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Sta. Maria, Jian Karlo R.

CO1- WE#1 and WE#2 Score:
Nature by numbers (WE#01)

1. These are the things that I significantly learned from the video clip.
In the given material I have realized how important math is in our life, it brings purpose for us to care for things that seem like they are useless
but aren’t without math I believe that our world will be duller than it is. Even if a lot of us younger individuals hate math and try our best to
avoid it, however we fail to realize that math is everywhere, in everything that we do and see there is a mathematical explanation to them. I also
learned how math brings importance to a lot of natural and manmade objects, math gives us more information about certain things like how
many petals in a flower, how many stripes does a zebra usually have, these type of questions lead to more and more scientific ideas on how
things work in our life, and it’s all thanks to math.

2. Three things that is still unclear to me.

I am still very unclear with the question of “what do we want from math?” I understand how math has opened us to further understanding of
nature and our environment and everyday life things. I still don’t get the ultimate goal in our future with math, even if it has helped us in mostly
everything we do and have discovered, is it really just for us to use to understand life? And solve complex problems that we eventually forget
about? One thing I do know for sure is that math is very underrated and overlooked. Another thing that is unclear to me is what is beyond math,
the 4 chapters mentioned the universe and stars, and I realized there are certain things that are just unexplainable and unfathomable, will we
ever learn about this through our trusty mathematics? Or will it be forever a mystery for eons?

3. I used to think that.

The given material has opened me to understand math in a different way, perceive it in a whole new perspective. I have learned to understand
and appreciate math how its suppose to be appreciated, like its part of our life. I use to neglect math because I have to admit that I am not
talented at it, I an excruciatingly bad at math, I avoided it whenever I could. Now I’ve come to the idea that math is everywhere and I have to
accept it, because it has helped our ancestors to get through life, and we’ve made advancements and discoveries because of our passion for
math, if no one had any passion for mathematics we would be in a different world, a less advanced world.

4. Three questions that I want to ask about the video clips.

I really want to know, what is our main goal in Mathematics? What are our main intentions with math? We may have different ideas on math, I
believe math is a phenomenon and will forever be a phenomenon; it’s something that we know exists but still haven’t fully understood it. I also
want to ask with the state of mathematics in present time, will we still make huge discoveries that have been previously introduced to us by
legends from the past? Discoveries that future generation will learn and master in their educational path.
Sta. Maria, Jian Karlo R. 02/20/2020
CO1- WE#1 and WE#2 Score:
Fractals – The color of Infinity (WE#02)

1. These are the things that I significantly learned from the video clip.

The 1 hour documentary introduced me to the Mandelbrot set, from Google it defines the Mandelbrot set as “the set of complex numbers for
which the function does not diverge when iterated from, i.e., for which the sequence, , etc., remains bounded in absolute value.” In my opinion
the Mandelbrot set is probably the most magnificent representation of infinity ever. Arthur C. Clarke takes us on a trippy ride into the idea of the
endless M-set. No matter how much you zoom into the M-set there is something new to be captured by our very own eyes.

2. Three things that is still unclear to me.

One thing that is still beyond my comprehension is, how was the M-set discovered or even formed, Arthur C. Clarke mentioned how it was
discovered before the advancements in computer and technology, he even mentioned he only touched on the idea because of the advancement
of technology. With the help of computers it has made it easier for him, I wonder how it was handled before the era of technology. Another
thing that I don’t fully understand is the infinite complexity of the M-set, how did they conclude that it was infinite and what were shapes and
figures meanings? Finally, I don’t understand the main purpose of the M-set, what does it contribute?

3. I used to think that.

Before coming into this video, I knew absolutely nothing and had no idea what to expect, I am still astonished on what I have learned and what it
means, I still don’t fully understand the M-set and its contributions to mathematics.

4. Three questions that I want to ask about the video clips.

Just like what I have mentioned throughout my essay, I would like to know what the M-set would unlock or introduce to us in mathematics, how
big of an impact would this psychedelic like figure be? And what does the figures mean how are they so complex. The video mentioned on how
the figures and colors could me anything, but that doesn’t mean they how are meaningless, I’d like to know how they are not meaningless in

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