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GROUNDWATER Groundwater oan be ensoat , water table (Fig. 8.1). When an agp e in enp ‘yator under prosour. in auch. ; of zoe pressure above the uppor surface ofthe water and the groundwater is aid to be PBenioue doe Free F euenes wate abe ‘moervious Bed rock egilade) ‘As tho fs of aad dus to percolation ral lara. Bach of these layers respect to the preding layer. uch: ie in-aizo distribution eu rained sale shold be roughly pa Ay working condition orto reduce pressures on slruolutes:Ifaqeifars are under a 2 ‘oxouso movin TECHACOKES 1. Aridaquitards, ‘see weeknest ater conditions are transiont and be thowe existing during id petiodie variations neoring constructions ‘ay bef eoncazn to ‘The water table postion has as samiber of waye. For example th fo Borlod and ar ell flor constuction.” "The necessary controle required during conetrucion aro to (Hunt, 1986) @ provide a dry excavation and permit ensteuction to preced ef sting a bracing in exeavetions, wean provent heaving and piping trl eeepage and pora pressures beneath pavements side-hil li, it sopes (od prevent surface and groundwater contamination from po Uanrors are de ‘the Chapter on Grouting mathode, 8.8, METHODS OF DEWATERING SYSTEMS. Groundwaterean be controlled by ad ‘or drains appropriate to the size and dopth haractetietios ofthe soil. In parlor days the cont ee i paeeesg ee ee wo wae MaDe wae_[ Tae Drains and Gi?) Cutofte Fig 22, Dewatering epson applinble denon ants (Adopted fan 18: STSB188) 4 vas accompanied by oneor combination ofthe following methods. wiihikes to interoopt seepage from the slopes combined with acontrolled fg combine with pumping Fre sump AN i rom deop sheeted raps dug outside af tho working are. ‘After the advent of suite wel machines, the eomtrel of groundwater has [yetems which may be considered mest suitabl yemRaated US 1 9180-1981) in Fig. 92, Difleront dewatoring systems subsequently described. 36.1, OPEN SUMPS AND DITCHES ‘The essential featuro of the method isa sump below theground level ofthe excava seer sides (ig, 3.2), In otder ta prevont standing water on te floor 3f or dite cut aotind the bottom ofthe excavation, i J 7) CS a AA, ee Fig 8.3.Dowaterne through eum ‘Pha isthe most wi economia! mothod for ins fand rock conditions ‘ther “rator table can be lowered by Uhs method i reviousdisadvantage that the groundwater Gra steap slope and hence there is nike xeavations there erick of intabi methods of groundwater lowering ‘applied to most ei 040 L monet either coved ends or self otting types. Where wellpoints aro requires wage MEMOS 6 round for along pevied, eg, for devateringm yack excavation, cae alsponable plastic wellpointe which ave of rplon mesh scree Vinatis Hac pipee, Woterdravrn through the cereen enters the epaco between the gauze fand the oataide cf 0 then roaches iagrammatic them ino the ground, arrangement of {piel layout ofa wellpoint system is shown in Fig. 35. Riser pipe to header moln T Far seveen z 3 e In ree pipe L ‘ster ball raised when pursing in > nd lomeres he elie Serrated Salting soz en, 1980, tren. Spasing of fof 1.6 m may be necessary in to gravelathey may nood tobe a elase as 0.8 mcentres. general vent commpriee of 80 f9.69 wellpaints to asingle 150 oF 200 mm pump {ih navparatejetUiegpump. ‘The wellpoint pump has anainfratereparataranda acim pump as wel a the normal contrfugal pum, ‘Wellpoint aystem is the most commonly used method for construction purposes, A Mable when the site is accesible, and whore water boating stray sand sendy ” 6 wave HEADER AIN WATERLEVEL, AFTER FIRST SHGE 7 DrAyOowN CURVE ‘COARSE. SAND FILTER: aiser Pie: Nwaren cevers wir SECOND STAGE WELLPOINTS IN OPERATION retrn pipe. These bo ina cased holo and survounded with a filter sand, if necessary. This methed! has the se roux marovENer TeRNOUES dim dopts by tho ouction Lit "inayatem i thatthe jeteductor ioser YaWes connection ITF Fro 1 Stenaby pure (i required? LF heoder, op of ae Tee of slope Pomp owe section and pulled out from the comy <-—---3 onset waren Lave, toweneo WATER LEVEL s HEADER MAN the borehole inl In a 2 to 6 mn length of unporforated pipe to ct as a sump to ‘which might bo drawn through the filer mesh. Graded filter mater rama aemions contest WATER LEVEL, ee Lowenco water LEVEL Fig. 2.1, Veewutn dowterng syst. senor sregeonaren in the the yang of0.1 to 10 10" mins, Such sls can be o a Set : ie = \ epee [= ovine . Fig 213. Mache (sesame cuanceD suneAce) type of anode Pipes, of 25 mmor 80 mm diamater, which ean ba easly de her be placed singy or in groups of two or hee, The individual Tho length ofthe anodes and practieal ease. In Figs, 3.16 and 9, toinstalloathodes in Pe form of ast to normal we ‘the ofa to the bottom 20 ato allow the water to diecharge inte them var the Ihave the ndvantagn of sorving alto ax drainage wel are frequently preset in ily soils asl which otherwise -osmasis. Two basie arvangensent of eathede-well ere ately but in close proninty to the je range of 04 to 0.0% 10-fem/soe (Casagrande, 1948, 1952), 6 ‘ROUND Rove ECARDS eannoe enoos 6 ® Fig 9.18 Combination ofctheds a wel. iT Ld & roy meu. CATHODE should be made known to everybody ty persons wvaring rubber botehould be admitted into the neighbourhood ofthe Lat wo nee he ler gete into contact Te anne ibe theconsequene,ewon with prac TIONS sr "Table 3.2, Case Histories of Blectro-ommoste ‘Table 8.3. Comparative Studlee of Dowatoring Systems depted from Pio, 198) \hetepted from 1S: 9769-1981) Tonaionand [OWecteftreataent] —Sellrenied | Prowdore | Revulvand GE Mothad | Seite Suitable ew Bieedoantag Teferece ‘omen Es fortretment fas Norway. i= iectrodrainags 7. [Samp [esneravels poeta 1087) 55 Vimat 2508 prnping | and enten ncn sonde Feisyestsity | lexodesinage: |Saliatuory trot 2, |Wotoint | Senay grant ings mick, [6=26Vin at 20, Neatne | | yams [own friowie eis pumps | propis oa ‘tobe wea nays inspor Charl 1 | Pitt are eaeley, end Bact 1975. Ethie Berea, Prone, | Treatment prs o Soelay. 8m thik (Caren, 138, Tunic Tunis, (are, 198, earng ome naorinlere Son problem igh nai. (61 Tohardensait | Sot cay ard a fore 30%}. | around ele ile 1601amae | 90Vim a BAor 7 3 are "Note a= atercntat, py =anerined sass eng | itiatectay. ‘Tale Cont « ‘orouRD innovensner Teemogues S| Metal Tintgse Ne. [ie “Any os 5. [ae fom jemmalaabeune sndennay st) 3.7, DESIGN STEPS FOR DEWATERING SYSTEMS of loworing the groundwater table excavation and at the camo time wa dewatering system ie prevented bolo 27, SUBSOIL INVESTIGATION \ Paramount importance should be givolto know the charastrieties of soils adjacent ‘and bononth an excavation, The depth and spacing of borings have tobe properly planned nmples permeability rls 20 a to identify each acl type, layer ofclay or any other impervious materi Drala wetons % ‘Table 3.4. Permenbs Values of Pervious Stratus (Cdopted from 1S: 9769-1981) ah Tp ofSond a 4 01 1000 5 10013600 & 26013000 stratified or gravelly sands ts warranted to assess the permebility by a mutable eld pumping tet in eas of Ingo dowatering project, 8.2, SOURCE, AND WATER TABLE DETAILS ‘Soutoe of seepage and knowledge of the Wl any eubsirat 4 site are most important fhetors Lo be considered while designing a dewater rrby stream or other bodies of water, onthe dogro0 of aniountof drawdown, Ste CHA) ME 26) ofinluanee () C= meonstant= 0.0 (for gravity flows) ” Corouno meRovENEN TrEOUES H = dopth of natural watar table (mn) ‘hy = ead atthe wall (m) Aowatoring systom. Phas due eon 8.18. DISTANCE OF WELLPOINTS/WELLS FROM SOURCE Based on the fold conditicn the valuc of Fo shioula bo wscer the following considerations should bo talon eate of US : 9769-198). (a) tho te influenee is Largs compared with then ‘an approsimatscstimation of Ray besuliien tothe value of, SEEPAGE In this yoga, bo mado fora pattioular dowatoring system, tothe vale of wellpoint/vel is docidod basad on the installation 1g0r pressure roief Bas the number, sie, spacing, and penstrationof tho wolpeintaivels and tho ize and capacity of collectors and pumps. The tf man ryt etablish ths fundamental relationships between discharge from wells and wellpeints and the corresponding drawdown effected in the porvioue trata. The dano by following tho design principles cs plicable olan iner ‘and continuous flow through @ porous medi In a dewatering ayetor with a. ° wo - a peti. rote Yoo Wd ath hp md hat hy =A and erred a sen 0.00% Hh igcan then be computed from the (8.8) where. = distance of wellpoints from tho line source = apasingof wellpeints, and ny =¥adiua of wellpoints n ‘oun maoveMeNT'TecmaauES Fig. 2.20, omputetin effactare yan © For gravity caso an red ta prodaco a given groundwater SEGURA, poten oF went romano. poxes a, 2ORAVEL . have : -vERIFINE ORAL —VERGRE ——oveoun sano --2c0A8Se SAND Case vi = S-9FINE SAND Sh “SRG! Pig. 3.2, Wetpaint spacing fr urtom (oped fr I 789. ends ane gravela toweringin various cils ean alzo becatimate from the monogeaphs: i 3.22. Aa thou monographs are based on ompivieal data and a ‘they should be weed with caution. ‘Gkouyo waren SPACING OF WELL POINTS x03 SBheane so in os _aGRANEL, aveRye Ne cane ‘Table 3.6, Flow to n Slot from a Single Line Source (Adept from 18 9759.198) ~~ rable Gon capresion Co Forwasty cae Note. The maximum rsd! hoa, hp donateeam rm he loca be compte ‘Tables. (Conta “Jorn ypapy Pe ute asfom soa) tn Reman fellas bow wo aho[ oh ale MN eos “Table 3.7. Blow to Two ‘and Po Ge ow Conon Discharge Formulae Remark [Axess | Pow from one asus to the leet of the reo slate stained frre equations of rate, ‘ewdhomidwaybtenlelaisbiaied fiom Tables vity ts ard bya bo obsined rom Fig. 220. te hei ho midway betwen the at lsat ‘Tabla 36. Flow tos Slot froin TWo Line Somes (Acdpted from 18 9760-1081) ie soon ar- ‘aed Head Redeton for Fine Feng tot Seer Fay ponctosting ss be computed fallowe: Pencraion Plow Godin Dischorge Forme ‘Actes gba t= Tey) oly 5-08 $027 1 het At stan fom the itn sone af shone 1.3 D tha hen ncrenenHnety a4 neeaces, 9 ME hel Pi resists he thy pt hohe seta Be Fentraton Pion Couon Wiad Rede ay prtesg on Hohe pes tn gE ae Grassy Wanda Beh Ben so fenenine tren (See) easier ese canbe ed co appeeits WNote 1 Gy = dleahergp poral B= ‘Ror the wellpnt spacing and thoheadhy tho wellpsinthavebeen computed, the “Ha = avorage head los in hocer pipe up to pump intake, 2.276, DESIGN OF FILTERS. sdon the! bea ria, desased in Section 3.2, the filter requitemonts fr flor Character of Filter Materials Ratio Rie Uniform main-sizedictibution (©, «8 04) | Sto 10 - ‘Well graded to poorly graded (non-uniform); 12 to 68 121040 subrouraded grains ‘Well graded ta poorly graded (non-uniform); 9 to 30 Bios angular pantisies hore Re Pees ter mesa 17/1, DESIGN AND SELECTION OF WELL SCREENS "Tho design of wells and wellpcinta mest enoure that there wil bo ito reetance to ‘sed during water flowing through the axresa and 1 pumping, and ‘8478, SELECTION OF PUMPS AND ACCESSORIES Pumps, headers, discharge lines and power unit must be of aulfisiont eapscity to removo the required flow from the Alowatered area. The geleetion af a pump Is or wellpoints and conduct it aveey Irom the 1d power unit depends on various factors euch Dramas Meron n 3960 Bien’ of the pump al engine ‘whore total dynamie load = operating vacuua a the pump intake + diechangefrietion loses. “Header pipos are of 15 o 50cm pipes, Headers for wellpeint system aro hhosdor of the multistage eyetern subgrade to onsute thet propor drawdown ofthe groundwater Iovol can be achioved with the vnewun fntho line. Observations shoald be sade at every etage of operation w® ‘orouno namovenaee FECIEMOUES ‘used inadeop- wal eysten, the pumps eanbelocatod onthe excavation slopesandconnected ms header pipe. Por deop oxcas rworods For ada fe & 160 mm) turbine or submersible Pum of vanfall geourronee of zaingall and the resulting runoff ‘hanna and then pumped ou of ting, free board and ‘of maintenance swith adequate allowance. storage, Veleites of ow should bo low enough to reduce thee 3.8, DRAINS. ‘Acomplte dain consists of hes eompanants i, 6 lapel eget ‘he nine eal file ssn for continue affine af tho dean and to opogecrnon ding high vas gradint. Theta me itarandeearielovay. Ornate cond to 10 Snes tp {han it paul ditt tallow for vsaton nel parsebiity nd te aetommate rv perratins 8 99 man nana and eqre itor collector, and reel eS pray Daring adver coctionn th wet yar, high Water able ane incalcopogaiy aren sytometapentexnnt arene Tnsechattsations pen Sata be vcrtd to which wl bcs ovor tng paved 38.1, OPEN DRAINS 3.8.2, CLOSED DRAINS. ‘aba required dopth i ‘suitable ter matoril Fig 2.28). As fas possible ipa oceasionally. Also manholes shouldbe provided at changes in dvecton and at intorvalef 100 to 160 m alone steaightecctions. ig. 8.23. ip dain with 8.88, HORIZONTAL DRAINS I field situations warrant to avoid op submergence, the groundwator enn be lower systam consists ofa reinforeadconerets shafts or wells frm whieh a perforated pipes aro fixed. Theze pipes may bo extended to a requited length in any ‘ivootion, Water collected in the well fs pumped out by manns ofa ts aystom may not be affective in loworing water instal 8.84, DRAINAGE APTER CONSTRUCTION Proventing groundwater from seoping inte an struct through a finished struc: ‘tare may be necessary in order to obtain propar use ofthe structure oF taprotect i fom drainage. In aome stuatione, the dewatoring systoms wilized doring construction may be Turther used to protect the structure Ina particular field condition iit ie nscorsary that an usable part of structure has to-be located below the groundwater table, itis esstial to buik! the feelity utilizing ‘waterproof design and construction techniques. One of the desirable features for a sue aqueous srueture je ta have all cams and joints with water atops or to qvoid complotaly seams and joints. ean werIoDs « ‘ot IMPROVEMENT TECHNGUS ihown in Fig. 324, Howover, such of ~ ‘ainage water has tbe dirosted to sump equ srtece oped eway fom well) 1emetincesconetvucted benesth ie drainage path for removal of bia collector layer (Fig. 3.25) and the latter isin con torbarementflor. The blankets eonnestod by on (a Types open shoulder dish frond ig 8.25 Blanket ders i spe posi

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