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Sta. Maria, Jian Karlo R.

CO1- WE#3, 4 and 5 Score:

1. Physics
Mathematics is really important in Physics; it’s used for almost everything, Physicists use algebra, calculus, differential equations and many
more. Physics is basically application of mathematics to understand the objective reality of the world. Mathematics is very important and is a
primary tool in Physics.

2. Chemistry
In Chemistry Chemists used math almost every time, Math is used to calculate energy in reactions, compressions of gas, grams needed to be
added into a solution. Math is widely used in Chemistry, without basic mathematic skills, calculations in chemistry or chemistry itself, will be
extremely difficult.

3. Biology
Although biology doesn’t heavily require math, unlike the previous fields, it is still very crucial in better understanding the natural world. Math is
able to explain certain biological events like how a molecule is able to move in and out of cells, or how bacteria shuttle through blood vessels, or
how drugs break down in our body. It is also very important in understanding our body and all our little cells in a geometric perspective. Finally,
math helps scientists design their experiments, including trials and Results data.

4. Engineering
Engineering is no stranger to mathematics; they use it almost every time not only in their studies to becoming a proper licensed engineer, but
also in their work space. They use mathematics as a tool, and are often needed in calculations. No matter what type of engineer you are,
mathematics will be there to guide you through your problem solving in class and in real life.

5 Linguistics
In linguistics, methods of theories of algorithms, automata and algebra are widely used. There are certain ideas in linguistics that is heavily
influenced by math, for example Phonetics: the study in how speech sounds are created in the vocal tract, the voice is measured and illustrate in
a form of a spectrogram.
Sta. Maria, Jian Karlo R. 02/27/2020
CO1- WE#3, 4 and 5 Score:
The Map of Mathematics (WE#04)

1. These are the things that I significantly learned from the video clip.
The Given material, reintroduced me into the world of mathematics, and each of its counterparts, all connecting through one another. In the
video, Math was separated into 2 sections with their own little segments, each with their own purpose and each of them connecting to one
another or being completely different from one another, from mathematical physics to statistics, it covered everything.

2. Three things that is still unclear to me.

From all the theories reintroduced to me, I probably only fully understand 20 percent of them, in my honest opinion, even though math is very
impactful throughout my whole life especially since I am taking engineering in college. Certain things like mathematical physics, differential
geometry, trigonometry and many more are still very difficult for me to understand, so I need more practice. Other than that the video was very
concise in its explanations and was very informative.

3. I used to think that.

I used to think mathematics was just numbers and words put together, but today I realized how math was part of our lives and history. I use to
think that mathematics would be irrelevant after our lives in education, but I realized it is much more than just problem solving, math helps us
understand our world and everyday life even better.

4. Three questions that I want to ask about the video clips.

I would love to know if we are still capable in making ground breaking discoveries in math, and also If certain theories that seem to be mastered,
is here still anything left to learn from them? How close are we in understanding mathematics in its full potential?
Sta. Maria, Jian Karlo R. 02/27/2020
CO1- WE#3, 4 and 5 Score:
The Language and Grammar of Mathematics (WE#5)

1. These are the things that I significantly learned from the video clip.
Throughout our whole life when we speak with one another, we always look at our grammar and pronunciation; however this reading has given
me the idea of implementing mathematics into our own way of communication. It has also given me the idea that mathematics is pretty much a
whole new other language, that we’ve always been looking at as just numbers. I have realized how important grammar is in mathematics and
how important mathematics is in grammar

2. Three things that is still unclear to me.

The material was very easy to understand and was not only educational but also very entertaining to read, in mathematics usually we would just
think about mastering the theories and calculations, but we never realize the importance of grammar in mathematics, Mathematics require a lot
of precision, everything must be precise or else we’ll end up with wrong answers, even the grammar has to be precise. Grammar has a huge
impact on mathematics, for example problem solving depends heavily on grammar.

3. I used to think that.

I use to think that mathematics was just about numbers and calculations, this reading as opened up new ideas within my thought process, that
will help me better understand mathematics.

4. Three questions that I want to ask about the video clips.

Throughout the years we have been struggling with math and with grammar, in grammar we always find new words and phrases, improving our
vocabulary, will it be the same situation for grammar in mathematics? I’d also like to ask if mathematics would have a heavy affect on grammar
in the future. And finally I’m curious to know will grammar help us exceed in our mathematic endeavors?

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