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Which one of the following is the synonym of the word written in capital letters in the
sentence, “The FUNDAMENTAL character of an individual defines his entire life”?

A. Productive
B. Essential
C. Successful
D. Effective

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

The meanings of the given words are as follows:

Fundamental: forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.

Productive: producing or able to produce large
Essential: fundamental or central to the nature of something or someone
Effective: successful in producing a desired or intended result

Thus, the correct option is B.

2.Which one of the following is the synonym of the word written in capital letters in the
sentence, “She has the habit of using HACKNEYED and redundant examples from her past
even while dealing with the future generation”?

A. Indifferent
B. Imaginative
C. Clichéd
D. Impressive

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

The meanings of the given words are as follows:

Hackneyed: having been overused

Indifferent: having no particular interest or sympathy
Imaginative: having or showing creativity
Cliched: a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought

Thus, option C is the correct answer.

3.Which one of the following is the synonym of the word written in capital letters in
the sentence, “She is an IMMACULATE
soul whose presence makes all the difference”?

A. Spotless
B. Excited
C. Extraordinary
D. Unparalleled

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

The meanings of the given words are as follows:

Immaculate: perfectly clean, neat, or tidy

Unparalleled: Something that has no comparison

Thus, the synonym of immaculate is spotless as it means clean.

4.Which one of the following is the antonym of the word written in capital letters in the
sentence, “There is a great deal of ENMITY”?

A. Amity
B. Cooperation
C. Dispute
D. Hostility

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

The meanings of the given words are as follows:

Amity: friendly relations

Cooperation: the action or process of working together to the same end
Dispute: a disagreement or argument
Hostility: unfriendliness or opposition
Enmity: a state or feeling of active opposition or hostility

Option B won’t work as it means to work together and exactly opposite of enmity. Thus,
option A is the correct answer.
5.Which one of the following is the antonym of the word written in capital letters in the
sentence, “She was RELUCTANT to sell her car”?

A. Anxious
B. Happy
C. Eager
D. Unwilling

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

The correct answer is option C, eager. ‘Reluctant’ means unwilling. And ‘eager’ means
strongly want to do something.

6.Which one of the following is the antonym of the word written in capital letters in the
sentence, “I cannot comply with the QUEER regulations of your land”?

A. Strange
B. Nimble
C. Everyday
D. Customary

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

The meanings of the following words are:

Queer: strange
Strange: unusual or surprising
Nimble: quick and light in movement or action
Customary: according to the customs or usual practices associated with a particular society,
place, or set of circumstances

Thus, the most opposite word is customary as it is opposite to strange. The correct answer is
option D.

7.Which one of the following parts of the sentence, “As you know that the ignorant are easily
duped”, has an error?

A. As you know
B. that the ignorant
C. are easily duped
D. No error

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

The error is in the second part of the sentence. The word ‘ignorant’ is an adjective. It needs a
noun to qualify. Thus, we must add a noun to make the sentence correct. For example, As
you know that the ignorant people are easily duped.

8.Which one of the following parts of the sentence, “After a lot of argument I brought him
forward to my point of view”, has an error?

A. After a lot of argument

B. I brought him forward
C. to my point of view
D. No error

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

The error is in the second part of the sentence.

The phrasal verb “bring somebody/something to something” means to make someone

become involved in a discussion or situation.

The phrasal verb ‘bring forward’ implies to present an argument or proposal, so that people
can consider it.

Forward is used as an adverb to indicate directionality. The preposition ‘to’ serves the same
purpose. Therefore, the use of both the words together will be incorrect. Hence, we cannot
use the phrase ‘brought forward’ and thus, must remove ‘forward’ in part B to make the
sentence correct.

Thus, option B is the correct option.

9.Which one of the following parts of the sentence, “Don’t ask him how he is because if he
starts talking about his health you’ll never get off from him”, has an error?

A. Don’t ask him how he is because

B. if he starts talking about his health you’ll never
C. get off from him
D. No error

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

The error is in the third part of the sentence. The phrase ‘get off from’ is incorrectly used.
The correct use is ‘get off’ as it means ‘to get a chance to leave’. The context implied here is
that once the mentioned person starts talking about his health, you won’t be able to leave by

Thus, option C is the correct answer.

10.Which one of the following words can be used as a substitute for the phrase, “A nursery
where children of working parents arc cared for while their parents are at work”?

A. Sculler
B. Creche
C. Dormitory
D. Refectory

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

The meanings of the following words are:

Sculler: a person who sculls a boat.

Dormitory: a large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution

Refectory: a room used for communal meals in an educational or religious institution

Thus, the option which can substitute the phrase is option B, creche.

11.Which one of the following words can be used as a substitute for the phrase, “That which
cannot be taken by force”?

A. Impossible
B. Improbable
C. Impeccable
D. Impregnable
Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Impossible: very difficult to deal with.

Improbable: not likely to be true or to happen.

Impeccable: in accordance with the highest standards; faultless.

Impregnable: so strongly made that it cannot be broken into or taken by force.

So, the correct option is D.

12.Which one of the following is the appropriate question tag in the sentence, “Take a seat,“?

A. shall you?
B. can’t you?
C. won’t you?
D. would you?

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

Sentences denoting a ‘request’, ‘advice’, ‘warning’, ‘wish’, ‘order’, ‘command’, ‘suggestion’

etc are known as Imperative sentences. “Take a seat” is an example of the same and is a
polite invitation. There are only two question tags for imperative sentences,

They are “will you? “or “won’t you?”

for invitations we use “won't you” while for orders we use “will you”.

So, the correct option is C.

13.Which one of the following is the appropriate question tag in the sentence, “Anyone can
make mistakes, _______“?

A. isn’t it?
B. shall they?
C. can’t they?
D. is it?

Answer ||| C
Solution |||

When the main clause begins with the subject “anyone”, "nobody", or "everybody",
"everyone", "no one", etc. “THEY” is used in the question tag. We use the same auxiliary
verb in the tag as in the main sentence. In this it is ‘can’.

So, the correct answer is C.

14.Which one of the following phrasal verbs may be used in the blank space in the sentence,
“He is fond of art and seems (suited) to be an artist”?

A. fit out
B. bring out
C. cut out
D. suit out

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

The phrasal verb should imply the sense of ‘suited’ (right or appropriate for a particular
person, purpose, or situation.).

Fit out: to measure part of someone’s body in order to give them the right shoes or clothing.

Bring out: to make apparent; to present to the public.

Suit out: to prepare to take part in something, especially a sport, by putting on a uniform.

The phrasal verb ‘Cut out (to be something)’ means to be well-suited for a certain position or

So, the correct answer is C.

15.Which one of the following phrasal verbs may be used in the blank space in the sentence,
“We were happy in the beginning, but now all the troubles have (appeared)”?

A. cropped up
B. come about
C. come out
D. rushed in

Answer ||| A
Solution |||

The phrasal verb should imply the sense of ‘appeared’.

Cropped up: appear, occur, or come to one's notice unexpectedly.

Come about: to happen, or start to happen.

Come out: (of a fact) emerge; become known.

Rushed in: begin doing something without the proper preparation.

So, the correct answer is A.

16.Which one of the following phrasal verbs may be used in the blank space in the sentence,
“No one knows how it all ____ (happened)”?

A. came across
B. carne about
C. came into
D. came forward

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

The phrasal verb should imply the sense of ‘happened’.

Came across: to meet someone, or to find something by chance

Came about: to happen, or start to happen.

Came into: to enter a place or a new position or state

Came forward: volunteer oneself for a task or post or to give evidence about a crime.

So, the correct answer is B.

17.Which one of the following phrasal verbs may be used in the blank space in the sentence,
“I have to _____ (finish) this work before I leave tomorrow morning?

A. clear up
B. clean up
C. finish up
D. do away with

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

The phrasal verb should imply the sense of ‘finish’.

Clear up: to give or find an explanation for something, or to deal with a problem or argument.

Clean up: the act of making a place clean and tidy

Finish up: to complete something

Do away with: put an end to; remove.

Finishing off or up is generally used near the end of a fairly long task, or when specifically
talking about the last portion of a task.

So, the correct answer is A.

18.Which one of the following prepositions may be used in the blank space in the sentence,
“He lived a hand _____ mouth existence, surviving on just a few rupees a week”?

A. in
B. to
C. for
D. inside

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

A hand-to-mouth existence is a way of life in which you have hardly enough food or money
to live on. To live (from) hand to mouth is a phrase which means to have just enough money
to live on and nothing extra.

So, the correct answer is B.

19.Which one of the following can be used as a substitute for the words written in capital
letters in the sentence, “There is no meaning to CRY OVER THE SPILT MILK since the
matter is over”?
A. No use of worrying about
B. No use of spilling now
C. No use of celebration
D. No use of asking for

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

The idiom ‘cry over the spilt milk’ means to express regret about something that has already
happened or cannot be changed.

So, the correct answer is A.

20.Which one of the following can be used as a substitute for the words written in capital
letters in the sentence, “Serving the sufferers is true YEOMAN’S SERVICE”?

A. A risky job
B. An amusing job
C. An excellent work
D. An unwanted job

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

The idiom “Yeoman’s service” means very good, hard, and valuable work that someone does,
especially to support a cause, to help a team, etc.

So, the correct answer is C.

21.दि इवोल्यश
ू न ऑफ प्रोववशशएल फाइनैस इन ब्रिदिश इंडिया : अ स्ििी इन ि प्राववशशएल
िीसेंट्रलाइजेशन ऑफ इम्पीरियल फाइनैस के लेखक कौन हैं?

A. िािा भाई नौिोजी

B. िॉ० बी० आि० अम्बेिकि
C. एम० एन० िॉय
D. जवाहिलाल नेहरू

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

• The Book titled “The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India: a Study in the
Provincial Decentralization of Imperial Finance” was written by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

• Dadabhai Naoroji- he wrote “Poverty and Un-British Rule in India”.

• M. N. Roy- he wrote “Reason, Romanticism and Revolution”.

• Jawaharlal Nehru- he wrote “The Discovery of India”.

22.अंतििाष्ट्ट्रीय मामलों के संिभभ में , लॉिभ कर्भन के बािे में ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक
सही है?

A. उसने शांनतवािी नीनत का पक्षसमर्भन ककया |

B. वह फािस की खाड़ी औि सीस्तान पि ब्रिदिश प्रभाव-क्षेत्र स्र्ावपत किना चाहता र्ा |
C. वह चीन के ववरुद्ध, इंग्लैंि औि रूस को शमत्र बनाना चाहता र्ा |
D. वह USA के शलए एक ध्वज लहिाव शमशन (फ्लैग-वेववंग शमशन) का नेतत्ृ व किना चाहता
र्ा |

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

Lord Curzon

• Governorship (1899-1905)

• His governorship time was the formative phase of Indian national movement.

• Reactionary policies:

• He reduced the number of elected legislatures through Calcutta Corporation act 1899.

• The partition of Bengal

• He also wanted to establish a British sphere of influence over the Persian Gulf and Seistan.
23.ब्रिदिश इंडिया काल के असम के बािे में ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक सही है ?

A. यह पूवोत्ति सीमांत अशभकिण (नॉर्भ ईस्ि फ्रदियि एजेंसी) का एक दहस्सा र्ा |

B. 1865 में इसे प्रांत का िजाभ दिया गया र्ा |
C. 1874 में इसे बंगाल से अलग ककया गया औि शसलहि को इसके सार् शमलाकि मुख्य
आयुक्त प्रांत बना दिया गया |
D. यह अहोम िाजाओं द्वािा शाशसत एक िे शी िाज्य र्ा |

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

Assam in British India

• It was not a part of the North-East Frontier Agency.

• It was separated from Bengal in 1874, and along with Sylhet made into a Chief
Commissioner's province.

• Hence, In 1874, it became a separate province.

• The name ‘Asom’ (or ‘Aham’) is assumed to be given by the Ahoms. They came to Assam
in 1228 A.D and ruled Assam for nearly six hundred years. The Burmese invasion ended
their rule. It was later annexation by the East India Company following the Treaty of
Yandaboo in 1826.

24.1930 के िशक में केिल में स्र्ावपत कृषक संघों को क्या कहा जाता र्ा?

A. ककसान सभा
B. कीनतभ ककसान
C. कषभक संगम
D. ककसान मोचाभ

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

Karshaka Sangam
• During 1930s many peasants’ organisations came known as “Karshak Sanghams” came into

• These associations were formed to raise & resolve problems faced by the farmers of
Malabar region.

• The peasants were mobilised mainly by the Congress Socialist Party.

• Most popular method used by them was marching of peasant’s groups to the landlords to
get their demands accepted.

• Campaign for the amendment of the Malabar Tenancy Act, 1929 in 1938 was a significant
achievement of the Karshaka Sangam.

25.9 मई के दिन को कांग्रेस ने ‘इथर्योवपया दिवस’ क्यों घोवषत ककया?

A. क्योंकक इथर्योवपयावाशसयों ने ब्रिदिश शासन से भाितीय स्वतंत्रता के पक्ष में अपने

समर्भन की घोषणा की र्ी |
B. क्योंकक इथर्योवपया उस दिन ब्रििे न से स्वतंत्र हुआ र्ा |
C. क्योंकक 1936 के आिं भ में इिली ने इथर्योवपया पि आक्रमण ककया र्ा औि उं कए वविोध
को स्वतंत्रता के शलए संघषभ माना गया र्ा |
D. क्योंकक इथर्योवपया के नेताओं ने मस
ु ोशलनी की ननन्िा की र्ी |

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• When Ethiopia was attacked by Italy in early 1936, the Congress declared the Ethiopian
people’s struggle as a struggle for freedom.

• Hence, 9th May was declared to be 'Ethiopia Day’ by the congress .

• Demonstrations and meetings were held all over India by the Congress to express India’s
sympathy & solidarity.

• Also Jawaharlal refused to meet Mussolini on his way back from Europe.

26.भाित स्त्री महामंिल, जजसकी पहली बाि 1910 में इलाहाबाि में बैठक हुई र्ी, की स्र्ापना
ककसने की र्ी?
A. एनी बेसेंि
B. मेहेिबाई िािा
C. सिलािे वी चौधिु ानी
D. तािाबाई शशंिे

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

भारत स्त्री महामंडल

• सरला दे वी चौधुरानी ने भाित स्त्री महामंिल की स्र्ापना की।

• भाित स्त्री महामंिल की पहली बैठक 1910 में इलाहाबाि में हुई र्ी।

• संगठन के प्रमुख उद्िे श्य पुििाह प्रणाली को समाप्त किना, पूिे भाित में मदहलाओं की
सामाजजक-आथर्भक औि िाजनीनतक जस्र्नत में सुधाि औि मदहलाओं के शलए शशक्षा को बढावा
िे ना र्ा।

• भाित स्त्री महामंिल एक मदहला द्वािा स्र्ावपत पहली प्रमख

ु भारतीय महहला संगठन माना
जाता है।

27.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सी एक ववशेषता असहयोग आंिोलन की नहीं है ?

A. आथर्भक बदहष्ट्काि तीव्र व सफल र्ा |

B. इस आंिोलन में बहुत बड़ी संख्या में मध्यम वगभ ने भाग शलया |
C. अननयशमत भौगोशलक ववस्ताि औि क्षेत्रीय ववववधता, इसकी मख्
ु य ववशेषता र्ी |
D. असहयोग आंिोलन के सार्-सार् अन्य गांधीवािी सामाजजक सध
ु ाि आंिोलनों, जैसे मघ-
वविोधी अशभयान, को भी कुछ सफलता शमली |

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

Non-Cooperation Movement

• At a special session of Congress in Calcutta in September 1920, a non-cooperation

programme was approved to remove Punjab and Khilafat wrongs and to establish swaraj.
• The program was endorsed at the Nagpur session in December 1920.

• Unprecedented popular upsurge were seen during 1921 & 1922.

• Economic boycott was intense and successful during the movement.

• The movement was led by People from the middle classes initially but later they showed a
lot of reservations.

• It was marked by uneven geographical spread and regional variations.

• Along with Non-Cooperation, other Gandhian social reform movements like the anti-liquor
campaign achieved some success.

28.खान अब्िल
ु गफ्फाि खान द्वािा सन ् 1928 में ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक प्रकाशन
आिं भ ककया गया र्ा?

A. पख्तन

B. खि
ु ाई खखिमतगाि
C. यंग इंडिया
D. इंडिया अवेकन्स

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

• Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan was also known as Badshah Khan and Frontier Gandhi.

• He had started the first Pushto political monthly Pakhtun (or Pukhtoon) in 1928.

• He had also organised a volunteer brigade ‘Khudai Khidmatgars’, which was also known by
the name of ‘Red-Shirts’.

• ‘Khudai Khidmatgars’ was pledged to the freedom struggle and non-violence.

29.1880 के िशक के आिं भ में आयभ मदहला समाज की स्र्ापना इनमें से ककसके द्वािा की
गयी र्ी?

A. स्वामी ियानंि सिस्वती

B. स्वामी वववेकानंि
C. पंडिता िामबाई
D. िामबाई िानाड़े

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

पंडिता िमाबाई सिस्वती

• 1880 के िशक की शुरुआत में उन्होंने मदहलाओं के कािण की सेवा के शलए आयभ मदहला
समाज की स्र्ापना की।

• उन्होंने अंग्रेजी शशक्षा आयोग के सामने भाितीय मदहलाओं के शैक्षक्षक पाठ्यक्रम में सुधाि के
शलए काम ककया, जजसे िानी ववक्िोरिया के शलए भेजा गया र्ा।

• उनके प्रयासों से लेिी िफ़रिन कॉलेज में शुरू हुई मदहलाओं के शलए थचककत्सा शशक्षा के रूप
में हुई।

• पंडिता िमाबाई द्वािा उच्च जानत दहंि ू मदहला (1887) ने भी अंतििाष्ट्ट्रीय ध्यान आकवषभत

30.इनमें से ककन्हे ऐसा पहला भाितीय माना जाता है , जजन्हें एक पत्रकाि के रूप में अपना
कायभ किते हुए जेल जाना पड़ा?

A. महात्मा गांधी
B. िवीन्रनार् िै गोि
C. लोकमान्य नतलक
D. सिु े न््नार् बैनजी

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Surendranath Banerjee

• He is considered to be the first Indian to go to jail in performance of his duty as a journalist

due to stringent laws by Britishers on freedom of press.
• The Indian National Association (also known as the Indian Association of Calcutta) was
founded by Surendranath Banerjea and Ananda Mohan Bose in 1876.

• Surendranath Banerjea and Ananda Mohan Bose also formed the Indian National

• Two sessions of the Indian National Conference were held in 1883 and 1885, having
representatives drawn from all major towns of India.

31.19वीं सिी में, भाित में आथर्भक ववकास की कमी के शलए ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा/से
कािण जर्म्मेवाि र्ा/र्े?

1) आथधकारिक तौि पि ब्रिदिश सिकाि अहस्तक्षेप की नीनत से वचनबद्ध र्ी, ककन्तु वास्तव
में यह एक ववभेिात्मक हस्तक्षेप की नीनत र्ी |

2) यूिोपीय उघशमयों के संबंधन बैंकों औि एजेंसी घिों के सार् र्े, जबकक भाितीयों को
स्वजन, परिवाि व जानत के लोगों पि ननभभि िहना पड़ता र्ा |

3) जब बागानों का अंतिण व्यजक्तगत पूँूजीपनत के स्वाशमत्व में ककया गया, तब िे शीय

ननवेशकों की जानबूझकि उपेक्षा की गयी |

नीचे दिए गए कूि का प्रयोग कि सही उत्ति चुननए |

A. केवल 1
B. केवल 2 औि 3
C. केवल 1 औि 3
D. 1, 2 औि 3

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Reason/reasons for the lack of economic development in India in the 19th century-

• Officially the British Government was committed to a policy of laissez-faire, but it was
actually a policy of discriminatory intervention.

• European entrepreneurs had connections to banks and agency houses, while Indians had to
rely on kin, family and caste men.
• When plantations were transferred to individual capitalist ownership, native investors were
deliberately ignored.

32.ककस समाज सुधािक की आत्मकर्ा, जजसका शीषभक लुककं ग बैंक है , 1890 के िशक में पुना
में मदहलाओं के शलए ववधालयों की स्र्ापना किने के उसके अनुभवों के बािे में बताती है ?

A. धोड़ों केशव कवे

B. के० िी० तेलांग
C. ज्योनतिाव फुले
D. िॉ० बी० आि० अम्बेिकि

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Dhondo Keshav Karve

• He was a social reformer.

• He worked for women in western India.

• Along with Ranade, he founded the Widow Remarriage Movement as well as Widows’
Home Association.

• He himself married a widow in 1893.

• He became the secretary of the Widow Remarriage Association.

• He opened a widows’ home in Poona.

• He also set up the Indian Women’s University in 1916. It was one of the outstanding
institutions for women education.

• His autobiography, entitled Looking Back, describes his experiences in setting up schools
for women in Poona in the 1890s.

33.भाितीय पुिातत्व सवेक्षण के प्रर्म महाननिे शक कौन र्े?

A. जॉन माशभल
B. अलेक्र्ेंिि कननंगहम
C. मोनतभमि व्हीलि
D. फ्रांशसस बक
ु ानन

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

Sir Alexander Cunningham

• He was a British army officer.

• He was also an archaeologist who excavated many sites in India, including Sanchi &

• He was the first Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India.

• He published a book titled “The Ancient Geography of India”, the first collection of the
edicts of emperor Asoka and The Stupa of Bharhut.

34.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सी कृनत प्रशसद्ध समाज सुधािक बेगम िोकैया की नहीं है ?

A. अधाांगी
B. गह

C. मिि इंडिया
D. सल
ु तानास ड्रीम

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain

• She was a famous social reformer.

• A school Muslim Girls was opened by her at Bhagalpur in Bihar.

• She wrote many stories and articles on the problems of women of her period.

• Her famous works are Ardhangi, Griha, Sultana's Dream.

• Mother India, was written by U.S. historian Katherine Mayo.

35.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सी एक ववशेषता मुगल इनतवनृ तयों की नहीं है?

A. इनमें घिनाओं का एक सतत कालानुक्रशमक अशभलेख प्रस्तुत ककया गया है |

B. ये मुगलों के बािे में तथ्यात्मक जानकािी के संग्रह र्े |
C. इनसे हम यह समझ पाते हैं कक सामाजज्यक ववचािधािाएूँ ककस तिह से उत्पन्न औि
प्रासारित हुई र्ी |
D. इनमें इनतववृ त्तयों के लेखकों कक संक्षक्षप्त जीवननयाूँ िी गयी हैं |

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

characteristic of the Mughal chronicles

• They present a continuous chronological record of events.

• They were a repository of factual information about the Mughals.

• They allow us to understand how imperial ideologies were created and disseminated.

• They do not contain brief biographies of the authors of the chronicles.

36.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा कर्न एक प्रवासी भाितीय नागरिक (OCI) के बािे में सही
नहीं है ?

A. एक OCI ककसी िस
ू िे िे श का नागरिक होता है |
B. एक OCI के पास भाित आने के शलए एकाथधक प्रवेश िीघभकाशलक वीजा होता है |
C. एक OCI सभी मामलों में NRI के बिाबि होता है |
D. एक OCI सावभजननक िोजगाि में अवसि कक समानता के मौशलक अथधकाि का हकिाि नहीं
है |

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

ओविसीज शसिीजन ऑफ इंडिया

• गह
ृ मंत्रालय ने एक ओसीआई को एक ऐसे व्यजक्त के रूप में परिभावषत ककया है : जो 26
जनविी 1950 को या उसके बाि भाित का नागरिक र्ा या 26 जनविी 1950 को भाित का
नागरिक बनने के योग्य र्ा या ऐसे व्यजक्त का कोई बच्चा या पोता है।
• वषभ 2015 में , नागरिकता (संशोधन) अथधननयम, 2015 ने भाितीय मल
ू के व्यजक्त (PIO) श्रेणी
को OCI श्रेणी में शमला दिया।
• एक ओसीआई िस
ू िे िे श का नागरिक है ।
• एक ओसीआई के पास भाित आने के शलए कई-एंट्री लॉन्ग-िमभ वीजा है।
• एक ओसीआई सभी मामलों में अननवासी भाितीयों के बिाबि नहीं है।
• ओसीआई कािभधािकों की सीमाएं हैं कक उन्हें मतिान का अथधकाि नहीं शमलता है , वे
सिकािी नौकिी नहीं कि सकते हैं औि कृवष या खेत खिीि नहीं सकते हैं।
• एक ओसीआई सावभजननक िोजगाि में अवसि की समानता के मौशलक अथधकाि का हकिाि
नहीं है।

37.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सी एक ववशेषता आधाि (ववत्तीय औि अन्य उपिानों, लाभों तर्ा
सेवाओं का लक्षक्षत ववतिण) अथधननयम, 2016 की नहीं है ?

A. केवल भाित के नागरिक ही इस अथधननयम के तहत नामांकन के हकिाि हैं |

B. नामांकन के शलए जनाकीककय एवं जीवशमत्तीय, िोनों सूचनाएूँ िे नी पड़ती हैं |
C. इस अथधननयम के तहत नामांकन एवं प्रमाणीकिण की जर्म्मेिािी भाितीय ववशशष्ट्ि
पहचान प्राथधकिण की है |
D. व्यजक्तयों की पहचान की सुिक्षा सुननजश्चत किना ववशशष्ट्ि पहचान प्राथधकिण का िानयत्व
है |

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Some feature of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, Benefits
and Services) Act, 2016

• Every resident of India is entitled for enrolment under this Act.

• Both demographic and biometric information is to be submitted for enrolment.

• The Unique Identification Authority of India is responsible for enrolment and authentication
under this Act.

• It is the responsibility of the Unique Identification Authority to ensure the security of

identity of individuals.
38.बलात ् श्रम अर्वा बेगाि, भाित के संववधान के ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-से अनुच्छे ि का
अनतक्रमण है ?

A. अनुच्छे ि 16
B. अनुच्छे ि 17
C. अनुच्छे ि 19
D. अनुच्छे ि 23
E. अनुच्छे ि 21

Answer ||| D

Solution ||| अनुच्छे ि 23 (मानव में यातायात को िोकना औि श्रम को बाध्य किना)अनुच्छे ि
23 (मानव में यातायात को िोकना औि श्रम को बाध्य किना)
• अनुच्छे ि 23 (1) - मानव औि शभखािी औि अन्य समान प्रकाि के लोगों के बीच यातायात
प्रनतबंथधत है औि इस प्रावधान का कोई उल्लंघन कानून के अनुसाि िं िनीय अपिाध होगा।
• अनुच्छे ि 23 (2) - इस लेख में कुछ भी िाज्य को सावभजननक उद्िे श्यों के शलए अननवायभ सेवा
को लागू किने से नहीं िोक सकता है , औि ऐसी सेवा को लागू किने से िाज्य केवल धमभ,
जानत, जानत या वगभ या उनमें से ककसी के आधाि पि कोई भेिभाव नहीं किे गा। ।
• इसशलए, मजबूि श्रम या शभखािी भाितीय संववधान के अनुच्छे ि 23 का उल्लंघन है।

39.भाित की संववधान सभा के संबंध में ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक कर्न सही नहीं

A. संववधान सभा को उन सिस्यों से बनाया गया र्ा, जो प्रांतीय ववधान सभा के सिस्यों
द्वािा अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से ननवाभथचत हुए र्े |
B. संववधान सभा की पहली बैठक 9 दिसंबि, 1946 को आयोजजत की गयी र्ी |
C. प्रत्येक प्रांत में सीिें तीन मख्
ु य समि
ु ायों-मजु स्लम, शसख औि सामान्य में , उनकी अपनी-
अपनी आबािी के अनप
ु ात में बाूँिी गई र्ीं |
D. भाित के िाज्यों के प्रनतननथधयों के मामले में चयन की ववथध भाित के गवनभि-जनिल
द्वािा ननधाभरित की जानी र्ी |

Answer ||| D

Solution |||
The Constituent Assembly of India

• The idea was first proposed by M N Roy In 1934.

• An official demand was taken up by the Congress Party in 1935.

• This demand was accepted in the August Offer of 1940.

• The Constituent Assembly was composed of members who had been elected indirectly by
the Members of the Provincial Legislative Assembly by the method of proportional
representation by mean of a single transferable vote.

• The Constituent Assembly held its first sitting on 9th December, 1946.

• The seats in each province were distributed among the three main communities—Muslim,
Sikh and General, in proportion to their respective populations.

• The method of selection in the case of representatives of Indian States was not to be
determined by the Governor-General of India.

40.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक सांववधाननक ननकाय नही हैं?

A. भाित का ननवाभचन आयोग

B. ववत्त आयोग
C. िाजभाषा आयोग
D. िाष्ट्ट्रीय मदहला आयोग

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

भाित में संवैधाननक ननकायों की सूची-भाित में संवैधाननक ननकायों की सूची-

• संघ लोक सेवा आयोग (UPSC)
• िाज्य लोक सेवा आयोग (SPSC)
• िाष्ट्ट्रीय अनुसूथचत जानत आयोग
• िाष्ट्ट्रीय अनस
ु थू चत जनजानत आयोग
• भाषाई अल्पसंख्यकों के शलए ववशेष अथधकािी
• वपछड़ा वगभ के शलए िाष्ट्ट्रीय आयोग
• भाित के अिॉनी जनिल
• िाज्य के महाथधवक्ता
• भाित के ननयंत्रक औि महालेखा पिीक्षक
• भाित चन
ु ाव आयोग
• ववत्त आयोग

41.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सी एक ववशेषता एकाथधकाि स्पधाभ की नहीं है ?

A. बाजाि में खिीििािों औि बेचनेवालों की बड़ी संख्या

B. ववभेदित उत्पािों से बाजाि बनाता है |
C. बाजाि में उत्पाि समजातीय होता है
D. ववक्रय संवधभन के शलए ब्रबक्री लागतों का प्रयोग ककया जाता है

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• Monopoly- It is a form of market where there is only one firms producing a commodity.

• Duopoly- It is a form of market where there are only two firms producing a commodity.

• Oligopoly- It is a form of market where there are more than two firms

producing a commodity/commodities.

• Monopolistic competition- It is a form of market which combines elements of both

monopoly and competitive markets. It is a market where a firm have freedom of entry and
exit, but firms can differentiate their products. Some feature of monopolistic competition

• Large number of buyers and sellers in the market.

• Differentiated products constitute the market.

• Product in the market is heterogeneous

• Selling costs are used for sale promotion

42.आथर्भक लागत की तुलना में सामाजजक लागत अथधक होती है | इसका कािण यह है कक

A. समाज, अर्भव्यवस्र्ा से बड़ा है

B. समाज में िाज्य-व्यवस्र्ा सजम्मशलत है , जबकक अर्भव्यवस्र्ा में यह सजम्मशलत नहीं है
C. िशभकों (बाइस्िैंिसभ) द्वािा वहन की गयी लागत धनात्मक होती है
D. समाज में उपभोक्ता औि उत्पािक, िोनों सजम्मशलत होते हैं

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• Social costs- it includes both the private cost and the external cost. The private cost is borne
by individuals who are directly involved in a transaction & the external cost is borne by third
parties who are not directly involved in the transaction.

• Economic Cost- it includes both the actual direct costs and the opportunity cost.

• Social cost is higher than economic cost because cost borne by bystanders is positive.

43.कोयले पि ` 100 प्रनत िन का उपकाि ननम्नशलखखत में से ककसके अंतगभत आता है ?

A. काबभन-कि
B. काबभन सजब्सडि
C. प्रौघोथगकी के शलए काबभन प्रोत्साहन
D. काबभन पिशमि की ब्रबक्री के शलए काबभन प्रोत्साहन

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Carbon tax

• Carbon tax is a type of pollution tax.

• This tax is levied on the production, distribution & use of fossil fuels.

• The government levies this tax in form of cell.

• Cess on coal at Rs. 100 per ton is a type of Carbon tax.

44.मूल (कोि) मुरास्फीनत, सकल (हे िलाइन) मुरास्फीनत से शभन्न है , क्योंकक मूल मुरास्फीनत
A. कीमत सूचकांक में अजस्र्ि स्वरूप की वस्तुओं की उपेक्षा कि िे ती है
B. कीमत सच
ू कांक में अजस्र्ि स्वरूप की वस्तओ
ु ं को सजम्मशलत कि लेती है
C. जजस कीमत सच
ू कांक पि आधारित नहीं होती है
D. कीमत सच
ू कांक में उपभोग की केवल महत्वपण
ू भ वस्तओ
ु ं को ही सजम्मशलत किती है

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

• Core inflation- it is a measure inflation which excludes temporary price volatility as in the
case of food & fuel etc. It is used to reflect the inflation trend in an economy.

• Headline inflation- it is the measure of total inflation within an economy including price of
food & fuel. Usually Wholesale Price Index (WPI) is used to denote the headline inflation.

• Core inflation is different from headline inflation because the former ignores articles of
volatile nature in the price index.

45.इनमें से कौन चॉइस ऑफ िे कनीक्स पस्

ु तक का लेखक है ?

A. ए० के० सेन
B. के० एन० िाज
C. वी० के० आि० वी० िाव
D. सुखमय चक्रवती

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Amartya Kumar Sen

• He is an Indian economist and philosopher.

• His work & contribution includes economic and social justice, social choice theory, welfare
economics, economic theories of famines, and various indices.

• He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in the year 1998 and Bharat Ratna in the
year 1999.

• He is the author of the book, Choice of Techniques.

46.ननम्नशलखखत ननकायों में से ककस एक ने ‘नैशनल स्िूिेंि स्िािभ अप पॉशलसी’ तैयाि की
है, जजसे भाित के िाष्ट्ट्रपनत द्वािा नवम्बि 2016 में लॉन्च ककया गया?


Answer ||| D

Solution |||

All India Council for Technical Education

• It was as set up in November 1945.

• It is the national-level apex advisory body to conduct survey on the technical education and
to promote development of technical education in India.

• It has formulated the 'National Student Startup Policy', launched by the President of India in
November 2016.

• The policy aims to create 100,000 technology-based student start-ups in India with creation
of a million employment opportunities within a span of 10 years.

47.भाित में उत्पािक मल्

ू य सच
ू कांक (PPI) (2014) तैयाि किने के शलए कक्रयापद्धनत ननधाभरित
किने वाले कायभिल का अध्यक्ष इनमें से कौन र्ा?

A. सौशमत्र चौधुिी
B. िी० वी० सुब्बािाव
C. अशभजीत सेन
D. बी० एन० गोलिाि

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Professor B. N. Goldar panel

• Professor BN Goldar was appointed as the Chairman of the 13-member committee in 2014
which had representation from various central ministries and departments.
• The committee was assigned the task of determining the methodology for construction of
Producer Price Index (PPI) in India.

• The panel was to construct a new Producer Price Index to replace Wholesale Price Index
with the aim to bring India’s inflation method on a par with international practices.

48.ननम्नशलखखत में सेककस स्कीम का उद्िे श्य 11-18 वषभ आय-ु वगभ की ककशोरियों का
सवभतोमुखी ववकास किना औि उन्हें आत्मननभभि बनाना है ?


Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (Sabla)

• The scheme was launched in the year 2010.

• The scheme is aimed at all-round development of adolescent girls in the age group of 11-18
years and making them self-reliant.

• It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme.

• The scheme is being implemented using the platform of Integrated Child Development
Services Scheme like Anganwadi Centres which are working as the focal point of the

• There are two major components under the scheme which are nutrition and non-nutrition

49.पंचायत (अनुसूथचत क्षेत्रों का ववस्ताि) अथधननयम, 1996 में प्राकृनतक संसाधनों के स्व-
अशभशासन की अनुमनत ककसे िी गयी है ?

A. ग्राम सभा
B. ग्राम पंचायत
C. ग्राम पंचायत का प्रधान
D. भाित के संववधान कक पाूँचवीं अनुसूची में उजल्लखखत क्षेत्रों में जस्र्त ककसी गाूँव के

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996

• The provisions of Part IX of the Indian constitution relating to the Panchayats are not
applicable to Fifth Schedule areas.

• 10 States having fifth scheduled area are- Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Jharkhand,
Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana.

• However, the Parliament under its power to extend these provisions to such areas has
enacted “Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled areas) act,” 1996.

Objectives of the act

• To extend provisions of part IX of the constitution relating to Panchayats to scheduled


• To enable participative democracy, self-rule, empower panchayats, safeguard traditions of

tribes & make administrative framework consistence with their traditional practices.

Key features of the act

• State legislation in scheduled areas shall be consistent with the customs & practices of tribal

• There shall be a Gram Sabha in every village.

• Gram Sabha shall approve the plans, programs & projects for social & economic
development in these areas & shall be responsible for identification of beneficiaries under
these programs. Also, a utilization certificate shall be required to obtain from Gram Sabha by
every Panchayat for these plans, programs & projects.

• Gram Sabha or the Panchayats shall be consulted in cases of acquisition of land for
development projects & before resettlement/rehabilitation of persons affected by such

• Reservation of seats- minimum ½ of the total number of seats of the panchayat & all seats
of Chairpersons at all levels of panchayat shall be reserved for schedule tribes.

• State government may nominate up to 1/10th of the total members to be elected in the
panchayats to such schedule tribes which have no representation in panchayat at intermediate
or district level.
• Recommendations of Gram Sabha or the Panchayats, shall be mandatory for grant of
mining lease or prospecting license for minor minerals in these areas.

• It shall be ensured by state legislature that regulation of intoxicants, ownership of minor

forest produce, power to manage of village markets, exercising control over money lending
etc. are endowed specifically to the Panchayats.

50.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा िे श WTO का सिस्य नहीं है ?

A. जापान
B. चीन
C. ईिान
D. रूस

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

World Trade Organisation

• The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) has its origins to the Bretton Woods
Conference held in 1944 which laid the foundations of the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund (IMF).

• The GATT was a multilateral instrument governing international trade from 1948 till the
formation of WTO.

• The Uruguay Round of negotiation (1987 to 1994) which culminated in the Marrakesh
Agreement, established the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the year 1995.

• WTO has 164 members. Afghanistan became the 164th member in July, 2016.

• Iran is included as Observer not as a member of WTO.

51.एक स्िैंिअप उघम कहाूँ स्र्ावपत ककया जा सकता है ?

1) कृवष क्षेत्र

2) ववननमाभण क्षेत्र

3) सेवा क्षेत्र
4) व्यापाि क्षेत्र

नीचे दिए गए कूि का प्रयोग कि सही उत्ति चुननए |

A. 1, 2 औि 4
B. 1, 3 औि 4
C. 1, 2 औि 3
D. 2, 3 औि 4

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

A StandUp enterprise can be established in-

• manufacturing sector

• service sector

• trading sector

• It cannot be established in farming sector.

52.वषभ 2016 के शलए िाजीव गांधी खेल ित्न पुिस्काि इनमें से ककन खखलाडड़यों को प्रिान
ककया गया र्ा?

1) जीतू िाय

2) िीपा कमभकाि

3) पी० वी० शसंधु

4) साक्षी मशलक

नीचे दिए गए कूि का प्रयोग कि सही उत्ति चुननए |

A. केवल 2 औि 3
B. केवल 2, 3 औि 4
C. केवल 1 औि 4
D. 1, 2, 3 औि 4

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award

• The award is given to recognize the spectacular and most outstanding performance of a
sportsperson over a period of four years at international level.

• The Selection Committee will be constituted under a chairperson to be nominated by the

Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.

• A cash amount of Rs. 7.5 lakh and one medal to each sportsperson are given under the

• Award for the year 2016 was Jitu Rai (Shooting), Dipa Karmakar (Gymnastics), P. V.
Sindhu (Badminton), Sakshi Malik (Wrestling).

53.ISRO ने अगस्त 2016 में पिाधवननक िहन िै मजेि (स्क्रैमजेि) इंजन का सफलतापूवक

पिीक्षण ककया र्ा | स्कैमजेि इंजन के संबंध में ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा/से कर्न सही

1) इसे अवध्वननक (सबसोननक) औि पिाध्वननक (सुपिसोननक) िोनों िहन-तंत्र पद्धनतयों में

ू क
भ प्रचाशलत ककया जा सकता है |

2) भाित ककसी स्क्रैमजेि इंजन के उड़ान पिीक्षण को प्रिशशभत किने वाला पहला िे श है |

नीचे दिए गए कूि का प्रयोग कि सही उत्ति चनु नए |

A. केवल 1
B. केवल 2
C. 1 औि 2 िोनों
D. न तो 1 औि न ही 2

Answer ||| A

Solution |||
Supersonic Combustion Ramjet (Scramjet) Engine

• In a Ramjet engine the forward motion of the vehicle is used to compress incoming air for
combustion without a rotating compressor.

• Hence it is a type of an air-breathing system.

• Here the fuel in the combustion chamber is mixes with the hot compressed air and ignites.

• Such engine requires an assisted take-off to produce thrust.

• Ramjets work efficiently at supersonic speeds.

• A scramjet engine is an improvisation over the ramjet engine technology to operate

efficiently even at hypersonic speeds and allows supersonic combustion.

• A scramjet engine can efficiently operate both in subsonic and supersonic combustor

• Hence it is called by the name of Supersonic Combustion Ramjet, or Scramjet.

54.स्िािभ अप हब को कहाूँ पि स्र्ावपत किने के संबंध में सहमतनत हुई है ?

1) IIITs


3) NITs

4) केन्रीय ववश्वववधालय

नीचे दिए गए कूि का प्रयोग कि सही उत्ति चुननए |

A. 1, 2 औि 3
B. केवल 1 औि 4
C. केवल 3 औि 4
D. 1, 3 औि 4

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Startup India campaign

• The campaign was launched on January 16, 2016 by government of India.

• Under the campaign the Department of Science and Technology & Ministry of Human
Resource Development have partnered to set up over 75 such startup support hubs in India.

• Startup Hubs will be set up in-



• NITs

55.स्िैंिअप इंडिया कायभक्रम, प्रत्येक बैंक शाखा द्वािा ` 10 लाख से ` 100 लाख तक का ऋण
ननम्नशलखखत में से ककसको दिए जाने पि ववचाि किता है ?

1) कम-से-कम एक SC/ST ऋणी

2) कम-से-कम एक मदहला ऋणी

3) कम-से-कम एक ग्रामीण बेिोजगाि युवा ऋणी

नीचे दिए गए कूि का प्रयोग कि सही उत्ति चुननए |

A. केवल 1
B. 2 औि 3
C. 1 औि 3
D. 1 औि 2

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

StandUp India Programme

• This Scheme was started in April 2016.

• The scheme is aimed at encouraging people from the STs/SCs/women to become

entrepreneurs by providing them the loan facility.

• Under the scheme each bank branch needs to facilitate two entrepreneurial projects on an
average including one for SC/ST and one woman.
• A Ru-Pay debit card would also be provided.

• Each bank branch to give a loan between Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 100 lakhs under the scheme.

• A refinance window has been set up through Small Industries Development Bank of India
(SIDBI) with corpus of 10,000 crore rupees.

56.स्वणभ के मामले में , उस लेखाकिण अवथध में िाजस्व को मान्यता िी जाती है , जजसमें

A. स्वणभ की सुपुिभगी हो जाती है

B. स्वणभ की ब्रबक्री हो जाती है
C. स्वणभ का खनन कि शलया जाता है
D. खनन के शलए स्वणभ की पहचान कि ली जाती है

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• Revenue recognition Principle is a generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP).

• It says that revenue is not recognized when cash is received but when it is realized and

• Revenue is said to have been earned when Sale is made.

• However, there are certain exceptions to the principle. In case the revenue is measured
before the date of exchange between the buyer and the seller, the revenue is recognised on the
earlier date.

• In case of gold, revenue is recognized in the accounting period in which the gold is mined.

57.पािम्परिक दृजष्ट्िकोण के अनुसाि, िाजस्व के सार् खचभ को ककसके आधाि पि सुमेशलत

ककया जाता है ?

A. मूल लागत
B. ववकल्प लागत
C. प्रनतस्र्ापन लागत
D. नकि लागत
Answer ||| A

Solution |||

The matching principle

• It is an accounting principle which states that there shall be a match between period of
expenses & revenue.

• Hence, expenses should be recognised in the same reporting period of revenues.

• This principle combines accrual accounting with the revenue recognition principle.

• As per the traditional approach, the expense to be matched with revenue is based on original

58.प्रािजम्भक खचभ ककसका उिाहिण है ?

A. पूँज
ू ीगत व्यय
B. पूँज
ू ीगत लाभ
C. आस्र्थगत िाजस्व व्यय
D. िाजस्व व्यय/खचभ

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

Deferred Revenue Expenditure

• When the benefit of expenses (which is generally of revenue nature) extends beyond an
accounting year is known as Deferred Revenue Expenditure.

• Hence, these expenses can be related to more than one accounting period.

• Preliminary expenses are the examples of Deferred Revenue Expenditure.

59.स्र्ायी परिसंपवत्तयों का मल्

ू यह्रास ककसका उिाहिण है ?

A. आस्र्थगत िाजस्व व्यय

B. पूँज
ू ीगत व्यय
C. पूँज
ू ीगत लाभ
D. िाजस्व व्यय/खचभ

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

• Revenue expenditure- these expenditures are typically referred as

ongoing operating expenses, which occurs frequently.

• Depreciation of fixed assets is an example of Revenue expenditure.

• Capital Expenditure- these expenditures are one-time expenditure for purchase of fixed
assets that will be used for revenue generation over a period of time.

International Financial Reporting Standards

• These standards are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

• These are standards to bring comparability, transparency & consistency in financial

statements around the world.

• IFRS creates a common accounting language across the world.

60.लेखाकिण के संिभभ में , पि IFRS ककसका प्रतीक है ?

A. इंििनैशनल फाइनैशशयल रिपोदिां ग स्िैंििभसभ

B. इंडियन फाइनैशशयल रिपोदिां ग स्िैंििभसभ
C. इंडियन फाइनैशशयल रिपोदिां ग शसस्िम
D. इंििनैशनल फाइनैशशयल रिपोदिां ग शसस्िम

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

International Financial Reporting Standards

• These standards are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

• These are standards to bring comparability, transparency & consistency in financial

statements around the world.

• IFRS creates a common accounting language across the world.

61.नीचे िी गयी सूचना से बीमा िाशश की गणना कीजजए:

एजी लगने का दिनांक — 01.03.2016

दिनांक 01.03.2015 से 29.02.2016 तक कुल ब्रबक्री - 88,00,000

सहमत GP अनुपात —20%

कािोबाि िाशश में 10% की वद्

ृ थध के शलए उपलब्ध ववशेष परिजस्र्नत शतभ

A. 19,36,000
B. 48,40,000
C. 10,32,000
D. 24,20,000

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

62.आय औि व्यय लेखा क्या होता है ?

A. संपनत लेखा
B. वैयजक्तक लेखा
C. आय-व्यय लेखा
D. पूँज
ू ीगत लेखा

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• Nominal Account- These accounts are the general ledger accounts that are closed at the end
of each accounting year & are related to income/ gains and expenses/losses. Wage account is
a Nominal account. General rule for Nominal account is debit all the expenses and losses &
Credit all incomes and gains.

• Income and Expenditure Account is a Nominal Account.

• Real Account- These accounts are the general ledger accounts related to assets or properties
that are not closed at the end of each accounting year & their balances are carried over for the
next accounting period. General rule for Real account is debit what comes in & Credit what
goes out.

63.वसीयतें साधािणतया

A. पूंजीकृत होती हैं तर्ा तुलनपत्र में ली जाती हैं

B. आय के रूप में मानी जाती हैं
C. व्यय के रूप में मानी जाती हैं
D. पुंजीकृत होती हैं तर्ा उचंत लेखा में ली जाती हैं

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Balance Sheet

• Legacies are generally capitalized and taken to Balance Sheet.

64.पिे षण (भेजे हुए माल) पि असामान्य हानन ककस लेखे में क्रेडिि की जाती है ?

A. लाभ औि हानन लेखा

B. पिे वषती का लेखा
C. पिे षण लेखा
D. आय एवं व्यय लेखा

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• Abnormal loss is calculated similarly as the unsold stock on consignment.

• Consignment account is credited and Abnormal Loss Account is debited.

• Later it is transferred to Profit and Loss Account.

• Hence, the abnormal loss on consignment is credited to Consignment Account.

65.जब संयुक्त उघम के शलए वस्तुएूँ खिीिी जाती हैं, तब िाशश ककस लेखे में नामे की जाती

A. क्रय लेखा
B. संयक्
ु त उघम लेखा
C. जोखखमी पूँज
ू ीगत लेखा
D. लाभ औि हानन लेखा

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

Joint Venture Account

• A joint venture is the business where two or more businesses are carrying out a business

• For the purpose of accounting of such ventures, a separate joint venture account is opened.

• When goods are purchased for the Joint Venture, the amount is debited to Joint

66.ननम्नशलखखत सूचना पि ववचाि कीजजए:

सकल लाभ की िि-बेची गई वस्तुओं की लागत पि—25%

ब्रबक्री—` 20,00,000

सकाल लाभ की िाशश ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सी है ?

A. 5,00,000
B. 6,25,000
C. 3,75,000
D. 4,00,000

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

• Gross Profit= Sales- Cost of Goods Sold

• Here, Sales = Rs. 20,00,000

• Let’s assume that the Cost of Goods sold=x

• Rate of Gross Profit= 25% of Cost of Goods sold=0.25x

• So, 0.25x=20,00,000-x=1.25x=20,00,000

• x=20,00,000/1.25=16,00,000

• So, Rate of Gross Profit= 25% of 16,00,000=4,00,000

67.ऋणी प्रणाली के अंतगभत शाखा लेखा है

A. संपनत लेखा
B. वैयजक्तक लेखा
C. आय-व्यय लेखा
D. िे यता लेखा

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• Nominal Account- These accounts are the general ledger accounts that are closed at the end
of each accounting year & are related to income/ gains and expenses/losses. Wage account is
a Nominal account. General rule for Nominal account is debit all the expenses and losses &
Credit all incomes and gains.
• Branch Account under Debtors System is a Nominal Account.

• Real Account- These accounts are the general ledger accounts related to assets or properties
that are not closed at the end of each accounting year & their balances are carried over for the
next accounting period. General rule for Real account is debit what comes in & Credit what
goes out.

ु ्-शजक्त की लागत ववशभन्न ववभागों में ककसके अनस
ु ाि प्रभाजजत की जानी चादहए?

A. मोििों का हॉसभपावि
B. प्रकाश ब्रबन्िओ
ु ं की संख्या
C. हॉसभपावि का यंत्र घंिों से गुणन
D. यंत्र घंिे

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• The cost of electric power should be apportioned over different departments according to
horsepower multiplied by machine hours.

• It should not be apportioned over different departments according to horsepower only.

• It should not be apportioned over different departments according to machine hours only.

69.कम्पनी अथधननयम, 2013 की ककस अनुसूची के अंतगभत ववत्तीय ववविणों के प्रपत्र ननधाभरित
ककए जाते हैं?

A. अनुसूची I
B. अनुसूची II
C. अनुसूची III
D. अनुसूची IV

Answer ||| C

Solution |||
Section 129 of companies act 2013, provides for the preparation of financial statements. It is
also provided that the financial statements shall be prepared in the form provided in new
schedule III of Companies Act, 2013.

70.साझेिािी किाि में कोई प्रावधान न होने की जस्र्नत में साझेिािों द्वािा लाभ औि हाननयाूँ
बांिी जाती हैं

A. साझेिािों की पूँूजी के अनुपात में

B. बिाबि-बिाबि
C. उनके द्वािा साझीिािी फामभ को दिए गए ऋण के अनुपात में
D. साझेिािों द्वािा लगायी गयी प्रािं शभक पूँज
ू ी के अनुपात में

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

There is no provision in the Partnership Act requiring that Partnership Deed should contain
the ratio of profit and loss per partner. Section 13(b) of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932,
provides that subject to contract between the partners, the partners are entitled to share
equally in the profits earned, and shall contribute equally to the losses sustained by the firm.

71.ननमाभण-कायभ सशमनत, सुिक्षा सशमनत औि कैं िीन प्रबंधन सशमनत ककसके उिाहिण हैं?

A. प्रबंधन में कामगािों की भागीिािी

B. कामगािों की शशक्षा योजना
C. कामगािों की सहकािी सशमनत
D. कामगािों की सुझाव योजना

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Works Committee, Safety Committee and Canteen Management Committee are the examples
of Workers’ participation in management.
72.कफलािेजल्फया घोषणा के अनुसाि, ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक ILO के लक्ष्यों औि
उद्िे श्यों का भाग नहीं है ?

A. श्रशमक एक वस्तु नहीं है |

B. अशभव्यजक्त की स्वतन्त्रता औि संघ की स्वतंत्रता सतत ववकासा हे तु अननवायभ है |
C. ककसी भी स्र्ान पि गिीबी, हि एक स्र्ान पि समापन्नता के शलए खतिा है |
D. गिीबी के खखलाफ जंग के शलए यह आवश्यक है कक प्रत्येक िाष्ट्ट्र के अंिि इससे ननिं ति
उत्साह से लड़ा जाए, जो कक पूिी तिह से सिकाि का िानयत्व है |

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

The correct aim and purpose of the ILO as per Philadelphia Declaration is the war against
want requires to be carried on with unrelenting vigour within each nation, and by continuous
and concerted international effort in which the representatives of workers and employers,
enjoying equal status with those of governments, join with them in free discussion and
democratic decision with a view to the promotion of the common welfare.

73.िॉबिभ हॉक्सी द्वािा थचहरित संघवाि के पाूँच कायभमूलक प्रकािों में से ननम्नशलखखत में से
कौन-सा एक अपवाि है ?

A. व्यापाि संघवाि
B. स्वार्भचाशलत संघवाि
C. क्राजन्तकािी संघवाि
D. ववकासवािी संघवाि

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Evolutionary Unionism is an exception from the five functional types of unionism identified
by Robert Hoxie.

74.ननम्नशलखखत में से वह कौन-सी एक प्रकक्रया है , जजसमें ककसी औघोथगक वववाि में शाशमल
कामगािों एवं ननयोक्ता के प्रनतननथधयों को एक तीसिे व्यजक्त या व्यजक्तयों के समूह के
समक्ष एक सार् लाया जाता है औि उसकी मध्यस्र्ता के द्वािा वे पिस्पि संतोषजनक
सहमनत पि पहुूँचते हैं?

A. माध्यस्र्म ्
B. न्यायननणभयन
C. सुलह
D. सामूदहक बातचीत

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

Conciliation means a process whereby parties by mutual consent appoint conciliator or

conciliation officers to assist them in their attempt to reach an amicable settlement of their
industrial dispute arising out of a contractual relationship.

75.औघोथगक ननयोजन (स्र्ायी आिे श) अथधननयम, 1946 के अंतगभत स्त्यावपत ककसी स्र्ायी
आिे श के अनुप्रयोग या ननवभचन से संबंथधत प्रश्नों को ववकािार्भ ककसे भेजा जा सकता है ?

A. औघोथगक अथधकिण
B. श्रम आयुक्त
C. श्रम न्यायालय
D. औघोथगक ननयोजन न्यायालय

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

According to Section 13A of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946, any
question relating to the application/interpretation of this Act may be referred to the Labour

76.ऐसे संघ को क्या कहा जाता है जजसकी सिस्यता में बहुत से उघोगों, िोजगाि औि
शशल्पकािी में कायभ किने वाले कामगािों को शाशमल ककया जाता है ?

A. औघोथगक संघ
B. सामान्य संघ
C. शशल्प संघ
D. क्षेत्र-सह-उघोग स्तिीय संघ

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

A General union is one whose membership covers workers employed in different industries
and crafts. General unions are not popular in India. In India, trade unions have largely been
organized by industry rather than craft.

77.औघोथगक संबंधों का ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक परिप्रेक्ष्य इस परिकल्पना पि

आधारित है कक िोनों ही िल आथर्भक (मजििू ी औि लाभ) औि सार् ही सार् िाजनीनतक
(ननयंत्रण) शजक्त के शलए प्रयास किते हैं (औि उनके पास अवसि होता है)?

A. बहुवािी परिप्रेक्ष्य
B. एकात्मक परिप्रेक्ष्य
C. आमूल परिवतभनवािी परिप्रेक्ष्य
D. न्याशसता परिप्रेक्ष्य

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Pluralistic perspective of industrial relations is based on the assumption that both the parties
strive to exercise economic as well as political power. The pluralistic approach totally departs
from the unitary approach and assumes that the organization is composed of individuals who
form distinct groups with their own set of aims, objectives, leadership styles, and value

78.उघोगो के प्रबंधन में कामगािों की सहभाथगता का उपबंध ककसके अंतगभत दिया गया है ?

A. भाित के संववधान का अनुच्छे ि 39A

B. भाित के संववधान का अनुच्छे ि 43A
C. भाित के संववधान का अनुच्छे ि 42A
D. भाित के संववधान का अनुच्छे ि 43B
Answer ||| B

Solution |||

Article 39A – to promote equal justice and free legal aid to the poor. Article 42- to make
provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief. Article 43 A- to take
steps to secure the participation of workers in the management of industries. Article 43 B- to
promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and professional
management of co-operative societies.

79.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक, मजििू संघ सुिक्षा मापिं ि नहीं है ?

A. संघ-पाबंि प्रनतष्ट्ठान प्रणाली

B. दहत-शल्
ु क प्रनतष्ट्ठान प्रणाली
C. संघमक्
ु त प्रनतष्ट्ठान प्रणाली
D. संघ-समथर्भत प्रनतष्ट्ठान प्रणाली

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

Open shop system is not a trade union security measure. Union security arrangements are
essentially Western concepts. Union security involves agreement with the employer or at
least his acquiescence in refusing to employ a non-member.

80.केन्रीय स्ति पि कायभ किने वाला सांववथधक तंत्र ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा है ?

A. केन्रीय कक्रयान्वयन औि मूल्यांकन सशमनत

B. केन्रीय श्रशमक शशक्षा बोिभ
C. स्र्ायी श्रशमक सशमनत
D. कमभचािी िाज्य बीमा ननगम

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Employees State Insurance Corporation is a statutory machinery functioning at the central

level. It is a multidimensional social system tailored to provide socio-economic protection to
worker population and immediate dependent or family covered under the scheme.
81.श्रशमक की ‘नागरिक संकल्पना’ ननम्नशलखखत में सेककसके द्वािा वखणभत होती है ?

A. उघोग में ननयोक्ताओं द्वािा श्रशमक को मुख्यत: परिचालन संगठनो के रूप में समझा
जाता है |
B. मांग औि आपूनतभ के शसद्धांत से श्रशमक प्रभाववत होता है |
C. श्रशमक को यह अथधकाि है कक जजन ननबंधनों औि शतों के अंतगभत उसे काम किना
है, उनके संबंध में उससे पिामशभ ककया जाए |
D. श्रशमक, मशीन में एक पुजाभ है |

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

The term ‘citizen concept’ of labour means that, labour has a right to be consulted in regard
to the terms and conditions under which they are supposed to work.

82.न्यूनतम मजििू ी अथधननयम, 1948 के अंतगभत केन्रीय सिकाि द्वािा संस्र्ावपत केन्रीय
सलाहकाि बोिभ के अध्यक्ष के रूप में ननम्नशलखखत में से ककसे ननयुक्त ककया जा सकता है ?

A. बोिभ के ननिभलीय सिस्यों में से कोई एक

B. बोिभ के ननयोक्ताओं के प्रनतननथधयों में से कोई एक
C. बोिभ के कमभचारियों के प्रनतननथधयों में से कोई एक
D. सिकाि द्वािा मनोनीत केंर सिकाि का एक पिाथधकािी

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Section 8 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 states that, the Central Advisory Board shall
consist of persons to be nominated by the Central Government representing employers and
employees in the scheduled employments who shall be equal in number and independent
persons not exceeding one-third of its total number of members; one of such independent
persons shall be appointed the Chairman of the Board by the Central Government.
83.भाित के संववधान कक सातवीं अनुसूची के अंतगभत ‘िाज्य सूची’ में आने वाला ब्रबन्ि ु
ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा है ?

A. अपंगों औि अननयोज्यों को सहायता

B. खिानों में श्रशमक औि सुिक्षा का ववननयमन
C. नमक के उत्पािन, आपूनतभ औि ववतिण का व्यवस्र्ापन एवं ननयंत्रण
D. सामाजजक सुिक्षा औि सामाजजक बीमा

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Subject number 9 under the ‘State List’ of Seventh Schedule is related to Relief of the
disabled and unemployable.

84.यह पूवध
भ ािणा कक “मनुष्ट्य स्वार्ी औि स्व-केजन्रत है , औि यहाूँ तक कक वह िस
ू िों की
कीमत पि भी हमेशा अपने स्वार्ों को पूिा किने का प्रयास किता है ” श्रशमक कल्याण के
ककस शसद्धांत की व्याख्या किती है ?

A. तुजष्ट्िकिण शसद्धांत (प्लेकेदिंग थ्योिी)

B. पुशलस शसद्धांत
C. धाशमभक शसद्धांत
D. लोकोपकािी शसद्धांत

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

The assumption that “man is selfish and self-centered, and always tries to achieve his own
ends even at the cost of others” explains police theory of labour welfare. The policing theory
is based on assumption that human being is so much selfish and always tries for own benefits
whether on the cost of others welfare. Any of the employers will not work for the welfare of
employees until he is forced to do so.

85.िॉ० अयक्रोि का सूत्र ककसके ननधाभिण से संबंध िखता है ?

A. उथचत मजििू ी
B. न्यन
ू तम मजििू ी
C. ननवाभह मजििू ी
D. वास्तववक मजििू ी

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

Dr. Aykroyd’s formula is associated with determination of minimum wages. There is no

express provision for fixing the minimum wages under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. The
15th Indian Labor Conference (ILC) in 1957 had determined the need-based minimum wage
for a single industrial worker. The norms set by the ILC had said that it should cover all the
needs of a worker’s family.

86.“समाज के एक सिस्य के रूप में प्रत्येक व्यजक्त को सामाजजक सुिक्षा का अथधकाि

है, औि प्रत्येक िाज्य के संसाधनों एवं संगठन के अनुसाि तर्ा िाष्ट्ट्रीय प्रयासों औि
अंतििाष्ट्ट्रीय सहयोग के माध्यम से, अपने व्यजक्तत्व के स्वतंत्र ववकास औि अपनी मान-
मयाभिा के शलए अपरिहायभ आथर्भक, सामाजजक औि सांस्कृनतक अथधकािों की प्राजप्त का वह
हकिाि है |” सामाजजक सुिक्षा के महत्व को बल िे ने वाला यह कर्न ननम्नशलखखत में से
ककसमें अशभव्यक्त ककया गया है ?

A. मानव अथधकाि की सावभभौम घोषणा

B. ILO की कफलािेजल्फया घोषणा
C. प्रर्म िाष्ट्ट्रीय श्रम आयोग की रिपोिभ
D. भाित के संववधान में िाज्य की नीनत के ननिे शक तत्व

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

The above given statement has been expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history
of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds
from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General
Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common
standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations.
87.गैि-नगिी लाभ के रूप में थचककत्सा लाभ, भाित में पहली बाि ककसके अंतगभत प्रिान ककया

A. कमभचािी िाज्य बीमा अथधननयम, 1948

B. फैक्ििी अथधननयम, 1948
C. प्रसूनत प्रसुववधा अथधननयम, 1961
D. खान अथधननयम, 1952

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

For the first time in India, medical benefit as a non-cash benefit was provided under the
Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948.

88.ववशलयम बेवेरिज द्वािा िी गयी उनकी व्यापक सामाजजक सुिक्षा योजना के अंतगभत
अशभज्ञान ककए गए आकजस्मक व्ययों का सही समूह ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा है ?

A. अभाव, िोग, अनशभज्ञता, गंिगी औि ननजष्ट्क्रयता

B. अभाव, बीमािी, अशकता, गंिगी औि ननजष्ट्क्रयता
C. अभाव, िोग, वद्
ृ धावस्र्ा, गंिगी औि बेिोजगािी
D. िोग, असमर्भता, वद्
ृ धावस्र्ा, बेिोजगािी औि अनशभज्ञता

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

The set of contingencies identified by William Beveridge in his comprehensive social

security scheme is Want, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness. He proposed widespread
reforms to the system of social welfare to address what he identified as "five giants on the
road of reconstruction".

89.अिल पेंशन योजना के संबंध में ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक कर्न सही नहीं है ?

A. इसके अशभिाताओं को `1,000 औि `5,000 प्रनत माह तक एक न्यूनतम माशसक पें शन

गािं दित है |
B. न्यूनतम पें शन का लाभ भाित सिकाि द्वािा गाज्िभ त होगा |
C. भाित सिकाि अशभिाता के अंशिान का 50% अर्वा ` 1,000 प्रनत वषभ, जो भी कम हो, का
अंशिान किे गी |
D. यह 40 वषभ से अथधक आयु के भाित के सभी नागरिकों पि लागू है |

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Atal Pension Yojana

• The scheme was launched on May 9th, 2015.

• The scheme is regulated by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority

• There is guaranteed minimum monthly pension for the subscribers ranging between Rs.
1,000 and Rs. 5,000 per month.

• The benefit of minimum pension would be guaranteed by the Government of India.

• Government of India co-contributes 50% of the subscriber's contribution of Rs. 1,000 per
annum whichever is lower.

• The eligibility criteria are, age between 18 years to 40 years and a bank account.

ु ि
भ ना औि अशकता हे तु 2,00,000 तक के संिक्षण के शलए प्रधानमंत्री सुिक्षा बीमा
योजना (PMSBY) की वावषभक बीमा-ककस्त की िाशश ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सी है?

A. 100


C. 20
D. 12

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)

• The scheme was launched on May 9th, 2015.

• The scheme is governed by the Ministry of Finance.

• The scheme offers a life cover of Rs. 2 lakhs for one year in case of accidental death or
permanent disability.

• The scheme also offers a life cover of Rs. 1 lakh in case of partial disability.

• The eligibility criterion is any individual aged between 18 years to 70 years.

• The amount of annual premium of the scheme for accident and disability cover up to Rs.
2,00,000 is Rs. 12.

91.इन िोनों कर्नों का सावधानीपूवक

भ पिीक्षण कीजजए औि नीचे दिए गए कूि का प्रयोग
कि सही उत्ति चुननए |

कर्न I:

ृ वी के कािण चंरमा पि लगने वाला बल कक्रया है , जबकक चंरमा के कािण पथ्
ृ वी पि लगने
वाला बल प्रनतकक्रया है |

कर्न II :

प्रत्येक कक्रया की एक बिाबि औि ववपिीत प्रनतकक्रया होती है |

A. िोनों कर्न अलग-अलग सत्य हैं, औि कर्न I का सही स्पष्ट्िीकिण कर्न II है |

B. िोनों कर्न अलग-अलग सत्य हैं, ककन्तु कर्न I का सही स्पष्ट्िीकिण कर्न II नहीं है
C. कर्न I सत्य है , ककन्तु कर्न II असत्य है
D. कर्न I असत्य है , ककन्तु कर्न II सत्य है

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

• Statement I: The force on Moon due to Earth is the action, while the force on Earth due to
Moon is the reaction.

• From the statement I, it is evident that the there is action & reaction, relation between the
force on Moon due to earth & force on Earth due to Moon.

• Statement II: To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

• Hence, it is clear that both the statements are individually true and Statement II is the
correct explanation of Statement I.

92.इन िोनों कर्नों का सावधानीपूवक

भ पिीक्षण कीजजए औि नीचे दिए गए कूि का प्रयोग
कि सही उत्ति चुननए |

कर्न I:

यह एक सामान्य अवलोकन है कक यदि हम एक थगलास दहमजल एक मेज पि कमिे के

तापमान पि िख िें , तो दहमजल कोषण हो जाएगा |

कर्न II:

ऊष्ट्मा एक ऊजाभ है जो एक प्रणाली औि उसके वाताविण के बीच प्रवादहत होती है क्योंकक

उनके बीच तापमान का अंति होता है |

A. िोनों कर्न अलग-अलग सत्य हैं, औि कर्न I का सही स्पष्ट्िीकिण कर्न II है |

B. िोनों कर्न अलग-अलग सत्य हैं, ककन्तु कर्न I का सही स्पष्ट्िीकिण कर्न II नहीं है
C. कर्न I सत्य है , ककन्तु कर्न II असत्य है
D. कर्न I असत्य है , ककन्तु कर्न II सत्य है

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

• Statement I: It is a common observation that if we place a glass of ice-water on a table at

room temperature, the ice-water will get warmer.

• From the statement I, it is evident that the ice-water will get warmer due to transfer of heat
emery caused by the temperature difference between the system and its environment.

• Statement II: Heat is energy that flows between a system and its environment because of
temperature difference between them.

• Hence, it is clear that both the statements are individually true and Statement II is the
correct explanation of Statement I.
93.मानक ताप औि िाब (STP) पि ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक प्रनतचुंबकीय पिार्भ नहीं

A. नाइट्रोजन
B. सोडियम क्लोिाइि
C. पानी
D. लोहा

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Diamagnetic material

• These are the materials which are freely magnetized when placed in the magnetic field.

• However, the magnetization occurs in opposite direction of the magnetic field.

• Diamagnetic substances are usually repelled by a magnetic field.

• This property is known as diamagnetism.

• Examples- Nitrogen, Sodium chloride, Water etc.

94.पानी में उच्चतम ववलेयता वाली गैस, ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सी है?

A. क्लोिीन
B. अमोननया
C. काबभन िाइऑक्साइि
D. नाइट्रोजन

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

• Henry's Law: this Law gives a quantitative relation between pressure and solubility of a gas
in a liquid.

• The law states that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial
pressure of the gas present above the surface of liquid or solution.
• In simple terms Gases increase in solubility with an increase in pressure.

• From the given option the gas with the highest solubility in water is Ammonia.

95.वविं जक चूणभ में क्या होता है ?

A. नाइट्रोजन
B. आयोिीन
C. क्लोिीन
D. िोमीन

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

Bleaching powder

• Bleaching Powder is chemically called by the name of Calcium hypochlorite.

• Its chemical formula is CaOCl2.

• It is soluble in water but a clear solution is not visible due to presence of impurities.

• Form the formula it is clear that it contains Chlorine.

96.थचकनगनु नया का कािणात्मक कािक क्या है ?

A. नॉन-क्लोिोकफलस जीवाणु
B. सूत्रकृशम
C. ववषाणु
D. कवक

Answer ||| C

Solution |||


• It is a viral disease.
• It is mainly transmitted by infected Aedes mosquitoes which also transmit dengue &
Yellow fever.

• Fever and severe joint pain are some of its symptoms.

• It occurs mainly in Asia, the Indian subcontinent and Africa.

97.बायोरिमेडिएशन एक तकनीक है | एक तकनीक का बड़े पैमाने पि उपयोग ककसके ननयंत्रण

के शलए ककया जा िहा है ?

A. भूमंिलीय तापन
B. दहमनिों का वपघलना
C. ओर्ोन अवक्षय
D. भािी धातु प्रिष
ू ण

Answer ||| D

Solution |||


• It is a process of biotechnology.

• It is used to clean contamination or pollution with the help of microorganism.

• It is a type of waste management technique.

• Microorganisms like Bacteria and Fungi are mainly used in the process.

• Some types of Bio-remediation are Bioaugmentation, Biostimulation & Intrinsic


98.कुछ ऐनतहाशसक स्मािकों की सुंििता, कुछ सकक्रय जीवों की वद्

ृ थध के कािण बहुत
प्रभाववत हो िही है | ये सकक्रय जीव ननम्नशलखखत में से ककस समूह से संबंध िखते हैं?

A. जलस्र्ली पािप
B. शैक (लाइकेन)
C. जीवाणु
D. ववषाणु

Answer ||| B

Solution |||


• Lichen is a symbiotic relationship between a fungi and a cyanobacterium or algae.

• Algae contain chlorophyll which is used in photosynthesis (food).

• Fungi provide shelter, water and minerals to the alga.

• Beauty of some historical monuments is greatly affected by the growth of Lichen.

99.ननम्नशलखखत में से ककसमें एक जंतु के सार्-सार् एक पािप की भी ववशेषताएूँ हैं?

A. फनभ
B. मॉस
C. केंचआ

D. यग्ू लीना

Answer ||| D

Solution |||


• It is a unicellular eukaryote.

• It has characteristics of both plants and animals.

• It performs photosynthesis in light but uses its flagellum at night to search food.

• They are mainly found in marshes, saltwater, freshwater etc.

100.भंिारित खाघान्नों को कीिों से बचाकि िखने हे तु ककसान प्राय: उनके सार् क्या शमला
िे ते हैं?
A. नीम के पत्ते
B. आम के पत्ते
C. पीपल के पत्ते
D. संतिा के पत्ते

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

Neem leaves

• Traditionally Neem leaves have been used as for diabetes.

• There are some clinical evidences which suggest that it may help control blood sugar.

• In order to save the stored food grains from insects, farmers usually mix with them with
Neem Leaves.

101.CD-ROM क्या है ?

A. सेकंििी मेमोरि
B. मैग्रेिीक मेमोरि
C. मेमोरि िजजस्िि
D. सेमीकंिक्िि मेमोरि

Answer ||| A

Solution |||


• Compact Disc Read-Only Memory.

• It can be read with an optical drive in a computer.

• It is "read-only," or cannot be altered or erased.

• It is a secondary memory device.

102.WAP ककसके शलए प्रयुक्त होता है ?

A. वायिलेस एडिशन प्रोिोकॉल

B. वायिलेस ऑिोमेशन प्रोिोकॉल
C. वायिलेस एिैप्शन प्रोिोकॉल
D. वायिलेस एजप्लकेशन प्रोिोकॉल

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

Wireless Application Protocol

• It is a communications protocol.

• It is mainly used in mobile wireless networks for wireless data access.

• It helps in establishing connectivity between interactive wireless devices and the Internet.

103.ब्लूएिूर् तकनीक प्रबंध किती है

A. 10 km की सीमा में फाइल को भेजने का

B. ई-मेल भेजने का
C. छोिी िरू ियों पि िखे हुए ववशभन्न यंत्रों/उपकिणों के बीच बेताि संपकभ का
D. इन्ििनेि से चलथचत्र िाउनलोि किने का

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

Bluetooth technology

• It is a short-range wireless communications technology.

• It can be also said as a radio interface standard for wireless communication over short

• Most android phones are Bluetooth enabled.

104.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक कम्प्युिि का मूल कायभ नहीं है ?

A. आूँकड़े (िेिा) स्वीकाि किना औि प्रोसेस किना

B. िेिा स्िोि किना
C. िे क्स्ि स्कैन किना
D. इनपुि स्वीकाि किना

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

The basic functions of a computer-

• A computer is a device which receives inputs, process them & give output or result.

• Accept and process data

• Accept input

• Store data

105.ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा एक हािभवेयि है ?

A. पावि पॉइंि
B. कंट्रोल यूननि
C. वप्रंिि ड्राइवि
D. ऑपिे दिंग शसस्िम

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

Examples of hardware are-

• Motherboard

• Hard Drive

• Monitor

• Printer
• Scanner

• Mouse

• Keyboard


• Joystick,



• CD Drive

106.िो वाहन, जजनके बीच की ििू ी 100 km है , एक-िस

ू िे की औि एक सीधी िे खा में िौड़ िहे
हैं | उन्हें एक-िस
ू िे तक पहुूँचने में ककतना समय लगेगा, यदि वे क्रमश: 45 km प्रनत घंिा
औि 80 km प्रनत घंिा की एकसमान चाल से चल िहे हैं?

A. 60 शमनि
B. 55 शमनि
C. 48 शमनि
D. 45 शमनि

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• Here, the distance between the vehicles= 100 Km.

• Speed of vehicles - 45 km per hour and 80 km per hour respectively

• Time taken by the vehicle to meet each other= Distance/Speed

• Net Speed=45+80=125 km per hour (Since both vehicles are moving towards each other)

• So, Time taken by the vehicle to meet each=100/125=4/5 Hrs=48 Minutes

107.ककसी वस्तु का िाम 20% बढ गया है | इसके अनतरिक्त िाम में हुई वद्
ृ थध पि 5% कि
है | यदि ग्राहक के शलए वस्तु की लागत
1,331 है, तो िाम में वद्
ृ थध से पहले वस्तु का िाम क्या र्ा?

A. 1,000
B. 1,064
C. 1,100
D. 1,200

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• Let us suppose the price of the article=x

• The price of the article after it increased by 20%=x*20%=1.2x

• Since there is a tax of 5% on the increment, so the amount of tax=0.2*5%=0.01x

• It is also given that the cost of the article to consumer= Rs. 1,331

• So, cost of the article to consumer=1.2x+0.01x=1.21x= 1331 or x=Rs. 1,100

• So, the price of the article= Rs. 1,100

108.एक कक्रकेि बैि 20% डिस्काउं ि पि खिीिा गया है | यदि बैि का ववक्रय-मूल्य 1,000 है , तो
इस बैि का प्रािं शभक मूल्य क्या र्ा?

A. 1,100
B. 1,200
C. 1,225
D. 1,250

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

• Here, the selling price of the bat= Rs. 1,000

• Let us assume the original price of the bat= x

• Discount given on purchase of the bat=20%

• So, the original price of the bat=x*80%=.8x

• So, .8x =1000 or x=1000/0.8=Rs. 1,250

109.“चाय उत्पािक स्र्ान या तो असम में है या बंगाल में |” इस कर्न के शलए

ननम्नशलखखत में से कौन-सा आिे ख सवाभथधक उपयुक्त है ?





Answer ||| D

Solution |||

• The diagram which is the most appropriate to the statement, "Tea-producing places are
either in Assam or in Bengal is option D.

• It is so because the diagram most correctly represents the given situation.

110.मान लीजजए कक x को 61 से ववभाजजत किने पि शेषफल 2 प्राप्त होता है | x7 को 61 से

ववभाजजत किने पि शेषफल क्या होगा?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

• The remainder obtained while dividing x by 61 is 2.

• Hence, the number should be a multiple of 61 added by 2.

• Let’s assume that the number is 61*a+2.

• The remainder obtained while dividing x7 by 61 will be the same as by dividing (2)7 (or
128) by 61.

• After dividing 128 by 61, we get the remainder as 6.

• So, the remainder obtained while dividing x7 by 61 will be 6.

111.10 cm ऊूँचाई के एक घनीय बॉक्स के अंिि िखी जा सक्ने वाली ऐसी गोलाकाि गें िों की
अथधकतम संख्या क्या होगी, जहाूँ प्रत्येक गें ि की ब्रत्रज्या 1 cm है ?

A. 25
B. 125
C. 250
D. 1000

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

• Given, the radius of the spherical balls = 1 cm

• Volume of the sphere=4/3πr3 = 4/3π

• Height of cubical box= 10 cm

• Volume of the cube = (radius)3 = 100 cm3

• So, the maximal number of spherical balls of radius 1 cm each that can be placed inside a
cubical box of height 10 cm = 100/4/3π = 300 π/4 = 125.

112.ककसी शहि में 80% आबािी चावल खाती है औि चावल खाने वालों में से 90% मांसाहािी
हैं | चावल खाने वाली शाकाहािी आबािी का प्रनतशत ककतना है ?

A. 7.2
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10

Answer ||| B

Solution |||
• Let us assume total population of the city is 100.

• Given that 80% people eat rice, so rice eating population is 80.

• Also 90% of the rice eaters are non-vegetarians so their number will be 72

• We can also infer that the Vegetarian rice eaters are 10% of rice eating population, which
will be 8 in number

• Hence, percent of total population which is vegetarian rice eaters is 8%.

113.िो वाहन A औि B एक ही दिशा में क्रमश: 30 km प्रनत घंिा औि 60 km प्रनत घंिा की

एकसमान चाल से चल िहे हैं | वे एक ही समय पि एक ही स्र्ान से 120 km की ििू ी के शलए
ननकलते हैं | तेज चलने वाला वाहन B लक्ष्य तक पहुंचता है औि उसी चाल से वापस लौिने
लगता है | मान लीजजए कक दिशा बिलने में होने वाली समय कक हानन नग्य है | यदि
िोननोन वाहनों द्वािा एक-िस
ू िे को पाि किने से पहले धीिे चलने वाले वाहन A द्वािा तय
की गयी ििू ी x है , तो x का मान है

A. 70 km
B. 75 km
C. 80 km
D. 90 km

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• Here, given that the distance between the vehicles is 120 Km.

• Speed of vehicles (A) is 30 km per hour and Speed of vehicles (B) is 60 km per hour (B)

• Time taken by the vehicle to meet each other = Distance/Speed

• Net Speed=30+60 = 90 km per hour (Since both are moving towards each other)

• So, Time taken by the vehicle to meet each = 120/90=4/3 Hrs

• Now Distance travelled by vehicle B in 4/3 hours = 4/3*60 = 80Km

• Distance travelled by vehicle A in 4/3 hours=4/3*30 = 40Km

• If x is the distance travelled by the slower vehicle A before the two vehicles cross each
other, then x = 80 Km.
114.कोल्ि डड्रंक की एक बोतल की कीमत ` 10 है | 10 खाली बोतलों को लौिकि भी कोल्ि डड्रंक
की एक बोतल खिीिी जा सकती है | एक व्यजक्त के पास ` 1,000 औि 19 खाली बोतलें हैं | मान
लीजजए कक वह व्यजक्त ककसी भी संख्या में उन बोतलों का उपभोग कि सकता है जजन्हें
उसने खिीिा हो, तो शेष िह जाने वाली खाली बोतलों की वह संख्या क्या होगी जो उस
व्यजक्त द्वािा अथधक से अथधक बोतलें खिीिने औि उन सबका उपभोग किने के बाि उसके
पास बची िहें ?

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• Given the price of a bottle of cold drink is Rs. 10.

• One bottle of cold drink can also be bought by returning 10 empty bottles.

• A person has Rs. 1,000 and 19 empty bottles.

• Let us assume that he buys 91 bottles first for Rs. 910 & consume them.

• Now he has 110 empty bottles (91+19) & 90 Rs in his pocket.

• So, he buys 11 more bottles from empty bottles & 9 bottles from money he is left with.

• He consumes all 20 bottles & left with 20 empty bottles.

• He again buys 2 more bottles from 20 empty bottles.

• At the end he is left with 2 empty bottles.

115.यदि एक नये गोलाकाि डिब्बे की ब्रत्रज्या पुिाने गोलाकाि डिब्बे की ब्रत्रज्या की िोगुनी
है, तो नये डिब्बे के आयतन औि पुिाने डिब्बे के आयतन का अनुपात है

A. 2 : 1
B. 4 : 1
C. 8 : 1
D. 2π : 1

Answer ||| C

Solution |||

• We know that the volume of a sphere=4/3πr3

• Now let us assume that the radius of the old spherical container=r

• Then the radius of the new spherical container=2r

• So, the ratio of the volume of the new container and the volume of the old container is=4/3π
(2r)3/4/3π r3=8:1

116.एक डिब्बे में 300 लीिि हाइड्रोजन गैस भिी गई है | प्रर्म दिन इसमें से 100 लीिि
हाइड्रोजन गैस की हानन हो जाती है औि प्रत्येक दिन इसमें से पूवव
भ ती दिन खोये गये
आयतन के एक-नतहाई आयतन का नुकसान हो जाता है | इस जस्र्नत में ___ |

A. डिब्बा 3 दिन में सािी हाइड्रोजन गैस खो िे गा

B. डिब्बा 10 दिन में सािी हाइड्रोजन गैस खो िे गा
C. डिब्बा 10 दिन में 150 लीिि हाइड्रोजन गैस खो िे गा
D. डिब्बे में 100 वें दिन कम-से-कम 150 लीिि हाइड्रोजन गैस बचेगी

Answer ||| D

Solution |||

• Given that a container is filled with 300 litres of hydrogen gas.

• The first day it loses 100 litres of hydrogen gas and everyday it loses one-third of the
volume it lost in the previous day.

• Hence Volume at the end of First day = 200

• Volume at the end of second day=200-100/3 = 500/3

• Volume at the end of Third day=500/3-100/9 = 1400/9

• Volume at the end of Fourth day=1400/9-100/27 = 4100/27

• Volume at the end of Fifth day=4100/27-100/81 = 12200/81

• So, neither it will loss entire hydrogen in 10 days nor it will lose 150 litres of hydrogen gas
in 10 days.

• It will possess at least 150 litres of hydrogen gas on 100th day.

117.सबसे छोिे उस वत्त

ृ का क्षेत्रफल क्या होगा, जजसके अंिि 4 cm2 क्षेत्रफल का एक वगभ
समादहत है ?

A. π cm2
B. 2π cm2
C. 3π cm2
D. 4π cm2

Answer ||| B

Solution |||

• Given that the area of the square = 4 cm2

• So a2 = 4 or a = 2 (side of the square)

• Now, we know that the relationship between the radius of the smallest circle (r) which
contains a square with the side a is √2r = a or r = a/√2 or r = 2/√2 = √2

• Hence, the area of the circle = πr2 = 2π cm2

118.नीचे दिए गए िे खाथचत्र पि ववचाि कीजजए :

िपभण में वस्तु का प्रनतब्रबम्ब ननम्न में से कौन-सा है ?


Answer ||| A

Solution |||

• In a plane mirror, a mirror image appears almost identical, but is reversed in the direction
perpendicular to the mirror surface.

• So, the image of the object in the mirror is given in option A.

119.तीन व्यजक्त A, B औि C एक सार् शमलकि एक कािोबाि चलाते हैं, जजसमें उनका दहस्सा
क्रमश: 17%, 37% औि 46% है | कािोबाि में कमाया गया कोई भी लाभ उनके दहस्सों के
अनुपात के अनुसाि बाूँिा जाता है | यदि दिए गए ककसी दिनांक को B औि A के लाभों का
अंति ` 1,000 है, तो उस दिन C का लाभ ककतना है ?

A. ` 2,300
B. ` 2,350
C. ` 2,450
D. ` 4,600

Answer ||| A

Solution |||

• Given that three persons A, Band C run a business together and their shares are 17%, 37%
and 46% respectively.

• Any profit they earn is distributed according to the proportion of their shares.

• Let’s assume that x is amount of total profit, then the difference of the profits of B and A is
0.37x-0.17x=1,000 or 0.2x=Rs. 1,000 or x=5,000

• The profit of C on that day= 0.46x=0.46*5,000=Rs. 2,300

120.एक वत्त
ृ की परिथध 2π cm है | वत्त
ृ के अंिि अंककत (इजन्स्क्रबेड़) वगभ का क्षेत्रफल है

B. 1 cm2
C. 2π cm2
D. 2 cm2
Answer ||| D

Solution |||

• Here, the circumference of a circle is 2 π cm.

• So, 2 πr=2 π

• r=1 (radius of the circle)

• Then the area of a square inscribed in the circle is=a2

• Now, we know that the relationship between the radius of the smallest
circle (r) which contains a square with the side a is √2r=a or r=a/√2 Here
√2r=a or a=√2

• So, the area of a square inscribed in the circle is=2 cm2

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