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Hypersexuality and Neuroimaging Personality,
Social Cognition, and Character
John R. Absher1,2,3,4
1University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, Greenville, SC, USA; 2Via College of Osteopathic
Medicine, Spartanburg, SC, USA; 3Alliance for Neuro Research, LLC, Greenville, SC, USA;
4Absher Neurology, P.A., Greenville, SC, USA


1. Introductory Questions and Definitions 3 2.2.1 Frontal Lobes 8

1.1 Questions 3 2.2.2 Temporal Lobes 10
1.2 Definitions 4 2.2.3 Other Brain Areas 11
1.3 Definition of Hypersexuality and Rationale
3. The Many Challenges of NPSCC with
for Inclusion 5
Hypersexuality as an Example 13
1.4 Hypothetical Hypersexuality Scenario 6
3.1 The Lesion Method 13
2. Hypersexuality without and with Structural 3.2 Newer Imaging Techniques 14
Brain Lesions 7
4. Summary 15
2.1 PSCC in Non-Brain-Lesion HS Subjects 7
2.2 Brain Lesions and Hypersexuality 7 References15

1.  INTRODUCTORY QUESTIONS AND determine these phenomena across the lifespan in health
DEFINITIONS and disease? Are there neuroimaging techniques that
clearly differentiate personality, social cognition, and
character (PSCC) from other basic mental operations
1.1 Questions
related to cognition? What biological processes explain
Can neuroimaging improve our understanding of the differences between a transient state (e.g., sadness)
personality, social cognition, and character (NPSCC)? and a persistently depressed temperament or trait? To
The human brain determines the best and worst aspects what extent do free will, belief, emotional regulation,
of humanity. This deterministic view presupposes that and cognitive capacity enable (for example) fear to be
a person may misbehave because there is something overcome by determination, lust to be subdued by moral
wrong with the brain, and they may behave magnifi- beliefs, or anxiety to be calmed by self-reflection? Such
cently due to something special happening in the brain. questions are motivation for this volume.
NPSCC is an important vantage point for the study of Some of the more epistemological questions may
how the brain permits us to be unique, creative, intel- extend beyond NPSCC. For example, what are the crite-
ligent, loving, generous, and socially adept creatures. ria that define the penetrance or expressivity of determin-
What does neuroimaging reveal about the neural under- istic influences, the boundaries of free will, the aspects of
pinnings of our personalities, social cognition, and char- PSCC that are malleable, and those that are unalterably
acter? How does personality relate to social behavior imbedded into the genetic code, brain organization, and
and character, and how do brain structure and function chemoarchitecture? Can neuroimaging unambiguously

Neuroimaging Personality, Social Cognition, and Character 3 Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

distinguish the immutable from the malleable aspects of in the same individuals).152–165 Many studies examine
brain function? Neuroimaging is one of a broad array volume changes over time in groups, often comparing
of tools and academic disciplines that must be utilized one subgroup to another. Voxel-based morphometry
to address such profound questions, and NPSCC may, (VBM) enables statistical analyses among images trans-
therefore, be of great interest to scholars from a broad formed to stereotaxic space, both within subjects over
array of intellectual disciplines,1 even if its perspectives time and between subjects.166 Diffusion tensor imaging
offer a limited or partial perspective. (DTI)167 and diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI)168 map
This introductory chapter is focused on several spe- white matter tracts using diffusion MRI. These tech-
cific aims: niques are the backbone of brain morphometry: length
or thickness, surface area, volume, changes in volume
1. T  o define some of the key NPSCC terms used
over time, or differences in volume among study groups.
throughout this volume
Anatomical connectivity may be defined by DTI and
2. To provide a brief overview of hypersexuality as a
DSI, and effective or functional connectivity can also be
structure within which major NPSCC themes are
defined using MRI. In addition, chemoarchitecture, cyto-
presented (as an exemplar of NPSCC research),
architecture, receptor type and density, and dendritic
spine density and organization may be defined using
a. Personality, social cognition, and character (PSCC)
many neuroscientific techniques that complement struc-
all impact hypersexuality
tural mapping and analysis. For pertinent overviews,
b. Brain lesions that produce hypersexuality may
see the ENIGMA Consortium,169 the Human Connec-
also influence PSCC
tome Project,170 Dennis and Thompson,171 or Catani and
c. The brain networks and structures implicated in
Thiebaut de Schotten.172
hypersexuality are involved in many aspects of
Functional neuroimaging techniques measure aspects
of brain function, such as glucose or oxygen metabolism,
d. The complexities of hypersexuality research
global or regional cerebral blood flow, electrical activity,
mirror those encountered in other aspects of
neurotransmitter receptor or transporter activity, or tis-
sue concentrations of specific chemical moieties. These
3. To introduce the limitations of narrow
techniques reveal both structural and functional infor-
localizationism and present the three most important,
mation. Electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoen-
overlapping, integrated, and complementary brain
cephalography (MEG), and evoked potentials (EP) may
networks related to hypersexuality
be mapped to the cortical surface.173 Single photon emis-
4. To summarize the structural and functional imaging
sion computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission
approaches to NPSCC, focusing on contributions
tomography (PET), functional MRI (fMRI),174 MR spec-
from lesion studies of hypersexuality to provide a
troscopy, and perfusion CT scanning are all mapped in
historical backdrop for NPSCC
three dimensions throughout the brain. New tools and
5. To summarize some of the complexities and
techniques continue to expand this list, such as func-
challenges specific to neuroimaging
tional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), which may
6. To revisit hypersexuality in the closing section and
reveal “between-brain connectivity during dynamic
recapitulate relevant findings from the literature that
interactions between two subjects.”175
directly relate to PSCC themes, some of which are
These functional neuroimaging tools can quantify
developed in great detail in this volume
and localize many types of brain activity. Depending on
the techniques employed, they may reveal information
on the millisecond time scale, or in some cases, minutes
1.2 Definitions to hours. For example, EEG and EP can reveal changes in
Neuroimaging is a term used to capture a broad array electrical activity at the millisecond level, while mapping
of structural and functional imaging technologies. Struc- glucose metabolism with PET may require 30–60 min.174
tural neuroimaging includes all scales of anatomical Many clinical, experimental, demographic, genetic, and
imaging, from gross sectional anatomy (e.g., the Visible other variables may be linked statistically in time and
Human Project)2 to the subcellular level.3,4 Cranial com- space to brain function using such techniques to reveal
puterized tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance new and important insights into the complexities of per-
imaging (MRI) are the primary modalities used for struc- sonality, social cognition, and character, as emphasized
tural neuroimaging, as applied in NPSCC research, and in this volume.
may provide measures in one dimension (e.g., cortical Stanley and Adolphs summarize additional strategies
thickness),5–28 two dimensions (surface area),5–7,9,10,20,29–34 for relating structure to function in social neuroscience
three dimensions (volume),5,6,8–11,13,15–17,24,29,34–151 or research,176 such as computational neuroscience, optoge-
even four dimensions (e.g., change in volume over time netics (primarily for animal studies), and others. Recent

1.  Introductory Questions and Definitions 5
developments may permit “Optogenetics, a technology setting.182 Understanding others requires the ability to
that allows scientists to control brain activity by shin- read behavioral cues to gain insight into a target’s per-
ing light on neurons, [and] relies on light-sensitive sonality and character, processing a vast and dynamic
proteins that can suppress or stimulate electrical signals stream of contextually embedded multimodal informa-
within cells,” to be applied to human studies.177 Such tion and developing beliefs derived from these cues,
techniques promise tantalizing options for functional processes which may be affected by the stage of brain
imaging approaches to NPSCC research. For example, development, acquired or congenital deficits (e.g., deaf-
deactivating specific elements of a network using opto- ness), and other factors.183 To the extent that personality
genetics may enable scientists to test the effects of local- and character are defined in relation to an individual’s
ized cortical failure, in real time, in individuals with interactions with others in social situations, social neuro-
otherwise perfectly healthy brains, and to extend the science also encompasses these components of NPSCC.
progress gained through techniques such as transcranial An attempt to define human character traits is offered
direct current stimulation (tDCS),177b transcranial mag- by Miller:
netic stimulation (TMS),177c and human intracranial elec-
trophysiology (HIE).177d “(a) They [character traits] are personality trait dispositions
which manifest as beliefs, desires, and/or actions of a certain
Personality has been defined as “an individual’s
sort appropriate to that trait, as a result of being stimulated in a
unique variation on the general evolutionary design for way appropriate to that trait.
human nature, expressed as a developing pattern of dis- (b) They are those personality traits for which a person
positional traits, characteristic adaptations, and integra- can be appropriately held responsible and/or be normatively
tive life stories, complexly and differentially situated in assessed.
(c) They are metaphysically grounded in the interrelated
culture.”178 Statistical analyses of personality traits sup-
mental state dispositions specific to the given trait such that
port “a hierarchical model of traits based on the Big Five necessarily, if these dispositions obtain in a person, then the
dimensions: extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, character trait disposition obtains as well.
conscientiousness, and openness/intellect.”179 Three (d) Some of them are virtues and vices, but perhaps there are
of these Big Five dimensions (neuroticism, agreeable- character traits which are neither virtues nor vices.”184
ness, and conscientiousness) are encompassed by the   
“metatrait,” stability, and the other two (extraversion Character traits may have moral valence, such as hon-
and openness/intellect) by the metatrait, plasticity.179 est/dishonest and altruistic/selfish. Other character
There are several aspects of each Big Five dimension, traits, such as impulsive/reserved, may not necessarily
and many facets of each aspect.179 A major challenge of connote moral valence or moral character.
personality neuroscience is to relate all of these facets,
aspects, dimensions, and metatraits to specific neurobio- 1.3 Definition of Hypersexuality and Rationale 
logical processes.
for Inclusion
The concept of social cognition has recently been
defined as follows: “Social cognition is the study of how As mentioned earlier, hypersexuality is presented in
people make sense of other people and themselves. It this chapter to illustrate how NPSCC applies to a specific
focuses on how ordinary people think and feel about clinical condition. Hypersexuality is not just a convenient
people—and how they think they think and feel about topic that structures the discussion of how neuroimaging
people.”180 Social neuroscience “encompasses all lev- informs understanding of complex, PSCC-related clini-
els of biological analysis (genetic polymorphisms, neu- cal phenomena. In addition, hypersexuality is a topic
rotransmitters, circuits and systems, as well as collective this author has had an opportunity to study with col-
behavior in groups) and stages of processing (sensory leagues in a multidimensional assessment that included
systems, perception, judgment, regulation, decision- advanced neuroimaging methods (discussed in detail
making, action).”176 Social cognition has been one focus later in this chapter). This background provided the
of social neuroscience, which developed over the last context within which the richness of hypersexuality as a
35 years, with Theory of Mind (ToM) research as one topic appropriate for NPSCC was realized. For example,
of its early topics of investigation.181 Studies of ToM the topic nicely illustrates the failure of strict localiza-
have investigated brain mechanisms for mental state tionism because so many different brain areas have been
attribution (MSA) and shared representations formed implicated in hypersexuality. Also, the challenges posed
by individuals (perceivers) as they attempt to under- by coexisting clinical symptoms (e.g., disinhibition and
stand the minds of others (targets) and themselves.182 dysexecutive phenomena), anatomical variability, age
These studies are hampered by the complexity of social effects such as brain atrophy, concomitant medications,
interactions, which depend upon cognitive synthesis of and many other factors are challenges the author expe-
multimodal information that is dynamic and contextu- rienced in studying hypersexuality (and other topics)
ally embedded and difficult to study in a naturalistic that have direct relevance to other clinical phenomena of


interest to scientists in this field. For these reasons, this encounters a potential target (T). Under normal circum-
clinical phenomenon is an appropriate introduction to a stances, both HS and T may be expected to perceive and
largely nonclinical text. process the other’s physical characteristics, including
The proposed definition of hypersexuality is offered facial features, body HS and size and shape, coloration,
and then deconstructed to introduce these points, which odor, hair length, distinguishing anatomical features, and
are elaborated in later sections: race. Behavioral information would also be perceived and
processed, including such things as body movements or
A. A  minimum of six months of “recurrent and intense
mannerisms, speech rate/volume/variation/melodic
sexual fantasies, sexual urges, or sexual behaviors
intonation, facial expressiveness, affective/emotional
[FUB] in association with three or more of the
expression, gestures, eye contact, and the denoted or con-
following five criteria:
noted meanings of verbal and nonverbal communication.
A1. Time consumed by sexual [FUB] repetitively
Both HS and T may be expected to form an understand-
interferes with other important (nonsexual)
ing of the other and to assimilate and interpret these
goals, activities, and obligations.
various physical, behavioral, cognitive, and social charac-
A2. Repetitively engaging in sexual [FUB] in
teristics. Some of this information may be automatically
response to dysphoric mood states (e.g., anxiety,
and unconsciously processed. Additional information
depression, boredom, or irritability).
from top-down processing is also likely to impact these
A3. Repetitively engaging in sexual [FUB] in
interpretations. Based on a unique history, traits and dis-
response to stressful life events.
positions, character adaptations, life stories, and culture,
A4. Repetitive but unsuccessful efforts to control or
HS and T may develop favorable, unfavorable, or neu-
significantly reduce these sexual [FUB].
tral multifaceted impressions of each other and improve
A5. Repetitively engaging in sexual behaviors while
their knowledge of each other; the multiple facets of such
disregarding the risk for physical or emotional
impressions may include some that are positive (e.g., sex-
harm to self or others.
ual attractiveness), some that are negative (e.g., eye con-
B. There is clinically significant personal distress
tact and communication skills), and some facets that are
or impairment in social, occupational, or other
neutral (e.g., intellect). The valence of these facets could
important areas of functioning associated with the
change in another context (e.g., intellect may be important
frequency and intensity of these sexual [FUB].
during courting rituals, but probably not for HS).
C. These sexual [FUB] are not due to the direct
Over the course of their evolving relationship, HS
physiological effect of an exogenous substance.”185
   and T are likely to utilize basic perceptual processes,
These definitions highlight the relationships of hyper- such as smell, sight, touch, hearing, and taste, and cog-
sexuality to personality, social cognition, and character. nitive mechanisms, such as memory, language, visual
Hypersexuality is defined as disruptive (A1), causes perception, executive function, judgment, and decision
social or occupational dysfunction (B), and may relate making. Their social cognition, character, and person-
directly to emotional status (A2) or stress (A3). Emotional ality are assumed to rely on these several subordinate
predilection and regulation and the degree to which stress cognitive mechanisms, as well as influences within the
has an influence on a person are related to aspects of per- social group and culture. Can we point to one specific
sonality. The character definition mentions behavior for aspect of this complex process and identify the cause of
which one may be held accountable, and the definition of HS’s hypersexuality? Are there multiple, independent,
hypersexuality requires that the behavior be “disruptive,” and equally effective causes of hypersexuality? Are
both indicating that hypersexuality overlaps the charac- there always several contributing mechanisms? Is it pos-
ter domain. Impulsive and compulsive tendencies (A4) sible that disruption of bottom-up, top-down, or regu-
and a lack of inhibitory control for risk avoidance (A5) latory influences alone can account for hypersexuality?
are personality-related components of the hypersexual- Brain lesion cases offer a unique opportunity to study
ity definition. While many drugs are thought to provoke the various aspects of brain function that may contrib-
hypersexuality, the definition (C) excludes cases due to ute to hypersexuality; in non-lesion cases, hypersexual-
exogenous substances. For the purposes of this chapter, ity could be postulated to arise from a wide variety of
it is assumed that brain-damaged patients may also fulfill brain dysfunctions. Just as our understanding of cogni-
this definition, assuming all other criteria are met. tive function and neuropsychology has been enhanced
by studying individuals with brain lesions, our under-
standing of personality, social cognition, and character
1.4 Hypothetical Hypersexuality Scenario may be informed by studying brain lesion cases. In the
A brief hypothetical scenario is presented to structure following section, a concise literature review pertaining
the discussion of hypersexuality and its many analyti- to both non-brain lesion and lesion-induced hypersexu-
cal complexities. Assume a hypersexual (HS) individual ality subjects will be presented.

2.  Hypersexuality without and with Structural Brain Lesions 7

2.  HYPERSEXUALITY WITHOUT AND genesis, it is likely that non-brain-lesion HS “is usually
WITH STRUCTURAL BRAIN LESIONS the result of the additive effect of many small individual
2.1 PSCC in Non-Brain-Lesion HS Subjects A second important implication of these studies is
that they illustrate the difficulty we have defining a clear
Aspects of personality, social cognition, and character demarcation for “disorder.” For example, there is a con-
(PSCC) may malfunction and contribute to hypersexu- tinuum (of sorts) of disruptive sexual behavior extend-
ality. Several studies are informative in this regard. Reid ing from infidelity and promiscuity in monogamous
and colleagues studied 95 men in one study186 and 47 relationships, on the one hand, to a dangerous form of
in another study that also involved 31 women,187 using promiscuity that produces a public health threat (e.g.,
the NEO (Neuroticism, Extraversion and Openness) Per- the famous case of “patient zero” who contributed to the
sonality Inventory–Revised.188 In the first study, a path spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome), on
analysis revealed that shame indirectly impacted hyper- the other.190 When does non-lesion-induced hypersexu-
sexuality through the “mechanism” of neuroticism, with ality cross the line where we define it as a disorder? If we
one facet of neuroticism (impulsivity) being a “particular abandon criteria-based classifications of disease in favor
salient facet.”186 The second study compared men and of drawing a demarcation along disease continua, then it
women187 and found these same factors to be impor- will be critical to establish such boundaries.
tant. In addition, “The prevalence of less trust, compe- A third important implication of these studies is that
tence, and dutifulness was significantly higher among they illustrate the difficulty we have defining “dysfunc-
the women patients. A greater percentage of the women tion” in non-lesion-induced hypersexuality; even if we
also struggled with stress proneness (vulnerability) and find metabolic, physiological, or structural distinctions
exhibited excitement-seeking tendencies.”187 Both studies in affected individuals, on what basis are brain differ-
support the possibility that “maladaptive shame coping” ences defined as dysfunction? Must we correct the aber-
indirectly contributes to hypersexuality in individuals rant phenomena and see if the behavior is normalized in
with these personality characteristics, but there are clear order to know if it represents “genuine dysfunction,” as
differences in the underlying personality structures that defined by Walters et al.? If so, how can we accomplish
predispose them to hypersexuality, as well as the degree this in non-brain-lesion hypersexuality cases?
to which hypersexuality becomes manifested. To some extent, the literature presented in this sec-
In a large, population-based sample, hypersexuality tion contributes to our understanding of the reported
was found to be “organized along a continuum of increas- relationships between hypersexuality and neuroticism,
ing sexual frequency and preoccupation, with clinical impulsivity, shame, vulnerability, dependence, and
cases of hypersexuality falling in the upper end of the con- other PSCC phenomena. In the next section, some of
tinuum or dimension.”189 Two independent analyses were these same phenomena are reviewed as they occur in
presented, including 2101 men and women selected from association with localized brain damage.
the general population, and 716 male sex offenders, and
the conclusions were the same in both groups. The authors 2.2 Brain Lesions and Hypersexuality
cite other disorders that also seem to be organized along a
continuum (e.g., attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) Acquired hypersexuality due to brain damage prob-
and argue that the extent of hypersexuality is more impor- ably differs mechanistically from that seen in non-brain-
tant in defining the disorder than the fulfillment of various lesion hypersexuality. One key advantage of studying
taxonomic criteria. A compelling and relevant part of their hypersexuality due to brain lesions is that cerebral dys-
discussion concerns the conditions under which hyper- function is easy to assume, given that there is a structural
sexuality may be considered a mental disorder: lesion, and there may be an abrupt change in behavior.
Thus, lesion-induced hypersexuality cases offer an oppor-
A disorder comprises two parts: harmfulness, a value term tunity to study the neural underpinnings of a dysfunction
based on social norms, and dysfunction, a scientific term based attributable to the damaged brain area and may provide
on evolutionary principles. If hypersexuality is nothing more
clues regarding how brain damage and dysfunction leads
than variation in normal sexual functioning, then its status as
a disorder is brought into question by the absence of genuine to disorder/harmfulness, as determined by social and
dysfunction; and if hypersexuality is not a disorder, then it does cultural norms of behavior; also, the “disorder,” required
not fit into the diagnostic nomenclature.189 for the clinical diagnosis of hypersexuality, may be eas-
   ier to detect when it begins abruptly in lesion-induced
A primary implication of these studies is the sugges- hypersexuality. Furthermore, brain lesions may occur in
tion that hypersexuality in individuals without brain isolation, without the confounders seen in many other
lesions occurs along a continuum; although some fac- forms of hypersexuality (e.g., neurochemical alterations
ets of neuroticism seem particularly important in its of mania, coexisting epileptic pathology in seizure-related


or interictal hypersexuality, microscopic pathology of structures, namely the parietal and frontal lobes, controlling
Parkinson’s disease seen in deep brain stimulation cases genital sensation and the motor aspects of sexual response,
of hypersexuality, etc.). For these reasons, the study of respectively, sustaining sexual activity until progression
lesion-induced hypersexuality can be informative in ways to orgasm (phase 3) for which the septal region has been
that studying non-brain-lesion hypersexuality may not. implicated.”191 To oversimplify, the subcortical/limbic net-
In this section, the focus will be to briefly introduce lesion- work creates the sexual urges, the frontal lobes constrain
induced hypersexuality as a tool to demonstrate how or permit sexual behaviors, the parietal region mediates
NPSCC can be used to understand complex neuropsy- sexual sensations, and the septal area is most closely linked
chiatric syndromes. For a recent review of human lesion to orgasm. All three networks relate to the human sexual
studies and human sexual behavior, see Baird et al.191 response, and lesion-induced hypersexuality may relate to
That brain damage can lead to dramatic and abrupt damage in any of these three important networks.
alterations in PSCC is hardly a matter of debate. After
Phineas Gage was reported by Harlowe, Bigelow, and 2.2.1 Frontal Lobes
Jackson in the later part of the nineteenth century, it was An exhaustive review of frontal lobe lesions and their
evident that frontal lobe destruction could impair social relation to PSCC is beyond the scope of this chapter.
cognition, comportment, and willingness to conform to Instead, a focused review of key frontal lobe regions and
societal norms.192–194 As more brain lesion cases were the dysfunctions related to hypersexuality is presented.
reported, it became obvious that what was true of devas- This same approach is taken throughout this section on
tating frontal damage could also be true of small lesions lesion-induced hypersexuality.
in many different parts of the brain. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) lesions may
Although narrow localizationism led to clinically use- impair response inhibition, cognitive estimation, execu-
ful observations, mechanistic understanding continued tive functions, prosody (specifically, affective expres-
to challenge behavioral neuroscience. For example, many sion), and abstract thinking.111 Medial prefrontal cortex
neurobehavioral symptoms had an anomalous localization, (mPFC) lesions may impair drive, motivation, and level
and the strict localizationist views necessarily had to be of interest.111 Manifestations of medial frontal lobe lesions
abandoned.195 Disconnectionism helped usher in an era of can include apathy, blunted affect, amotivation, and in
network or associationist theory, because both were supe- extreme cases, akinetic mutism.111 More precisely, within
rior to narrow localizationism in explaining how damage mPFC, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) lesions can cause
to separate anatomical areas may produce similar cognitive not only akinetic mutism, but also autonomic dysregula-
and behavioral phenomena.111,195 Damasio and Damasio tion (for a review see Damasio and Van Hoesen197). The
noted that aphasia, apraxia, visual agnosia, and other neu- ACC has been related to numerous relevant clinical phe-
ropsychological functions may result from a wide variety nomena, including penile erection, reward systems (e.g.,
of lesion locations,196 and the same phenomenon has been self-stimulation), inappropriate social behavior, disin-
observed for depression, executive dysfunction, psychosis, hibition, compulsive behavior, and hypersexuality (see
personality change, emotional dysregulation, and hyper- Devinsky et al.198 for review).
sexuality. Several brain areas interact in neuroanatomically To the extent that dlPFC lesions impair self-regulatory
extensive functional networks that orchestrate cognitive mechanisms or estimations of the likelihood of reward
and behavioral phenomena. No longer is it sufficient to resulting from hypersexual advances, lesions of the
attach a particular cognition or behavior to a specific brain dlPFC could contribute to lesion-induced hypersexual-
area, because more likely than not, other parts of the brain ity. Similarly, the mPFC activates in response to sexual
are implicated in the same cognition or behavior. stimuli, at least in some studies, though the activation
Network/associationist constructs of brain organization may occur on the right, the left, or bilaterally.199 ACC
will be relied upon to illustrate aspects of NPSCC that are lesions could participate in the genesis of lesion-induced
pertinent to the study of hypersexuality, referencing later hypersexuality through several of the clinical phenom-
chapters in this volume when possible. It is clear from ena noted above (and others), as the ACC serves as an
lesion-induced hypersexuality191 that there are multiple integrative region for many frontal, autonomic, and reg-
networks involved, including a frontal, temporal, and sub- ulatory functions of the frontal lobe.
cortical/limbic network. These networks participate in the Damage to the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) can also lead
three classical phases of “the human sexual response cycle to disinhibition, antisocial or inappropriate personality,
as defined by Kaplan… (1) sexual desire, (2) excitement, and character changes.111 Obsessive-compulsive behav-
and (3) orgasm.”191 Sexual desire or drive is “mediated by ior113,200–202 and Witzelsucht have been linked to damage
subcortical structures, specifically the hypothalamus, ansa within the OFC, the uncinate fasciculus, or other fiber
lenticularis, and pallidum. The temporal lobes, specifically tracts interconnecting subcortical nuclei.203–205 Impaired
the amygdalae, also play a significant role in this initial judgment and inappropriate risk-taking, as measured by
phase. Sexual excitement (phase 2) is mediated by cortical the Iowa Gambling Task, are also associated with OFC

2.  Hypersexuality without and with Structural Brain Lesions 9
lesions.80,206–211 Antisocial personality disorder after left for the human sexual response (discussed above) may
OFC damage has been reported with loss of libido.212 depend on vmPFC to mediate the interactions between
Given the theoretical similarity between obsessive com- excessive drive (bottom-up) and socially defined norms
pulsive disorder (OCD) and hypersexuality (“compul- for restraining hypersexuality behaviors (top-down).
sive sexual behavior”), Miner and colleagues performed In addition to searching for published cases of lesion-
a diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) study to compare eight induced hypersexuality, it is also informative to look at
hypersexual patients with eight controls and found that clinical phenomena that have been strongly correlated
the impulsivity, compulsive tendencies, and greater with hypersexuality and that also have been strongly
negative affect (anxiety and depression) correlated with linked to frontal lobe lesions. In such cases, a direct rela-
superior frontal fractional anisotropy (FA; “a measure tion to hypersexuality cannot be established, because
of the extent to which water diffusion is directionally the lesion-induced neurobehavioral disorder may be
restricted”).213 No inferior frontal lobe differences were the direct cause of hypersexuality. This concern has led
found for FA, or mean diffusivity (MD; “a measure of Baird et al.191 to distinguish hypersexuality due to disin-
overall diffusivity in the tissue”) in the eight hypersex- hibition from a more “true” hypersexuality that results
ual subjects.213 In addition, compulsive sexual behavior from excess sexual drive. This concern applies to many
severity was negatively correlated with superior frontal clinical phenomena, such as autism spectrum disorders
MD.213 Although the study was small, used a normal or attention deficit disorders, which are associated with
control group, and did not include nonhypersexual con- several symptoms and linked to a variety of underlying
trols with impulse control disorders, the findings sug- etiologies. NPSCC might play a role in unraveling the
gest that reduction of superior frontal lobe white matter multifaceted nature of such complex clinical disorders.
integrity may predispose to hypersexuality, and there For example, mania is associated with an increase in
may be anatomical distinctions between the impulse various psychic tones, drives, and tendencies, such as
control disorders and patients with hypersexuality. It is hypersexuality, hypertalkativeness, and psychomotor
unclear whether disturbances of white matter integrity agitation.218 Starkstein and colleagues report a consecu-
impacted dlPFC or mPFC connections to functional net- tive series of 12 patients with mania attributed to brain
works implicated in hypersexuality, but such a possibil- injury.219 Seven of the 12 subjects also had hypersexu-
ity cannot be ignored. ality. While selection bias or circular reasoning (i.e., the
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) damage hypersexuality may be considered to be a symptom of
is often associated with personality alterations such as mania) may account for this high prevalence of hyper-
antisocial behavior.214–216 Affective ToM has also been sexuality in acquired mania, all of the hypersexual cases
linked to vmPFC damage.150 The authors note that the had either right (3/7) or bilateral brain damage, and 6/7
rich connections of vmPFC with “the anterior insula, included frontal lobe damage. This report nicely reviews
temporal pole, inferior parietal region, and amygdala the early literature on organic causes of mania but unfor-
place it in a position to evaluate and regulate incom- tunately does not specifically address the hypersexuality
ing limbic information which can consequently be used issue, even in their table of manic symptoms, or pre-
to inhibit behavior, regulate emotions and empathize cisely define the anatomical boundaries of these frontal
with the experience of others.”150 Individuals with lobe lesions.
vmPFC damage and affective ToM deficits tend to be Disinhibition has often been cited as a risk factor for
“particularly impaired on tasks that involve integra- hypersexuality.220,221 Frontal leucotomy and frontal lobot-
tion of emotion and cognition, such as affective men- omy have both been reported to produce disinhibition
tal state attribution.”150 One recent review of vmPFC and hypersexuality.191 Bancroft reviewed the neuroscience
function, for example, offers “a meaning-centered view of central inhibition of sexual response in the male and
of vmPFC [function that] predicts that vmPFC and its implicated the frontal lobe as part of a broad network for
subcortical connections are not essential for simple central inhibition, including “the hypothalamus, amyg-
forms of affect, valuation, and affective learning, but dala, septum, and ventral striatum, with additional cor-
are essential when conceptual information drives affec- tical components in the hippocampus, cingulate gyrus,
tive physiological and behavioral responses.”216b This and orbital parts of the frontal cortex.”222 Damage to this
view of vmPFC function is similar to that proposed by inhibitory system leads to disinhibition. However, evi-
Eslinger and Damasio in the EVR case, in which vmPFC dence of expected frontal/executive dysfunction is not
damage disconnected dlPFC and limbic systems struc- always evident in hypersexuality, leading to speculation
tures, thus impairing “two kinds of regulatory activity: that impulsivity, poor judgment, and risky behaviors may
(1) ‘modulation’ of innate hypothalamic drives that are be “domain specific.”223 Many other personality and emo-
informed of environmental rules and contingencies; and tional factors have been related to hypersexuality, such as
(2) activation of higher cortices by basic drives and ten- impulsivity, emotional dysregulation, shame, neuroticism,
dencies.”217 The three interrelated networks responsible stress-proneness, and a tendency to distrust others.186,187,189


Further research in lesion-induced hypersexuality will be potentially important for future neuroimaging studies of
required to clarify the potency of such phenomena, indi- lesion-induced and non-lesion-induced hypersexuality.
vidually or collectively, in producing hypersexuality.
The foregoing discussion of hypersexuality and frontal 2.2.2 Temporal Lobes
lobe damage is necessarily selective. Nevertheless, some Temporal lobe damage may impair auditory and pro-
tentative conclusions can be made. First, the frontal lobes sodic comprehension, facial recognition and emotional
are large, diverse structures with myriad functions, and decoding, naming, and verbal fluency, among other
damage to a number of different frontal lobe structures things.111 Hypersexuality following temporal lobe dam-
can contribute to lesion-induced hypersexuality. Second, age has been associated with rage, passivity, apathy,
hypersexuality is related in some respects to impulsivity, indifference, aphasia, and aggression. In patients with
obsessive compulsive behaviors, mood regulation disor- bilateral temporal lobe damage, elements of the human
ders, and disinhibition. Third, dysexecutive and disinhib- Kluver-Bucy syndrome (KBS; visual agnosia, hyperoral-
ited phenomena are probably not necessary or sufficient for ity (such as excessive eating or mouthing of nonfood
the manifestation of hypersexuality; indeed, some authors objects), hypermetamorphosis (“an irresistible impulse
consider such cases unrelated to true lesion-induced to touch, loss of normal anger, and fear responses”)) are
hypersexuality.191 Fourth, depression, anxiety, shame, and often evident.224–226 Disorders of social cognition may
other aspects of negative affect are often seen in subjects also result from temporal lobe dysfunction, as discussed
with secondary (lesion-induced) mania who also mani- in several chapters in this volume.
fest hypersexuality. Fifth, the other structures implicated This section on the relation of the temporal lobe to
in lesion-induced hypersexuality (see following sections) hypersexuality, like the preceding section, will illustrate
all have connections to the frontal lobe. Sixth, important only a selection of the most important clinical phenom-
frontal lobe structures in the underlying networks impli- ena and temporal lobe regions thought to relate to hyper-
cated in hypersexuality are the ACC, OFC, and vmPFC, sexual behavior. Catani et al. (Figure 2) depict some of
which may allow for the influence of experience, beliefs, the key anatomical connections in the temporal lobe net-
emotion/affect, and affective ToM and other regulatory work and review some of these various clinical manifes-
influences to interact with limbic centers, such as the hypo- tations of disturbances in the temporal lobe network.111
thalamus, which drives sexual urges and desires. Catani Bilateral temporal lobe destruction, including the
et al. list the Brodmann areas and white matter tracts amygdala, has long been recognized to reduce sexual
implicated in a variety of such frontal lobe syndromes (see inhibitions and provoke hypersexuality.114 The KBS is
Figure 1, used with permission) and describe the key ana- perhaps the most extensively studied acquired human
tomical structures connected by these tracts.111 hypersexuality syndrome. Hyposexuality also may follow
This brief discussion is not intended to clarify the temporal lobe damage, particularly that resulting from
complex role of the frontal lobes in hypersexuality or to epilepsy.191,227 Mania has been seen following right baso-
exhaustively review frontal lesion studies seen in relation temporal strokes, and is seen more often following right
to hypersexuality. Instead, the summary identifies some than left sided lesions.205,228 Braun et al. performed a “mul-
of the frontal lobe areas and clinical phenomena that are tiple single-case literature review analysis” of subjects

FIGURE 1  Frontal lobe and its main associative connections.111 Brodmann areas are numbered, and major tracts are color coded, as shown.
IFOF is inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus. SLF is superior longitudinal fasciculus.

2.  Hypersexuality without and with Structural Brain Lesions 11

FIGURE 2  Temporal lobe and its main associative connections.111 Brodmann areas are numbered, and major tracts are color coded, as shown.
The inferior longitudinal fasciculus is ILF, and the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus is IFOF.

with brain lesions seen in association with either hypo- amygdala, and the amygdala is highly interconnected
sexuality or hypersexuality and found that 8/11 lesions to brain areas implicated in hypersexuality, including
among those with hypersexuality were located in the right the septum, basal forebrain, and anterior temporal cor-
hemisphere.218 Left hemisphere lesions were reported tices.231 The amygdala’s well-known contributions to
more often in cases of hyposexuality, and both hyper- and approach-avoidance (see Chapter 2), reward mecha-
hyposexuality were most often related to lesions within nisms,123 and emotional salience detection could also
the temporal lobe.218 They propose a hemispheric special- partly explain its importance in lesion-induced hyper-
ization for “psychic tone [which] includes motor, moral, sexuality. The amygdala may also contribute to moral
emotional, language, and sexual dimensions, and these and ethical decision making,220 as will be discussed
are reflected in… intellectual representations” through the later in this volume. These observations suggest a defi-
mechanism of “approach-avoidance disposition.”218 nite, although indirect, role of the amygdala in lesion-
One large series of published cases of hypersexuality fol- induced hypersexuality.
lowing unilateral brain lesions (n = 33) replicated the higher Hypersexuality may manifest in many ways, includ-
frequency of right hemispheric damage (26/33)138 and ing autoerotic behaviors, homosexuality, promiscuity,
compared Braun’s model with the theory of “contralesional paraphilia, compulsive viewing of pornography, and
release.”114,138 Sexual tension was proposed to relate to left alterations/switches in sexual preference, behaviors that
hemispheric functioning, and orgasm—representing a have all been reported in patients with temporal lobe
release from sexual tension—was proposed to be a function damage. Case reports also implicate the temporal lobes
of the right hemisphere.138 Central autonomic mechanisms in pedophilic hypersexuality.126 Devinsky et al. report a
were suspected as an underlying basis for the hemispheric patient with pedophilic hypersexuality following right
specialization, with contrasting (left hemispheric) parasym- temporal lobe surgery who was convicted of possessing
pathetic and (right) sympathetic systems.138 The amygdala child pornography.126 Such cases underscore the mul-
was suggested as a likely site within the temporal lobes, tifaceted nature of hypersexuality. A complex human
supporting this hemispheric specialization for contrasting behavior, like hypersexuality, typically has a wide vari-
aspects (tension vs. release) of sexual function.138 ety of manifestations, influences, causes, and associated
The role of the amygdala in hypersexuality may features. This premise is likely true for most complex
relate to its relationship to emotion, and particularly human behaviors, because our neuroscientific under-
negative emotion, as negative affect, and emotion is standing is usually not sophisticated enough to decon-
prominent in both lesion-induced and non-lesion- struct these multifaceted clinical phenomena into their
induced hypersexuality. In patients with hypersexu- most fundamental elements.
ality following temporal lobectomy, contralesional
amygdalar volume correlates with the degree of post- 2.2.3 Other Brain Areas
operative hypersexuality.229 Further, isolated lesions of Several reviews of sexual psychobiology have been
the amygdala, sparing the surrounding temporal lobe, published.191,232,233 According to one account, there are
do not reproduce the KBS in monkeys.230 Recognition of three subcortical and three cortical structures primar-
emotional facial expressions, such as fear, involves the ily involved in the human sexual response: the septal


area, hypothalamus, the ansa lenticularis and pallidum, among many of the brain areas discussed in this section,
the frontal lobes, the parietal lobes, and the temporal and the involvement of so many structures supports the
lobes.191 The frontal and temporal lobe contributions are notion that several functional networks are implicated in
highlighted above. The remaining areas are discussed in lesion-induced hypersexuality, particularly the limbic net-
this section. work (see Figure 3).
The hypothalamus is thought to relate to the neuro- In one case of stroke-related hypersexuality, func-
endocrine and autonomic aspects of sexual function.191 tional neuroimaging demonstrated abnormal frontal,
Klein Levin syndrome is a rare disorder related to hypo- temporal, and parietal lobe glucose metabolism follow-
thalamic damage, characterized by hypersomnolence, ing damage to the subthalamic nucleus (STN).239 Absher
hyperphagia, and hypersexuality.234 One of the difficul- et al. speculate that damage to the medial forebrain bun-
ties in studying hypothalamic lesions is the close prox- dle (MFB) may contribute to the lesion-induced hyper-
imity of other important structures, such as the median sexuality in this case and also may contribute to some
forebrain bundle, thalamus, and fornix, and the possibil- of the functional manifestations that were observed on
ity that different hypothalamic subnuclei may exert con- PET.239 However, the thalamic radiation is also situated
trasting effects.191 anatomically close to the area of damage,201,240 and the
Heath reported a case in which a chemical stimulation authors did not address the possibility that functional
probe was inserted into the septal nuclei, and orgasm changes related to damage to this structure, rather than
was produced each time the area was stimulated.235 the MFB. Stimulation of the STN resulted in hypersex-
Heath also found “pleasurable responses” in the major- uality behavior in two subjects reported by Doshi and
ity of 54 subjects who underwent either electrical or Bhargava.241 The infrequent occurrence of hypersexu-
chemical stimulation of the septal region.191 The septal ality following STN stimulation might relate to subtle
area is the only brain area where stimulation is consis- differences in the site of stimulation, the effects of Par-
tently associated with orgasm in humans. kinson’s disease, medications, or other factors. Never-
The medial thalamus is in close anatomical proxim- theless, damage to the STN or nearby structures may
ity to the hypothalamus and has also been implicated in produce hypersexuality.
hypersexuality.203,236 Bilateral globus pallidus lesions due In summary, the clinical interpretation of these lesion
to carbon monoxide toxicity were also implicated in a case studies is complex, yet the data strongly suggest that
of hypersexuality.237 Even damage to the occipital lobe lesion-induced hypersexuality may emerge following
has been reported to cause hypersexuality.238 One VBM damage to widely separated neuroanatomical struc-
study of pedophilic men demonstrated that “two major tures. These anatomical areas are connected in several
fiber bundles: the superior fronto-occipital fasciculus and networks assumed to become anatomically or physiolog-
the right arcuate fasciculus” (see Figure 1) demonstrated ically disrupted by the damage. The lesions that contrib-
lower frontal lobe white matter volumes in comparison ute to hypersexuality may affect all aspects of the human
to men with nonsexual offenses, suggesting that these sexual response cycle, including the drive/motivation
pathways connect “a network for recognizing sexually phase, the excitement phase, and the orgasm phase.
relevant stimuli.”55 Major white matter connections exist In addition, brain lesions may impact many aspects

FIGURE 3  Limbic lobe and its main associative connections.111 Brodmann areas are numbered, and major tracts are color coded, as shown. ILF
is inferior longitudinal fasciculus, and IFOF is inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus.

3.  The Many Challenges of NPSCC with Hypersexuality as an Example 13
of PSCC, including impulsivity, emotional regulation, Understanding a complex phenomenon such as
inhibitory mechanisms, theory of mind, moral deci- hypersexuality requires complex conceptions of mul-
sion making, etc. In our efforts to understand complex tiple, closely integrated brain networks, just as other
human behaviors such as hypersexuality, it is tempting “complex psychological functions must emerge from
to revert to narrow localizationism to simplify the task. the cooperation of multiple components of integrated
For example, the septum does orgasm, the hypothala- networks.”196 If there are dozens of cortical centers for
mus does “drive,” and the amygdala does the emotion visual processing, how many neuroanatomical struc-
piece. The purpose of the foregoing discussion was to tures might be implicated in the network dysfunctions
introduce the absurdity of such narrow localizationism responsible for hypersexuality? We have reviewed many
and introduce the three overlapping, integrated, and brain areas implicated by the lesion literature, and surely
complementary brain networks, which are likely impor- there are more. Lesion studies by themselves are limited
tant in hypersexuality. Lesion studies can help define in their ability to define these multiple, closely integrated
these networks and refine the role of each network in the brain networks, but may become more informative
integration of bottom-up, top-down, and regulatory/ when multiple cases with the same clinical phenomena
modulatory influences on behavior. (e.g., lesion-induced hypersexuality) are studied, when
the results of ancillary data such as neuropsychological
or neurophysiological measures all implicate a specific
network, and when the lesion data are combined with
functional neuroimaging.
In the case reported by Absher et al.239 the subthalamic
nucleus (STN) was damaged (possibly also involving the
medial forebrain bundle and/or thalamic fasciculus).
3.1 The Lesion Method This small lesion produced glucose metabolism altera-
Systematic analytic techniques for studying patients tions in the OFC, mPFC, dlPFC, and the temporal and
with brain lesions evolved largely in an attempt to parietal lobes, as demonstrated on PET scanning. A wide
make sense of interesting cases, like Phineas Gage.242 array of cognitive alterations were noted, as well as dis-
Norman Geschwind facilitated the development of the inhibition and excessive jocularity. The complexity of the
lesion method and subsequent network/associationist underlying neuroanatomical, cognitive, behavioral, and
theories of brain function by emphasizing the impor- functional substrates of even a small lesion in a single
tance of disconnection syndromes in his landmark 1965 subject is substantial. If a clinical phenomenon such as
papers.243,244 Later, he summarized the many factors disinhibition or mania can provoke hypersexuality, how
that can produce behavioral and functional change fol- are we to fully control the wide array of confounders
lowing brain lesions,245 including an extensive list of in lesion studies? When we combine data from differ-
biochemical, structural, physiological, psychological, ent lesion subjects in a “similar” location, how are we
and delayed effects. Since these early days, the use of to mitigate the effect of various confounders that dif-
brain-lesion cases to improve understanding of complex fer between subjects, some of which may influence the
human behaviors has met tremendous success, and yet behavior under study?
there has been plenty of time to reveal the weaknesses Thus, a number of conceptual issues can limit the
of this approach. In this section, key aspects of the lesion applicability of the lesion method. For instance, the
method are summarized. risks of drawing false conclusions from “reverse infer-
“The essence of the lesion method is the establish- ence” (drawing conclusions about brain functions that
ment of a correlation between a circumscribed region have not been directly tested) are well-known.247,248
of damaged brain and changes in some aspect of an The idea that functions influenced by a single brain
experimentally controlled behavioral performance.”196 region may be “subtracted” from a normally function-
The structure-function correlations proposed using the ing “integrated network” to draw conclusions about
lesion method require the following: (1) clinical, behav- how a normal and intact network would function is
ioral, or experimental variables to which the lesions are perhaps the greatest weakness seen in the underlying
related—the functions, (2) underlying structure-function theoretical constructs applied to the lesion method,
theories utilized to make the correlations—hypotheses, a weakness that Rorden refers to as the “modularity
(3) sophisticated understanding of the underlying brain assumption.”246 Due to its inherent requirement for
tissues impacted by the lesion—structural specifications, sophisticated hypotheses, both for study design and
and (4) sufficient anatomical resolution and analytic tech- result interpretation, the lesion method is susceptible
nique—structural measurements.196 The lesion method to bias introduced by circular reasoning; prior experi-
was extended from single cases to case series and contin- ence with a lesion in a particular area may lead to the
ues to provide a “unique window into brain function.”246 hypothesis that this area is important for a particular


function. This process is similar to the mania/hyper- Neurotransmitter systems likewise differ among indi-
sexuality circularity mentioned in a prior section. Such viduals.251 Even if we are to find the perfect method of
post hoc hypotheses are almost unavoidable. Another mapping both the cytoarchitecture and anatomy in neuro-
weakness of the lesion method is that single-subject imaging studies, can we be sure we are correctly mapping
studies are rarely controlled (i.e., there is no “nor- the chemoarchitecture and brain functions dependent
mal” comparison), unless the lesion is a preplanned upon these underlying structures? The neurotransmit-
neurosurgical intervention (thalamotomy, tempo- ters, receptor types and distributions, receptor densities,
ral lobectomy, subthalamic deep brain stimulation, and number of connections between various brain areas
cingulotomy, etc.). These intentional human lesions are among the many facets of chemoarchitecture that
are not performed in individuals with normal brain can influence function. Functional brain mapping tools,
functioning, and underlying disease introduces an such as resting-state fMRI,252 and effective connectivity
unavoidable confound into the analysis of such cases. models253 are being deployed to circumvent some of the
Group studies may compare lesion patients lacking a limitations, and a call for a “best practices” approach has
symptom of interest (the normal comparison or con- been issued.254 None of the available structural imaging
trol group) to lesion subjects manifesting a symp- techniques, other than perhaps microscopy/histology,
tom of interest. Multiple variables can be controlled enable perfect delineation of cortical cytoarchitectonic
using approaches such as Statistical Parametric Map- zones from one another, leading some authors to propose
ping ( to map the that the best way to accurately define cortical neuroana-
probability that a specific structure or function corre- tomical structure is in fact to rely on functional imaging
lates with the dependent variable(s) under study. The characteristics.250 These efforts will continue to improve
success of such mapping approaches depends largely our ability to manage the structural and functional differ-
on the a priori hypotheses being explored, knowledge ences among individuals and to predict aspects of NPSCC
of which variables to control, the underlying mod- based on these structural and functional differences.255
els or conceptions of brain function relied upon to The application of models of brain organization and func-
develop the hypotheses, and numerous other factors. tion (e.g., multiregional retroactivation)256 is also neces-
The confounding effects of different clinical phe- sary to make sense of the data and to reveal when our
nomena (e.g., mania and disinhibition may provoke understanding of neuroanatomy is deficient.257
hypersexuality) that may impact the behavior under Due to the complexity of the tracts connecting a given
study (e.g., lesion-induced hypersexuality) greatly cortical area with other nearby and distant brain areas,
complicate hypothesis generation in lesion studies, as even a small degree of error in neuroanatomical or func-
well as the interpretation of results. In addition, the tional localization may implicate the wrong network
enormous anatomical and functional variability from hubs or core functional areas.168 Even with precise delin-
person to person must be considered.249,250 The lesion eation of the neuroanatomy and functional zones at all
method has its place, but its role in facilitating our levels (e.g., tracts, cortical cytoarchitecture, chemoarchi-
understanding of brain function is increasingly sup- tecture, and functional/effective connectivity), drawing
plemented and supplanted by new tools that may be conclusions about the function of individual brain areas
applied to NPSCC. in NPSCC is challenging due to our imperfect models of
overall brain functioning.
Combining data from multiple subjects requires con-
3.2 Newer Imaging Techniques trolling multiple variables. The power of this approach
Many new approaches have been developed that has been well demonstrated, as reviewed here and else-
will improve NPSCC by reducing the impact of neu- where in this volume. It should also be noted that small
roanatomical variability. The size, location, and path- studies (even single case studies) with fMRI, ERP, tDCS,
ways of cerebral cortical sulci vary from person to TMS, optogenetics, DTI, and other techniques can be
person, change during the course of normal develop- informative, especially when specific hypotheses are
ment and aging, and may be irrevocably altered as a being explored. Studying subjects with lesion-induced
consequence of disease, trauma, and even substance changes in PSCC can also be informative to develop
abuse. The cytoarchitecture of any specific region var- hypotheses about the structures and networks that
ies between and within individuals, and the bound- might be explored through larger studies.
aries between various cytoarchitectonic zones are This brief overview of the lesion method and newer
difficult to define.249,250 This neuroanatomical and imaging techniques introduces some of the challenges
functional complexity has led to new neuroimaging investigators might wish to consider in NPSCC research.
structural/functional parcellation schemes, although Regardless of its limitations, the lesion method will continue
universal acceptance of these new mapping tech- to be important and will likely continue to complement the
niques has not yet been achieved. newer neuroimaging and analytic techniques.250,258

References 15

4. SUMMARY brain damage leading to mania, and non-brain-lesion

hypersexuality is associated with anxiety, depression,
An overview of the complexities of neuroimaging of and negative affect. The ability to regulate sexual urges
personality, social cognition, and character is provided and drives is thought to be a key feature of hypersex-
in this introductory chapter, using hypersexuality as an uality, and the lesion-induced hypersexuality studies
example. In Section 1, many questions are posed for which implicate key structures for emotion regulation (e.g.,
there are no easy answers. Definitions for many of the vmPFC).
terms used throughout this volume are introduced. The The preceding discussion supports the premise that
issue of hypersexuality is described to provide an orga- the study of hypersexuality can be viewed as a micro-
nizing construct that facilitates the discussion of NPSCC cosm of NPSCC research. Personality, social cognition,
in general. We return to this construct in this Summary and character issues are vitally important to human
Section. In Section 2, a selective review of hypersexuality sexual behavior, and alterations in all three of these
is presented, covering both non-brain-lesion and lesion- domains are seen in the hypersexuality literature.
induced hypersexuality. The main brain areas likely to NPSCC research is applicable to the study of normal
relate to hypersexuality are summarized. Localizationist brain function, and its application to the study of com-
and network/associationist theories of brain organization plex human disorders such as hypersexuality can also
are presented to explain current models of hypersexual- be informative.
ity in relation to three key brain networks implicated by
the research (Figures 1–3), within which specific brain
areas seem to exert their most potent influences on hyper- References
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