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Assignment 03

Submitted to: Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Adnan

Dated: April 24, 2020

Table of Contents
Communication Management ....................................................................................................................... 2
Relevant Research Articles: ...................................................................................................................... 2
Article 01: ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Article 02: ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Article 03: ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Article 04: ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Article 05: ............................................................................................................................................. 5
References:................................................................................................................................................ 6
Knowledge Area of Project Management
Communication Management
Relevant Research Articles:
Article 01:
Patterns of Communication Management in Project Teams [1].
Karolina Muszynska

In present, dynamically developing organizations, that often realize business tasks using project-
based approach, effective project management is of paramount importance. Numerous reports and
scientific papers present lists of critical success factors in project management, and communication
management is usually at the very top of the list. But even though the communication practices
are found to be associated with most of the success dimensions, they are not given enough attention
and the communication processes and practices formalized in the company's project management
methodology are neither followed nor prioritized by project managers. This paper aims at
supporting project managers and teams in effective managing communication and documentation
processes. Its main contribution is the definition of eleven communication management patterns,
which promote a context-problem-solution approach to communication management in projects,
in the four complementary categories regarding project communication management practices –
informational, strategical, emotional and practical, and as such can be used to deal with different
types of project communication management problems.
Future Direction(s):
There are at least two main future research directions that can enrich the body of knowledge on
project communication patterns.
1. The first is to assess implementation conditions, dependencies and effectiveness of the
patterns specified in this paper.
2. The second is to look for and identify additional project communication patterns. Both
require conducting a more extensive survey among project-based companies and also
observing implementation of respective patterns in real-life projects.
Article 02:
Relational partnerships: the importance of communication, trust and confidence and joint
risk management in achieving project success [2].
Hemanta Doloi
The advantages of relational partnerships as an alternative project delivery mechanism to the
traditional methods have yet to be realized by the wider construction industry. In relational
partnerships, all parties work together as a cohesive team to achieve an agreed outcome. However,
an accurate estimation of the underlying factors associated with the relationships of these parties
and assessment of their impacts on partnering success are difficult to achieve. By identifying three
major factors, communication, trust and confidence and joint risk management, this research
unfolded the relational links between these factors and analysed the impacts in the context of the
relational partnering success. Based on a questionnaire survey and the structural equation
modelling technique, results identified communication as the single most influencing factor
impacting on relational partnering success. While trust and confidence were found to be mutually
inclusive for effective communication, it was found to have direct influence on developing
capability for joint risk management within the partnering organizations. This finding diverges
from the widely accepted view across the Australian construction industry that partnering is built
on trust and confidence only and any risks associated in projects are best dealt with by means of
joint responsibility without any problems.
Future Direction(s):
Based on the limited questionnaire sample and SEM analysis, the research confirmed a few key
assertions on the concept of relational partnering success.
1. However, a case study-based analysis on a number of similar projects managed by different
procurement methods may further validate the findings from a practice perspective.
2. A similar study on the national and international levels with a large sample size would be
more appropriate for realistic estimations of impacts and accuracy of results asserted in
SEM analysis.
3. As asserted by one of the anonymous reviewers, partners’ satisfaction may also be
integrated as one of the key determinants in the future model construct.
4. Given that relational partnering is not a widespread procurement method across the
Australian construction industry, the technique still remains an unfamiliar and un-tried
delivery process in the wider construction market.
5. However, in a less competitive market, the potential of relational partnering in successful
delivery of large projects should not be overlooked.
6. Furthermore, future research options may not only include reviewing the efficiency of
relational partnerships but could also highlight projects best suited to their use.
Article 03:
Revisiting the role of communication quality in ERP project success [3].
Benoit Aubert, Val Hooper, Alexander Schnepel

Communication quality is repeatedly listed among the top success factors to consider when
implementing an ERP system. Analysis shows its role is more complex. It helps some aspect of
success but has no influence on others. The aim of this paper is to conduct a case study to determine
the role of communication quality in the success of an ERP project implementation. A case study
was conducted to determine the role of communication quality in the success of an ERP project
implementation. Results suggest that different aspects of communication quality impact different
dimensions of project success. Some dimensions of project success did not seem influenced by
communication quality. Results also show that, for the dimensions of project success that are
influenced by communication quality, the form might be as important as the content of
communication. The literature may be repeating an “accepted truth” without actually testing it.
The evaluation of the regularity of the patterns observed will require additional observations. Also,
the reasons behind the association between the communication quality attributes and the different
components of success will need to be further investigated. For managers, the findings highlight
that communication is not a silver bullet when conducting ERP projects. Managers should also be
aware that the form of the communication efforts will likely have as much impact as the content
of the communication process. The results specially emphasized the importance of openness in
communication. The study considers nine dimensions of communication quality. By examining
the separate effects of the communication content and form on the components of ERP project
success, the paper provides a deeper understanding of the role of communication in the
implementation of ERP systems.
Future Direction(s):
These findings suggest a number of areas for future research. Communication might not be as
important as common wisdom might suggest. Our results suggest a more nuanced picture. Some
attributes of communication matter, depending on the facet of success considered. Of course,
refuting accepted truth with certainty will require Role of communication quality 77 additional
research. Future research should continue developing a theoretically richer understanding of
communication attributes and their influence on the dimensions of success. Also, the associations
between the communication quality components and the different components of success will need
to be confirmed, for example, by a quantitative survey. It would also enable researchers to assess
possible interaction effects between the individual communication quality attributes.
Alternatively, experiments could be conducted to manipulate the communication quality attributes
one-by-one to isolate precisely the influence of each one on the project success. In addition, the
interaction of the communication quality attributes with “traditional” project management
variables (vision, sponsorship, participation, etc.) could be assessed. It is also apparent that a range
of measures of ERP project success has to be considered when studying the impact of
communication quality on success. By acknowledging this variety, we were able to see how some
were affected by communication quality while others were not, and which ones were more affected
by either form or content attributes of communication quality.
Article 04:
Using a real-time integrated communication system to monitor the progress and quality of
construction works [4].
Sze-wing Leung, Stephen Mak, Bill L.P. Lee
Site monitoring is an indispensable procedure in construction quality control. It does not only
minimize construction defects and human errors but also supports project team members making
strategic decisions at critical points throughout the construction stages. This paper presents a cost-
effective construction site monitoring system integrating a long-range wireless network, network
cameras, and a web-based collaborative platform. The system supports simultaneous user access
therefore project team members could view real-time captured images or video of a construction
site, discuss and exchange ideas with gadgets such as video conference, text and shared whiteboard
at a distance via the Internet. It was carefully configured in order to maintain the reliability under
the reactive conditions of the construction sites. The system has been implemented and tested on
two construction sites and promising results were obtained.
Future Direction(s):
Being a pilot study using real life construction projects, this paper provides the technical aspect of
the system and it is worth further investigating the system from different angles such as managerial
perception, workers' acceptability (e.g. any behavioural changes), legal issues, system adoption
criteria, the impact on project planning, and so on. In fact, the stakeholders of the two construction
sites have already been interviewed to solicit their perceptions, observations and experiences on
the system. Overall, they are satisfied with the system. Noticeably, implicit and hidden problems
such as mal-practices of site workers were spotted by the assistance of the system and immediate
actions were taken. It is expected that these interesting cases would be reported in due course.
Article 05:
Communication key performance indicators (KPI) for selecting construction project bidders
Nuria Forcada, Carles Serrat, Sonia Rodríguez, and Rafaela Bortolini
It is vital to select the right project bidders, as this affects the success of a project. Although there
are numerous methods for assessing bidders, communication is rarely taken into account. This
paper discusses the results of a survey on communication key performance indicators (KPI) and
the success of construction projects. Data were collected from 390 construction partners in Spain.
The results indicate that the most significant communication KPI is the quality of information:
basically, its accuracy and timeliness. In addition, experienced respondents placed less importance
on communication flow structures and communication management than inexperienced
respondents. Experienced respondents distrusted new trends and/or management theories and
mainly relied on experience. The findings also reveal that the communication flow structure, the
communication and information management plan and the channels of communication are relevant
aspects for the success of a project. The results of this research can be used to assess bidders’
communication abilities and systems.
Future Direction(s):
Although the findings of this research are revealing, it is clear that more studies are required to
investigate the influence of communication on project performance. Further research is being
considered to expand the database and refine the results. In addition, studies that analyse the impact
of communication on various performance and productivity aspects are also planned.
[1] M. Karolina, “Patterns of Communication Management in Project Teams,” in Conference
on Advanced Information Technologies for Management Conference on Information
Systems Management, 2017, vol. 277, no. January 2017, pp. 103–119.
[2] H. Doloi, “Relational partnerships: The importance of communication, trust and
confidence and joint risk management in achieving project success,” Construction
Management and Economics, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 1099–1109, 2009.
[3] B. Aubert, V. Hooper, and A. Schnepel, “Revisiting the role of communication quality in
ERP project success,” American Journal of Business, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 64–85, 2013.
[4] S. wing Leung, S. Mak, and B. L. P. Lee, “Using a real-time integrated communication
system to monitor the progress and quality of construction works,” Automation in
Construction, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 749–757, 2008.
[5] N. Forcada, C. Serrat, S. Rodríguez, and R. Bortolini4, “Communication key performance
indicators (KPI) for selecting construction project bidders,” Journal of Management in
Engineering, vol. 33, no. 6, 2017.

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