Title Automated Student Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition Domain: Image Processing, Deep Learning Objective

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Title : Automated Student Attendance Management System Using Face

Domain : Image Processing , Deep Learning
Objective : Face recognition can be applied for a wide variety of problems like image and
film processing, human-computer interaction, criminal identification etc. This has motivated
researchers to develop computational models to identify the faces, which are relatively simple
and easy to implement. The existing system represents some face space with higher
dimensionality and it is not effective too. The important fact which is considered is that
although these face images have high dimensionality, in reality they span very low
dimensional space. So instead of considering whole face space with high dimensionality, it is
better to consider only a subspace with lower dimensionality to represent this face space. The
goal is to implement the system (model) for a particular face and distinguish it from a large
number of stored faces with some real-time variations as well. The Eigenface approach uses
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm for the recognition of the images. It gives us
efficient way to find the lower dimensional space

Expected Outcome :
Marking the attendance automatically using face recognition

Application :
 The system can be used for places that require security like bank, military etc.
 It can also be used in houses and society to recognize the outsiders and save their
 The software can used to mark attendance based on face recognition in organizations.

Innovation :
Attendances of every student are being maintained by every school, college
anduniversity.Empirical evidences have shown that there is a significant correlation between

attendances and their academic performances. There was also a claim stated that thestudents
who have poor attendance records will generally link to poor retention. Therefore,faculty has
to maintain proper record for the attendance.The manual attendance record system is not
efficient and requires more time to arrangerecord and to calculate the average attendance of
each student. Hence there is a requirementof a system that will solve the problem of student
record arrangement and student averageattendance calculation. One alternative to make
attendance system automatic isprovided by facial recognition.

The proposed plan for An Automatic Attendance System using image processing includes:

A :Enrolment of student faces.

B : Face detection and feature extraction
C :Face recognition and marking attendance
A: Enrolment of student - Student must register itself with all the details. During registration
student have to provide there photo and other details. Student will be assigned to class.
B: Face Detection –where the input image is searched to find any face, then image
processing cleans up the facial image for easier recognition. Then splitting each human face
to individual image. In this steps OPEN CV is used
C: Face Recognition –where the detected and processed face is compared to the database of
known faces to decide who that person is and mark the attendance. In this steps Deep
learning based neural network using JAVA AWS .
The difference between face detection and recognition is that in detection we just need to
determine if there is some face in the image, but in recognition we want to determine whose
face it is. Features extracted from a face are processed and compared with similarly processed
faces present in the database .
Algorithms used in this project:
The Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are very similar to ordinary Neural Networks.
They are made up of neurons that have learnable weights and biases. Each neuron receives
some inputs, performs a dot product and optionally follows it with a non-linearity. The whole
network still expresses a single differentiable score function: from the raw image pixels on
one end to class scores at the other. They still have a loss function (e.g. SVM/ Softmax) on
the last (fully-connected) layer and all the tips/tricks we have developed for learning regular
Neural Networks still apply
Compare With Existing System :
In this project Deep learning based Neural network is used using JAVA AWS, which is better
than existing face compare algorithms like.
The Eigenfacesis the name given to a set of Eigenvectors when they are used in the computer
vision problem of human face recognition. It involves pixel intensity features and uses the
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the distribution of faces, or Eigenvectors, which are
a kind of set of features characterizing faces variations where each face image contributes
more or less to each eigenvector . Thus, an Eigenvector can be seen as an Eigenface. The
Eigenfaces themselves form a basic set of all images used to construct the covariance matrix.
This produces dimension reduction by allowing the smaller set of basis images to represent
the original training images.

Automated Attendance Management System Based On Face Recognition Algorithms
[1]On this paper they propose an automated attendance management system. This system is
basically based on face detection and recognition algorithms, automatically detect the student
when he enters the classroom and marks the attendance by recognizing him. Because of
LBPH outperforms other algorithms with better recognition rate and low false positive rate
the system is based on this algorithm. The system uses SVM and Bayesian as a classifier
because they are better when compared to distance classifiers. The workflow of the system
architecture is when a person enters the classroom his image is captured by the camera at the
entrance. A face region is then extracted and pre-processed for further processing. As not
more than two persons can enter the classroom at a time face detection algorithm has less
work. The future work they are saying on this paper is to improve the recognition rate of
algorithms when there are unconscious changes in a person like tonsuring head, using a scarf,
facial hair. The limitation of the system is it only recognizes face up to 30 degrees angle
variations which have to be improved further. Gait recognition should be combined with face
recognition systems in order to achieve better performance of the system.
An Evaluation of Face Recognition Algorithms and Accuracy based on Video in
Unconstrained Factors [2]There are three well-known algorithms that this paper will
compare Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces, and LBPH by using a database that contains a face of
persons with a variety of position and expression. According to the experiment results, LBPH
got the highest accuracy on the possible external factors like light exposure, noise, and the
video resolution. However, this algorithm has limitation due to the negative light exposure
and high noise level more than the other statistical methods. The recognition accuracy also
tested with three various video resolutions that are 720p, 480p, and 360p. The results show
LBPH got the highest accuracy in 720p while the others got the highest accuracy in 360p
video resolution. LBPH can give reliable recognition accuracy hence it uses a histogram
similarity, but it was sensitive in some cases.
Class Room Attendance System Using Facial Recognition System [3]This paper aims to
introduce a new approach to identify a student using a face recognition system in the
classroom environment, i.e. the generation of a 3D Facial Model. This research is to attempt
to provide an automated attendance system that recognizes students using face recognition
technology from an image/video stream to record their attendance in lectures or sections and
evaluating their performance accordingly equalization in order to enhance the image and the
picture is resized so that all images will have the same size. One of the functionality of the
system is it will send an SMS to particular parents when the attendance rate of students is
below the enforced rate. Euclidian distance is used to calculate the distance between the two
images during the matching process when the extracted image is compared with the image in
the template database. Then the system shows a result either accepted or rejected based on the
Real-Time Face Recognition For Attendance Monitoring System [4]On This paper they
presented an automated attendance monitoring system with face recognition in a real-time
background world for with a database of student’s information by using Personal Component
Analysis (PCA) algorithm. This task is very difficult as the real-time background subtraction
in an image is still a challenge. And, managing a database with multiple of student
information’s is also a challenge to the system. Implementing of this system basically
involving three main phases, which include face region detection, template extraction, and
face recognition. Before the feature extraction process, all input images are extracted and
converted from RGB into gray scale images. Then, the system starts the histogram
Automatic Attendance System Using Face Recognition [5] In this system they have
implemented an attendance system by which lecturers or teaching assistants can record
student’s attendance. In this paper, they use Viola-Jones algorithm and PCA algorithm for
face detection and face recognition respectively. The system capture images twice the first
one is at the beginning of the class and the second one is at the end. Both of the images are
important to identify and recognize a student. Finally, the student is marked present only if
he/she is recognized in both the images.
An Efficient Attendance Management System based on Face Recognition using Matlab
and Raspberry Pi 2 [6]This paper describes to obtain an automatic attendance system
implemented with raspberry pi camera module and Matlab R2014a version. Two types of
methods are used for feature extraction. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Histogram of
Oriented Gradients (HOG) which are used for recognition of students face from the stored
database for marking the attendance. Support vector machine (SVM) classifier is used for
comparing stored features in the database with extracted features from the captured image.
Implementation of Attendance Management System using SMART-FR [7]In this paper
authors describe the Raspberry Pi module that used for face detection & recognition. The
camera will be connected to the Raspberry Pi module. The student's attendance will be sent to
their parents using GSM technology. The System performs managing students with Open CV
and raspberry pi module that is interfaced with fingerprint device.
Student Attendance System in Classroom Using Face Recognition Technique [8]In this
paper both Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) are
combined to extract the features from the user's face and finally apply Radial Basis Function
(RBF) to classify facial objects. Face detection is done from the inputted image that was
captured during the students are attending the lecture class.
Humans have a diverse set of facial expressions which can reduce the accuracy of facial
recognition software. Janarthany Nagendrarajah proposed a model to overcome this dilemma,
where Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to extract a set of Eigen-images known
as Eigen faces and weights of this representation are used for recognition. This system stores
only one image of the individual during enrolment phase since it is inconvenient to store
more than one image of an individual from a commercial point of view (e.g. Immigration
office). During this phase, the individuals are required to maintain a neutral expression and
the hair is tied away from their face. The model is tested using a database of images of
diverse nations like images of Chinese faces and English faces. This security system was
accurate in recognizing enrolled individuals when they had spectacles on. However, this
project is yet to recognize real occluded images.

Yohei KAWAGUCHI et al proposed an application where the attendance is monitored by

continuous observation. Continuous observation is the method of using video streaming so
that the students sitting position, presence, status and other information is collected. Active
Student Detecting (ASD) approach is used to estimate the existence of a student sitting on the
seat by using the background subtraction and inter-frame subtraction of the image from the
sensing camera on the ceiling. Image processing is necessary so as to enhance images and to
extract highly confidential information from them.

K.Senthamil Selvi et.al. “Face recognition based Attendance marking system”. In this
projected work, sort to find the attendance, positions and face descriptions in classroom
lecture, we projected the presence administration system based on face detection in the
classroom lecture. The system estimates the presence and the location of each student by
continuous inspection and footage. The result of our beginning experiment shows continuous
inspection improved the performance for estimation of the attendance.
Mr.C.S.Patil et.al.“Student Attendance Recording System Using Face Recognition with GSM
Based”, Student footage system using face validation was considered and implemented. It
was tested with dissimilar face images. This idea is working properly with different panel. All
windows are running separately and equivalent. If appreciation is to participate as a viable
biometric for validation, then a further order of improvement in detection score is necessary.
Under controlled condition, when lighting and pose can be controlled, this may be possible. It
is more likely, that future improvement will rely on making better use of video knowledge
and employing fully 3D face models.
Muhammad Fuzail et.al.“Face Detection System for Attendance of Class’ Students”, An
regular attendance supervision system is a essential tool for any LMS. Most of the existing
system are time consuming and necessitate for a semi instruction manual work from the
instructor or students. This approach aim to explain the issues by integrates face detection in
the procedure. Even though this method still lacks the capability to identify each student in
attendance on class, there is still much more room for enhancement. Since we implement a
modular approach we can get better different module until we reach an acceptable detection
and identification rate. Another issue that has to be taken in consideration in the opportunity
is a process to ensure users privacy. Whenever you like a representation is stored on servers,
it must be impossible for a person to use that image.
Mathana Gopala et. al.“Implementation of Automated Attendance System using Face
Recognition”, automated presence System has been envision for the purpose of falling the
errors that occur in the conventional (manual) attendance taking system. The aim is to
computerize and make a system that is useful to the institute such as an organization. The
efficient and exact method of attendance in the office atmosphere that can reinstate the old
manual methods. This technique is secure enough, reliable and available for use. No need for
dedicated hardware for installing the system in the office. It can be constructed using a
camera and computer.
S. B. Dabhade et. al. “Face Recognition using Principle Component Analysis and Linear
Discriminate Analysis Comparative Study” recognition Rate some time enlarged sometime
reduce, sometime stable. We have done various research like particular image for enrolment
and particular image for testing, then we had keep the enrolment image as constant and
change testing images such as two, three, four, up to nine. For taking the consequence we had
used three databases ORL Database, KVKR-Face Database and IITIndian Database.

Existing System

There are many systems have been developed in industries to keep a track of the
attendance. The developed systems are good but their performance and stability problems.
The developed systems are:
1) Biometric based System
2) Bluetooth based System
3) RFID based System
1) Biometric based System The Biometric based systems take a unique part of the
human body and use it for attendance management system for example iris, nostrils, retina,
palm, fingerprints etc. The data keeps scaling up and the system needs to be maintained,
refreshed and regularly updated for later use. The attendance system using Computer or
android devices provides a cheaper solution compared to the biometric based systems . The
iris recognition system is useful system but the main drawback is it can cause injuries to the
eye . The same goes for face recognition which assures uniqueness but has the same
drawbacks .
2) Bluetooth System This system has high usability and proxy removal methods can
be included to make the system perfect. However, the system is not scalable and requires 8
connections active at a time. Bluetooth do not allow more than 8 connections at a time this is
due to a master and slave concept. This redundancy makes it a feasible resource for a limited
population .
3) RFID System The RFID systems are popular than Bluetooth based system.
Students are given RFID cards in their schools and colleges along with their Identity cards.
These cards are put into the RFID reader before the student enters the classroom. These
systems require permanent supervision because students can put two cards in the RFID reader
leading to a proxy and also inappropriate usage can harm the RFID reader . RFID reader also
requires maintenance.

Proposed system sends the images of the students sitting in the classroom to the server using
the web service and captured image sent to the Face Detection and Recognition modules and
then the attendance is marked in the database. At the time of enrolment, templates of face
images of individual students are stored in the Face database. Here all the faces are detected
from the input image and the algorithm compares them one by one with the face database. If
any face is recognized the attendance is marked in the database from where anyone can
access and use it for different purposes. Teachers come in the class and just press a button to
start the attendance process and the system automatically gets the attendance without even
the intensions of students and teacher. In this way a lot of time is saved and this is highly
securing process one can mark the attendance of other

Select new Photo

Read all images faces Frame Generation

Pre Processing

Feature Extraction
Extract Feature

Face Detection
Train the feature

Retrieve result based on

Knowledge Base Decision


Tools & Technology :


 Operating System              : Windows (Any Version)

 Programming Language               : JAVA
 IDE              : Eclipse
 GUI : AWT, Swing
 Data Base : MySql
 JDBC Connection : Type 4 :

 Processor      : Intel Core 2 Duo
 RAM          : 2 GB
 Hard Disk     : 5 GB

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