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Instruction: Have a student copy the notes on the whiteboard for the first session then answer the
questions in the following session.

Animals can be classified by their backbone


Most advanced of species in the animal kingdom

Members have a well defined internal skeleton systems (has a backbone)

Have Complex systems – Digestive, Circulatory etc

Mammals have glands that give milk, warm blooded (have a constant body temperature, body
temperature not affected by environment), have fur or hair, most have teeth

Habitat: ocean, underground or land

Means of Reproduction: Live young(humans), carry in pouch (Kangaroo), egg laying (platypus)

Very smart

Birds feathers, wings and hollow bone, lay eggs, warm blooded

Often migrate away from cold

Fish Cold blooded and live in water, breathe through gills, have fins

They breathe water, they get oxygen from water

Small fish eat plant life, larger ones eat larger fish

Habitat- pond lake ocean rivers and sea

Reptiles cold blooded ( does not regulate their own body temperature, body temperature affected by
the climate), lay eggs and covered in hard and dry scales

Don’t maintain a constant body temperature (have to lay in sun to heat body up)

Don’t go through larval stage


First live in water, then in land

Born with gills and have fins then bodies change growing legs and lungs

Cold blooded

Amphibians have moist grandular skin

Instructions: Using the notes provided answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. How can we classify animals?

2. Briefly explain characteristics of vertebrates.
3. What type of vertebrate is a dolphin? How do you know so?
4. What does cold blooded means?
5. What does warm blooded means?
6. Give 3 characteristics of reptiles
7. Is a frog an amphibian or a reptile? How do you know?
8. What type of vertebrate produces milk from its glands?

True or False: Birds are the only animals that can fly. ________

Instruction: Place a checkmark by the correct animal type

Animal Mammal Bird Fish Reptile Amphibian


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