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Email marketing is a type of direct digital marketing that uses electronic mail (also called
email or e-mail) as the marketing communication delivery method. It is used by organizations
and marketers for brand and customer loyalty building, acquiring or converting customers,
company advertisements, or for communicating promotional offers and more. There are three
types of email-marketing. Direct email involves sending a promotional message in the form
of an email. It might be an announcement of a special offer. A newsletter may carry
promotional messages or advertisements but will aim at developing a long-term impact on the
readers. It should contain information which informs, entertains or otherwise benefits the
readers. Transactional emails are usually triggered based on a customer’s action with a
company which includes sending transactional messages that include dropped basket
messages, purchase or order confirmation emails and email receipts.
Objective:- To increase the number of enquiries for pre-school admission for Ananda Global
Advantage to Pre-school using Email-Marketing:-
Market Analysis:- Email-marketing can help track the success rate of campaign since the
system provides on who opened mails, who opted-out and even who forwarded the mail.
This can help preschool make strategy on further marketing campaigns and even target
certain people for further communications.
Parental contact:- An automated system also allows for list segmentation, which means
preschool can create a list just for current parents.  This can lead for general announcements
to be sent out along with tips and helpful articles.  On-going contact from the preschool can
make parents feel more secure, which can lead them to make referrals.
New Subscribers:- Email marketing can also be helpful in establishing a relationship with a
potential new client.  Once someone has opted-in to receive communications, an automated
system can send out welcome letters, informative articles that help drive the client back to the
preschool’s website.  This will help the parent to get to know and trust the preschool.

Target Audience:-
 Geographically, the region target is Ahmedabad
 Demographically, the target audience is Young Parents (Pre-school)
How the objective will be achieved ?
 Firstly, a database will be created of the existing clients. Also, a data of potential
clients in the territory will be obtained from reliable sources or through secondary
 Then, using an automated system, segmentation will be created for existing clients
and potential clients.
 For the existing & potential ones, information about the facilities of the school will be
send through newsletter. Also, links for school articles, photos, videos etc about the
ongoing evets of the school will also be send.
 A newsletter about the pedagogy of the school along with its experienced faculties
and their bio will be prepared and roll-out.
 For potential clients, a link will be generated using email where registering through
link and visiting the school will fetch them a discount of some percentage depending
on the course taken.
 For existing clients, referral discounts will be available on registering new customers.
 A call to action button will be provided in each email for customers to visit the portal
and study the school and same for registration.
Frequency of emails:-
For the phase of acquiring new customer base, immediacy is the key. The frequency will be
one-two marketing mails per week in the first month. If they don’t enrol back in that
timeframe or statistics shows they have not opted-in, the frequency will drop down to one
mail every two weeks.
For Existing customers, frequency will be set. It will be weekly mini-newsletter or
fortnightly, depending on the newsletter schedule. Other than newsletter, other articles and
promotional emails for referral admissions can be send in time interval based on the response

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