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Revival details under Policy

Policy Number : 123150678

Plan Number : 14
Premiums not paid since : 06/04/2017
No of Instalments due : 6
Instalment Premium : ` 3,417.00
Total Premium Amount : ` 20,502.00
Late Payment Charges : ` 2,777.35
Total Revival Amount : ` 23,279.35
Revival Quotation valid till : 19/11/2019
Premium Mode : Half-Yearly

This document is electronically generated and no signature is required.In case of any

discrepancies/queries about revival, please send SMS as follows -- type "LICHELP <policy
no>" and send it to 9222492224. Our Customerzone Official will get in touch with you shortly.
* Please note that the revival quotation does not include the applicable GST amount. GST rate
as per rules prevailing will be applicable at the time of payment.

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