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Animal farm by George orwell wasw published in 1945.A

brilliant analyse of the mechanics of bureaucracy and a well
way of betrayal of the hopes of the people.this story talks
about the future when animal are clever than now.Pig take
control over humans and started revolution again humans
and also talk about power and control in general,not only in a
communist system.the book Animal farm shows how orwell
citicize the russian revolution the story can be enjoyed as the
simple moving and enlighting is the geastest book I
have ever read and this book hase a powerful imagination
and Mr orwellwas the right person for that.Animal farm is an
engaging eye-opemimg book that shows the issues about
betrayal,greed and inequality in human society.George
orwell uses the animal fable effectively to show the issues of
injustice, and inequality in humans this book makes me an
understanding about such a worst and injusticesful society.
Animal farm which was wrote to make an clear view for the
people about this world and Animal represent
humans.Animals fought for freedom and equality which they
achived by seizing the farm land from jones.At long run the
cause of struggle for the like of snowball was cheated by
tyrant (nepoleon). Animal farm takes create a unique story
and breaks mayny common covention to create a compelling
narrative.Animal farm follows the rise and fallof an animal
rebellion against the farmer, mr jones mainly this srory focus
on the revolution which is made by the anmals.This dowmfall
is coupled with an internal battle for power .The charater
shown this story have a great effective towards the
readers.Although the animals in Animal farm represent
different groups and people in russia.The true brilliance
behind Animal farm falls in its inrelligent use of stire.Each
charater in the story show single one of us.The powerful and
shocking conclusion had me wondering how animals would
react to this situation.The story can be enjoyed as the simple
moving and enlightening lesson.the story mainly highlights
the evilness of the human,jealsousy,greed etc.The story
convein to us that how the utopian dreams of the animals
strugging for a communist society where the can enjoy and
feel equal rights and freedom closed and led them to live a
poor life under totalitarin ruler under thee constant fear pf
some unkown enimies has discribed in this story.this book is
a excellent one to this generation.I never got bored reading
this book Totally moving on.Orwell shows that all they want
power and they do anything to achive it they don’t care
about public .For power they can do anything .when i read
this book i felt that he had wrote this book for our generation
now a days people kills and controls others to be a powerful
person. So, this book should read by the youth and
understand about sitution happening around us.Honestly i
loved this book because it is eye-opening book helps me to
understand about the sitution and i really enjoyed the words
used by George orwell and it is a must read book (thank you)

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