Krillville Squares

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Name: ​Meghan Artley Date: ​2/28/20 Grade Level: ​4

Subject: ​Guided Reading Squares - Krillville

Standards CC.1.3: Reading Literature: Students read and respond to works of literature -
with emphasis on comprehension, making connections among ideas and
between texts with focus on textual evidence.

Objectives Students will be able to make connections and summarize the text by using the
strategy to ask and answer questions.
Materials -Krillville (Green Copy - 5)
-Ask and Answer Questions Worksheet
-Discussion Question Worksheet

Motivation -Discuss different genre: fantasy

(Introduction/hook) -Discuss how this book still ties into government even though it is fiction
compared to nonfiction
-Essential question of story: Why do people run for public office? - Take
opinions before story

-Revisit essential question- have answered changed based on the story?

Body -3 chapters
(Procedure/activities) -Hand out ask questions form: ask a question before the story starts after
previewing the story- students can write their own question in the before
section or they can write teacher’s modeled question: What are they creating a
petition for? What is a petition [asked question from reading all headings,
sparked from chapter 2 heading]
-Model fluent reading first two pages of story; students read last page
-Discuss cause/effect of maribel wanting to get around the rules [cause: wanted
a way around the rules effect: went to talk to Mayor]
-Check and discuss comprehension of book- discussing main topics of the book
(checking for comprehension)
--Preview rest of book
-Send off: Students read Chapter 2-3, answer questions from question sheet,
ask questions while reading and try finding answers to them

-Discussion/reviewing of students answers to questions, discussion of

comprehension of the story [main plot points], discussion students
-Compare to narrative nonfiction - can we still use the same skill and strategy?
[yes, we practiced them throughout this book as well]
Closure -Tie back into essential question/skill/strategy
-Recap what was read
-Highlight next meeting

-Would you like to be a leader or run for office? What characteristics do you
have that you think would help you in a leadership position?
Accommodations Part of differentiated reading program

Assessment -Comprehension questions, ask/answer sheet

-Observational (conversation liking to objectives)
-Upcoming Unit Test
Krillville Questions 
1. What was Maribel’s problem in Krillville? How did she 
solve it? 
2. Why do people run for public office? 
3. What characteristics can you make about the 
characteristics of people who run for public office? 
4. Make a connection between this text and another 
text we read in class about government.  
5. How can you tell this is a fiction book? 

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