Organised by College of Nursing, AIIMS, New Delhi

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AIIMS, New Delhi

Organised by College of Nursing, AIIMS, New Delhi

Moderator - Dr Sandhya Gupta and (Ms Sonia Chauhan/ Ms Jacinta Gunjiyal)

Time Topic Faculty

2 – 3.15 pm Day 1 - 13th April 2020
1.1 Responsibility of Nurse for Specimen collection and Sample collection of Ms Milan Tirwa
patient suspected of SARS Co-V 2 infection
1.2 Bio Medical Waste Management Practices for hospital for COVID-19 Mr Ajesh Kumar
outbreak : Role of Nurse
1.2 Bio Medical Waste Management Practices for Home for COVID outbreak : Ms Nileema Raaj
Role of Nurse
Q&A Ms Jacinta Gunjiyal/ Dr
Sandhya Gupta
2 – 3.15 PM Day 2- 15th April 2020
2.1 Disinfection Practices of equipment and surfaces during outbreak of SARS Dr Seema Sachdeva
Co-V2 infection Ms Nemkholam
2.2 Preparation of Isolation and Quarantine for Persons with SARS Co-V 2 Ms Sibi Riju,
infection: Principles and Practices : Ms Anubha Devagourou
Role of Nurse for preparing the facility and family and patient Ms Mamta Choudhary
Ms Savita Ahlawat
Q&A Ms Sonia Chauhan/ Dr
Sandhya Gupta
2 – 3.15 PM Day 3- 16th April 2020
3.1 Management of Antenatal, Post Natal Women with SARS Co-V2 infection Ms Gita Razdan
at Home : Role of Nurse for preparing the pregnant women and family Mr Hansa Ram
Ms Savita Ahlawat
Ms Manita
Dr Philomina Thomas
3.2 Surveillance of SARS Co-V 2 infection Dr Sandhya Gupta
Q&A Ms Sonia Chauhan/
Dr Sandhya Gupta
2 – 3 PM Day 4 -17th April 2020
4.1 Communicating effectively with person suspected of SARS Co-V2 infection Ms Surbala Devi
4.2 Potential for developing Substance Use disorders during outbreak of SARS Dr Sandhya Gupta
Co-V infection. Specific care issues of Patients with Substance Use
disorders during outbreak of SARS Co-V 2 infection
Q&A Dr Sandhya Gupta

Contact: SET Facility, AIIMS, New Delhi ( for any further information
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