis, project horizontally into the chart. The point of intersection of
the two projections lies between the ρmaa = 2.66 g/cc and ρmaa = 2.68 g/cc curves. Use the intersection
point to interpolate between the two curves and estimate ρmaa to be 2.675 g/cc.

Answer: ρmaa = 2.675 g/cc

Notes: You enter the value of ρmaa that you determine from this chart into MIP-1 (Chart MIPDSN-II-7) or MIP-2
(Chart MIPDSN-II-8).


Chart: MIPDSN-II-5 (Mineral Identification Plot - ∆tmaa Determination)

Applications: Determination of apparent sonic compressional interval transit time in formation matrix

Nomenclature: ∆tc . . . . . . . . . sonic compressional interval transit time in formation

∆tf . . . . . . . . . . compressional interval transit time in formation fluid in zone of investigation
∆tmaa . . . . . . . . apparent sonic compressional interval transit time of formation matrix
φNLS . . . . . . . . formation porosity from neutron measurement made assuming a limestone matrix

Given: Borehole fluid is fresh mud.

∆tc = 74.0 µs/ft
∆tf = 189 µs/ft (Estimated. This is a reasonable value for pore fluids near the wellbore when fresh muds
are used.)
φNLS = 17% (from DSN-II* log corrected for borehole effects)

Find: ∆tmaa

Procedure: From φNLS = 17% on the Neutron Limestone Porosity axis, project vertically into the chart. From
∆tc = 74.0 µs/ft on the Interval Transit Time axis, project horizontally into the chart. The point of
intersection of the two projections lies very near the ∆tmaa= 52.5 µs/ft point. Thus, estimate ∆tmaa to be
52.5 µs/ft.

Answer: ∆tmaa = 52.5 µs/ft

Notes: You enter the value of ∆tmaa that you determine from this chart into MIP-1 (Chart MIPDSN-II-7).

Reference: Wyllie, M.R.J., “Elastic Wave Velocities in Heterogenous and Porous Media,” Geophysics, Vol. 21, 1956, p. 41.

Krief, M., Garat, J., Stellingwerff, J., and Ventre, J.: “A Petrophysical Interpretation Using the Velocities
of P and S Waves (Full-Waveform Sonic).”Presented at the 12th International Formation Evaluation
Symposium, Paris, France, Oct. 24-27, 1989, paper HH.

∆ µ µ



Chart: MIPDSN-II-6 (Mineral Identification Plot - Umaa Determination)

Applications: Determination of apparent matrix volumetric photoelectric factor

Nomenclature: φNLS . . . . . . . . formation porosity from neutron measurement made assuming a limestone matrix
ρb . . . . . . . . . . formation bulk density
ρf . . . . . . . . . . formation fluid density in zone of investigation
Pem . . . . . . . . . modified photoelectric factor
Um . . . . . . . . . volumetric modified photoelectric factor
Umaa . . . . . . . . apparent matrix volumetric photoelectric factor
φta . . . . . . . . . apparent total formation porosity

Given: Borehole fluid is fresh mud.

φNLS = 17% (from DSN-II* log corrected for borehole effects)
ρb = 2.34 g/cc (from density log corrected for borehole effects)
ρf = 1.00 (Estimated. This is a reasonable value for pore fluids near the wellbore when fresh muds are
Pem = 2.41

Find: Umaa

Procedure: Use φNLS = 17% and ρb = 2.34 g/cc in Chart CPDSN-II-1b to determine that φta = 19.2%. (Refer to the
example accompanying Chart CPDSN-II-1a for the procedure to use.)

To determine the point at which to enter the Um axis on the chart, use the nomograph at the bottom of
the page. Construct a line segment through ρb = 2.34 g/cc on the ρb leg and through Pem = 2.41 on the
Pem leg. Extend the segment to intersect the Um axis of the chart. The segment intersects the Um axis
at Um = 5.69.

From Um = 5.69 on the Um axis, project vertically into the chart. From φta = 19.2% on the φta axis, project
horizontally into the chart. The point of intersection of the two projections lies on the Umaa = 7.0 curve.
Thus, estimate Umaa to be 7.0.

Answer: Umaa = 7.0

Notes: You enter the value of Umaa that you determine from this chart into Chart MIP-2 (MIPDSN-II-8).

Chart: MIPDSN-II-7 (Mineral Identification Plot (MIP-1) - ρmaa versus ∆tmaa)

Applications: Determination of formation mineralogy from the apparent density and apparent sonic compressional
interval transit time of the formation matrix

Nomenclature: ρmaa . . . . . . . . apparent formation matrix density

∆tmaa . . . . . . . . apparent sonic compressional interval transit time in formation matrix

Given: ρmaa = 2.675 g/cc

∆tmaa= 52.5 µs/ft

Find: Formation mineralogy

Procedure: From ∆tmaa= 52.5 µs/ft on the ∆tmaa axis, project vertically into the chart. From ρmaa = 2.675 g/cc on
the ρmaa axis, project horizontally into the chart. The intersection of the two projections is located between
the quartz and dolomite points on the chart. Assuming that the formation is shale-free, the position of
the intersection point indicates that the formation mineralogy is approximately 60% quartz and 40%

Answer: The formation matrix is comprised of approximately 60% quartz and 40% calcite.

Notes: If you know that the rock matrix is comprised of any three minerals shown on MIP-1, then you can
construct a proportionality triangle to determine the percentages of each.
ρ ∆

∆ µ

∆ µ
Chart: MIPDSN-II-8 (Mineral Identification Plot (MIP 2) - ρmaa versus Umaa)

Applications: Determination of formation mineralogy from the apparent density of the formation matrix and from the
apparent matrix volumetric photoelectric factor.

Nomenclature: ρmaa . . . . . . . . apparent formation matrix density

Umaa . . . . . . . . apparent matrix volumetric photoelectric factor.

Given: ρmaa = 2.675 g/cc

Umaa = 7.0

Find: Formation mineralogy

Procedure: From ρmaa = 2.675 g/cc on the ρmaa axis, project horizontally into the chart. From umaa = 7.0 on the
umaa axis, project vertically into the chart. The intersection of the two projections is located near the
quartz point on the chart. Thus, the formation mineralogy is most likely to be predominantly quartz.

If you assume the formation to be composed of only the primary minerals quartz, calcite, and dolomite,
you can estimate the percentage of each by using the triangular figure in the chart. The previously found
point of intersection of the projections into the chart lies between the 60% and 80% Quartz lines (the
diagonally oriented lines running lower-left to upper-right) in the triangle. From the position of the point
between those two lines, you can estimate that the formation contains about 72% quartz. The intersection
point also lies between the 20% and 40% Calcite lines (the diagonally oriented lines running upper-left
to lower-right). From the point’s position between the Calcite lines, estimate that the formation contains
about 21% calcite. Finally, the point lies between the 0% and 20% dolomite lines (the approximately
horizontally oriented lines). From the point’s position between the Dolomite lines, estimate that the
formation contains about 7% dolomite.

Answer: The formation is predominantly quartz. If you assume that the formation contains only quartz, calcite,
and dolomite, then the mineralogy is approximately 72% quartz, 21% calcite, and 7% dolomite.

Notes: You can select any three minerals to form a proportionality triangle such as the one shown in the chart.

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