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Lease Accounting Package

For Oracle R12

TFRS 16 package headlines for lessees

• TFRS16, new standard for leases: effective since January 1, 2020

• Lessee accounting model and requires a lessee to recognize assets and liabilities
• Support calculation of operating lease then generate accounting transaction to GL
• Provide information to support balance sheet

Why is TFRS 16 calculation required?

Oracle based end to end Collect all the Complex calculations are Covers all five TFRS 16
solution. No annual information about the necessary that leases transition approaches and
subscription fees. contracts. Many points contain fluctuating periodic Produces TFRS 16 journals
rentals, change
Support under AMS. of view are required to and tracking transactions
/termination, different
currencies, etc
TFRS16 Lease Accounting Package
How does it work?
TFRS16 – Process
Provide end to end solution
with automate calculation.
Reduce manual operations.

Lease input screen

Lease details summary
and complex calculation

Generate Account &

Interface to GL
The features are easy to
use and there is a report
for GL reconciliation.

Asset Lease Report

Display lease summary
with grouping by lease
category and lease

Contact us to discuss about iCE TFRS16 Lease Accounting Package for your business.

Amporn W. Wisara R. Saran T.

Application Consultant Project Manager Technical Consultant

T: +66 63 323 8500 T: +66 63 323 8545 T: +66 63 323 8530

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