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This Module is prepared for grade 10

Students to assist for their second

Semister exams The exercises are
Connected with the page numbers

Unit 7

Natural Disasfer ( 119 )

Adjectives with so ----- and such ------

Adjectives are words that are used to give more information about


This means they are modifiers .They modify nouns, adjectives, adverbs

Adjectives can be used with so ----- and such ------ in simple


Examples I :-1. This exam is so easy

2. Bontu is so cleaver.

In this sentences so is used to make the adjectives stronger or give more

emphasis .

Examples:-II 1. It is such an easy exam

2. Bontu is such a clever student

These sentences are the same with the sentences with so, but they are
written differently . the meanings are rather the same.

Their forms are 1. so + adjectives

Such + a/an + adjective + noun

A and an are used with such if the noun that

That comes after the adjectives is singular and countable.

Examples:- 1. They are such beautiful flower

2. It is such delicious food.

The noun ‘ flowers’ is plural and we don’t use ‘a’ and the noun ‘food’ is
uncountable,for this reason ,we don’t use ‘a’

So is also used to express results with the that clause ;

Examples:- 1. My tea is so hot that I cant drink it

2. It rained heavily that we couldn’t go out.

Such – is also used to express results of the previous clauses.

Examples :-1. It was such a heavy rain that we couldn’t go out.

2. It is such a hot tea that I can’t drink it

Complete the following sentences using so or such

1. It’s _______a hot day . It must be nearly 400c,

2. I feel_______ hot ! I must sit out side at the shade

3. our teacher was ________pleased with us that she didn’t give us any

home work.

4. Makade has ________ a heavy bag that she can’t carry it.

5. There is _________ a lot of rubbish out side .we must clean it up.

6. I don’t like towns.They are ________noisy.

Complete the sentences and express results

1. I am so hungry that _________

2. I feel so hot that ____________

3. I go such a difficult head ache that ____________

Another way of expressing result is using

1. For this reason /as a result / consequently / there for.

These phrases are used in different ways .

They are written in two sentences .

Examples :- 1. I am so tired ,there fore,it is better

get rest for some time. ( result )

2. The weather is cloudly ,consequently it is better hold

an umbrella.

3. The coming exam may be difficult; as are result, it is good

idea to study hard.

4. our school compound has got dirty with the paper , for this

reason , student ought to clean the next days.

All the above phrases express result they are synonyms ; there fore, they
are unterchan golde

The can replace each other . In order to join the two clauses we must use
semi- colon (; ) in steade of fulstop, but there is always comma after the
result phrase.

A 7.6 Preposition of Time ( P.123 )

Prepositions are small words that can be used in different situations.

some prepositions are used to express time .

They are said to be prepositions of time.


1. In – months – in july

Years – in 1960

Cenfurles – in the 19the culture

Long periods – in the morning , in the after noon etc .

Seasons - in summer , in winter

2. At – for a precise time

Aprecise time – at 7: a .m

The week end - at the week end

Night - at night

Festival – at Christmas

3. On – days and dates

Special day – on my birth day

Days of the week - on tues day

Dates - on the 24th of December

The exceptions – in the past

At present

In the future.

The followings do not need preposition of time

each last this

every next
Each year last week this week end

Every week next day

Use suitable prepositions to complete the following sentences

1. Amina promised to meet us ________ 10 o’oclock.

2. We shall hold a meeting of the club ________ the last day of term.

3. School always breaks for Christmas holidays ________ Decembers.

4. Many people go , on holiday ________ the dry season.

5. We are having a party _________ the week end.

6. None knows what the world will be like _________ the year 2050.

Collocations and word partners ( P.127 )

A collocation refers to the words the always or often go to gether .

Each words in the collocation keeps its ocon meaning.

It can consist of an adjective and noun , averb and anoun , averb and

an adverb or anoun and anoun.

Examples Volcanic - eruption

mude - slide
Social global - warming expressions showing un
certainity injera - wat
bread - tea
These expressions are used to show
milk - coffee
uncertainity / unsure /.

Some of them are .

- I’m afraid that I don know . ( when we don’t know some thing )
- I’m sorry , I don’t know.
- I’m really not sure
- I haven’t any clue
- I’ve forgotten
- It’s no good .I can’t remember.

Examples:-1. Father where is your mom ?

Sum . Iam afraid that I don’t know . she might be in the

kitchen .

2. Could you show me where the new bank is ?

B . I’m sorry- I don’t know where about .

B 7.3 Indefinite pronouns ( 131 )

They are pronous that do not show us the exact

some one
any body
every thing
no where

Example:-1.Some one is knoching the doog.( we don’t know /who he is

2. I have lost my keys any where

3. Every body stands up when the prime minister gets in

4.No one is in the offices .each of them is closed ( enquiry)

5. God knows every thing .

6. Nothing is impossible for good .( 132 )

Unit 8

School Improvement

Conditional sentences – there are four types of

Conditional sentences – they are

Zero conditional - improbable conditions

Probable conditions – impossible conditions

A. Zero conditional / If sentences /

If sentences are used to express conditions that are always true or

general truths / facts.

Examples:- - If you heat ice, it melts.

If we heat water, it evaporates.

If water freezes, it turns to ice.

B. Probable /possible conditions

This conditions refers to activities which may or may not happen in

the future . There are the if clause and the main clause .

The if clause’ is in present simple and the main’ clause is the simple
future .

Examples:- 1.If my mom comes early, I will tell her .

2. If we arrive late , they will not wait for us.

3. If you don’t work hard , you will not be abte to pag.

4. Unless you stop smoking , you won’t live long unless

means if --- not .

C. Improbable / unlikely / imaginary condition

In this clause the <<if clause >> uses in the past simple while the main

Clause uses would/ could .

Although a past verb is used the opinion is for the present / future .

Examples:- 1. If I had the money, I would by the jacket

= I don’t have the money , so I cant buy it.

2. If she did it according to the instruction , she would do it.

= She doesn’t do it / she will do it in the future

3. I would tell you if I know her number .

All the conditional sentences can begin with the if clause or the main

D. Impossible / unfulfilled condition

This condition expresses an activity which is impossible now to

reverse the situation . the action tells us about the past . the if clause

is in the past perfect and the main clause is in the conditional perfect

like would have - / could have – might have – the open spaces are

filled wite the past participle ( v3 ) form of the verb.

Examples:- 1. If I hard had enough money , I would have bough a car.

= I didn’t have money , so I didn’t buy a car

2. If it hadn’t rained, I could have come

= It rained, so I couldn’t come

3. If I hard had wings , I wouldn’t have asked for a visa

Active and passive tenses - ( P.132 )

Mostly we use active sentences to talk about peoples the sentence is

said to be active if it has subject, verb and object . passive sentences are
used to focus on what is done .

A. Persent simple form of passive

The girl washes all the dishes

Examples:-1. ¿ v object for dinner .

This sentence is active because we talk about the person who did the
action .

2. All the dishes are washed for dinner .

Sentence 2 is passive because we focus on the work done not the person

3. The scients read many books to find imformation for their

researches - ( active )

= Many books are read by the scientists to find information

for their researches .

Form= is
obj + are +v3

B. Present continuous form of passive

Examples:-1. My sister is cleaning our bed rooms now

Our bed rooms are being cleaned by her now.

2. They are playing foot ball for the school team

Foot ball is being played for the school team

3. She is teaching the women about corona virus

The women are being taught about corona virus .

The subject of the active sentence may not be important in the passive
sentences , but not always .

Form = is
obj + am + being + v3

C. Present perfect form of passive

Examples:-1.We have eaten the cake.

The cake has been eaten .

2. She has washed all our clothes.

Allour clothes have been washed

3. The dog has eaten the bone

The bone has been eaten

Form = obj + has

have + been + v3
D. Past simple form of passive

Examples:-1. The man killed the crazy dog ( A)

= They crazy dog was killed by him ( P )

2. They told us the death of our grand pa.( A )

We were told the death of our grand pa. passive

3. My mothe baked a nice cake for my friend birthday

A nice cake was baked for my ends birthday

Form = object + was + v3

E. Past continuous form of passive

Examples:-1. They were cooking rice for lunch .

Rice was being cooked for lunch

2. Bontu was writing a letter .

A letter was being written by Bontu .

3. We were opening all the windows to get fresh air

All the windows were being opened to get fresh air

Form = was
obj + were + being + v3

F. Past perfect form of passive

Examples:-1.They had played tennis .

Tennis had been played

2. My father had slaughtered the cock

The cock had been slaughtered by him .

3. My sister had bought a scavator

A scavator had been bought by my sister

Form = obj + had + been + v3

Past perfect forms are mostly used when we join two past activities .

Too and enough (142 )

Too has a negative meaning expressing some thing beyond ones ability

or beyond normal condition / stuation the patter with too is.

Too + adjective / adverb + to or for phrase

Examples:-1. It is too much money to go to Sheraton hotel.

2. There are too many people outside , but very few chairs

Enough – means up to what is required and implies that a certain result

is possible ,so enough expresses a positive or possible idea.

Examples:-1. This wood is too wet to burn ,( negative )

2. This wood is dry enough to burn . ( possible )

3. The manager is too busy to talk to you now .

4. The light is good enough for me to read.

( Ex2 ) – a and b-

B. 82 and A . 8.10 Making wishes ( P.145 and 147 )

We use wish to express / show/ we want a situation to be different

If you are wishing for a present situation , the tense that follow wish

is past simple or past continous because it shows something only



I want more time now = I wish I had more time

It is too hot now = I wish it wasn’t so hot now .

If you are wishing that a past situation was different the tense that follow
wish is past perfect.

Examples:-1. I wish I could speak French .

2. I wish I had a cow

3. I wish my friend had finished this assignment

4. I wish my brother didn’t drink.

B 8.3 Verb or adjective + prepositions ( P. 148 )


Some verbs / adjectives can be followed by prepositions

This means prepositions are dependent on one of the two that goes
before them.

Examples:-1. I agreed with you

2. I am afraid of animals

In the first sentences preposition is preceded by a verb , and in the

second sentences precoded by adjective.

Depend on apologize for

Agree about / with ask for

Happy with / about allend on

Talk to break in to

Praced by call on

Accuse of call off

Aim at call for

Arrive at consist of

Look at get in to

Look for give up

Look after borrow from

lend to

reply to

They are know as phrasal verbs study their meaning from a dictionary .
They are a lot and need to study.

B 8.6 Articles ( P.150 )

A, an and the are called articles or determiners .They are divided in to

two.they are :

1.A and an – are used with singular countable nouns .

Where the nouns are not known.

While an is used before nouns pronounced before the intial

Vowel sound – both of them mean one.

a man an animal

a student an hour

a car an umberella

a lion an elephant

Uncountable nouns like paper , soap , bread calk wood, iron , news,
information if we wish one unit we use unit measure :

Examples:- a sheet of paper

a bar of soap

a loaf of bread

a stick / piece of chalk

a piece of wood

a piece of iron

a piece of new

a piece of information

A and an are indefinite articles ,

2. The ( definite article ) is used for many nouns that are know before .

The is used for:

A. universal know objects ( the sun, the moon, the earth

B. Certain nations ( The V,R, the U.S.A ) the leban on, the congo ,the


C. Names of kivers ,mountains , oceans ,canals ,desert

The Nile river The sahara desert

The red sea

The semain mountans

The pacific ocean

D. Names of hotels , theatres ,cinems

The Hilton hotel an ambassador,theatre

The Ras hotel

E. Classes – the young ( all young people )

the poor ( all poor people )

the rich ( all rich people etc

Note: The is not used with names of likes.lake Tana ,lake victoria

B 8.9 State Verbs

Same verbs are only used in simple forms .

State verbs are not used in continous forms

The describe a state and they are called state verbs .

Same of the state verbs are .

A. Verbs to describe be thinking

Think understand forget

Know agree

B. Verbs to describe sense

See feel smell

Hear tast

C. Verbs to describe feelings

Like want wash

Love hate dislike

D. Some other verbs like

Own need deserve

Owe seem be

Some times they may be used to express actions

Example :- A. What are you doing ?

B. I’m thinking about the exam .

Ex 1 and 2 ( P.152 )

Unit 9

Seas and rivers ( P.154 )

Verb patterns ( 160 )

When verbs are followed by another verb the form of the second verb

can vary .

1. Some verbs are followed by ( - ing ) forms .some of them are.

Admit deny dislike suggest

Avoid enjoy escape give up

Appreciate finish mind keep on

Delay start practice


1. I have finished , writing the note.

2. She enjoyed swimming

3. We avoid throwing litters in the compound .

4. She suggested studying hard for the exam.

5. The thaif admitred steading the watch.

2. Some other verbs are followed the ( to ) or infinities forms.

Some of them are like :-

Decide learn teach

Deserve care warn

Expect promise love

Forget want



1. My sister has decided to marry the next month.

2. We expect to visit harar .

3. I hope to pass the next exam.

4.We have learned to type letters.

5.He didn’t care to read for the research.

3. Some verbs require an object before the infinitive

Verb + object + infinitive ( to )

Advise get teach

Allow instruct tell

Cause invite warn etc.

Command remnd

Force pershade


1. His father advised him to take the exam again.

2.The director allowed us to play in the compound on Saturdays.

3. My mother reminded me to buy the eggs for the coke

4. My father taught me to drive a car .

5. I told him to spend his money wisely .

4. Some verbs are followed by either infinitive or – ing form. Like

Like forget




1. I like eating ice cream . ( always )

I like to eat ice cream ( for a tune being )

2. I shall never forget running the race , ( always)

Unit 10

A 10.4 Using which and that ( P.177 )

Which and that are used to begin the relative clause to describe
things not a person.

What is the difference between which and that ?

That – is used with phrases that are important to add meaning in a


Which – is used with phrases that give non essention information and
can be let out from be sentence with out changing its meaning.


1 The shirt that you levt me is in the bag

2. The shirt , which is read , is in my bag

3. The house that I wanted to buy has been sold

4. The house ,which I didn’t want to buy , has been sold.

Ex ( P.177 )

A 10.10 Do and make ( P.181 )

Generally speaking , do and make have similar meaning but not always.

Do – refers to.doing an activity where as make usually means performs

create , produce, or manufacture

do shapping make a decision

do favour make an effort

do business make appointments

do gardening make amistake

do harm make coffee

do home work make a noice

do cleaning etc. make a living etc.

Ex ( 182 ) 1 and 2

Do is an anxilliary verb that it is used to make questions and negatives .

1. Do you go to the market ?

No,I don’t / yes ,I do.

2. Does the girl pass the way ?

Yes she does / No she doesn’t

3. Did he go to school yesterday

Yes , he did / No , he didn’t.

Make is a main verb ,it never be an auxilliary

Note – study collocations of get on page 190.

Unit 11 ( P. 192 )

Descource markers


How ever are used to express contracting ideas


Inspite of


1. Despite her weakness, she has passed the test

2. Inspite of her weakness , she has passed the test

3. Despite being weak , she has passed the test

4. Inspite of being weak , she has passed the test

Despite and inspite of are interchangable.

5. How ever weak she is , she has passed the test

6. She is weak , but she has passed the test

( See the difference )


Though have the same forms.

Even though



As express reasons

Because of

Due to


1. The match has been cancelled because of due to the heavy rain .

2. Since there is a heavy rain , the match has been cancelled

As there is a heavy rain the match has been cancelled

3. The match has been cancelled because there is a heavy rain.

Unit 12

Births, weddings and funerals .

-Births – are fines dates, when new born babies come to this world

Birth is the extendness of a family ,addition of member

and happiness of a family . and it is celebrated every

year uncerning the date / day of the birth.

Bona – happy birth day !

Tigist – Thank you very much / thanks very much .(215)

A 12.10

Weddings – In different places the are different types of traditional

Weddings. each wedding has it’s own concern of

conducting , whether or not a dowry or bride price is paid

how the cermoney is celebrated and what happens after


Abera : congratulations !

Bride : thank you . that is the kind of you

Abera : this is your happiest day !

Bride : that is right

-Inviting – you invite people for different purposes.

Fore example. For birth ,day , wedding , feastivals holidays etc

Zeritu : I have a birth day party this afternoon would you join us ?

Balcha : thank you in deed, but I have a meeting. ( disagree )

Zeritu : would like to join us , Aster ?

Aster : thank you I’d love that . ( agree )

Bonu’s father has passed a way and

Expressing Sympathy Fanu wants to express sympathy .

Fanu : may I express my scincere condolences at this very sad time.

Bonu : thank you

Fanu : If there’s anything we can do for you ,please ?

Bonu : thank you ,but no for now .

Expressing purpose

To express purpose we use conjunctions like :-

So ----- as so that

In order to inorder that



1. The expert spoke to the farmers slowly and simply in order to make

the whole thing clear .

2. The expert spoke to the farmers slowly and simply in order that every

farmer should under stand what he was saying .

3. He went home quickly so as to tell his father about the accident .

4. He is taking additional courses so that he will graduate soon.

So that and In order that are followed by a clause so they are inter
changable , both are used to express purpose .


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