★5G 제안요청서 I.일반사항.ko.en PDF

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General Information I-1

5G main commercial equipment system supplier request for proposal

(Release 1)

Ⅰ. General Information

SK Telecom
I. General Information I-2


One summary .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 3

1.1 purpose .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ............. 3

1.2 Coverage .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 3

1.3 Promotion Schedule .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 3

1.4 Proposed Directive .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 4

1.5 The effect of the proposal .................................................. .................................................. .............................................. 4

1.6 Private data .................................................. .................................................. .............................................. 4

1.7 Glossary .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 5

1.7.1 proponent .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 5

1.7.2 Tender participants (secondary subjects RFP) .................................................. .................................................. ........... 5

1.7.3 producer .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 5

1.7.4 Existing network (system) ............................................. .................................................. ........................................... 5

1.7.5 system .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 5

1.7.6 Proposed field research .................................................. .................................................. .................................... 5

2 Proposals related matters .................................................. .................................................. ................................... 6

2.1 Proposals received .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. 6

2.1.1 Proposed eligible .................................................. .................................................. ................................................ 6

2.1.2 Where and how to submit .................................................. .................................................. ................................... 6

2.1.3 Submissions .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 6

2.1.4 How to Create .................................................. .................................................. ................................................ 6

2.1.5 Acceptance and rejection of invalid .................................................. .................................................. .............................. 6

2.1.6 etc .................................................. .................................................. ................................................ 7

2.2 Proposal configuration .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. 7

2.2. About the proposal .................................................. .................................................. ............................................ 7

2.2. Consent .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 7

2.2.3 General Information .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. 8

2.2.4 Premise .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. 8

2.2.5 Special requirements .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. 9

2.2.6 Attachments .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 9

2.2.7 enclosure .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........ 9

2.3 Proposal evaluation and selection of tender participants (secondary subjects RFP) .................................................. ................................ 9

2.3.1. Proposal evaluation .................................................. .................................................. ............................................ 9

2.3.2. Proposed field research .................................................. .................................................. .................................... 9

2.3.3 Tender participants (secondary subjects RFP) selection .................................................. .................................................. .. 10

SK Telecom
I. General Information I-3

One summary

1.1 Purpose

This request for proposal (hereinafter referred to as "RFP" should)'re in the SK Telecom Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") provides the services 5G

Standing, for the purpose of the tender participants for supplier selection system that allows you to configure the optimal network selection (2nd person RFP)


1.2 Scope

1 The RFP is a tender subject (2nd person RFP) for the supply system required for 5G Our service network selection

It shall apply.

2 The RFP can be modified by the company's needs, the modifications shall be communicated to the proposer. In addition, the

When interpreted in terms of the RFP have a difference of opinion between the two it shall be construed as our priority.

1.3 Promotion Schedule

division calendar Remarks

• Sent RFP '17. 7.28 (Fri)

'17. 8.11 (Fri) The proponent shall be notified in writing within one week
• Proposals doctors advice
18:00 after receipt of the RFP.

All questions and answers are as a rule is written and

• Questions received and answers If necessary

Matters that require the time can be specified during the

• Sending your RFP requirements change If necessary
day, answer

'17. 9.29 (Fri) Proposals submitted by the acceptance deadline has passed are
• Proposals received
18:00 null and void.

• Proposal evaluation and selection of tender participants

(secondary subjects RFP)

※ The above schedule may be changed or adjusted in accordance with our internal affairs, notify the change or adjustment proponents


SK Telecom
I. General Information I-4

1.4 propose guidelines

1 Proponents satisfied, etc. Our planning, functional requirements and performance criteria set out in the RFP, the relevant standards / specifications and

Should offer optimal 5G system and optimal network configuration plan with our existing network considers appropriate reliability, compatibility, reliability, and

scalability to international recommendations.

2. The proponent applied to the 5G system to offer international and national standards and technical specifications proponents own technology standards,

The proposal must include a detailed calculation methods and materials engineering.

3 Because of this all the provisions of the RFP are minimum conditions to be proponents implementation, proponents needed

It should be written in detail about everything that judgment should be given all possible conditions for building our 5G networks.

4 features and performance suggestions in this RFP is to select our catering.

5 We If you have any questions about the documents submitted by the proposers, which can be added to confirm its quality,

The proponent must respond in writing within one week from the date we requested. If there is no reply within the time limit may result in a

disadvantage to its proponents, the disadvantages resulting responsibility lies with the proponent.

1.5 The effect of the proposal

All information presented in the proposal, one has to reflect the purchase agreement, the Company signed a supplier contract with the purchase

It should be observed.

2. Proposals body, attachment, the effect of Exhibit Resources and additional responses are all the same.

3 person bid (RFP secondary subjects) is equal to one information presented in this RFP proposals during the second RFP proposal or better

Should be given the conditions, there is a second RFP answers the RFP preparation, without special reason, may be granted if the Penalty change in

worse conditions

4. failure to fulfill the requirements in the proposed person selected as future system supplier Our proposal losses

If that occurs, it becomes the responsibility of all civil and criminal.

1.6 Private Data

1 supplier of receipt of the RFP is to disclose all or part of the information contained in this RFP to a third party and

It should not be leaked, and do not use the information for any purpose other than creating a proposal.

The two additional questions, request additional data, our information providers, etc. to get the selection process and contract process

For first to third parties should not leak and spill.

3 We are proponents can deprive 1.6.1 or Section 1.6.2 Section future supply qualified supplier qualification when violated, the

The supplier shall be responsible for various criminal and civil.

SK Telecom
I. General Information I-5

1.7 Glossary of Terms

1.7.1 Proposed

The party submitting the proposal, depending on the format of this RFP.

1.7.2 Tender participants (secondary subjects RFP)

Among proponents proposal evaluation or field survey (if required) is a system for supplying to us as an excellent supplier

Tender participants (secondary RFP person) to be eligible, saying those recognized by the Company may designate as revenge.

1.7.3 Suppliers

Details Purchase Agreement from Chiayi to our conditions contracted to deliver the 5G our system through consultation and Negotiation


1.7.4 Existing network (system)

5G network facilities we're operating on the supply point or refers to the system and additional systems planned operation. (Example: LTE,

WCDMA, WiBro Wave 1 / Wave2, WLAN, IS-95A / B, CDMA2000 1X / DO, etc.)

1.7.5 System

Proposed by a collectively to the hardware and software needed for 5G network configuration proposed.

1.7.6 Proposed field research

Check the development site and test site for such developments, development plans of the proponent, said that investigation.

SK Telecom
I. General Information I-6

2 Proposals related matters

Proposals received 2.1

2.1.1 suggested eligible

Proponents should be requested from our company received the proposals.

2.1.2 where and how to submit

1 submission period: September 2017 until August Fri the 29th 18:00

2 How to submit: Submit via e Open2U system

o Contact: technology buying team (02-6100-4426), Infra Strategy (02-6100-4269)

2.1.3 Submissions

Proposal 1 Part 1, Part 1 proposal summary (to be notified when additional collateral such as Hard Copy required)

2 original proposal, attachments, etc. I. General, II. Technical details, III. To be divided by separating the file name special requirements

It shall be submitted.

2.1.4 How to Create

1 Language: Hangul (signs in English if foreign sources can be attached)

2 document creation S / W: MS-Word, (only the requirements specified in the proposal) MS-Excel, paper size A4 Size (inevitable

Other Size used in the case)

Detail the right according to the order of three contents of the RFP.

4 System Catalog etc. unavoidable data one can be submitted in English, important details of the attached translated into Hangul

And that in principle.

2.1.5 Reception and rejection of invalid

1 If the proposal violates the right way and a request for proposal specified in this RFP

If you pass the second deadline

If not furnished the 3 Open2U

SK Telecom
I. General Information I-7

2.1.6 Others

Received the proposal can not be canceled and is replaced, changed, except in special cases the tender participants (secondary subjects RFP) line

After a specified shall not be returned to the proponent. In addition, the tender participants (secondary subjects RFP) for the receipt of documents

Any condition other than a written agreement between us additional information can not be pasted into.

2.2 Proposal configuration

Proposals should be prepared in accordance with the procedure set forth in the following, if additional items needed can be added as an addendum

All. Further, even if a duplicate request for proposal entry exists it should be provided by filling each item.

2.2.1 The proposal introduces

1 General company information: company name, address, contact person and contact information (telephone number, mobile phone number, fax number, e-Mail address)

2 Financial Information: Within the past year pilhan audit (quarterly or semiannual) financial settlement of accounts (balance sheet, income statement, cash

Flows), credit rating information

3 Company Status: organization, personnel, company introduction

4 Partners Status: Major development and manufacturing Company in connection with the proposed system, the role

5 R & D: research and development personnel, development of sectoral personal information and contact details, mobile communication service-related development performance and development


6 Technical skills: hold wired and wireless communication technology and patent status (including professional services performed Performance and Planning)

7 Sales: telecommunications (H / W, including S / W) last 3 years sales (supply countries and supply operators, supply size, Trial

And commercial management, etc.) and a copy of the contract related data classified as wired communication and wireless communication

8 estimated future earnings: will supply domestic and foreign purchases of bereavement-related systems into the future mobile communication and promotion plan

Detailed data (copy of the contract, proof of submission of copies of MOU)

2.2.2 consent

1 consent form must be completed and submitted by using the following form as MS-Excel for each item of this RFP.

However, if you do not have children displayed a proposal of the proposed item number it shall be interpreted as a response for the entire item. ( 'I. General', 'II.

Technical details',' III. Special requirements at the beginning of each cheolham ")

Example 1)

RFP Provided certain Proposal item number (in the case

Proposed Answers Remarks
Item number (If necessary) of a "separate presentation") Reference wherein YY.MM.DD Proposals My Contents

SK Telecom
I. General Information I-8

2. The proponent shall specify whether consent for all items of the RFP for the next one. However, the consent form

Responsibility for the information and if the information stated in answer to written proposals for each section is different to the proponent, the Company considered

the item can not agree.

end. _ Complete agreement: understand and accommodate the requirements and provides the complete implementation of the proposals submitted time


I. _ Will agree: implementation within fully understand and accept the conditions and requirements set forth commercial system development schedule


All. _ Accept future implementation: After fully understand and accept the conditions and requirements set forth commercial system development schedule

Implementation is possible (in this case, the implementation schedule specified in the appropriate form, and shall specify the details of the proposal)

la. _ Conditionally agreed to complete: Complete implementation of the proposals point in a different way rather than our requirements (in this case,

Specify the alternative to the form, and shall specify the details, including detailed implementation plan for the proposal)

hemp. _ Conditional agreement soon: within the commercial system development schedule presented in a different way rather than our requirements

Implementation (in this case an explicit alternative to the forms and detailed implementation plan, including details of the proposal

Must be stated)

bar. _ Conditionally agreed future implementation: developing a commercial system presented in a different way, not our requirement schedule

Since the implementation is possible (in this case the details specified an alternative to the forms and detailed implementation plans, etc.

Shall be specified in the proposal)

four. No agreement: Unable to accept the conditions required

Ah. Proposal giving: give up or should have any suggestions about the applicable

character. Not relevant: Not relevant for that

Unclear indications for acceptance 3 (eg, ~ agree, agree, satisfaction, understanding, except, cognitive, etc.) and unspecified

For the details and accept cash.

4. Contract value and, if not satisfied after the implementation period for the sole provider Section take responsibility,

We can claim damages.

For additional suggestions that are not specified in the RFP stated that five additional suggestions on related topics and the consent form

It shall be presented by writing.

2.2.3 General

Depending on the contents of the RFP in order General shall submit a detailed proposal.

2.2.4 Technical details

Depending on the contents of the RFP technical requirements in order to be submitted in writing details of the proposal.

SK Telecom
I. General Information I-9

2.2.5 Special information

Depending on the contents of the RFP special order requirements should submit a detailed proposal.

2.2.6 Attachments

Open2U my electronic format agree / agree Not selected

1 Application Form

Two confidential memorandum

3 Rating robes committed Memorandum

4 Instructions to Bidders

I agree about 5 request for proposal

6 proposed waiver Part 1: When to give up proposals

Exhibit 2.2.7

If you need further suggestions about the matters that are not required in this RFP it can be separately attached.

2.3 Evaluation and selection of proposals Bid person (2nd person RFP)

2.3.1 Proposal Evaluation

1 rating is based on the proposals made in Hangul, and on the assessment by the English and Hangul text translation differences

The disadvantage is a fault of proponents.

2 proposed by the proponent details 5G auction participants (secondary subjects RFP) optionally adding details of the selected evaluation

Excluded. However, including the assessment for the proposed additional requirements requested by our company.

Proponents of the three proposed conditions are not value meets our requirements and specifications, or not satisfied or if there is disagreement

If you have not presented alternative proposals, it may get evaluated at a disadvantage.

4 proposal to assign a weight to each entry, and our evaluation, evaluation criteria and results will not be published.

2.3.2 Proposed field research

We are the first developments, development plans, production, A / S support system, whether secure key components, and suggestions of proponents

For there can be a site survey to determine whether such a fact.

SK Telecom
I. General Information I-10

2. The proponent conducted a week schedule and plan for the entry corresponding to the request during our field investigation Section

Prior consultation shall be submitted to the Company. However, the on-site investigation in accordance with our internal situation of cancellation, may change or be adjusted,

which is notified to the proposer.

3. The proponent shall provide various amenities needed for our field investigation of each item relating to section

The actual results or confirmed shall cooperate to enable.

4 proposer does not respond to our legitimate site survey requirements can be evaluated at a disadvantage.

2.3.3 Winning bid person (2nd person RFP)

1 person bid (RFP secondary subjects) is selected as an official proposal evaluation, based on the field survey results (if necessary)

The selection by the Company's internal regulations.

We selected two before the auction participants (secondary subjects RFP) proposer and proposals and details the Company performed

Details may consult the engineering results.

3 person when we bid our internal business and Infra environmental changes (secondary subjects RFP) selection is delayed, suspended or

It may be canceled.

4 We promote the Vendor selection as a separate RFP for the expansion and introduction of future systems Advanced 5G 5G network


SK Telecom

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