Iproc Worksheet

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1) Create Responsibilities as detailed below

S.No Resp. Name Application Menu Request Available From
1 b2_Pur_resp1 Purchasing Purchasing All Reports / Oracle
SuperUser GUI Purchasing applications
2. b2_iProcurement_resp2 Oracle Internet Oracle Self
iProcurement Procurement service web
Home Applications
3. b2_iproc_Admin_resp3 Oracle iProcurement Oracle Self
iProcurement Administration: service web
Catalog Applications
2) Create User b2_user1 as detailed below :
S.No Responsibility
1. b2_Pur_resp1
2. b2_iProcurement_resp2
3. b2_iproc_Admin_resp3
4. Human Resources, Vision Enterprises
5. System Administrator
3) Log on as b2_USER1.
4) Switch Responsibility - Human Resources, Vision Enterprises
5) Create a Location b2_Madras under Nav : Work Structures – Location
6) Create emp b2_iproc_requestor with supervisor as Stock, Ms. Pat. Attach Position
MM400.Materials Manager for organisation Vision Operations.
7) Create Org Operating Unit – b2_ou1 [ Human Res Resp – Work structures – Org – Desc ]
8) Assign LOB profile “MO: Operating Unit” for resp. Resp1,2 and 3 with value “b2_ou1”
9) Run Replicate seed data concurrent request for our Operating Unit.
10) Associate b2_iproc_requestor as Employee for user b2_USER1 in Security – User - Define
11) Create Org Inv – b2_imo1 / b21 [Human Res Resp – Work structures – Org – Desc]
12) Go to b2_Pur_resp1 and Fill Financial Options. – Ship-to, Bill-to, Inv Org, BusinessGroup
and use approval hie are 5 important setups.
13) Fill Purchasing options.
14) Create Approval Group for 100K amount under Nav : Setup – Approval – Approval groups
15) Assign the documents PR,SPO,BPA and BR to the above Approval Group under Nav : Setup
– Approval – Approval Assignments
16) Open the Document types for PR,SPO,BPA and BR and save Nav : Setup – Purchasing –
Document types. This is a workaround for a bug in Doc. Type.
17) Make b2_iproc_requestor as buyer in Nav : Setup-Personal-Buyer in b2_Pur_resp1
Switch to System Administrator Responsibility.

Go to Define Profile Options navigation

Query on User profile Name and make the profile POS: External URL editable at Resp. level
Set the profile POS: External URL = http://egxxxx.us.oracle.com at the resp level ,
b2_Pur_resp1 Where XXXX = Your Instance number

Create Supplier b2_sup1 in Supply Base – Suppliers in b2_Pur_resp1

Create an user under Contacts Directory with a user name b2_sup1@gmail.com

Set the profile Apps Servlet Agent = http://egxxxx.us.oracle.com:80/OA_HTML at the supplier

user level (b2_sup1@gmail.com) Where XXXX = Your Instance number ( if supplier user does
not open, change 80 to 8000 in the above URL)

Set the profile Application Framework Agent = http://egXXXX.us.oracle.com

at the user level for the supplier user b2_sup1@gmail.com Where XXXX = Your Instance

Login as supplier b2_sup1@gmail.com and check for his responsibilities.

Exit current user and login as Operations / welcome

Go to Inv. Resp and under setup : Org : Org access for org b21, Purchasing application, insert

Exit Operations and login as b2_user1 and go to b2_Pur_resp1

Create Purchasing category as detailed below in b2_Pur_resp1 responsibility :

Under the navigation : Setup – Flexfields – Key – values, create the following CCIDs
Structure : PO Item category
Segment : Item Category, create a value b2 with a description : b2 Pur. Category
For the segment Commodity, and for the independent segment value = b2,

Create stat1 as the value for the second segment with a description = Stat1 Commodity.
Under Setup – Items – category – category codes, to make the above CCID, transactable.
Insert the CCID b2.stat1 for the structure PO Item category
with a description = b2 Stat1 Shop Category.
This description gets mapped to the shopping Category in iProc as the profile POR : Autocreate
Shopping categories is set to Yes

Open the form Nav. Setup – Items – Category – Category sets for b21 Org
And query for Flex structure : PO Item Category
Insert the above CCID into list of valid categories,
for enabling this category to be assigned to an item.

Create an item b2_Business_Card under Items – Master Items

Description = Business Card_Desc
Long Description = Business_Card_Long_Desc
List price =10
Template = Purchased Item and save the record.
In Tools – Categories, change the Purchasing category to b2.stat1

Go to setup – Flexfields – Validation – Sets and create a vaule set b2_City for Validation Type =

Under Setup-Flexfields-Validation-values, insert values Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras.

Go to Setup – Information Template

And create a template b2_template. Include the City with LOV as b2_City.
Associate it to the item b2_Business_card

Similarly create a Purchasing Category b2.stat2 in nav Setup – Flexfields – Key – values
( Use the existing value b2 of Item category and create the Commodity Stat2 Commodity )

Under Setup – Items – category – category codes, to make the above CCID, transactable.
Insert the CCID b2.stat2 for the structure PO Item Category
with a description = b2 Stat2 Shop Category

Open the form Nav. Setup – Items – Category – Category sets for b21 Org
And query for Flex structure : PO Item Category
Insert the above CCID into list of valid categories,
for enabling this category to be assigned to an item.

Create an item b2_Diary and assign the above Category b2.stat2 [ similarly as
b2_Business_Card ]


iProcurement Administrator activities :

Switch responsibility to b2_iproc_Admin_resp3

Go to Stores – Smart Forms – Create Smart Form - b2_Smart_Form

And create a smart form for Goods or services billed by amount. Add a template Legal
Category Hierarchy
Go to Schema – Category Hierarchy – and click on “Create Top-Level category” button and create
b2_top. This becomes a browsing category. Create a child below b2_top as b2_Child browsing
category. “Insert existing Child” below b2_Child and add all item categories starting with b2%.
View the hierarchy.
Create Local Content
Go to Stores – Content Zones – Create Local Content Zone - b2_Local_content
Include items from specific categories – Add Categories and choose
b2 Stat1 Shop Cat
b2 Stat2 Shop Cat.
Secure by Responsibility : Add all the three resp starting with b2
Create a Store :
Stores – Stores – Create Stores – b2_store and add b2_Local_content and b2_Smart_Form
And sequence it to 21 ( ie your number b2+20)
Switch Responsibility to b2_iProcurement_resp2

Click on b2_store and search with %

Check for no items appearing.

Create a Global BPA for b2_Business_card under b2_Pur_resp1 Nav : Buyer Work Centre -
Agreements. In Controls enable Auto doc sourcing and creation of sourcing rules.

Upon approval of GBPA, Check for SR creation ( Query on PURCH% ), and ASR assignment.

Switch Responsibility to b2_iProcurement_resp2

Click on b2_store and search with %

We can visualize the Business Card with the agreement number and some descriptors

Open the GBPA and add all Local Descriptors for the line.

Now you can visualize all descriptors in iProc.

Create the following three items.

Create an item b2_item3 with automatic Document creation set for SR-ASR-ASL-BPA. It will
appear in iproc.

Create an item b2_item4 with automatic Document creation set for SR-ASR-ASL-Catalog Quote.
It will appear in iproc.

Create the item b2_item5 and make a Requisition Template. It will also appear in iProc.

In the Content zone, Include items without suppliers.

Now we can visualize b2_Diary also in iProc.

Go to b2_iproc_Admin_resp3
Go to Schema – Base Descriptors – Create Descriptors – b2_Price
Go to Schema – Item categories and query for the shopping category b2 Stat1 Shop Cat
Click on Button Manage Category Descriptors – Create Descriptors and create a Category
Descriptor b2_Dimension. Similarly create b2_size for b2 Stat2 Shop Cat

Check in Iproc resp, that the base despcriptor b2_Price will appear on all items. Dim and size will
appear on the respective shopping categories.
Creating an Info Content Zone
IProc Admin – Stores – Content Zones
Create Info content Zone – Go
Name : Procurment Policy
URL : www.oracle.com
Secure by Resp = b2_iproc_resp
Add the info content zone to our store. Check in iProc.
Setting User Preferences
iProc Resp
Preferences – Set the preferences – Apply
iProcurment Preferences
Grid / Paragraph View
Hide Thumbnail Images
Add another row to the favourite list and set as primary
Search in b2_store
Add to Favourite list
Go to Shopping List and view the choosen favourites
Compare Items from search Results
Click on Add to compare on multiple paras
Click on Compare on right
Add to cart or add to favourities

Create Requisitions on Check-out:

1) Create req. for Business card. During check-out, it will ask for the Information template fields.
Upon approval it creates a SPO
2) A similar exercise for item 3 will result in a Blanket Release.
3) For item 4 it will create a SPO.
4) For item 5 and Diary we can reserve a Purchase order number ( PO required immediately)
during req. approval process. Go to Purchasing - Auto Create and create the PO for the same

Requisition Changes
Go to iProc – Requisitions
Choose the req – Change
Go to Checkout
Make changes – submit
Requestor Initiated changes to PO
Open the req having PO and
Change qty
Open the PO in Purchasing and submit for approval.
PO gets approved.
A notification is sent to supplier.
Copy Req to Shopping Cart
Query and select Req.
Copy to cart and checkout
Cancel Requisitions
Choose the req – Cancel Requisition
Select – Give a reason – Continue – submit
Items on a PO needs a buyer acceptance
Check for notifications to supplier
Creating Non-Catalogue Requisitions
iProc – Non-Catalogue Request
Fill up and add to cart
Change Delivery Info
Choose Req – Change
Edit Lines
Select – Update
Change qty from 5 to 3 and apply
Select line and copy
Select and update
Change qty to 2
Change delivery location and apply
If required, enter the deliver to address
Apply – Next – Expand show and check
Change Delivery and Billing Info
During Checkout process change default delivery info
Edit Lines
Charge accounts
Split qty into two lines with diff charge accounts.
Apply – submit
Splitting Cost across charge accounts
Choose Req – Change
Edit Lines
Select – split
Change percentage and CCID – Apply
Expand Show and verify – Submit
Adding Attachments
During Checkout – Edit Lines
Fill and Apply
Using P Cards
During Checkout on Billing
Enter P card Number
Add a note to buyer that P Card to be used during PO Processing
Expand Show and verify P card Used = Yes
Enable Supplier authoring in Global BPA.
Open the Global BPA and enable Supplier authoring in Actions - Go
Supplier receives a notification that the BPA is available for update.
In Supplier login, open the notification and Edit Agreement. Change price of line and add lines.
View the Difference summary and submit.
Buyer select agreement in Buyer Work Centre
Query for BPA and choose Respond to Change requests – Go – Accept and submit
See the changes in the search results in iProc.
Supplier receives a notification.
Enable Catalog administrator authoring
Similarly Enable Catalog administrator authoring for the BPA
Go to b2_iproc_Admin_resp3
Select Agreement – Update – Go
Edit the document and submit. It will get approved (Since we have the same person for Cat. admin
and Buyer)
Observe the changes in iproc.
Receive items in iProc
iProc – Receiving
Search for Req number
Select – Next….Submit
iProc – Receiving – Express Receive – Submit

Change the receipt Routing to Standard Receipt and the PO will not appear in receiving in iProc,
as only a Direct Delivery can be received in iproc.
Processing Corrections
iProc – Receiving – Correct Receipts
Search for today’s receipt
Corect qty – Continue
Processing Returns
iProc – Receiving – Return Items
Search for Receipts – Enter Return qty – Next
Reason, RMA
Manage Life Cycle Tracking
iProc – click on a specific requisition
Click on its order
Expand Show of PO details and shipments
Actions – View Receipts
Click on Receipt number and view
Actions – View Invoices
Click on invoice Number and view
Actions – View payments
Click on payment number and view
Actions – View Shipment Details
Click on shipment number and view

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