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The Holy month of Ramadan has started to shower Allah’s blessings on all of us.

May Allah give

us courage to work for the engineers’ welfare.  We are continuously striving hard to make you
feel “Proud to be Engineer”.

The few milestones achieved to‐date are as under:‐

Implementation of online Registration & Renewal of Engineers.

A good news! The final review visit of PEC by the Washington Accord ﴾WA﴿ review panel has been successfully
conducted for becoming full signatory of WA. The signatory of WA means substantial equivalence of engineering
qualification among the signatory countries and cross border mobility of engineers in international job market.
PEC is also holding international Young Engineers Convention‐2017 in Karachi after Eid‐ul‐Adha under the
umbrella of Federation of Engineering Institutions of Islamic Countries ﴾FEIIC﴿, where Young Engineers of more than
15 Islamic countries will be participating to discuss common issues in a leadership role.
PEC is granting 10 Excellence Awards based on the best Final Year Design Projects in 10 engineering
disciplines, each of One Million each to encourage and promote the applied design research among the young
engineering graduates.
The homework on Service Structure is almost completed. The Prime Minister has asked the way forward from
the Ministry of Science & Technology and Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform. We are expecting
announcement on “Engineers Service Structure” before end of 2017.
Creating 12,000 jobs for fresh engineers by ensuring the employment of Supervisory License holders with
construction companies.
We are requesting to Government of Punjab & Pakistan regarding 20,000 internships for the unemployed
engineers. You will soon get the announcement.
The MoU has been signed with China Association of Plant Engineering Consultants ﴾CAPEC﴿ to facilitate the
employment of engineers, consultant and construction companies in participation in Chinese projects. The MoU is
available at
PEC has announced subsidized life time subscription scheme for renewal of engineers’ registration @ Rs.
1,000/‐ without charging any arrears/ outstanding dues. Kindly do get life membership as lot of more good news
coming up are connected with the PEC registration card.
PEC is also providing complimentary registration to fresh engineering graduates since 2016.
We have decided to open 12 new offices in all provinces of the country to keep close liaison with engineers
and other stakeholders.
We are opening facilitation centers for engineers and construction companies in all Regional Offices. The
facilitation center at PEC HQ Islamabad is successfully operative and facilitating over 400 engineers, constructor,
operators & consultant companies on daily basis.
Purchased land for PEC Regional Office, Lahore; consultant appointed and the decision of hiring of constructor
will be finalized after Ramadan.
The hiring of constructors for Regional Office, Peshawar and Branch Office, Muzaffarabad ﴾AJ&K﴿ buildings will
also be finalized after Ramadan.
Reforms in accreditation of engineering programs of Higher Education Institutions ﴾HEIs﴿ for ensuring quality
engineering education.
Reforms in CPD bye‐laws regarding the curriculum & format of Engineering Practice Examination ﴾EPE﴿ for
attaining the prestigious title of Professional Engineer ﴾PE﴿ in line with international best practices.
Further, after attaining full membership with FEIAP under the umbrella of UNESCO, PEC has been declared as
Reviewer and Mentor to Central Asian region ‐ meaning thereby a leadership role to the international community.
I will be again in touch with you as and when get more good news for you.

With best regards,

﴾Engr. Jawed Salim Qureshi﴿ 

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