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Toward a Neuroscience of Wisdom
Patrick B. Williams, Howard C. Nusbaum
The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA


1. Toward a Neuroscience of Wisdom 383 1.7 Prosocial Attitudes and Behavior 389
1.1 Roots of Wisdom Research 384 1.8 Emotional Homeostasis and Impulse Control 390
1.2 Modern Wisdom Research 384 1.9 Practice and Wisdom 391
1.3 Neurobiology of Wisdom 385 1.10 Conclusion 393
1.4 Practical Wisdom 387
1.5 Tying Practical Wisdom Philosophy
to Psychobiology 387 References393
1.6 Moral Reasoning 388

1.  TOWARD A NEUROSCIENCE is in line with modern philosophical and psychological

OF WISDOM descriptions, wisdom integrates a balance of cognitive
and social expertise and knowledge.
Wisdom is a quality of human nature that has been In contrast to descriptions arising from ancient west-
discussed extensively throughout history, perhaps most ern philosophy, early eastern descriptions of wisdom,
notably by Aristotle. In modern times, however, despite originating primarily from India and China, emphasized
being considered a pinnacle of human cognition, there emotional balance. While there have been distinct differ-
has been little public discourse about wisdom or its ences in how wisdom was characterized between east-
importance in human enterprise and even less scientific ern and western cultures, there is also significant overlap
study of wisdom, although in recent years this has been in descriptions of wisdom, including aspects of prosocial
increasing. Furthermore, much of the scientific study of consideration, gaining an understanding of oneself and
wisdom has focused on describing the components of others through careful reflection, value relativism, and
wisdom and its association (or lack thereof) with age tolerance.
and not on wisdom as a unified construct or how wis- The empirical study of wisdom began in earnest in the
dom may be cultivated in life, although this too has been 1970s when psychologists began to make inquiries into the
changing in recent research. In general, wise decisions skills and dispositions that contribute to successful aging.
and actions go beyond being smart, clever, or knowl- Accordingly, the initial research on the association of age
edgeable—being wise requires the quality of prudent and wisdom has been driven by folk psychological intu-
judgment based on reflection of the reasons and values itions that wisdom comes with age.1 This makes intuitive
underlying one’s own and others’ thoughts, motivations, sense, as each day that a person lives provides opportu-
and behaviors. Aristotle defined one kind of wisdom as nities to gain and learn from experience, and these expe-
involving practical decisions that lead to human flour- riences may facilitate wisdom.2 It appears then that age
ishing (phronêsis) or well-being, grounding wisdom in may be necessary but certainly not sufficient for wisdom.
a more prosocial notion of human well-being in terms Emotional regulation and reappraisal are two character-
of seeking the highest human good. On this view, which istics that tend to improve with age and may account for

Neuroimaging Personality, Social Cognition, and Character 383 Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

age-related increases in wisdom.3 Furthermore, research In the Aristotelian view, wisdom is treated as an inte-
indicates that everyday practical wisdom increases with grated trait reserved for persons who follow a virtuous
experience,4 which suggests that perhaps instead of age development into male adulthood, though contemporary
being necessary for wisdom, age may serve as a proxy views tend to represent wisdom as a multicomponent
for experience. We need to better understand the kinds characteristic distributed across the general population
of experiences that lead to wisdom. As wisdom research and not restricted to one or another gender.
has developed beyond the scope of associations between Concepts of wisdom go far back into Eastern tradi-
wise reasoning and aging, investigation has shifted focus tions as well, as ancient practices like Buddhism view it
from the nature of context-general wisdom5 to focus on as one part of a series of attributes, trainable by contem-
the practical applications of wisdom and wise reasoning plation, toward a path of enlightenment. Eastern phi-
to complex everyday situations. losophy tends to emphasize wisdom as having a strong
Prior to the relatively recent emergence of multiple component of emotional stability, compared to the
psychological theories, definitions, and descriptions of strong emphasis on knowledge and cognition in West-
wisdom, the study of wisdom was largely the province ern philosophy. However, significant overlap between
of philosophy and religion. Today, wisdom research is Eastern and Western philosophy exists in defining wis-
increasing as researchers across a range of disciplines dom as including components of compassion, altruism,
seek to understand positive human characteristics related and insight. Present-day psychological models of wis-
to well-being and how such characteristics may be culti- dom are varied but have in common a core of attributes
vated. Wisdom is inherently difficult to define, as reflected influenced by these ancient roots, including an extensive
in the numerous psychological definitions that currently knowledge of the world and how it works, social exper-
exist in wisdom literature, though this hardly makes wis- tise based in empathy, compassion, prosocial behavior
dom not worth studying and reflects similar difficulties toward others, and decision-making based on insights
that existed in early intelligence research.6 While varied gained from reflection on oneself and others.8 By view-
across research labs and modes of measurement, there ing wisdom as a synthesis of existing personal charac-
are several commonalities among definitions, such as the teristics situated in specific but varying contexts and
need for a large base of pragmatic knowledge gained from situations, early neuroscientific research into these char-
life experience, self and other reflectiveness, and prosocial acteristics, contexts, situations, and their interactions can
attitudes and behaviors. At the end of a research project help move forward an understanding of the neural bases
supported by the John Templeton Foundation, referred to for wisdom and wise decision-making.
as the Defining Wisdom Project,7 a group of scholars and
scientists proposed the following as a definition:
1.2 Modern Wisdom Research
We distinguish wisdom from intelligence, cleverness, knowl- Ancient philosophers described the nature and func-
edge, and expertise. Wisdom requires moral grounding, but is tion of wisdom, and in recent years, philosophers such
not identical to it (i.e., wisdom must be moral but morality need
not be wise). Wisdom can be observed in individual or collective as Tiberius9 have carried on this tradition, while contrib-
wise action or counsel. Action or counsel is perceived as wise uting further to describe the process by which wisdom
when a successful outcome is obtained in situations involving may be practiced and developed. Tiberius describes
risk, uncertainty, and the welfare of the group. (We recognize wisdom as knowledge and reasoning based on practical
that understanding the definition of a successful outcome is a reflection on the reasons behind decision-making in situ-
substantial problem on its own.) Wisdom flexibly integrates cog-
nitive, affective, and social considerations, but can be studied ations that involve multiple conflicting values, in which
profitably by understanding its constituent elements. Because wise reasoning should lead to the best possible outcome
of the fundamentally multifaceted nature of wisdom, interdisci- for the largest number of people. This description of wis-
plinary discourse is extremely useful in advancing the research. dom is a process model that allows for the development
   of wisdom through life experience. Wise reflection takes
into account one’s own values and perspectives, as well
as the values and perspectives of others affected in a par-
1.1 Roots of Wisdom Research ticular situation or context. Determining the most appro-
By Socrates’ account, wisdom was an awareness of priate or wise action relies on knowing what matters in
and humility toward one’s own knowledge and its limi- a particular situation, presumably based on knowledge
tations. Aristotle further defined wisdom as an intellec- gained from life experience, awareness of the limitations
tual virtue of harmony between plan and action, without of that knowledge, and based on sensitivity to one’s own
regret. He made a distinction between general wisdom, and others’ emotions. In this way, wisdom may increase
as it pertains to the knowledge of a god-like entity, with experience, though the extent to which this rela-
and practical wisdom, which is gained through every- tionship exists depends on the types of experiences that
day experience and insights taken from one’s own life. occur, the perspective taken toward knowledge gained,


1.  Toward a Neuroscience of Wisdom 385
and the ability to reflect on and tolerate multiple con- addition to intelligence and creativity, to be successful in
flicting points of view. Wisdom as practical reflection on the long term. Consider that a leader who is intelligent
the values and reasoning behind beliefs fits well with in a relevant domain, and creative in their approach to
psychological models of wisdom that have developed problem solving, would require pragmatism and inter-
over the latter part of the twentieth and the beginning of personal sensitivity to ensure that wise decisions are car-
the twenty-first century. ried out and are not only self-serving, but also take into
Following initial work by Clayton and colleagues to account the greatest common good. These prominent
understand wisdom as it may relate to aging, the effort models of wisdom suggest that the neuroscientific study
to measure and describe wisdom systematically was ini- of inter and intrapersonal intelligence, mental flexibility
tially led by the Berlin wisdom group, which conceptu- in the form of creativity, value relativism, and ambigu-
alized wisdom as a sort of expert pragmatic knowledge ity tolerance, are good candidates for investigation in the
system based largely in cognitive processes that develop study of the neurobiological bases of wisdom.
with age. The Berlin group describes a multicomponent Personal wisdom varies largely across individuals
model of wisdom using data taken from responses to and grows through life experience but can be described
vignettes describing possible real-life social scenarios as the use of certain types of pragmatic reasoning skills
involving other people. This model includes five inter- that are prosocial and help to navigate and resolve
acting parts including the following: (a) a rich and prac- important life challenges. Like the concept of mul-
tical factual knowledge of the world and its complexities; tiple intelligences,13 wisdom may be conceptualized
(b) a rich procedural knowledge of strategies to solve as a single construct with separable but overlapping
problems related to life; (c) life span contextualization, dimensions.8 The cognitive dimension of wisdom is
or the ability to understand the varying contexts and similar in part to Baltes’ definition of wisdom as a deep
temporal relationships of life; (d) a relativistic point of pragmatic knowledge of life,14 or to Socrates’ concept
view, in which one has an understanding of individual of epistemic humility—to be aware of and to acknowl-
differences in goals and values; and (e) a comfort with edge the limits of what one knows, an acknowledg-
uncertainty and the ability to manage it. Researchers in ment of the positive and negative aspects of human
this group have described wisdom largely by collecting nature, and a willingness to work within the context
from typical people and from individuals deemed to be of inherently limited and often ambiguous knowl-
wise based on responses to a “life-review problem.” Suc- edge. Diminished emotional self-centeredness and a
cess in resolving such problems is determined by trained deeper understanding of others’ affairs characterize
researchers who independently judge responses based the affective dimension of wisdom, which is marked
on the Berlin model of wisdom. by compassion and overlaps with Aristotle’s concept
Wisdom is not pragmatic knowledge alone, but also of wisdom as, by definition, being tied with a virtu-
relies on balancing interpersonal, intrapersonal, and ous disposition. The reflective dimension of wisdom is
extrapersonal interests in order to come to a solution characterized by an increased accuracy in perceiving
that strikes a balance between adapting to the existing reality brought about by looking at it from many differ-
environment, changing this environment, and select- ent points of view. Because it is associated with gaining
ing a new environment.10 In the context of group social a deep understanding of life and because genuine feel-
affiliation and leadership, wisdom exists as a synthesis ings of sympathy and compassion require perspective
of intelligence—the ability to successfully adapt to the taking, reflective wisdom is said to be the most crucial
environment—and creativity—the ability to produce dimension of wisdom, facilitating the cultivation of
high quality, novel, and appropriate solutions for the task cognitive and affective wisdom.
at hand.11 Intelligence in this context refers to pragmatic
intelligence, influenced by personal and social experi-
1.3 Neurobiology of Wisdom
ences, as opposed to abstract reasoning abilities, such as
crystallized intelligence and working memory.4 Wisdom As wisdom is manifested in human thought and
incorporates intelligence and creativity while maintain- behavior within specific contexts and environments, it
ing its role as a unique attribute, as a wise person must will be illuminating to understand the neurobiological
make and carry out decisions on a balance between a need basis of wisdom if it exists as a part of human psychol-
for change, requiring creativity, and a need to maintain the ogy. One seminal overview15 of wisdom research outlines
stability of existing environmental and social structures, a broad set of brain regions associated in the processing
requiring intelligence.12 By this model, a wise person of information related to characteristics aligned with the
would necessarily be both intelligent and creative, but components of wisdom described above. Meeks and
an intelligent or creative person would not necessarily Jeste point out in their analysis that wisdom is a unique
be wise. Successful leaders, for example, require wis- psychological characteristic and not merely a convenient
dom and the disposition to carry out wise decisions, in label for a collection of desirable traits. In this synthesis



of the various extant models and conceptualizations of underpinnings of wisdom components and may not
wisdom, the authors classified wisdom across six cat- represent direct mechanisms for the representation of
egories and mapped each domain to neurobiological wisdom in the brain.
substrates in order to facilitate future research into the Associations between pragmatic decision-making and
neurobiological bases of wisdom. neural activity in the medial prefrontal cortex overlap
Wisdom by this model is a stable but malleable attri- with that of prosocial attitudes and behaviors. In a study
bute broken down to include: (1) prosocial attitudes among business students who viewed moral and non-
and behavior, (2) social decision-making (i.e., pragmatic moral narratives,31 viewing moral narratives evoked
knowledge of life), (3) emotional homeostasis, (4) reflec- greater activation in medial prefrontal cortex, as well as
tion and self-understanding, (5) value relativism, and in the posterior central sulcus and superior temporal sul-
(6) acknowledgment of and dealing effectively with cus, than did nonmoral narratives. Wise reasoning often
uncertainty and ambiguity. The brain regions associ- requires self-regulation of instinctual impulses in the
ated with these categories include frontal and parietal pursuit of a greater good. As such, emotional homeostasis
regions related to intelligence and reasoning,16 as well as is brought about by a coordination of functional activity
cingulate and subcortical regions associated with affect between prefrontal control and emotional regions in the
and reward. The inclusion of cingulate and subcortical cingulate cortex. Specifically, the dorsal anterior cingu-
regions17,18 points to the importance of emotional self- late cortex (dACC)—believed to detect conflict between
regulatory strategies19,20 that bring about the emotional automatic emotional responses and more socially accept-
homeostasis needed for wise decision-making. More able responses—coordinates with the lateral PFC—
specifically, frontal and prefrontal regions interact with believed to coordinate responses in working memory
cingulate and subcortical emotional regions to downreg- that are perceived to be socially advantageous.23 Self
ulate emotion in contexts that require reason and pru- and other reflectiveness also relies on activation of lateral
dent use of intelligence. While neuroscientific research PFC regions, as studies of “Theory of Mind” suggest
into the components of wisdom—such as self and other that this region allows one to inhibit one’s own point of
reflection, moral reasoning, prosocial attitudes and view, in order to take on the perspective of others.24 Fur-
behavior, and emotional homeostasis—indicate a large thermore, patients with lesions to this region are highly
variety of unique and networked regions of activation,21 self-focused and exhibit difficulty in interpreting the
some (such as the medial prefrontal and cingulate cor- social cues of others.25,26 The neural bases of value rela-
tex) appear particularly important for bringing together tivism are somewhat similar to those described for other
cognitive strategies and emotional regulation for the wisdom-related characteristics. Automatic amygdala
goal of wise reasoning. activation in response to the depiction of other races and
If wisdom can be decomposed into constituent cog- ethnicities—depictions in which effort to overcome prej-
nitive and affective components, future investigations udice may contradict automatic emotional responses—is
of how these components develop and change in the mediated by dACC regions that detect such conflict and
specific context of wisdom and wise decision-making lateral PFC regions that regulate reaction.27,28 A thor-
can provide insight into mechanisms by which wisdom ough understanding of these networks of regions, their
is cultivated and how it affects reasoning and decision- individual characteristics, and cross-regional interaction
making. Though the work to date has looked at how the is important for the development of a neurobiologically
different components have been studied largely out- informed model of wisdom and wise decision-making.
side of this context, the overall pattern is that wisdom While outlining how different regions of the brain
arises as higher-order cognitive regions, such as the are associated with components of wisdom does a great
prefrontal cortex, work to regulate immediate reward deal to help in understanding how it is represented in
and emotional processing in striatal and cingulate cor- the brain, there is currently a lack of understanding of
tex structures. Prosocial attitudes and behaviors, for exam- wisdom and its neurobiological foundation as a unified
ple, are associated with the putative mirror neuron construct. If wisdom represents the regular joint action
system—frontal and prefrontal brain regions that show of automatic processing in regions like the amygdala,
the same pattern of activation during both motor per- regions that are controlled upstream by higher-level cor-
formance and observation—and cortical regions that tical prefrontal and cingulate regions, and that wisdom
show activation in response to simulating the mental develops as a practice of practical reflection contexts and
states of others, a process related to Theory of Mind.22 It situations of ambiguous information and interests, we
is important to note in describing associations between would expect that there is an underlying network struc-
attitudes, behaviors, and associations of brain regions ture, albeit dynamically modified, that would relate to
in functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)— wisdom. The development of such a view requires emo-
given the nature of such research—findings presented tional regulation abilities to manage negative emotions
here are merely potential avenues to explore the neural and stress during reasoning and decision-making that


1.  Toward a Neuroscience of Wisdom 387
may arise as one takes in personal and vicarious values compassion, and altruism. Given the need in wise rea-
in coming to an appropriate decision. As such, wisdom soning to take on multiple conflicting points of view,
may be reflected neurobiologically by an increased func- emotional regulation is a critical component of wisdom,
tional and structural connectivity of the brain regions and such regulation is again rooted in the interaction of
described above, implicated in social pragmatic deci- frontal, cingulate, and reward processing regions of the
sion-making, value relativism, emotional homeosta- brain. Of particular interest is how individuals use self-
sis, prosocial attitudes and behaviors, and the skill and reflection and other reflection and social interaction to
disposition to reflect on one’s own and others’ beliefs. overcome individual emotional reactions to stress and
anxiety—owing to the uncertainty and ambiguity that
exists in complex real-life problem solving scenarios,
1.4 Practical Wisdom where personal values and those of others may come
As described, it is commonly understood that wisdom into conflict. Following a review of moral sensitivity
encompasses thoughtful or pragmatic decision-making, and decision-making, prosocial attitudes and behavior,
compassion, prosocial goals, moral judgment, and self-regulation and emotional homeostasis, self/other
insight into personal and interpersonal problem solving reflectiveness, and value relativism, this chapter will put
via practical reflection. As described by Tiberius,29 wis- forward ideas on how wisdom may be developed across
dom depends on a process in which possible decisions or the lifespan and how the components of wisdom may be
choices are evaluated in the context of specific value com- synthesized into a neurobiologically unified construct.
mitments, when those value commitments are grounded
in the virtues. Wise decisions are made by being able 1.5 Tying Practical Wisdom Philosophy 
to flexibly shift perspectives (as in taking another per-
to Psychobiology
son’s perspective or the perspective of another culture)
and comparing the value commitments for other per- After the dust settles following a particularly chal-
spectives for making decisions. As such, wise decisions lenging situation, decisions are often judged as wise
depend on epistemic humility (recognizing the impor- when they are shown to lead to the largest benefit for the
tance of other value commitments, knowledge, and greatest number of people over the long-term. Wise rea-
perspectives than one’s own), on reflection (being able soning then depends on thought processes that take into
to think analytically about value commitments and per- account multiple points-of-view and an understanding
spectives, as well as engage others in discourse about of the larger third-person perspective. Reducing uncer-
these), perseverance and the willingness to engage in tainty and confusion in conflict resolution may require
intellectual struggle to deal with difficult problems or what philosopher Valery Tiberius29 refers to as practical
choices, and cognitive creativity to seek solutions that reflection. Such reflection must take into account not only
may not be apparent. These are all very high-level psy- the facts as they pertain to the context and situation, but
chological constructs that are rooted in the flexible use of also one’s personal values and the possibly conflicting
attention, working memory, long-term memory, reason- values of others. Taking into account the values of others
ing and problem solving, sophistication of language use is not just a matter of knowing what is important to other
and knowledge, social interaction and understanding, people—it also depends on feeling the impact of those
and emotional reasoning. Given that there is not a single value commitments. In order to realize that impact, it is
language region, memory region, or knowledge region important to be able to adopt someone else’s perspective.
in the brain, understanding the neurobiological bases of As a result, wise reflection depends on flexibility in shift-
wisdom will depend on the interaction of complex neu- ing perspective. In this way, reflection and perspective
ral networks. taking are central to wise reasoning, and both rely largely
Wisdom can therefore be characterized as a complex on the cognitive awareness of facts and contingencies, as
psychological process that is related to interactions of well as on the subjective sense of possible affective out-
higher-order processing in the cortex, emotional activity comes of decision-making. This description incorporates
in cingulate cortices, and reward processing in striatal psychological constructs of wisdom by requiring a strong
regions of the brain, as well as insula processing related pragmatic knowledge base, the ability to reflect on one’s
to homeostatic regulation and, along with other regions own values and the values of others, and the disposition
such as the amygdala, sensitivity to risks and negative to carry out reasoned decision-making with regard for
outcomes. To the degree that wisdom is considered social goods. Further, wisdom and wise reflection sug-
the successful integration of thought and affect during gests a process by which wisdom could be practiced and
decision-making, the discussion of potential neuroscien- cultivated.
tific models of wisdom is related to the way individuals In situations that require wisdom, decisions are based
make moral decisions based on a pragmatic knowledge on value judgments. Values differ between and within
of life and how such decisions are rooted in empathy, groups of people. Therefore, people have some level of



consideration that their values are justified. However, Moral sensitivity refers to the awareness of how dif-
as Tiberius points out,29 sometimes this is just a sense ferent individuals or groups of individuals may be
that values are justifiable, which means that people affected by the outcome of a decision based on a particu-
sometimes accept what others around them do (perhaps lar issue.30 Given the overlap of personal experience and
through culture) and that there exists some justification taking into account the perspective of others in making
that could be recovered in some fashion. Sometimes, wise and moral decisions, it follows that neural regions
justification simply occurs at a gut level through some underpinning moral sensitivity are those associated
intuitive sense from cultural exposure, but value justifi- with autobiographical memory retrieval and social per-
cation can also be based on reflection from internal con- spective taking processes.31 Moral sensitivity is itself a
siderations, as well as from discussions with others. In prerequisite for ethical decision-making, which is central
general, this view suggests that we generally take a per- to wise reasoning about human social behavior.
spective in which one set of value commitments holds Functional magnetic resonance imaging, in which the
and for a reflective person, these value commitments metabolic activity of neurons and glial cells is used as
frame the decision process. A wise person can go beyond a proxy for activation of large regions of neural tissue,
this process, flexibly shifting perspectives to adopt or points to three main brain regions as important for moral
consider other value commitments than their own, and sensitivity.31 These regions include the medial prefron-
the value commitments of the wise person in some per- tal cortex (MPFC), the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC),
spectives are grounded in virtues such as generosity or and the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS). The
kindness. This does not necessarily mean that wise rea- MPFC has been implicated in both implicit and explicit
soning through practical reflection leads to objectively moral decision-making32–34 and is tied to self-monitoring
correct conclusions, but such reflection leads to decisions behavior and self-referential processing. In contrast to
that are based on what is known and on a mental simu- self-referential processing, the MPFC with the temporo-
lation of how outcomes of wise reasoning will play into parietal junction (TPJ) is also associated with theorizing
one’s own interests, as well as the interests of others. about others’ states of mind, also known as mentalizing
Because the wise person takes into consideration or Theory of Mind (ToM).35 This implies that moral sen-
the outcomes and prospects of his or herself, as well as sitivity may be a perspective taking process that involves
those of others, wise decisions require moral sensitivity both self-knowledge, as well as other knowledge and
to understand the relativity of values across individu- reflections.
als. Such an understanding can facilitate outcomes of The PCC has been linked to emotional evaluations
wise reasoning that lead to the greater good of all those of the appropriateness of responses to personal moral
involved in a particular situation or context. Moral sen- dilemmas32 and may serve as an interface between emo-
sitivity has been studied extensively using psychological tion and cognition.36 It is possible that the PCC facilitates
and neuroscientific methods, the results of which char- moral sensitivity by integrating emotional, cognitive,
acterize it as being paramount for decision-making that and affective memories of past moral conflicts. The
leads to the greatest benefit for self, others, and society pSTS and adjacent TPJ contribute to moral sensitivity
as a whole. by facilitating the integration of one’s personal point of
view with the point of view of others, which facilitates
empathic emotions such as guilt and compassion.37
1.6 Moral Reasoning Because it facilitates moral and ethical decision-
Wise reasoning relies on the ability to frame reasoning making, moral sensitivity is an antecedent of wisdom, and
in the context of moral values not only from one’s own its understanding may contribute to a greater discourse
point of view, but also from the perspective of other peo- about wisdom in national and international enterprise.
ple and groups. The ability to use moral value commit- Its training may facilitate greater wisdom, particularly
ments relies both on moral sensitivity and the disposition given that postconventional reasoning—principles of
to carry out moral decisions. To balance decision-making moral reasoning in which social good is placed above
in such a way as to account for personal goals and goals personal or selfish motives—has been shown to plateau
for a larger group or society as a whole, moral sensitivity during professional development unless ethics interven-
and decision-making relies on autobiographical memo- tions are present. Professional enterprise may be consid-
ries of past decision-making during moral conflicts, as ered a largely moral enterprise, and decisions taken in
well as on perspective taking to gain insight into possible business that affect many partners and associates across
outcomes of decision-making for others. Flexibly using a range of situations and contexts require wise reason-
one’s own and others’ perspectives and goals relies on ing, making it a critical environment for the practice of
both cognitive and affective systems in cortical and sub- wise reasoning. Professional educational research sug-
cortical regions of the brain related to affect, intention, gests that moral reasoning may be trained through the
memory, perspective taking, and decision-making. implementation of ethics interventions in professional


1.  Toward a Neuroscience of Wisdom 389
education settings.38 It is possible that the use of such In a meta-analysis of almost 80 studies, Seitz and col-
interventions could generally impact wisdom, and leagues40 found that the MPFC, for example, plays a
future interdisciplinary research is needed to investigate prominent role in multiple separable components of
this possibility. empathy. These components relate to cognitions, emo-
tions, and intentions to act triggered by internal and
external states of introspection and mentalizing. Fur-
1.7 Prosocial Attitudes and Behavior thermore, these processes are coordinated via functional
As has been described, wisdom requires the process- connectivity between the MPFC and the anterior cingu-
ing of personal values and perspectives in coordination late cortex (ACC), as internal thoughts and emotions and
with the points of views and possibly conflicting values external circumstances may come into conflict during
and perspectives of others. It follows that wise reason- social interaction.
ing requires empathy and compassion in coordinating Mentalizing refers to the ability to identify and com-
personal thoughts and behaviors with those of other prehend the beliefs, intentions, traits, and emotions of
people within a particular context or situation. Empathy oneself and others,41 and core regions subserving these
is a feeling or sense of sameness between one’s emotions functions include the MPFC and the TPJ. Mentalizing
and those experienced by others. Empathy may lead to is more than the mental simulation of others’ thoughts
prosocial behavior, but it could also cause the kind of and feelings and requires some conceptual knowledge of
distress that leads to disengagement from the empathy- how the mind works.35 Recent research has shown that
inducing circumstance. Wise reasoning must strike a mentalizing skills are stronger among individuals from
balance between dampening empathic distress while interdependent cultures than among people from indi-
increasing empathic concern, so that feelings of vicari- vidualistic cultures, and these differences are likely due
ous distress do not interfere with social reasoning pro- to a decreased self-centeredness and increased focus on
cesses that may facilitate prosocial behavior. the importance of others’ thoughts, feelings, and moti-
Empathy can be broken down into cognitive and vations.42 While this does not speak to wisdom directly,
affective components, reflecting differences in the men- these findings imply that wisdom may be manifested in
tal understanding and affective mirroring of others’ different ways across different cultures.
thoughts, feelings, and intentions. The first step of cog- Empathy may be central for the self-control of behav-
nitive empathy is in distinguishing one’s own feelings, ior, as it is thought to allow the subjective experience
thoughts, and intentions from those of others. Following of others’ mental and affective states,43 which in turn
this cognitive distinction, one may imagine how another informs present and future social behavior. Evidence
person feels or believes in a manner that will not overly suggests that the accomplishment of cognitive functions
tax one’s own emotional state. With this imagined model related to empathy is brought about by large-scale cor-
of others’ states of mind, it is then possible to extrapo- tical networks through nodes of convergence that link
late future thoughts, feelings, intentions, and behaviors. info from different and varying sources. These nodes
Though, to the degree that this mental model is built on include the temporal pole, which gives access to knowl-
one’s existing understanding of the world and its work- edge of past experience; the superior temporal sulcus,
ings, predictions will have varying degrees of accuracy. which provides information about observed behavior;
As an interaction of lower-level emotional processes in and MPFC, which serves to link cognitive information
the automatic mirroring of others’ emotions, and higher- to basic emotion44 and is recruited preferentially by
level cognitive control of these reactions, empathy mentalizing processes, but only very rarely for nonso-
recruits affective regions in subcortical, as well as more cial executive functioning such as working memory and
highly evolved medial prefrontal regions that are impli- attention.45 The social nature of wise reasoning and the
cated in the coordination of emotion and behavior. differential use of the MPFC between social and nonso-
Social situations involving multiple persons or cial processing reflects the difference between wisdom
groups—within uncertain and ambiguous contexts and and more commonly studied processes, such as intelli-
in which the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of others gence and attention.
in respect to the self may be very different—can give rise Humans are social animals, and virtually all actions,
to negative emotional responses. For wise reasoning to from external behaviors to internal thoughts and
take place, negative feelings in situations of ambiguity desires, occur in response to others.46 As such, wise
must be regulated and reflected upon, so that the most reasoning in social settings relies on empathy (which
appropriate actions can be executed. Given the previous one may use to understand the feelings of others), com-
description of moral sensitivity as taking into account passion, or a feeling that motivates helping behavior.
personal and vicarious points of view, the cognitive and Vital to the development and sense of empathy is an
emotional processes underlying empathy share neuro- awareness of others’ emotions, as well as emotional
physiological bases with processes of moral reasoning.39 regulation to maintain a self-other affective distinction.



As such, empathy is a complex form of psychological Specifically, emotional regulation is largely understood
inference in which memory, knowledge, and reasoning as a cognitive regulation of emotional appraisal and
are combined to yield insights into the thoughts and response through a dampening of emotional and impul-
feelings of others.47 Put another way, empathy incorpo- sive responses in the ventral striatum by the prefrontal
rates a cognitive component of knowing what another cortex.52–54 Evidence suggests that emotional regulation
person is feeling, an affective component of feeling strategies are used without deficit across the lifespan,
what another person is feeling, and a behavioral com- though the mechanisms by which these regulation strat-
ponent of intending to respond compassionately to the egies are carried out changes with old age.
distress of others. However, not all empathic responses One way in which negative feelings may be regulated
are cognitive, affective, and intentional, as sociopaths in social conflicts, like those associated with wise rea-
and patients with lesions to the MPFC may be capable soning, is through a strategy of cognitive reappraisal.
of cognitive, but not affective, empathy, and even in Cognitive reappraisal refers to a flexible regulatory
the case that one feels and knows another’s emotional strategy that draws on cognitive control and executive
state, this does not necessitate action to alleviate such functioning to reframe stimuli or situations within the
vicarious distress. Furthermore, one may be moved to environment to change their meaning and emotional
compassionate responding without affectively resonat- valence.55 These functions and processes are associ-
ing with their pain. ated with activation within the PFC and the posterior
To reason wisely, it is not enough to simply reflect the parietal cortex.32 Recent research suggests that both
emotions of others and predict future outcomes based on young and older adults use cognitive reappraisal strat-
these predictions. It is also important to reflect on one’s egies, despite evidence of age-related declines in PFC
own model of how the world works and how others volume.56 However, reappraisal in old age appears
work within it. This reflects the idea that an understand- to rely even more on PFC activation than in youth,
ing of how the world and people within it work is never particularly at points of peak emotional experience.
complete or accurate, and that only by careful reflection Additionally, integration of PFC with other cognitive
on one’s own and others’ internal states and external regulation regions, such as the ACC, is as robust in old
circumstances can one come to more accurately predict age as in young adulthood.57 This suggests that how
and prepare for the future. Such reflection on one’s own people maintain emotional homeostasis changes over
internal state in comparison to others—in either case, the lifespan, without degrading as with other cognitive
these emotions may be dissonant—takes emotional functions.
self-regulation. Older and young adults similarly recruit the ACC
when using cognitive reappraisal strategies, but the
network of functional connectivity between this region
1.8 Emotional Homeostasis and Impulse Control and others is what appears to set older adults apart from
Emotional homeostasis refers to emotional stability youth.57 The ACC plays an important role in emotional
in the face of uncertainty,48 which is considered in the homeostasis, as its activation is associated with conflict
Ardelt Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale to be a part of detection. Functional connectivity in this circumstance
the affective dimension of wisdom.49 As it takes place by refers to the network of regions that are similarly active
an interaction of cognitive and affective processes, emo- with the ACC during moments of cognitive reappraisal.
tional homeostasis is associated with functional changes While both youth and older adults show ACC and PFC
in lateral and medial prefrontal cortices, as well as in activation during cognitive reappraisal, unlike young
orbital frontal cortices and the amygdala.15 Emotional adults, elders recruit regions associated with the inhibi-
self-regulation is associated with old age, such that posi- tion of negative emotional reactivity in the lateral por-
tive affect increases across the lifespan.50 Neuroscientific tion of the orbital frontal cortex. Younger adults recruit
findings suggest that emotional regulation strategies dorsolateral and dorsomedial cortices, which are asso-
change over the lifespan, as individuals in later life seek ciated with the manipulation of reappraisal in working
emotional homeostasis through cognitive regulation, memory and the monitoring of the success of cognitive
regulate negative affect, and feel good in the present reappraisal. As the affective dimension of wisdom is
moment.51 described, not only as an increase in positive emotions
It can be argued that those who become wiser in old in the face of uncertainty, but also as a decrease in nega-
age are those who can successfully regulate emotional tive emotions,8 that older adults differentially recruit
responding in complex personal and social situations. regions associated with the inhibition of negative affect
Like other components of wisdom, such as moral rea- compared to youths is in line with this view of wisdom.
soning, emotional homeostasis requires an interaction of Experience with life problems and adversity across the
both cognitive and emotional abilities, which is reflected lifespan may also lead to changes in the way that prob-
in the interplay of corresponding neural substrates. lems are represented in memory, such that older adults’


1.  Toward a Neuroscience of Wisdom 391
working memory is not as taxed in situations requiring By careful analysis of decisions and reaction times, the
wise reasoning. authors were able to determine that increased perspec-
tive taking abilities stemmed from a focusing of atten-
tion toward others and away from the self. Given the
1.9 Practice and Wisdom Chinese culture of interdependence, increased perspec-
As described in this chapter, wisdom develops with tive taking comes about because the self is defined by
life experience, though the type of experience and reac- its relationship with others, increasing the importance of
tivity of the individual in context is critical to the cultiva- and focus on the role that others play, as well as of their
tion of wisdom. Wise reasoning seems to be invoked by actions, knowledge, and needs. Kessler and colleagues61
the ability to reflect on one’s own and other’s thoughts, have additionally found that Westerners are slower than
beliefs, and actions, by empathy, compassion, and pro- East Asians at tasks involving embodied perspective
social behavior, and by epistemic humility—the Socratic taking and show stronger gender differences in speed
notion I know one thing: that I know nothing. If wisdom may and depth of mental perspective taking. Taken together,
be increased by some intervention, this may occur by tar- these results suggest that individuals with a stronger
geting specific components of wisdom that are thought ability to take on the thoughts, emotions, and motiva-
malleable, such as perspective taking, compassion, and tions of others, rather than simply imagining their visual
prosocial behavior. There are gender and cultural differ- point of view are better perspective-takers and have
ences in perspective taking, which may inform ways in increased associated social skills. It is possible that such
which perspective taking may be targeted for improve- increases are also associated with increased wise decision-
ment, and recent research indicates that certain forms making, though continued research must be conducted
of contemplative practice may train key components of into whether this is the case.
wisdom, such as compassion. Complementary to this One method by which perspective taking may be
research, our lab has shown that certain structured prac- enhanced is by structured meditation practice. Partici-
tices, such as meditation and even ballet, are associated pants trained in a secularized compassion meditation
with increases in wisdom. While research into the culti- program (cognitive-based compassion training; CBCT)
vation of wisdom by practice is only beginning, it holds show increased empathic accuracy in the Reading the
great promise for the development of curriculum for the Mind in the Eyes Task (RMET), compared to an active
intentional teaching of wisdom. control group.62 The RMET involves identifying the
The ability to take others’ perspectives is vital to affect expressed in a series of black-and white-pictures
reflecting on others’ points of view, which contributes of eyes, requiring the cognitive simulation of others’ feel-
to wise reasoning. Perspective taking is often linked to ings from minimal visual cues, and performance has been
ToM, or the ability to take on the mental states of others shown to improve with the experimental administration
to understand their emotions, motivations, and frames of of oxytocin,63 a hormone associated with social bond-
mind, and how these differ from our own.58 An extensive ing. Mascaro and colleagues claim that meditation could
literature shows that these abilities develop during the act as a behavioral intervention to enhance empathy by
preschool ages of three to five years old,59,60 and ToM and defending against deleterious nervous system responses
related skills continue to develop throughout life. While during stressful or adversarial situations. If the medita-
ToM skills develop similarly in all typically developing tion experience leads to increased understanding of oth-
children, interdependent East Asian cultures tend to ers’ emotions, which in turn increases interpersonal and
have increased abilities in ToM compared to individual- prosocial interactions, this could indicate that it increases
istic cultures, such as those in Western countries. Further, wisdom over a period of sustained practice.
gender differences in ToM that are evidenced in West- Interventions based in the practice of loving-kindness
ern cultures, whereby females score higher on tests of meditation have also been used in recent years to facili-
mentalizing compared to males, are not as strong among tate increased compassionate feelings and responding.
East Asian cultures.61 Understanding the mechanisms by Recent interest in the experimental manipulation of
which these differences occur can help to inform future compassion for the easement of suffering and promotion
interventions aimed at increasing perspective taking and of prosocial behavior have deep roots in ancient contem-
facilitating the reflective nature of wisdom. plative practices linked to the cultivation of wisdom and
Evidence that an interdependent point of view may cessation of suffering.64 A steadily growing body of liter-
lead to better perspective taking comes from research ature is building the case that brief compassion training
in which either Chinese or American participants were may increase positive interpersonal skills and behavior,
asked to follow instructions on how to move objects skills that are important for wisdom and wise reasoning.
in a grid, following a director’s instructions.42 Chinese Further, these changes in interpersonal skills have been
participants in this study made fewer critical mistakes— tied to changes in different networks of activation in the
mistakes that required perspective taking to avoid. brain related to affiliation and perception of pain.65



Some of the earliest studies of compassion provide evi- Meditation is generally associated with characteristics
dence of increased wisdom-related skills and dispositions, that have also been identified as essential components of
such as increased support and implicit positive evaluation wisdom, such as regulation of attention, self-control, and
of others following compassion-state induction brought interpersonal understanding.15,62,71 Wisdom incorpo-
about by a brief loving-kindness meditation.60,66 In a study rates several interrelated characteristics that seem linked
of loving-kindness meditation, participants who practiced to meditation. For example, greater wisdom is associ-
only a brief meditation showed increased connectivity to ated with increased prosocial behavior, based around
and positive regard for others, compared to controls.67 In both self-reflection and compassion.8,72 Furthermore, the
a more recent study, in which participants played a social openness, curiosity, and acceptance of experience found
Simon task, which measures the integration of their own in meditation is similar to several components of wis-
and others’ perspectives in decision-making, practicing dom, including tolerance and value relativism, the devel-
Buddhists showed greater self-other integration than non- opment of pragmatic knowledge of life, and the ability
religious controls.67 Moreover, in a study that used mag- to effectively deal with uncertainty and ambiguity.72,73
netic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure cortical gray Though the practice comes in many forms, meditation
matter volume in expert meditators compared to novices, often involves the cultivation of characteristics belong-
experts had greater gray matter volume in regions of the ing to a state of mindful awareness. These characteris-
brain associated with affective regulation.68 This suggests tics break down into self-regulation of attention and an
that increased social-connectedness, and subsequently investigative awareness characterized by openness, curi-
increased compassion and empathy, are related to long- osity, and acceptance of experience.74 This state of open
lasting effects of meditation practice over time. awareness is thought to lead eventually to the accep-
More recently, compassion training has been associ- tance of experiences that may otherwise cause stress,
ated with decreased negative affect in response to vid- thereby allowing meditation practitioners to navigate
eos depicting others in distress—videos that previously life with lower anxiety and increased cognitive capacity
elicited increased negative affect following a similar in the present moment. In a study of focused-breathing
program to train empathy in the same participants.65 meditation, for example, trained participants viewed
The authors of this study used behavioral and neurobio- both neutral and negative pictures significantly less
logical measures to suggest that compassion increases negatively and were more willing to view optional nega-
the ability to cope with distress not by suppression of tive pictures than were control participants,75 suggesting
negative emotions in response to suffering, but by the lowered stress responses to negative stimuli. Research
generation and strengthening of positive affect. This is in into mental training associated with meditation has been
line with the concept of the wise individual as one who linked to lowered anxiety,76 and lowered anxiety can
does not push away negative emotions, but instead sees in turn free up valuable cognitive resources like work-
things from a larger perspective in order to cope with ing memory (a short-term memory system involved in
a situation appropriately. Compassion training has fur- cognitive control). When working memory resources
ther been associated with increased prosocial behavior are disrupted by anxiety, performance can suffer,77 but
in both laboratory-based and in real-world settings.68,69 interventions that reduce worrying and decrease anxi-
This recent body of research holds promise for the devel- ety have been shown to boost cognitive performance.78
opment of programs to cultivate wisdom through com- Meditation practice may play a similar intervening
passion, possibly through long-term changes in regions role, in that lowering anxiety frees up mental resources,
of the brain associated with empathy, feelings of affilia- creating a reflective mental space that promotes wise
tion with others, and prosocial behavior. decision-making.
Research from our own lab (in review) indicates that The ability to deal successfully with hardship corre-
meditation and certain structured practices, such as bal- lates with an increase in psychological health for elders
let, are associated with increased cognitive, reflective, identified as wise and may be a prerequisite for the devel-
and compassionate dimensions of wisdom, as measured opment of wisdom.79 By improving psychological health,
by Ardelt’s Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3DWS8). it is possible that practicing meditation helps people deal
The association between wisdom and meditation is not with hardship in a more successful and wise manner.
surprising, given the above-described findings and his- Meditation practice in general, and mindfulness practice
torical associations between meditation and the devel- in particular, is associated with improvements in psycho-
opment of wisdom in Buddhist and Taoist traditions.70 logical well-being, as evidenced by improvements across
The association between wisdom and ballet experience a variety of psychiatric disorders, such as depression,
is more surprising, for while ballet requires great physi- anxiety, and addiction.80 Regular meditation practice then
cal and mental self-regulation to excel to high levels of may provide psychologically healthy individuals with
expertise, as a practice, it is not typically associated with resources to handle a challenge rather than viewing it
wisdom or wise reasoning. as a threat. It is also true that many people are attracted


References 393
to begin meditation as a means to deal with hardship, needed. As an advance in wisdom research along these
which suggests the possibility of a self-selection bias lines, we have shown that one form of structured prac-
toward meditation favoring those who develop wisdom. tice, meditation, which tends to focus on self and other
Future research utilizing interventions among medita- reflection, is associated with increased wisdom. How-
tion for naïve individuals is needed to further understand ever, future research is needed to better understand this
whether meditation experience leads directly to the devel- relationship, and through what mechanism—such as
opment of wisdom and over what time frame. by increased practice reflecting on oneself or others—
meditation may affect wisdom.
Prior to the wisdom research of the latter part of the
1.10 Conclusion twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first cen-
While wisdom has been a topic of discussion and tury, wisdom was largely ignored by science and was
debate among philosophers for thousands of years, wis- little spoken of outside of these research paradigms,
dom research did not begin in earnest until the second perhaps because of the somewhat mysterious and
half of the twentieth century, led by researchers inter- fuzzy nature of wisdom as a topic. By understanding
ested in its association with successful aging.1,14,81 Such the underpinnings of wisdom, both psychologically as
research gained momentum near the beginning of the well as neurobiologically, it may be possible to develop
twenty-first century, as a consensus grew toward a uni- interventions or classroom curricula that cultivate wise
fied definition of wisdom, or at least wisdom as it exists reasoning. As a nation that seeks to cultivate entrepre-
within individuals. Of particular interest in the context neurship and innovation, intelligence and creativity are
of this chapter is the development of research into the prized characteristics. However, as has been described
neurobiological underpinnings of personal wisdom. in this chapter, successful aging takes something beyond
Based on a study of wisdom experts,82 there is now intelligence and creativity, specifically the wisdom to
some agreement over what constitutes the character- know when to apply intelligence and when to apply
istics of wisdom. In a development that promotes the creativity in a prudent and prosocial manner.
unification of wisdom as a construct in the psychologi-
cal literature, these characteristics largely fall into three
categories that align with the cognitive, reflective, and Acknowledgment
affective dimensions of wisdom developed by Monica Preparation of this chapter was supported by the John Templeton
Ardelt8 for the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Model. A rich Foundation.
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