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Chapter 1

The Problem and definition of terms

Chapter 1
The Problem and definition of terms

1.1 Introduction
Education is a process of reformation which shapes mind. For a school going
child teacher is responsible for the process of reformation and development of child.
Development of science and technology had given many new aspects to each and
every fields related to human life. Impact of technology in education system is noticed
significantly on classroom interaction. When nation demands for competency based
teachers, in that situation it is not permitted that teacher does not know benefit of
educational technology and use of educational technology.
In the process of education it may in classroom or it may out of classroom,
main process taking place is the transfer of information by various means of
communication. Technology of getting information and communicate with each other
is developed as an information communication technology.
Edgar Dale discussed in experience and learning cone that we tend to
remember 50% of what we see and hear by means of watching movie or watching a
demonstration while the experience of only hearing is at lower level of 20%. In light
of this one should have to reconsider about effectiveness and impact of traditional
lecture method of teaching. Teaching is a process of transferring instruction and there
are many means of transfer of instruction. Among all approaches ‘differentiated
instruction’ is a teaching approach in which educational content, process, and product
are adapted according to student readiness, interest, and learning stage. Unlike
individualized instruction, in which teaching must be directed to the specific needs
and skills of each individual student, differentiated instruction addresses the needs of
student clusters.
Thus for an instructor it is of prime importance that which means of
transferring instruction is best suited for their students. Keeping this in mind
researcher decided to evaluate different communication techniques using technology
based on media
Looking to current environmental issues it becomes clear that now and in
future human have to think positively over his activity, which disturbs the balance of
environmental cycle. Society has to change their views toward environment because
this is not a question of individual. It is proven that education had played impressive
role to change trends of society. In this perspective we should not bound education in
limits of religion, community, nation or society but now education becomes
“Education for Global Changes”. Aim of Global Change can only achieved by
education and also by necessary changes in system of education.

Education and awareness is one of the most effective forces towards saving
our besieged environment. The basis of a healthy environment is good air, water and
soil. These basic building blocks of life are obviously essential for life to continue and
must be cared for, preserved and enhanced. No programme can be a success without
education as education is what makes people aware of the need for any activity and
can generate much needed support for that activity.
The chief objective of environmental education is that individual and social
groups should acquire awareness and knowledge, develop attitudes, skills and abilities
and participate in solving real-life environmental problems.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Over the past several years , many efforts have been carried out to
develop expressiveness theory by investigating how people perform with
representations of differing expressiveness. The way people learn various reasoning
skills, and the way in which the representations they acquire depend both upon their
prior abilities, and upon the representations used in teaching them. So in this study
researcher focused on evaluating differential effects of media on teaching learning.
Teaching learning experience of environment education through media will lead to
proper awareness and interest of students toward environment. Environmental
education being an incipient area, the development of teaching learning material is of
crucial significance.
Looking to this researcher decided to generate common instructions regarding
environment awareness which can be useful to students and also for society.
Thus combining two thoughts; evaluation of communication techniques using
different media and making a general environment awareness material, researcher
stated statement of study as

“A study of effectiveness of media in teaching of environment education for

undergraduate home science students.”

1.3 Variables involved in the study

Unless knowing about variables researcher would not be able to do much in
research. A variable is any entity (trait) that can take different values. A variable is
something that can be changed. Variable is characteristics of some event, object or
person which can acquire different values to another object and from one person to
another person.

Independent Variable
Independent variable is the variable that is controlled and manipulated by the
The independent variable is the condition manipulated or selected by the
experimenter to determine its effect on behavior. It is the stimulus of stimulus-
response psychology.1
In present study treatment was carried out on college going students.
Researcher tried to found out effect of treatment on Gender, Faculty and area of
residence of college going students. Thus in the present study treatment, gender,
faculty and area were taken as independent variable and its level for this study is
shown in figure 1.1

Variable level

Lecture method
P.P.Presentation method

Film method

Independent faculty
Variable Home Science


Fig 1.1 Independent variables and their levels

Dependent variable
Dependent variable is the variable that is measured by the experimenter. The
dependent variable is a measure of the behavior of subject that reflects the effects of
the independent variable. In the language of stimulus response psychology, it is the
response.2 A dependent variable is one that changes in consequence with the change
in the independent variable.

Ismail Thamarsseri Introduction to Educational Research, New Delhi :
Kaniska publishers, Distributors 4697/5-21 A, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj,
2009, P. 81.

In the present study experimenter developed test to measure environment
awareness of students, so environment awareness was defined as dependent variable.

Controlled variable
Controlled variables are characteristics that are controlled by the experimenter
to reduce any impact they might have on other variables, or to interpretation of effect
on results.
These extraneous factors may influence the impact of independent variable on
the dependent variable. Therefore the researcher controls these extraneous factors to
balance or to reduce their influence in a particular study. In present study students
studying in first year bachelor degree course were involved and considered as
controlled variable

Moderator variables
Moderator variables are characteristics that influence the impact of the
independent variable upon the dependent variable in different circumstances or
contexts. Certain variables which cannot be controlled or measured directly may have
an important effect upon outcome. Such variables are difficult to define in
operational, observable terms but they cannot be ignored.
Present study was designed to study effectiveness of media in teaching of
environment education for undergraduate students. Learning is perception ability of
student under certain environment and experience provided. Students on whom
treatment was carried out may have different intelligence, cast and culture and socio-
economical status, may considered as their characteristics. These characteristics might
effects their readiness and sincerity to learn and it may affect outcome of study.
Looking to objectives of study such variables were not taken in account during the

Intervening variables
Intervening variables are hypothetical concepts, which is assumed to be
created by the treatment or rose during the treatment and may have impact on
outcome. This impact is invisible, but sometimes it becomes observable through
Thus intervening variables are those which are not controlled, extraneous and
independent but might have a significant influence upon the results of a study. So
unlike the other variables, the intervening variable is usually not stated as part of the


Table 1.1
Variables involved in study and their level

Variable Detail of variable levels of variable

Independent Area 1) Rural
2) Urban

Faculty 1) Arts
2) Home Science

Treatment 1) Lecture
2) Power Point Presentation
3) Film
Dependent Environment awareness
Controlled Gender Female Students
Moderator ---------- ----------
Intervening ---------- ----------

1.4 Operational definition of key words

In any research or study statement of the study/problem indicates what kind of
work done and what importance the results have. Statement of problem is usually a
declarative statement and indicates variables of interest to researcher. Researcher
always interested to investigate specific relationship between those variables. It is
necessary for researcher to determine limits of investigation. The statement which
defines variables or key words of problem in determined limits by researcher is so
called operational definition.
Much more precise and unambiguous definitions of variables can be stated in
operational form, which stipulates the operation by which they can be observed and
According to Whiteny, after the problem has been selected, the next task is to
define it in a form amenable to research. “To define a problem means to put a fence
around it, to separate it by careful distinctions from like questions found in related
situation of need.” The statement of problem was “A study of effectiveness of media
in teaching of environment education for undergraduate home science students.”

Operational definition of key words

Effectiveness- Effectiveness means having an intended or expected effect.
In present study the score on environment awareness test is defined as

Media- An agency by which something is accomplished, conveyed or translated is
called media.
In present study computer was taken as media to convey (teaching), for Power
Point Presentation and audio video cassettes programme.

Teaching- Teaching is the activities of educating or instructing activities that impart

knowledge or skill.
In present study lecture, Power Point Presentation and audio video cassettes on
selected content is a method of teaching.

Environment-The area by which object is surrounded is defined as environment.

In present study content from syllabus of environment education in different

Undergraduate- A college or university student who has not yet received a

bachelor’s or similar degree.
In present study students applied for bachelor degree of B.Sc. Home Science
and B.A. were considered as undergraduate.

Student- One who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college or university.

In present study one who attends First, Second or Third Year class of B.Sc.
(Home Science) / B.A. Degree course were considered as students.

1.5 Objectives of the study

In any research work objectives are basically important to provide direction.
For researcher objectives are statements of activities to be performed to shape
research work.
As per D.R. Singh meaning of objective is to do with the goal to which one
aspires’. In present study researcher stated objectives of study as under.
Broad Objectives
1 To study effectiveness of media in learning environment education course.
2 To develop learning material (E-material) of environment education based on
media (P.P.P. & film).
3 To develop achievement test for environment education subject.
4 To study correlation between overall achievement and developed achievement test.

Specific Objectives
1 To study correlation of achievement result between P.P.P. and film.
2 To study correlation of achievement result between P.P.P. and lecture method.
3 To study correlation of achievement result between film and lecture method.

1.6 Hypothesis of the study

The term hypothesis is made up of two words ‘hypo’ and ‘thesis’ which means
less then or ‘less certain’ than a ‘thesis’.
Hypothesis is a reasonable guess or statement based upon the available
evidence, which the researcher seeks to prove through the study. Researcher stated
hypothesis of study as under.
Ho1 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of pre-tests
experimental group students and controlled group students.
Ho2 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-tests
experimental group students and controlled group students.
Ho3 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test lecture
method group students and power point presentation method group students.
Ho4 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test lecture
method group students and film method group students.
Ho5 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test power
point presentation method group students and film method group students.
Ho6 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of pre-test and post-
test for lecture method.
Ho7 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test urban
group students and rural group students for lecture method.
Ho8 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test arts
faculty students and home science faculty students for lecture method.
Ho9 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test first
year, second year and third year students for lecture method.
Ho10 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of pre-test and
post-test for power point presentation method.
Ho11 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test urban

group students and rural group students for power point presentation method.
Ho12 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test arts
faculty students and home science faculty students for power point presentation
Ho13 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test first
year, second year and third year students for power point presentation method.
Ho14 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of pre-test and
post- test for film method.
Ho15 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test urban
group students and rural group students for film method.
Ho16 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test arts
faculty students and home science faculty students for film method.
Ho17 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of post-test first
year, second year and third year students for film method.
Ho18 There will be no significant difference between mean scores of environment
awareness according to teaching methods and according to colleges.
Ho19 There will be no significant difference between scores of environment
awareness according to methods and according to year of study.
Ho20 There will be no significant difference in rural area students between mean gain
scores of lecture method, power point presentation method and film method.
Ho21 There will be no significant difference in urban area students between mean
gain scores of lecture method, power point presentation method and film
Ho22 There will be no significant difference between mean gain scores of methods
for first year students.
Ho23 There will be no significant difference between mean gain scores of methods
for second year students.
Ho24 There will be no significant difference between mean gain scores of methods
for third year students.
Ho25 There will be no significant correlation between environment awareness scores
and overall educational achievement scores of students.

1.7 Area of Research
According to oxford dictionary area means ‘scope, range, field of study’3.
Thus area of research defined as the range of subject within which research is carried
out. Word research has a wide sense and not a single field of knowledge is untouched
by research. Boundaries of research are very flexible and expending continuously. In
this trend it is very difficult to summarize area of research. Area of research differs
across the world wide.
According to first survey of research in education, educational research was
categorized in to sixteen areas, up to 1974. Areas of research in education were
expend by twenty one up to 1983, again expended up to twenty nine in 1988. Fifth
survey of Educational Research listed thirty seven different areas of research.
Areas of educational research according to fifth survey of Educational research
1. Philosophy of Education.
2. Sociology of Education.
3. History of Education.
4. Economics of Education.
5. Psychology of Education.
6. Mental Health.
7. Cognitive Processes.
8. Social Processes.
9. Motivation.
10. Creativity and Innovations.
11. Guidance and Counseling.
12. Curriculum Development.
13. Pre-Primary Education.
14. Primary Education.
15. Secondary Education.
16. Higher Education.
17. Social Science Education.
18. Science Education.
19. Mathematics Education.

Julia Eliott. Eral, Oxford Dictionary & Thesaurus, New York : Oxford
university press, 2001. p. 35.
20. Physical and Health Education.
21. Moral, Art and Aesthetic Education.
22. Educational Technology.
23. Teaching Strategies.
24. Teacher Education – Pre-service and In-service.
25. Vocational and Technical Education.
26. Special Education.
27. Open and Distance Education.
28. Adult, Continuing and Non-Formal Education.
29. Education of the Scheduled Casts, Scheduled Tribes and Minorities.
30. Education of Girls and Women.
31. Demographic studies in Education and population Education.
32. Ecological and Environmental studies in Education.
33. Comparative Education.
34. Educational Assessment and Evaluation.
35. Educational Planning and Policy Research.
36. Organization, Administration and Management of Education.
37. Correlates of Achievement.
In the present study media was used for teaching of environment and also
environment awareness test was constructed for undergraduate students. It is to be
noted that environment awareness test was designed to predict success of various
teaching methods using information technology and also to construct standardized
environment awareness test.
Thus in present study environment awareness test was constructed under area
of educational assessment and evaluation. As various teaching methods using
information technology were used to communicate information with students, present
study likely to consider in research area of : Educational Technology and Educational
Assessment and Evaluation.

1.8 Type of Research

According to purpose research can be classified in three categories while
according to method. Research can be classified in two categories as shown in figure

Research Phenomena

Purposes Methods

Fundamental Applied Action Deductive Inductive

Figure 1.2 Classification of Research according to purposes and method

On the basis of the objective or the purposes the researcher intended to

accomplish, research is classified in to,
1> Fundamental / Pure / Basic Research
2> Applied Research
3> Action Research
Fundamental research is not concerned with day to day problems. According
to Travers, “Fundamental research is designed to add to an organized body of
scientific knowledge and does not necessarily produce result of immediate practical
value.4Applied research is concerned with application of theory in common practice.
Applied research is aimed with finding solution for an immediate problem facing a
society. While the action research focus on practical issue of immediate concern to
particular groups. According to Goof, “Action research is research made by teachers,
supervisors and administrators to improve the quality of their decisions and actions.”5
Present study was conducted to evaluate effectiveness of media in teaching by
construction of teaching programme and standardized test, present research will be
classified in to applied research type.
Many times types of research are categorized according to nature of research.
Such classification is shown in figure 1.3

Thamarasseri, op, cit. p. 11

Ritu Sharma, Educational Research and Statistics, New Delhi: Alpha
Publications, Daryaganj, 2007, p. 134.


Historical Research Descriptive Research Experimental Research

Survey Method Analytic Method Correlation Method Developmental Method

Figure 1.3 Classification of types of research according to nature of research

Here word nature is used for outcome of research or what research describes.
Historical research describes ‘what was’, descriptive research describes ‘what is’ and
experimental research describes ‘what will be.’
In present study researcher developed the test which answers what will be the
result of experiment conducted on undergraduate students. Steps followed in research
clearly identify it as experimental. Thus type of present research is called
experimental research.

1.9 Scope of Study

Scope means range or extent of ability. So scope of study means up to which
extent present study is able to answer. For the present research scope of study stated
1. Present study was ranged for under graduate students studying in Guajarati
medium colleges of Saurashtra region conducting syllabus of B.Sc. Home
Science and B.A. which are affiliated to Saurashtra University.
2. In the present study different teaching methods were selected to convey
information and the methods were lecture method, power point
presentation method and video film method. Researcher tried to study
effectiveness of these methods only.

1.10 Significance of the study

‘Need is the mother of invention’, means any invention takes place because of
In India many researches are carried out on use of different media in process
of education, teaching and learning. Many studies were objected to make standardized
tests and to evaluate effective media for teaching and learning. Apart from this,
importance of present study is listed as under.
1. With help of this research one can be able to choose proper media for particular

2. Constructed e-material may be useful for teaching students in formal education .
3. Constructed e-material may be useful as means of informal education for society.
4. Constructed test may be useful for measuring environment awareness of

1.11 Limitations of study

Research is a process to conclude on some truth but, ‘truth has no ending.’
Looking to wideness of area to research, for researcher it becomes difficult to cover
all probable areas concerned with research. In research looking to objectives of
research, researcher set some boundaries to achieve objective of study. Such
boundaries are limitations of study.
During research sometimes unfavorable conditions takes place, because of
which some activity could be restricted by researcher. These restrictions or boundaries
are called limitations of study. Every work had some limitations and is not a matter of
Limitations for present study were stated as under.

1. Study was limited for Gujarati medium colleges governed or affiliated to

Saurashtra University.
2. In the experiment only two types of media were used, noticed medias were
3. Attempt to measure environment awareness was only done by paper-pencil
test having multiple choice questions.
4. The environment awareness test was restricted to content taught.
5 The study was ended in year 2012, but as time passes situation and conditions
may vary.

1.12 Planning of remaining chapters

Present study is described in six chapters. Brief description of following
chapters is as under.
Chapter-2 In this chapter titled ' Review of Related Material ′ researcher
discussed about review of related literatures and related researches done at state,
national and international level. Researcher attempted to highlight significance of
present study.
Chapter-3 In this chapter titled ' Research Design ′ researcher discussed in brief
about steps followed during present study. Researcher attempted to identify universe,
sample and statistical procedure of present study.

Chapter-4 In this chapter titled ' Collection of data ′ researcher discussed about
steps followed to construct module and media presentation on environment
information and environment awareness test. Researcher attempted to discuss
procedure of piloting and administration of final test on controlled and experimental
group. Researcher also discussed about experiment, scoring and interpretation of data.
Chapter-5 In this chapter titled ' Analysis of data ′ researcher discussed about
statistical analysis performed on collected data, for making interpretation. Hypothesis
of present study were analyzed by researcher.
Chapter-6 In this chapter titled ' Summary, Conclusion, Educational implications
and Recommendations ′ researcher summarized the present study. Researcher noted
down findings of study. Implications of results of present study in education were
discussed and recommendations for further work were discussed in present chapter.


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