Rukmini Devi Case

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Case Study Report

An old lady’s cheque has been bounced and she has lodged a very creative
complaint in the way a bank writes notice to the customers. There is no
fundamental mistake of the bank and the bank needs to reply the old lady so that
she understands the situation. Also, the old lady is fined of which is she is
disturbed. Finding alternate solutions to respond to the situations is the case.

Saurabh Kulkarni
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................2
UNDERSTANDING THE FAULT ..................................................................................................3
• Banks Perspective ............................................................................................................................................ 3

• Old Lady’s Perspective ................................................................................................................................... 3

WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? .........................................................................................................4

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An old lady paid a plumber with a cheque which got bounced due to a minimum delay of deposit
of her pension. The bank according to the rules fined her R.s.5000. The old lady got frustrated
with the bank policies and wrote a very creative and sarcastic letter to the bank.
She wrote all the grievances she had with the bank. It started with the cheque getting bounced
because of few nanoseconds. She reminds the bank of having an automatic arrangement of her
pension being deposited in the bank. Then she talks about various issues she faced. She speaks
about how banks are not having any personal touch whenever she tries to call them. In return
they expect she herself to be present for any bank matters. A computerized, impersonal,
overcharged, machine answers the call when tried to contact the bank. She writes how bank
envelops are not allowed to be opened by anyone else. Also, how lengthy forms the applicants
have to fill for point of contact. The bank policy documents are also long of which she mentions
very sarcastically. The customer has to submit various forms and medical records while opening
an account which should be issued by the government body. Financial details till date has to be
provided by the customer to the bank. The PIN being used to access the account is long and
difficult to remember. Finally, she says how difficult it is to contact any bank employee. She has
to dial numbers whenever she calls the bank and go through various options.
She being old feels that the policies to have her pension been come regularly, automatically to
her bank account required so much additional work. Along with it, when her cheque was bounced
and fine was deducted from her account, her contact with the bank was impersonal and had to
go through various number options.
The bank manager has received her letter and has to respond to the situation.

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To find the solution, we need to understand whose fault it was.
• Banks Perspective
Bank has to deal with many customers day in day out. It is a financial institution where
people put in their life’s savings. The bank system should have to be strict and well
structured to avoid any chances of failure. The defaulter need to be penalized. They
cannot prefer any individual for not continuing with the rules. This will affect the trust the
people will have with the bank.
The old lady paid the cheque without having the required balance. This is against the rules
of the bank. The bank will fine her according to its policies. It has to penalized everyone
without any partiality. Thus, old lady may not have done it purposefully, but the bank has
done its responsibilities.
Only new thing is that, bank understood the various pain point its customers feel and
accordingly can work upon the customer service in the future.

• Old Lady’s Perspective

The old lady as per usual pension deposit, assumed that the amount would be present in
her account and gave the cheque to the plumber. She had no such intention to default the
payment to the plumber. But, still after the cheque got bounced, she had to pay R.s 5000.
She felt that she has been penalized for no mistake.

The situation was such that the customer assumes himself as a single person contact with
the bank while bank considers the customer as one among the many. The customer
requires special attention but with so many customers, it is difficult to make them feel
that along with following policies.

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The answer is simple. The old lady doesn’t want to be penalized for the wrong reasons. Also she
doesn’t want to be felt old and is tired of such long process of documents. The bank manager
can look into her bank details and confirm the pension deposit. If the deposit is as per the letter
say, the manager can refund her the fine amount.
The distress she feels, she can be sent a thank you card for showing the pain points the customers
face while transacting with the bank. Along with that an a video game player can be given to
her. She will feel young and also can spend her time well.
Why video game? The way letter is written shows that she is well educated. She pays plumber
with a cheque, which shows her understanding of bank formalities is good. Also it tells about
good economic background. She speaks about the automated voice response over and also
mocks about it. Technology is not very new to her. A good video game with simple video games
can feel her young.

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