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Release Notes

Issue 01

Date 2016-07-30


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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) i
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes Contents


1 Version Requirements ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Product Version ................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Version Mapping Requirements ....................................................................................................................................................1

2 Version Compatibility ................................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Co mpatibility with Earlier Product Versions ..............................................................................................................................2

3 Important Notes ............................................................................................................................ 3

3.1 Hardware ...........................................................................................................................................................................................3
3.2 Operations .........................................................................................................................................................................................3
3.3 License Precautions .........................................................................................................................................................................3
3.4 VM Operat ions .................................................................................................................................................................................4
3.4.1 Fo rbidden Operations ..................................................................................................................................................................4
3.4.2 Critical Operations .......................................................................................................................................................................4

4 Virus Scan Result .......................................................................................................................... 5

4.1 FusionAccess V100R006C00 Scan Result ..................................................................................................................................5
4.2 FusionAccess Tool V100R006C00 Scan Result.........................................................................................................................6
4.3 FusionAccess Client V100R006C00 Scan Result ......................................................................................................................7

5 What's New .................................................................................................................................... 9

6 Resolved Issues and Known Issues of FusionAccess V100R006C00 ................................ 13
6.1 Resolved Issues ..............................................................................................................................................................................13
6.2 Known Issues..................................................................................................................................................................................13

7 Related Documentation ............................................................................................................. 14

7.1 Related Documentation.................................................................................................................................................................14

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential ii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 1 Version Requirements

1 Version Requirements

1.1 Product Version

1.2 Version Mapping Requirements

1.1 Product Version

Product Name FusionAccess

Product Version V100R006C00

Applied Site This version is released with FusionCloud Desktop Solution


1.2 Version Mapping Requirements

See the FusionAccess V100R006C00 Version Mapping.

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 2 Version Co mpatibility

2 Version Compatibility

2.1 Compatibility with Earlier Product Versions

2.1 Compatibility with Earlier Product Versions

FusionAccess V100R006C00 is deployed on the FusionSphere V100R005C10 virtualization

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 3 Impo rtant Notes

3 Important Notes

3.1 Hardware
3.2 Operations
3.3 License Precautions
3.4 VM Operations

3.1 Hardware
Do not perform any operations when boards are powered on or off.

3.2 Operations
 User VMs can be managed through the IT adapter (ITA) portal or the platform provided
by the FusionCompute. Avoid managing user VMs on the FusionCompute platform. The
ITA portal of the FusionAccess is called Desktop Cloud Service Maintenance System.
 Do not use the active and standby ITA portals at the same time. Use the standby ITA
portal only in an emergency.
 Do not delete desktop groups or change desktop group names on the ITA portal.
 Do not modify the policy configuration on the ITA portal without the guidance of
professional engineers.

3.3 License Precautions

If HDP Plus features are used before the upgrade to V100R005C30 on a site, a license file of
the enterprise plus edition must be applied for and uploaded after the upgrade. Otherwise, the
HDP Plus features cannot be used after the upgrade.

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 3 Impo rtant Notes

3.4 VM Operations
3.4.1 Forbidden Operations
When VMs are used, certain operations may cause VM exceptions or even service
interruption. To ensure proper use of VMs, DO NOT perform the following operations:
 Disable network connections for VMs.
 Enable software or tools, such as the IPsec, that can restrict network traffic.
 Run the script or command (for example, route DELETE *) to modify route data.
 Clear the 28510,28511,28512, 28521, 28522 and 8888 options on the Exceptions tab
page in the Windows Firewall Settings dialog box.
 Enable hibernation on VMs.
To disable hibernation on a VM, perform the following steps:
1. Right-click on the desktop, and choose Properties.
2. Click the Screen Saver tab, and click Power.
3. Click the Hibernate tab, deselect Enable hibernation, and click OK.
 Disable HDP services, such as Huawei HDP Audio, Huawei HDP Communication, and
Huawei HDP Service.
 Remove HDP programs, such as the HDPServer, Microsoft .NET framework
2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0, Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.30319, and
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.30319.
 Stop the LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE, or SYSTEM process on the
Processes tab page in the Windows Task Manager dialog box.
 Change services and startup options in the System Configuration Utility dialog box.
 Use Supper Rabbit or Wopti Utilities to clear or optimize the registry.
 Delete files or folders in C:\Program Files\Huawei.
 Modify the configuration file for the HDP client.

3.4.2 Critical Operations

The following operation on VMs may affect the system performance:
Install a customized screensaver that provides complex transformation functions.

This type of screensaver consumes many system resources and prolongs the access to the
FusionAccess after it is activated.

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 4 Virus Scan Result

4 Virus Scan Result

4.1 FusionAccess V100R006C00 Scan Result

4.2 FusionAccess Tool V100R006C00 Scan Result
4.3 FusionAccess Client V100R006C00 Scan Result

4.1 FusionAccess V100R006C00 Scan Result

1. Scan Detail:
Engine Name McAfee

Engine Version 5800:7501

Virus Lib Version 8238:0

Scan Time 2016-07-27 11:03:31.797

Scan Result OK

Engine Name Avira

Engine Version

Virus Lib Version

Scan Time 2016-07-27 11:03:11.705

Scan Result OK

Engine Name Symantec

Engine Version 12.1.2015.2015

Virus Lib Version 2016-07-25r20

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 4 Virus Scan Result

Scan Time 2016-07-27 11:00:40.977

Scan Result OK

Engine Name Kav

Engine Version

Virus Lib Version 20160726-060016

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:58:40.233

Scan Result OK

Engine Name OSCE

Engine Version 9.850.1008

Virus Lib Version 1267500

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:57:29.721

Scan Result OK

4.2 FusionAccess Tool V100R006C00 Scan Result

1. Scan Detail:
Engine Name Avira

Engine Version

Virus Lib Version

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:49:48.96

Scan Result OK

Engine Name McAfee

Engine Version 5800:7501

Virus Lib Version 8238:0

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:49:38.929

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 4 Virus Scan Result

Scan Result OK

Engine Name Kav

Engine Version

Virus Lib Version 20160725-013010

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:47:38.685

Scan Result OK

Engine Name Symantec

Engine Version 12.1.2015.2015

Virus Lib Version 2016-07-25r20

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:46:48.578

Scan Result OK

Engine Name OSCE

Engine Version 9.850.1008

Virus Lib Version 1267500

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:46:48.578

Scan Result OK

4.3 FusionAccess Client V100R006C00 Scan Result

1. Scan Detail:
Engine Name Avira

Engine Version

Virus Lib Version

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:40:23.322

Scan Result OK

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 4 Virus Scan Result

Engine Name Kav

Engine Version

Virus Lib Version 20160726-060007

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:37:33.032

Scan Result OK

Engine Name Symantec

Engine Version 12.1.2015.2015

Virus Lib Version 2016-07-25r20

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:36:22.91

Scan Result OK

Engine Name McAfee

Engine Version 5800:7501

Virus Lib Version 8238:0

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:36:22.91

Scan Result OK

Engine Name OSCE

Engine Version 9.850.1008

Virus Lib Version 1267500

Scan Time 2016-07-27 10:36:12.88

Scan Result OK

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 5 What's New

5 What's New

Table 5-1 describes the new features of FusionAccess V100R006C00.

Table 5-1 New features

Features/Functions Description

Software deployment Desktop management software ITA and Loggetter (which are
form (enhanced) originally deployed on Windows servers) are switched to the
SUSE 11 SP3 Linux servers, implementing unified
deployment of desktop management components on the Linux
servers. The Linux ISO installation CD-ROM is provided,
supporting independent component software installation.
FusionAccess interconnects with the Microsoft AD standard
installation mode (installAll) to support one-click installation
of the ITA, WI, HDC, DB, and License components. The
single node installation and two-node cluster installation
modes are supported.

Configuration The wizard-based configuration function upon the first login

management (enhanced) after ITA installation is provided. Users can enter parameters
as prompted to automatically implement the initial
configuration of the virtualization environment, domain,
desktop components, and alarm components, simplifying the
data configuration process after the system is installed.

License management License authorization in mixed configuration mode based on

(enhanced) the number of users and the number of concurrent users is
supported. Users can purchase the authorization based on the
number of users and the number of concurrent users at the
same time and only needs to apply for one license file to be
activated in the management system. License in mixed
configuration mode requires an HDC to be deployed for each
type of users. The control type of each HDC needs to be
specified. The control types include the control based on the
number of users and the control based on the number of
concurrent users.

Windows virtual desktop Windows 10-based user virtual desktops are provided,
(enhanced) including the desktops based on Windows 10 Professional
(limited commercial use) (32-bit and 64-bit) and Windows 10 Enterprise (32-bit and

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 5 What's New

Features/Functions Description
Access Client can run on Windows 10 to enable users to
access virtual desktops.

Desktop watermark The desktop watermark function can be configured by the

administrator. The watermark can be configured on a fixed or
random position to prevent users using camera devices to take
photos of virtual desktops.
4K resolution Office with monitors that support the 4K resolution (3840 x
2160) is supported.
The Huawei dedicated player can be used to play local 4K
videos on user VMs. This feature requires the cooperation of
high-performance terminals (such as Centerm D660 TCs or
PCs supporting 4K hardware decoding).

Monitor automatic The monitor shutdown energy saving function (triggered by

energy saving VM screen lockout) is supported. The switch can be
configured using policies.

USB port mapping Enhanced capabilities are provided for USB 3.0 devices. USB
(enhanced) devices connected to USB 3.0 ports can be mapped to VMs.
Microsoft and other known USB 3.0 drivers can be taken over
by default. Third-party USB 3.0 drivers can be manually
configured for Windows clients.

Printer mapping Enhanced printer mapping capabilities are supported,

(enhanced) including:
 Local printer redirection on x86 Linux clients.
 Location-based network printing, which indicates that
neighboring network printers can be dynamic matched
according to policies.
 Automatic mapping from default local printers to default
VM printers.
Pooled Desktop The shutdown restoration function is supported on linked
(Enhanced) clone VMs when FusionStorage is used.
This feature is supported only when FusionSphere 5.1 U1 is

Linux Virtual Desktop Linux virtual desktops are provided to meet user Linux
(Limited Commercial application requirements. In addition, administrators can
Use) provision Linux virtual desktops in batches and perform
unified management and control. Feature specifications and
restrictions are as follows:
 Supports only Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6(RHEL) x86 and

 Supports the following TC types: CT3100, CT5000,

CT5100, CT6000, and CT6100.

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 5 What's New

Features/Functions Description
 Supports Windows SCs but does not support login from
Android or iOS mobile devices.

 Supports unified user management using the AD domain and

supports the username and password authentication mode,
but does not support the smartcard and fingerprint
authentication modes.

 Supports monitor (maximum resolution1920 x 1080,

single-screen), mouse and keyboard, audio, printer
redirection and file redirection.
 Supports full copy provisioning in import mode, but does not
support linked clone and full memory VM provis ioning in
import mode or quick service provisioning.
 Does not support multiple user sessions, remote assistance,
and peripherals other than printers and USB flash drives.

 Real-time call audio software may have latency problems and is not
recommended. The overall video playback is smooth, but frame
freezing occurs occasionally.
Linux virtual desktops are recommended in scenarios that have
only simple tasks. The management software is installed by
the administrator in a unified manner and common users have
only user rights.

Template Creation Tool The template creation tool supports wizard-based desktop
(Enhanced) cloud user VM template creation, automatic Huawei desktop
agent (HDA) installation, system optimization, and parameter

Lazydesk This feature allows users to access virtual desktops as soon as

they power on TCs, providing consistent login experience as
The major functions are as follows:
 Supports automatic login upon TC startup by using preset

username and password.

 Allows virtual desktops to be bound to TCs. (New feature in


 Allows users to hide TC start menu, control panel, and all

applications and display only the cloud client login page
after the TC is powered on.

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 5 What's New

Features/Functions Description
 Allows users to hide cloud client settings menu and toolbar.
After a user logs in to a virtual desktop, the virtual desktop
can be displayed in full screen. (New feature in

This feature is applicable to call centers, cloud classes,

multimedia classrooms, libraries, conference rooms, as well as
other scenarios that require simple login and efficient

Service-based Computing SBC provides enhanced peripheral functions to support USB

(SBC) (Enhanced) redirection, input method redirection, camera redirection, and
Twain. Self-help maintenance supports application trays (in
Windows and Linux). The trays support automatic login. The
maintenance management enhancement supports QoS
assurance and APS log collection based on RDS polic ies.

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
FusionAccess 6 Resolved Issues and Known Iss ues of FusionAccess
Release Notes V100R006C00

6 Resolved Issues and Known Issues of

FusionAccess V100R006C00

6.1 Resolved Issues

6.2 Known Issues

6.1 Resolved Issues


6.2 Known Issues


Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 7 Related Documentation

7 Related Documentation

7.1 Related Documentation

7.1 Related Documentation

Table 7-1 Related documentation
BOM Number Document Description Delivery Mode

- FusionAccess Provides Obtained from

V100R006C00 information about Huawei technical
Version Mapping the products, support engineers
software, and
documents that are
compatible with

How to Obtain Documents Using HedEx Lite

About HedEx Lite

HedEx Lite is a browser used to view documents of Huawei products. It has the following
 Easy to use
HedEx Lite can be used without installation, requiring less disk space and memory.
 Centralized management of product documents
HedEx Lite enables you to browse documents of various products and versions in one
 Easy to download and update
− HedEx Lite supports online query and allows you to download the documents in
HDX format.
− HedEx Lite periodically checks for version-specific document updates and notifies
you if the latest version is available.

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 14

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Release Notes 7 Related Documentation

For details about the functions of HedEx Lite, see the online Help of HedEx Lite.

How to Obtain HedEx Lite

Vis it, download the HedEx Lite software in the HedEx Lite
Download area, and run HedExLite.exe.

Only the users who have user type set to Equipment Customer can download the HedEx Lite

How to Obtain Product Documentation Packages

HedEx Lite supports online query and allows you to download the documents in HDX format.
To obtain a product documentation package, perform the following steps:

Step 1 Choose Admin > Upgrade Settings, enter the user name and password, set related
parameters, and click Save.
Step 2 Choose Upgrade Library > Upgrade Library > Online Query.
Step 3 On the Create Upgrade Task page, specify the product name, product version, and language,
and click Submit.
Step 4 Select the required documentation package,and click Upgrade Now.

The download progress is displayed in Status. After the download is complete, the Home
page displays the downloaded product documentation package.

How to Update Product Documentation Packages

HedEx Lite provides auto-reminder for document updates. You can also manually update
product documentation packages as required.
 Auto-reminder for document updates
To enable the auto-reminder for document updates, choose Admin > Upgrade Settings,
and select Enable auto-reminder for library upgrade under Auto-Reminder for
Libraries on the displayed page.
HedEx Lite periodically checks for the latest version of your documentation package and
notifies you if the latest version is available. You can then download the latest version to
your local PC.
 Manual update
To manually update your local documentation package, choose Upgrade Library >
Upgrade Library, and select Upgrade libraries. HedEx Lite checks for the latest
version of your documentation package and notifies you if the latest version is available.
You can then download the latest version to your local PC.

Issue 01 (2016-07-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 15

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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