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Angeles University Foundation

Angeles City
Fundamentals of Nursing Practice

Name:________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Section: _______

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

For test items 1-3:

A. Nursing Diagnosis

B. Medical Diagnosis

1. Impaired gas exchange

2. Altered urinary elimination

3. Acute Renal Failure

4. An activity during diagnosing that analyzes data after comparing them with the standards is called:

A. Labeling B. Recording

C. Interpretation D. Organizing

5. This is the statement of client’s potential or actual alteration of health status.

A. Diagnosis B. Signs & Symptoms

C. Nursing Diagnosis D. Working Diagnosis

For test items 6-9:

A. Actual nursing diagnosis

B. Potential nursing diagnosis

C. Wellness nursing diagnosis

D. Syndrome nursing diagnosis

6. Impaired skin integrity related to decreased circulation as evidenced by an open sore on the sacral area.

7. Readiness for enhanced Knowledge

8. Impaired Physical Mobility: Risk for Impaired Tissue Integrity, Risk for Activity Intolerance, Risk for Constipation,
Risk for Infection, Risk for Injury. Risk for Powerlessness, Impaired Gas Exchange.

9. Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity r/t immobility or decreased peripheral circulation

10. The following are examples of a QUALIFIER, except:

A. Deficient B. Decreased

C. Ineffective D. None of the above

For test items 11-14:

A. Problem B. Etiology

C. Signs & Symptoms D. Secondary to

11. Causal relationship between a problem and its related factors:

12. Component of a Nursing Diagnosis that deals with a diagnostic label:

13. More descriptive and specific pathophysiologic disease process or a medical diagnosis

14. Defining characteristics

For test item 15-18: Guidelines for Writing a Nursing Diagnostic Statement:
A. Make sure that both elements of the statement do not say the same thing

B. Use nursing terminology rather than medical terminology to describe the client’s response.

C. Word the statement so that it is legally acceptable

D. Be sure that cause and effect are correctly stated

15. Impaired Skin Integrity r/t improper positioning

16. Pain r/t severe headache

17. Ineffective Airway Clearance r/t Pneumonia

18. Impaired Skin Integrity r/t ulceration of sacral area

19. The following are types of PLANNING except:

A. Pre-admission planning B. Ongoing planning

C. Discharge planning D. None of the above

20. This is a type of NCP that specifies the nursing care for groups of clients:

A. Informal NCP B. Individualized NCP

C. Standardized NCP D. Formal NCP

21. The following are the steps/activities during the Planning Phase except:

A. Communicating and Documenting the Care Plan

B. Planning nursing interventions with scientific rationales

C. Determining the problem

D. Establishing goals and expected outcomes

For test items 22-25:

A. Scientific rationales B. Nursing interventions

C. Goals D. Expected outcomes

22. These are the specified activities executed by the nursing team:

23. These are general statements:

24. These are underlying reasons:

25. These should be written SMART:

26. This is carrying out the planned nursing activities:

A. Intervention B. Implementation

C. Planning D. Evaluation

For test items 27-30:

A. Independent

B. Interdependent

C. Dependent

27. Activities based on the instruction given by other member of the health team.

28. Activities that the nurse is licensed to initiate based on her knowledge and skills.

29. The doctor orders a therapeutic diet for the patient. The nurse informs the dietician to carry out the order.

30. Furosemide 40 mg. IV STAT.

31. Implementation is directed at meeting the client’s needs through execution of interventions.
A. The statement is correct.

B. The statement is incorrect.

32. The Requirements for Implementation are the following, except:

A. Knowledge

B. Technical skills

C. Communication skills

D. therapeutic communication skills

33. The purpose of EVALUATION is to determine whether to continue, modify or terminate the plan of care.

A. The statement is correct.

B. The statement is incorrect.

34. In EVALUATION, a nurse needs to relate nursing actions to client outcomes.

A. The statement is correct.

B. The statement is incorrect.

35. In DOCUMENTATION, never change another person’s entry, even if it is incorrect.

A. The statement is correct.

B. The statement is incorrect.

36. Any event not consistent with the routine operation of a health care unit. E.g. patient falls, accidental needle
stick injuries, etc.

A. Transfer report

B. Change of shift report

C. Telephone report

D. Incident report

37. Admission history form provides an easy-to-read record of the client’s condition over time

A. The statement is correct.

B. The statement is incorrect

38. Kardex makes information quickly accessible to all health care professionals

A. The statement is correct.

B. The statement is incorrect

For test items 39 which is worth 2 points:

A five-year old boy was rushed to the Emergency Department after turning blue while trying to clear his throat
of secretions. He has been having productive cough since two days prior to coming to the ED. What is the best
nursing diagnosis for this little boy?

A. Ineffective breathing pattern

B. Ineffective airway clearance

C. ineffective gas exchange

Write your answers here. Use CAPITAL LETTERS only.

1. 11. 21. 31.

2. 12. 22. 32.

3. 13. 23. 33.

4. 14. 24. 34.

5. 15. 25. 35.

6. 16. 26. 36.

7. 17. 27. 37.

8. 18. 28. 38.

9. 19. 29. 39.

10. 20. 30. 40.

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