Component - Documentation Macarena Romania

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- Members -----------------------------
use_probability 100 [0, 100]
"The probability for using this attack if it's otherwise possible"
min_distance 10 [0, 10000]
"The minimum distance from enemy at which we can perform this attack."
max_distance 160 [0, 10000]
"The maximum distance from enemy at which we can perform this attack."
angular_range_deg 90 [0, 90]
"When looking for threats/prey this is our field of view around the X axis. 90
means we scan the whole 180 degrees around the X axis, to the left and right."
state_duration_frames 45 [0, 1000]
"How long do we stay in the attack state, before other states are allowed?"
frames_between 180 [0, 1000]
"The minimum number of frames we wait between these attacks"
frames_between_global 30 [0, 1000]
"The minimum number of frames we wait after this attack before doing any other
ranged attack"
animation_name attack_ranged
[0, 1] "The animation to play when performing this attack"
attack_landing_ranged_enabled 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we try to land before doing the attack, if there's ground near nearby under
attack_ranged_action_frame 2 [0, 1000]
"The frame of the 'attack_ranged' animation during which the ranged attack actually
attack_ranged_offset_x 0 [-1000, 1000]
"'attack_ranged_entity_file' is created here when performing a ranged attack"
attack_ranged_offset_y 0 [-1000, 1000]
"'attack_ranged_entity_file' is created here when performing a ranged attack"
attack_ranged_root_offset_x 0 [-1000, 1000]
attack_ranged_root_offset_y 0 [-1000, 1000]
attack_ranged_use_message 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we do ranged attacks by sending a Message_UseItem"
attack_ranged_predict 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we attempt to predict target movement and shoot accordingly"
data/entities/projectiles/spear.xml [0, 1] "File to projectile entity that is
created when performing a ranged attack"
attack_ranged_entity_count_min 1 [0, 1000]
"Minimum number of projectiles shot when performing a ranged attack"
attack_ranged_entity_count_max 1 [0, 1000]
"Maximum number of projectiles shot when performing a ranged attack"
attack_ranged_use_laser_sight 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we draw a laser sight to our target. Requires entity to have a sprite with
tag 'laser_sight'"
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_enabled 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we use a laser sight"
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_speed 3 [0, 1]
"How fast can we rotate our aim to track targets"
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_shooting_ok_angle_deg 10 [0, 1]
"If our aim is closer than this to the target we shoot"
- Privates -----------------------------
mRangedAttackCurrentAimAngle 0 [0, 1]
"which direction does our gun currently point at, physically saying?"
mNextFrameUsable 0 [0, 1]
- Members -----------------------------
TEMP_TEMP_TEMP 0 [0, 3.5]
- Privates -----------------------------
data -

- Members -----------------------------
cooldown_frames 0 [0, 60000]
entity_file -
"the projectile entity file"
sprite_file -
entity_count 1 [0, 60000]
never_reload 0 [0, 1]
reload_time_frames 0 [0, 1]
mana 0 [0, 1]
mana_max 100 [0, 1]
mana_charge_speed 10 [0, 1]
rotate_in_hand 1 [0, 1]
rotate_in_hand_amount 1 [0, 1]
"[0-1], how much does the item rotate related to the actual aiming angle"
rotate_hand_amount 0.7 [0, 1]
"[0-1], how much does hand sprite rotate related to the actual aiming angle"
fast_projectile 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, then the velocity of the bullet is increased quite a bit. Lightning requires
swim_propel_amount 0 [-1000, 1000]
max_charged_actions 0 [0, 1]
charge_wait_frames 10 [0, 1]
item_recoil_recovery_speed 15 [0, 1]
"How quickly does the item return to resting state after getting recoil"
item_recoil_max 1 [0, 1]
"Maximum distance moved by recoil"
item_recoil_offset_coeff 1 [0, 1]
"Item distance moved by recoil = mItemRecoil * item_recoil_offset_coeff"
item_recoil_rotation_coeff 5 [0, 1]
"Item rotation by recoil = mItemRecoil * item_recoil_rotation_coeff"
data/entities/base_item.xml [0, 1] "when dropping / throwing the item, this is the
base_item that we add the ability component to"
use_entity_file_as_projectile_info_proxy 0 [0, 1]
click_to_use 1 [0, 1]
shooting_reduces_amount_in_inventory 0 [0, 1]
throw_as_item 0 [0, 1]
simulate_throw_as_item 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, the item will be work as normal ability, but throwing animation is played by
the user"
max_amount_in_inventory 1 [0, 1]
amount_in_inventory 1 [0, 1]
drop_as_item_on_death 1 [0, 1]
ui_name [NOT_SET] [0,
1] "way to name the weapons"
use_gun_script 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, the default ability behaviour is replaced with one that uses the lua gun
is_petris_gun 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, TODO( PETRI)"
add_these_child_actions -
"e.g. 'bullet,bullet,damage' ... actions are parsed into a string. These are added
as actual entities when the item is initialized"
current_slot_durability -1 [0, 1]
"After this many slots the last slot of the gun is removed. -1 means not
_get_gun_slot_durability_default [0, 1] "Name of the lua function in 'gun.lua' that
is called to calculate durability of the last slot in the gun"
mChargeCount 0 [0, 1]
mIsInitialized 0 [0, 1]
- Objects -----------------------------
gun_config -
"Constants for gun script"
gunaction_config -
"Constants for gun script"
- Privates -----------------------------
mNextFrameUsable 0 [0, 1]
mAmmoLeft 0 [0, 1]
mReloadFramesLeft 0 [0, 1]
mNextChargeFrame 0 [0, 1]
mItemRecoil 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
move_check_range_min 16 [0, 2]
move_check_range_max 64 [0, 2]
- Privates -----------------------------
flock 1 [0, 1]
avoid_predators 1 [0, 1]
mHasTargetDirection 0 [0, 1]
mTargetPos -
mTargetVec -
mLastFramesMovementAreaMin -
mLastFramesMovementAreaMax -
mNumFailedTargetSearches 0 [0, 1]
mNextFrameCheckAreWeStuck -1 [0, 1]
mNextFrameCheckFlockWants -1 [0, 1]
mNextFramePredatorAvoidance -1 [0, 1]
mScared 0 [0, 1]
mWantsToBeInFlock 1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
recognized_entity_tags -
uses_remaining 3 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
m_recognized_entity_tags -
m_recognized_entity_tags_count 0 [0, 1]
m_current_entity_tags -

- Members -----------------------------
ai_state 0 [0, 20]
"Current state of ai, defines what the animal is doing"
ai_state_timer 0 [0, 1000]
"If not 0, then we wait till this frame to pop current state from our state stack"
preferred_job -
"We always do this job, unless interrupted (i.e. by taking fire damage)"
escape_if_damaged_probability 30 [0, 1]
"the chance of escaping if someone damages us. only works if 'can_fly = 0 '"
attack_if_damaged_probability 100 [0, 1]
"the chance of counter-attacking if someone damages us, and we didn't escape"
eye_offset_x 0 [-100, 100]
"We cast rays from our position + eye_offset to check if we can see something"
eye_offset_y 0 [-100, 100]
"We cast rays from our position + eye_offset to check if we can see something"
attack_only_if_attacked 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we never attack anyone unless attacked before by someone"
dont_counter_attack_own_herd 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we don't attack members of our herd even if they accidentally attack us"
creature_detection_range_x 50 [0, 2000]
"When looking for threats/prey this is the max distance from us on the X axis we
creature_detection_range_y 20 [0, 2000]
"When looking for threats/prey this is the max distance from us on the Y axis we
creature_detection_angular_range_deg 90 [0, 90]
"When looking for threats/prey this is our field of view around the X axis. 90
means we scan the whole 180 degrees around the X axis, to the left and right"
creature_detection_check_every_x_frames 120 [0, 5000]
"Checks for threats/prey take place at least this many frames apart from each
max_distance_to_cam_to_start_hunting 300 [0, 2000]
"JobDefault idles before we've been once at least this close to the camera"
pathfinding_max_depth_no_target 50 [0, 5000]
"The maximum depth (in nodes) path search use when we have not found prey yet"
pathfinding_max_depth_has_target 120 [0, 5000]
"The maximum depth (in nodes) path search use when we have found prey"
aggressiveness_min 80 [0, 100]
"what's the initial random aggressiveness of this creature"
aggressiveness_max 100 [0, 100]
"what's the initial random aggressiveness of this creature"
tries_to_ranged_attack_friends 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, the AI tries to attack whoever it considers a friend based on herd_ids,
CHARMED and BERSERK status etc. useful e.g. for healers."
attack_melee_enabled 1 [0, 1]
"If 1, and melee attack has been configured, we can perform melee attacks"
attack_dash_enabled 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, and dash attack has been configured, we can perform dash attacks (a long-
distance melee attack where we dash towards the enemy)"
attack_landing_ranged_enabled 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, and ranged attack has been configured, we can perform ranged attacks"
attack_ranged_enabled 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, and ranged attack has been configured, we can perform ranged attacks"
attack_knockback_multiplier 100 [-100, 100]
"If not 0, melee and dash attacks cause knockback to target"
is_static_turret 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we can only attack in one fixed direction"
attack_melee_max_distance 20 [0, 400]
"Maximum distance at which we can perform a melee attack"
attack_melee_action_frame 2 [0, 1000]
"The animation frame during which the melee attack damage is inflicted and visual
effects are created"
attack_melee_frames_between 10 [0, 1000]
"The minimum number of frames we wait between melee attacks"
attack_melee_damage_min 0.4 [0, 100]
"Melee attack damage inclusive minimum amount. The damage is randomized between
melee attack_damage_min and attack_melee_damage_max"
attack_melee_damage_max 0.6 [0, 100]
"Melee attack damage inclusive maximum amount. The damage is randomized between
melee attack_damage_min and attack_melee_damage_max"
attack_melee_impulse_vector_x 0 [-100, 100]
"The x component of the impulse that is applied to damaged entities"
attack_melee_impulse_vector_y 0 [-100, 100]
"The y component of the impulse that is applied to damaged entities"
attack_melee_impulse_multiplier 0 [-100, 100]
"A multiplier applied to attack_melee_impulse"
attack_melee_offset_x 0 [-1000, 1000]
"Melee attack particle effects are created here"
attack_melee_offset_y 0 [-1000, 1000]
"Melee attack particle effects are created here"
attack_melee_finish_enabled 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we perform a finishing move when our attack would kill the target using the
'attack_finish' animation"
attack_melee_finish_action_frame 2 [0, 1000]
"The animation frame during which the melee attack finishing move damage is
inflicted and visual effects are created"
attack_dash_distance 50 [0, 10000]
"The maximum distance from enemy at which we can perform a dash attack. If a normal
melee attack is possible we always do that instead"
attack_dash_frames_between 120 [0, 1200]
"The minimum number of frames we wait between dash attacks"
attack_dash_damage 0.25 [0, 20]
"The amount of damage inflicted by the dash attack"
attack_dash_speed 200 [0, 5000]
"The speed at which we dash"
attack_dash_lob 0.9 [0, 6]
"The smaller this value is the more curved our dash attack trajectory is"
attack_ranged_min_distance 10 [0, 10000]
"The minimum distance from enemy at which we can perform a ranged attack."
attack_ranged_max_distance 160 [0, 10000]
"The maximum distance from enemy at which we can perform a ranged attack."
attack_ranged_action_frame 2 [0, 1000]
"The frame of the 'attack_ranged' animation during which the ranged attack actually
attack_ranged_frames_between 180 [0, 1000]
"The minimum number of frames we wait between ranged attacks"
attack_ranged_offset_x 0 [-1000, 1000]
"'attack_ranged_entity_file' is created here when performing a ranged attack"
attack_ranged_offset_y 0 [-1000, 1000]
"'attack_ranged_entity_file' is created here when performing a ranged attack"
attack_ranged_use_message 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we do ranged attacks by sending a Message_UseItem"
attack_ranged_predict 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we attempt to predict target movement and shoot accordingly"
data/entities/projectiles/spear.xml [0, 1] "File to projectile entity that is
created when performing a ranged attack"
attack_ranged_entity_count_min 1 [0, 1000]
"Minimum number of projectiles shot when performing a ranged attack"
attack_ranged_entity_count_max 1 [0, 1000]
"Maximum number of projectiles shot when performing a ranged attack"
attack_ranged_use_laser_sight 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we draw a laser sight to our target. Requires entity to have a sprite with
tag 'laser_sight'"
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_enabled 0 [0, 1]
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_speed 3 [0, 1]
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_shooting_ok_angle_deg 10 [0, 1]
attack_ranged_state_duration_frames 45 [0, 1000]
"How long do we stay in the attack state, before other states are allowed?"
hide_from_prey 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we attempt to hide from our target after a succesful attack"
hide_from_prey_target_distance 200 [0, 10000]
"The minimum distance from our target where we should move when hiding"
hide_from_prey_time 300 [0, 1]
"The number of frames we spend hiding and staying hiding"
food_eating_create_particles 1 [0, 1]
"If 1, we replace eaten cells with particles made of this material"
eating_area_radius_x 3 [-100, 100]
"1/2 width of the area from which we eat food"
eating_area_radius_y 8 [-100, 100]
"1/2 height of the area from which we eat food"
mouth_offset_x 0 [-100, 100]
"The center of the area from which we eat food"
mouth_offset_y 0 [-100, 100]
"The center of the area from which we eat food"
defecates_and_pees 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, we occasionally take a leak or a dump"
butt_offset_x 0 [-100, 100]
"Bodily wastes are created here"
butt_offset_y 0 [-100, 100]
"Bodily wastes are created here"
pee_velocity_x 0 [-1000, 1000]
"The velocity at which our piss gets shot"
pee_velocity_y 0 [-1000, 1000]
"The velocity at which our piss gets shot"
needs_food 1 [0, 1]
"If 1, we stop to eat if we encounter 'food_material' cells"
sense_creatures 1 [0, 1]
"If 1, we occasionally search our surroundings for prey and threats"
can_fly 1 [0, 1]
"If 1, we can fly. Please set 'PathFindingComponent.can_fly' to 1 as well if this
is 1"
can_walk 1 [0, 1]
"If 1, we can walk. Please set 'PathFindingComponent.can_walk' to 1 as well if this
is 1"
path_distance_to_target_node_to_turn_around 0 [0, 1000]
"If we're further than this from target path finding node on the X-axis we turn to
face it"
path_cleanup_explosion_radius 6 [0, 1000]
"If we get stuck on ground we create an explosion this big to clear our
surroundings a bit"
max_distance_to_move_from_home 0 [0, 1]
- Objects -----------------------------
attack_melee_finish_config_explosion -
"If we have explosion, it's the setup for it"
- Privates -----------------------------
mAiStateStack -
"a stack of actions and times they take, we can push new actions to the front and
pop them from there"
mAiStateLastSwitchFrame 0 [0, 1]
"when was the last time we switched a state"
mAiStatePrev 0 [0, 1]
"previous AI state"
mCreatureDetectionNextCheck 0 [0, 1]
"threat/prey check, next time we check for threat/prey"
mGreatestThreat 0 [0, 1]
"the entity we consider to be our greatest threat"
mGreatestPrey 0 [0, 1]
"the entity we consider to be our most important prey"
mSelectedMultiAttack -1 [0, 1]
"which AIAttackComponent attack are we using?"
mHasFoundPrey 0 [0, 1]
"1, if we have ever found prey"
mHasBeenAttackedByPlayer 0 [0, 1]
"1, if we have been ever attacked"
mHasStartedAttacking 0 [0, 1]
"1, if we have ever started attacking anyone"
mNearbyFoodCount 0 [0, 1]
"amount of 'food_material' near us"
mEatNextFrame 0 [0, 1]
"next frame we can eat"
mEatTime 0 [0, 1]
"time we've been constantly eating"
mFrameNextGiveUp 0 [0, 1]
"next frame we consider ourselves to be stuck"
mLastFramesMovementAreaMin -
"AABB min of the area where we've been since the last time we got stuck"
mLastFramesMovementAreaMax -
"AABB max of the area where we've been since the last time we got stuck"
mFoodMaterialId -1 [0, 1]
"cached id of 'food_material'"
mFoodParticleEffectMaterialId -1 [0, 1]
"cached id of 'food_particle_effect_material'"
mNextJumpLob 1 [0, 1]
"we use this for next jump"
mNextJumpTarget -
"we use this for next jump"
mNextJumpHasVelocity 0 [0, 1]
"we use this for next jump"
mLastFrameJumped -1 [0, 1]
"previous frame we launched into a jump"
mFramesWithoutTarget 0 [0, 1]
mLastFrameCanDamageOwnHerd -1 [0, 1]
mHomePosition -
"where our home is located"
mLastFrameAttackWasDone 0 [0, 1]
"when was the last time we did an attack (not necessarily did damage to anyone
mNextFrameCanCallFriend 0 [0, 1]
mNextFrameRespondFriend -1 [0, 1]
mHasNoticedPlayer 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, we have noticed player or player projectile"
mRangedAttackCurrentAimAngle 0 [0, 1]
"which direction does our gun currently point at, physically saying?"
mRangedAttackNextFrame 0 [0, 1]
"next frame we can perform a ranged attack"
mMeleeAttackNextFrame 0 [0, 1]
"next frame we can perform a melee attack"
mNextMeleeAttackDamage 0 [0, 1]
"the amount of damage our next melee attack will cause. used by finishing move
mMeleeAttacking 0 [0, 1]
"1, if we're doing a melee attack"
mMeleeAttackDashNextFrame 0 [0, 1]
"the next frame we can perform a melee attack"
mCurrentJob -
"info about our current job. sorta legacy and could be simplified because the RTS
logic is not used anywhere but doesn't have much overhead either."

- Members -----------------------------
lifetime 60 [0, 1]
"remaining number of frames the arc exists"
- Privates -----------------------------
mArcTarget 0 [0, 1]
"if 'mArcTarget' points to an existing entity a lighting arc will be created
between this entity and 'mArcTarget'"

- Members -----------------------------
damage_per_frame 10 [0, 256]
update_every_n_frame 1 [0, 60]
death_cause curse [0, 60]
entities_with_tag mortal [0, 1]
"damage entities with this tag"

- Members -----------------------------
file -
event_root -
audio_physics_material -
set_latest_event_position 0 [0, 1]
play_only_if_visible 0 [0, 1]
"plays sounds only if entity position is on screen and not covered by fog of war"
- Privates -----------------------------
m_audio_physics_material 0 [0, 1]
m_latest_source -1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
z 0 [-500, 500]

- Members -----------------------------
file -
event_name -
auto_play 0 [0, 1]
auto_play_if_enabled 0 [0, 1]
play_on_component_enable 0 [0, 1]
calculate_material_lowpass 1 [0, 1]
set_speed_parameter 0 [0, 1]
set_speed_parameter_only_based_on_x_movement 0 [0, 1]
set_speed_parameter_only_based_on_y_movement 0 [0, 1]
volume_autofade_speed 0 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
m_volume 0 [0, 1]
m_intensity 1 [0, 1]
m_source -1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
radius 16 [0, 128]
particle_attractor_force 2 [0, 32]
damage_probability 0.25 [0, 1]
damage_amount 0.1 [0, 10]
- Privates -----------------------------
m_particle_attractor_id -1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
TEMP_TEMPY 0 [0, 3.5]
TEMP_TEMP_TEMP 0 [0, 3.5]

- Members -----------------------------
speed 1 [0, 10000]
speed_hunt 3 [0, 10000]
acceleration 3 [0, 10000]
direction_adjust_speed 1 [0, 10000]
direction_adjust_speed_hunt 1 [0, 10000]
gravity 3 [0, 10000]
tail_gravity 30 [0, 10000]
part_distance 10 [0, 10000]
ground_check_offset 0 [0, 10000]
eat_ground_radius 1 [0, 1e+006]
eat_ground 1 [0, 1]
"does the worm destroy the ground it moves through or not?"
hitbox_radius 1 [0, 1e+006]
bite_damage 2 [0, 10]
"how much damage does this do when it hits an entity"
target_kill_radius 1 [0, 1e+006]
target_kill_ragdoll_force 1 [0, 1e+006]
hunt_box_radius 512 [0, 10000]
random_target_box_radius 512 [0, 10000]
new_hunt_target_check_every 30 [0, 10000]
new_random_target_check_every 120 [0, 10000]
jump_cam_shake 20 [0, 10000]
jump_cam_shake_distance 256 [0, 10000]
eat_anim_wait_mult 0.05 [0, 10000]
ragdoll_filename -
- Privates -----------------------------
mTargetEntityId 0 [0, 1]
mTargetVec -
mGravVelocity 0 [0, 1]
mSpeed 0 [0, 1]
mRandomTarget -
mLastLivingTargetPos -
mNextTargetCheckFrame 0 [0, 1]
mNextHuntTargetCheckFrame 0 [0, 1]
mOnGroundPrev 0 [0, 1]
mMaterialIdPrev 0 [0, 1]
mPhase 0 [0, 1]
mNextPhaseSwitchTime 0 [0, 1]
mPartDistance 2 [0, 1]
mIsInitialized 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
pixel_stamp_material wood_player [0,
1] ""
entity_filenames -
cursor_filename -
can_be_rotated 1 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mEntityIndex 0 [0, 1]
mEntityFilenames -
mPlacedObject -
mCursorObject -
mRotations 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
enabled 1 [0, 1]
"If enabled, kills this component if it's outside the camera distance"
distance 250 [0, 1024]
"Distance in pixels from the center of camera, if outside this distance the entity
is destroyed"
distance_border 20 [0, 1024]
"Offset towards camera in pixels from 'distance' where the entity is respawned if
it was frozen"
max_count 10 [0, 1024]
"If more than 'max_count' entities of this type exist the one furthest from camera
is destroyed"
freeze_on_distance_kill 1 [0, 1]
"If true and the entity went too far - this entity will be stored so we can later
respawn it where it was destroyed because it got too far from the camera?"
freeze_on_max_count_kill 1 [0, 1]
"If true and the entity was one too many of its kind - this entity will be stored
so we can later respawn it where it was destroyed because it got too far from the

- Members -----------------------------
horizontal_movement 1 [0, 1]
"allow horizontal movement"
vertical_movement 1 [0, 1]
"allow vertical movement"
intercardinal_movement 0 [0, 1]
"allow intercardinal movement"
- Privates -----------------------------
mPrevPos -

- Members -----------------------------
radius 10 [0, 100]
eat_probability 100 [0, 100]
only_stain 0 [0, 1]
eat_dynamic_physics_bodies 1 [0, 1]
limited_materials 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will only eat the materials defined in material_list"

- Members -----------------------------
getting_crushed_threshold 5 [0, 100]
moving_up_before_getting_crushed_threshold 3 [0, 100]
- Privates -----------------------------
getting_crushed_counter 0 [0, 1]
"1.12.2018 - Is this still used?"
stuck_in_ground_counter 0 [0, 1]
"used this mostly for player to figure out if it's stuck in ground"
mCollidedHorizontally 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
platforming_type 0 [0, 3]
"0 = oldest, 1 = newer, 2 = safest"
mass 1 [0, 10]
"1.0 = approx. mass of player"
buoyancy_check_offset_y -6 [-1000,
1000] ""
gravity 100 [0, 250]
fly_recharge_spd 0 [0, 250]
fly_recharge_spd_ground 0 [0, 250]
flying_needs_recharge 0 [0, 1]
"const variable... player has this as true"
flying_in_air_wait_frames 44 [0, 200]
"to fix the tap tap tap flying cheese, we wait this many frames before recharging
in air"
flying_recharge_removal_frames 8 [0, 20]
"another fix to the tap tap - this is how many frames from pressing down up we'll
remove fly charge"
climb_over_y 3 [0, 10]
check_collision_max_size_x 5 [0, 50]
check_collision_max_size_y 5 [0, 50]
is_on_ground 0 [0, 1]
is_on_slippery_ground 0 [0, 1]
ground_stickyness 0 [0, 1]
effect_hit_ground 0 [0, 1]
eff_hg_damage_min 0 [0, 1]
"if we want to damage ground when hitting it... this is the place"
eff_hg_damage_max 0 [0, 1]
"if we want to damage ground when hitting it... this is the place"
eff_hg_position_x 0 [-15, 15]
eff_hg_position_y 0 [-15, 15]
eff_hg_size_x 0 [-15, 15]
eff_hg_size_y 0 [-15, 15]
eff_hg_velocity_min_x 0 [-65, 65]
eff_hg_velocity_max_x 0 [-65, 65]
eff_hg_velocity_min_y 0 [-65, 65]
eff_hg_velocity_max_y 0 [-65, 65]
eff_hg_offset_y 0 [-15, 15]
eff_hg_update_box2d 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will move physics bodies that it hits"
eff_hg_b2force_multiplier 0.0035 [0, 1]
"multiplies the velocity with this..."
destroy_ground 0 [0, 1]
"how much damage do we do the ground when land on it"
- Privates -----------------------------
mFramesOnGround 0 [0, 1]
mLastFrameOnGround 0 [0, 1]
mVelocity -
mFlyingTimeLeft 1000 [0, 1]
"how much flying energy do we have left?"
mCollidedHorizontally 0 [0, 1]
"moved this here from CharacterCollisionComponent - since that is multithreaded and
we needed a non multithreaded version"

- Members -----------------------------
jump_velocity_x 0 [0, 500]
jump_velocity_y -175 [-500, 0]
jump_keydown_buffer 2 [0, 10]
fly_speed_max_up 0 [-2500, 0]
fly_speed_max_down 0 [-2500, 0]
fly_speed_mult 0 [-100, 100]
"AI stuff"
fly_speed_change_spd 5 [0, 1000]
fly_model_player 0 [0, 1]
"if true, uses player fly model"
fly_smooth_y 1 [0, 1]
"if true, smooths out the AI fly model"
accel_x 1 [0, 1000]
accel_x_air 0.1 [0, 1000]
pixel_gravity 600 [0, 1000]
swim_idle_buoyancy_coeff 1.2 [0, 2]
swim_down_buoyancy_coeff 0.7 [0, 2]
swim_up_buoyancy_coeff 0.9 [0, 2]
swim_drag 0.95 [0, 2]
"when in water velocity *= swim_drag"
swim_extra_horizontal_drag 0.9 [0, 2]
"when in water velocity.x *= swim_extra_horizontal_drag"
mouse_look 1 [0, 1]
mouse_look_buffer 1 [0, 5]
keyboard_look 0 [0, 1]
"if true, turns based on if left or right has been pressed down"
turning_buffer 0.1 [0, 2]
animation_to_play -
animation_to_play_next -
run_animation_velocity_switching_threshold 45 [0, 1000]
run_animation_velocity_switching_enabled 0 [0, 1]
turn_animation_frames_between 20 [0, 100]
precision_jumping_max_duration_frames -1 [0, 1]
"maximum duration of precision jump or knockback. -1 = infinite"
- Privates -----------------------------
mExAnimationPos -
mFramesInAirCounter -1 [0, 1]
mIsPrecisionJumping 0 [0, 1]
mPrecisionJumpingTime 0 [0, 1]
mPrecisionJumpingSpeedX 0 [0, 1]
mFlyThrottle 0 [0, 1]
mSmoothedFlyingTargetY 0 [0, 1]
mJetpackEmitting -1 [0, 1]
"-1 = undefined, 0 = not emitting, 1 = emitting"
mNextTurnAnimationFrame 0 [0, 1]
mFramesNotSwimming 10 [0, 1]
"0 = currently swimming"
mFramesSwimming 0 [0, 1]
"0 = not currently swimming"
mShouldCrouch 0 [0, 1]
mShouldCrouchPrev 0 [0, 1]
mLastPostureSwitchFrame -1 [0, 1]
mLookOverrideLastFrame 0 [0, 1]
mLookOverrideDirection 0 [0, 1]

- Privates -----------------------------
stats -

- Members -----------------------------
width 32 [0, 100]
height 32 [0, 100]
radius 32 [0, 100]
required_tag mortal [0, 1]
remove_component_when_triggered 0 [0, 1]
destroy_this_entity_when_triggered 1 [0, 1]
timer_for_destruction 0 [0, 60]
self_trigger 0 [0, 1]
"if true, the shooter can trigger it"
skip_self_frames 60 [0, 1]
"skips checks against self during these frames"
- Privates -----------------------------
mTimer 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
create_other_end 0 [0, 1]
is_at_home 0 [0, 1]
collision_radius 10 [0, 20]
target_id 0 [0, 1]
id 0 [0, 1]
mNextUsableFrame 0 [0, 1]
mHasOtherEnd 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
auto_turn_around_enabled 1 [0, 1]
"disable this if you don't want creature to 'look around', while standing still"
wait_to_turn_around 50 [0, 300]
wall_hit_wait 10 [0, 300]
check_wall_detection 1 [0, 1]
wall_detection_aabb_min_x 0 [-15, 15]
wall_detection_aabb_max_x 0 [-15, 15]
wall_detection_aabb_min_y 0 [-15, 15]
wall_detection_aabb_max_y 0 [-15, 15]
check_floor_detection 0 [0, 1]
floor_detection_aabb_min_x 0 [-15, 15]
floor_detection_aabb_max_x 0 [-15, 15]
floor_detection_aabb_min_y 0 [-15, 15]
floor_detection_aabb_max_y 0 [-15, 15]
- Privates -----------------------------
mChangingDirectionCounter -1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
polymorph_hax 0 [0, 1]
polymorph_next_attack_frame 0 [0, 1]
enabled 1 [0, 1]
gamepad_indirect_aiming_enabled 0 [0, 1]
gamepad_fire_on_thumbstick_extend 0 [0, 1]
gamepad_fire_on_thumbstick_extend_threshold 0.7 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mButtonDownFire 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameFire 0 [0, 1]
mButtonLastFrameFire -2 [0, 1]
mButtonDownFire2 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameFire2 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownAction 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameAction 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownThrow 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameThrow 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownInteract 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameInteract 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownLeft 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameLeft 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownRight 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameRight 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownUp 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameUp 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownDown 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameDown 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownJump 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameJump 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownRun 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameRun 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownFly 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameFly 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownDig 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameDig 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownChangeItemR 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameChangeItemR 0 [0, 1]
mButtonCountChangeItemR 0 [0, 1]
"note these have special count property"
mButtonDownChangeItemL 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameChangeItemL 0 [0, 1]
mButtonCountChangeItemL 0 [0, 1]
"note these have special count property"
mButtonDownInventory 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameInventory 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownHolsterItem 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameHolsterItem 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownDropItem 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameDropItem 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownKick 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameKick 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownEat 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameEat 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownTransformLeft 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameTransformLeft 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownTransformRight 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameTransformRight 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownTransformUp 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameTransformUp 0 [0, 1]
mButtonCountTransformUp 0 [0, 1]
mButtonDownTransformDown 0 [0, 1]
mButtonFrameTransformDown 0 [0, 1]
mButtonCountTransformDown 0 [0, 1]
mFlyingTargetY 0 [0, 1]
mAimingVector -
mAimingVectorNormalized -
"Aiming vector normalized to unit sphere."
mAimingVectorNonZeroLatest -
mGamepadAimingVectorRaw -
mJumpVelocity -
"used mostly by AI only?"
mMousePosition -
mMousePositionRaw -
mMousePositionRawPrev -
mMouseDelta -
mGamepadIndirectAiming -

- Members -----------------------------
ray_length 5 [0, 100]
ray_count 16 [0, 64]
gravity 600 [0, 10000]
terminal_velocity 600 [0, 10000]
speed 0.2 [0, 10000]
give_up_area_radius 20 [0, 1000]
give_up_time 45 [0, 1000]
attack_from_ceiling_check_ray_length 128 [0, 1000]
attack_from_ceiling_check_every_n_frames 15 [0, 1000]
collision_damage 0.25 [0, 1000]
collision_damage_radius 10 [0, 1000]
collision_damage_frames_between 10 [0, 1000]
animate 1 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mDir 1 [0, 1]
mFrameNextGiveUp 0 [0, 1]
mFrameNextDamage 0 [0, 1]
mFrameNextAttackFromCeilingCheck 0 [0, 1]
mMin -
mMax -
mPrevNonSnappedPosition -
mPrevCellPosition -
mPrevCellPosition2 -
mPrevCellPosition3 -
mPrevCellPosition4 -
mPrevCellPosition5 -
mPrevCellPosition6 -
mPrevCellPosition7 -
mPrevCellPosition8 -
mLatestPosition -
mPrevFalling 0 [0, 1]
mIsInitialized 0 [0, 1]
mVelocityY 0 [0, 1]
mAngle 0 [0, 1]
mMovementStepAccumulator 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
hp 1 [0, 4]
"hit points at the moment"
max_hp 0 [0, 4]
"the maximum hp that this can have, we'll set this when loading"
max_hp_cap 0 [0, 12]
"Note(Petri): Is this used anywhere? - the maximum 'max_hp' that this can have, <=
0 means no limits"
critical_damage_resistance 0 [0, 1]
"0.0 = all critical damage multiplier is applied. 1.0 = no critical damage
multiplier is applied"
invincibility_frames 0 [0, 1024]
"if positive, doesn't take damage"
falling_damages 1 [0, 1]
"do we take fall damage"
falling_damage_height_min 70 [0, 1]
"how far do we need to fall to take damage, we start with this height, the peasant
takes min damage from this"
falling_damage_height_max 250 [0, 1]
"after this the peasant always takes the maximum fall damage"
falling_damage_damage_min 0.1 [0, 1]
"when we fall over height_min we take this much, lineary ramping to damage_max"
falling_damage_damage_max 1.2 [0, 1]
"when we fall over height_min we take this much, lineary ramping to damage_max"
air_needed 1 [0, 1]
"Do we breath, can we take damage from not breathing?"
air_in_lungs 5 [0, 1]
"How much air do we have in our lungs? - after the air runs out we take damage"
air_in_lungs_max 5 [0, 1]
"how much air can we have in our lungs, it's filled to this point if we're not in
air_lack_of_damage 0.2 [0, 1]
"(* dt)... damage in a second if we're in the water"
minimum_knockback_force 0 [0, 1]
"Minimum knockback force required to do the knockback"
materials_damage 1 [0, 1]
"should materials do damage or not?"
material_damage_min_cell_count 4 [0, 1]
"if material damage is received from less than 'material_damage_min_cell_count'
this frame, it is ignored"
materials_that_damage acid [0, 1]
"list of materials that do damage, separated by ',' e.g. 'acid, fire, smoke'"
materials_how_much_damage 0.1 [0, 1]
"list of damage amount per material in materials_that_damage, separated by ','"
physics_objects_damage 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will take damage from physics objects that hit it"
materials_create_messages 0 [0, 1]
"should collisions with certain materials create messages or not?"
materials_that_create_messages meat [0, 1]
"list of materials that generate CollisionWithCell messages, separated by ',' e.g.
'acid, fire, smoke'"
data/temp/ragdoll/filenames.txt [0, 1] "the file from which to load a ragdoll on
ragdoll_material meat [0, 1]
"what material is the ragdoll made out of"
ragdoll_offset_x 0 [0, 1]
"where should the ragdoll be created relative to our entity position'"
ragdoll_offset_y 0 [0, 1]
"where should the ragdoll be created relative to our entity position'"
blood_material blood_fading
[0, 1] "this is the material that gets thrown as particles when this
entity takes damage"
blood_spray_material -
"this is the material that gets thrown as particles when this entity sprays blood
on death"
blood_spray_create_some_cosmetic 0 [0, 1]
"if true, we force some blood spray particles to be cosmetic (can be enabled to
avoid making a huge mess of blood spray)"
blood_multiplier 1 [0, 10]
"how much blood, this is the multiplier used for sprouting lots or little blood"
ragdoll_blood_amount_absolute -1 [-1, 1000]
"if > -1, this is the absolute amount of blood we share between particle emitters
in the ragdoll"
blood_sprite_directional -
"this sprite is loaded at damage position if we take damage that creates a blood
blood_sprite_large -
"this sprite is loaded at damage position if we take explosion/heavy damage"
create_ragdoll 1 [0, 1]
"if 0, we skip ragdoll creation on death"
ragdollify_child_entity_sprites 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, we ragdollify child entity sprites"
wait_for_kill_flag_on_death 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, we wont kill the entity along with kill fx and ragdoll until 'kill' is 1"
kill_now 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, we wont kill the entity along with kill fx and ragdoll until 'kill_now' is
drop_items_on_death 1 [0, 1]
"drop the abilities as items on death?"
in_liquid_shooting_electrify_prob 0 [0, 100]
"when shooting underwater how likely are we to electrify the water"
wet_status_effect_damage 0 [0, 0.1]
"how much damage per 10 frames is done if entity has 'wet' status effect"
is_on_fire 0 [0, 1]
"Tells us we're on fire or not"
fire_probability_of_ignition 0.5 [0, 1]
"what is the probability that we'll ignite, 0 means won't ever ignite"
fire_how_much_fire_generates 4 [0, 10]
"how many fire particles do we generate each frame"
fire_damage_ignited_amount 0.0003 [0, 2]
"how much damage does being ignited do?"
fire_damage_amount 0.2 [0, 2]
"how much damage does fire do?, 0.2 is pretty good"
mLastElectricityResistanceFrame -2147483648 [0,
1] "Last frame electricity has no effect. Should not be private!"
mLastFrameReportedBlock -2147483648 [0,
1] "Last frame a damage block message was displayed for this entity"
- Objects -----------------------------
damage_multipliers -
"the multipliers applied to different types of damage"
- Privates -----------------------------
mIsOnFire 0 [0, 1]
"private variable to check when we're on fire and not"
mFireProbability 100 [0, 1]
"this gets decreased if we can't ignite anything else"
mFireFramesLeft 0 [0, 1]
"this is the remaining frames we're on fire"
mFireDurationFrames 0 [0, 1]
"this is the total duration in frames we're on fire"
mFireTriedIgniting 0 [0, 1]
"private variable to check when we could have been ignited or not"
mLastCheckX 0 [0, 1]
"an optimization, so we don't have to check everything every frame"
mLastCheckY 0 [0, 1]
"an optimization, so we don't have to check everything every frame"
mLastCheckTime 0 [0, 1]
"an optimization, so we don't have to check everything every frame"
mLastMaterialDamageFrame 0 [0, 1]
"this is the last frame we took material damage"
mFallIsOnGround 0 [0, 1]
"for fall damage, keeps a private variable about if we're on ground or not"
mFallHighestY 3.40282e+038
[0, 1] "private var to keep track of how high have we flown to"
mFallCount 0 [0, 1]
"how many times have we fallen? This is used to make sure we don't take damage from
the first fall"
mAirAreWeInWater 0 [0, 1]
"a private variable to track our state in drowning"
mAirFramesNotInWater 0 [0, 1]
"how many frames have been with air to breathe"
mAirDoWeHave 0 [0, 1]
"a private variable to track our state in drowning"
mTotalCells 0 [0, 1]
"how many cells are there total"
mLiquidCount 0 [0, 1]
"how many of the cells are liquid"
mDamageMaterials -
"NOTE! Sorted! a list of materials that do damage (materials_that_damage)"
mDamageMaterialsHowMuch -
"NOTE! Sorted! a list of materials that do damage (materials_that_damage)"
mCollisionMessageMaterials -
"NOTE! Sorted! a list of materials that create messages
mCollisionMessageMaterialCountsThisFrame -
"Number of cells per collided with this frame. Order matches
mMaterialDamageThisFrame -
"A list of damage per material that damages us. In same order as materials"
mFallDamageThisFrame 0 [0, 1]
"Amount of fall damage received this frame"
mElectricityDamageThisFrame 0 [0, 1]
"Amount of electricity damage received this frame"
mPhysicsDamageThisFrame 0 [0, 1]
"max physics damage we have taken this round"
mPhysicsDamageVecThisFrame -
"direction of physics damage"
mPhysicsDamageLastFrame 0 [0, 1]
"frame number when we took physics damage"
mLastDamageFrame -120 [0, 1]
"frame number when we took any damage"
mHpBeforeLastDamage 0 [0, 1]
"how much hp did we have a while ago?"

- Members -----------------------------
radius 10 [0, 1]
damage_min 0.1 [0, 1]
damage_max 0.2 [0, 1]
target_vec_max_len 5 [0, 1]
knockback_multiplier 1 [0, 1]
time_between_damaging 20 [0, 1]
damage_description bite [0, 1]
target_tag mortal [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mVelocity -
mNextDamageFrame 0 [0, 1]


- Members -----------------------------
TEMP_TEMPY 0 [0, 3.5]
TEMP_TEMP_TEMP 0 [0, 3.5]

- Members -----------------------------
min_x 0 [0, 1]
min_y 0 [0, 1]
max_x 0 [0, 1]
max_y 0 [0, 1]
color 4294967295 [0,
1] ""

- Members -----------------------------
min_speed 1 [0, 1000]
"The entity that owns this component is killed if its speed (via VelocityComponent)
falls below this value."
mMinSpeedSquared 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
data/entities/misc/player_drone.xml [0, 1] ""

- Members -----------------------------
change_speed 1 [0, 100]
alcohol_amount 0 [0, 3]
hallucinogen_amount 0 [0, 3]
nightvision_amount 0 [0, 3]
stoned_amount 0 [0, 3]
alcohol_wear_off_speed 0.02 [0, 100]
hallucinogen_wear_off_speed 0.005 [0, 100]
nightvision_wear_off_speed 0.002 [0, 100]
stoned_wear_off_speed 0.005 [0, 100]
- Objects -----------------------------
drug_fx_target -
- Privates -----------------------------
mAlcoholAmount 0 [0, 1]
mHallucinogenAmount 0 [0, 1]
mNightvisionAmount 0 [0, 1]
mStonedAmount 0 [0, 1]
mDrugFxCurrent -

- Members -----------------------------
charge_time_frames 120 [0, 240]
fx_velocity_max 120 [0, 240]
electricity_emission_interval_frames 5 [0, 10]
fx_emission_interval_min 2 [0, 20]
fx_emission_interval_max 15 [0, 30]
charge 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
energy 1000 [0, 10000]
probability_to_heat 0 [0, 1]
speed 32 [0, 10000]
splittings_min 0 [0, 10000]
splittings_max 0 [0, 10000]
splitting_energy_min 0 [0, 10000]
splitting_energy_max 0 [0, 10000]
hack_is_material_crack 0 [0, 1]
hack_is_set_fire 0 [0, 1]
"if set will set the thing on fire where this is located at"
- Privates -----------------------------
mSplittingsLeft 0 [0, 1]
mSplittingEnergy 0 [0, 1]
mAvgDir -
mPrevPos -
mPrevMaterial 0 [0, 1]
mShouldPlaySound 1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
offset_x 0 [1, 3]
offset_y 0 [1, 3]
radius 1 [1, 3]
active_time_frames 1 [1, 15]
switch_on_msg_interval_frames 0 [0, 60]
- Privates -----------------------------
mLastFrameElectrified -1000 [0, 1]
mNextSwitchOnMsgFrame 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
radius 5 [1, 16]
emission_interval_frames 15 [1, 10]
- Privates -----------------------------
mNextFrameEmitElectricity 0 [0, 1]
- Members -----------------------------
TEMP_TEMPY 0 [0, 3.5]
TEMP_TEMP_TEMP 0 [0, 3.5]

- Members -----------------------------
radius 16 [0, 100]
damage_multiplier 1.5 [0, 10]
max_energy 1 [0, 10]
energy_required_to_shield 0.2 [0, 10]
recharge_speed 1 [0, 10]
sector_degrees 360 [0, 360]
"if less than 180 we only provide partial cover to the current direction of the
energy 0 [0, 3]
- Privates -----------------------------
mPrevPosition -

- Members -----------------------------
explode_on_death_percent 1 [0, 1]
"rolls a dice (0 - 1) if we explode on death"
explode_on_damage_percent 1 [0, 1]
"rolls a dice (0 - 1) if we explode on damage"
physics_body_modified_death_probability 0 [0, 1]
"if we get message about the physics body being modified, do we explode on what
physics_body_destruction_required 0.5 [0, 1]
"how big of percent of our body, do we need to lose before we explode"
- Objects -----------------------------
config_explosion -
"if we have explosion, it's the setup for it"
- Privates -----------------------------
mDone 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
timeout_frames 0 [0, 180]
"for timer"
timeout_frames_random 0 [0, 180]
"a random value between 0 and 'timout_frames_random' is added to timer"
kill_entity 1 [0, 1]
"if 1, we kill the entity when exploding"
mTimerTriggerFrame -1 [0, 1]
- Objects -----------------------------
config_explosion -
"setup for out explosion"

- Members -----------------------------
direction 0 [-1, 1]
speed 100 [1, 1000]
- Privates -----------------------------
velocity -
stuck_counter 0 [0, 1]
mLastCheckPos -

- Members -----------------------------
type 0 [0, 1]
"type of flight, 1 = perlin noise"
perlin_freq 0.2 [0, 1]
"frequency of the perlin noise sampling"
perlin_time_freq 0.3 [0, 1]
"t *= perlin_time_freq"
perlin_wind_x 0 [-1, 1]
"wind velocity that gets added to the samples"
perlin_wind_y 0 [-1, 1]
"wind velocity that gets added to the samples"

- Members -----------------------------
radius 256 [0, 1024]
"256 is the default player has"

- Members -----------------------------
radius 140 [0, 2000]

- Members -----------------------------
count_min 0 [0, 1]
count_max 0 [0, 1]
seed 1 [0, 1]
material bone [0, 1]
"material that the fossil is made out of, or is_visual=1 then it's material that
the seed is made out of"
image_file -
- Privates -----------------------------
material_id -1 [0, 1]
mImageData -

- Members -----------------------------
radius 0 [0, 3.5]
"what's the radius (in pixels) of the area effect"
collide_with_tag hittable [0, 1]
"the tags we're looking for"
frame_length -1 [0, 1]
"if not 0 will reapply this effect after this many frames have gone by"
- Privates -----------------------------
mEntitiesAppliedOutTo -
mEntitiesAppliedFrame -

- Members -----------------------------
custom_effect_id -
"if 'effect' is set to 'CUSTOM', this will define effect uniqueness."
frames -1 [0, 1]
"how many frames does it affect -1 = forever"
exclusivity_group 0 [0, 1]
"if > 0, previous game effects with the same exclusivity group as new one will be
removed when calling LoadGameEffectEntityTo"
report_block_msg 1 [0, 1]
"to disable the block message that rises"
disable_movement 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will disable movement"
ragdoll_effect_custom_entity_file -
"an entity that is loaded to each ragdoll part if 'ragdoll_effect' is set to
ragdoll_fx_custom_entity_apply_only_to_largest_body 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, 'ragdoll_effect_custom_entity_file' is loaded only to the largest piece in
the ragdoll "
polymorph_target -
"when doing a polymorph, this is what we convert it to"
mSerializedData -
"polymorph stores the serialized entity here..."
mCaster 0 [0, 1]
"Contains a handle to the caster of this GameEffect"
mCasterHerdId 0 [0, 1]
"Contains the herd if of the caster of this GameEffect"
teleportation_probability 600 [0, 1]
"How likely is it that we teleport, larger = less often"
teleportation_delay_min_frames 30 [0, 1]
"Never teleports more often that this"
teleportation_radius_min 128 [0, 1]
teleportation_radius_max 1024 [0, 1]
teleportations_num 0 [0, 1]
"How many times has this GameEffectComponent teleported the owner?"
caused_by_stains 0 [0, 1]
"Did we occur because someone got stained?"
mCharmDisabledCameraBound 0 [0, 1]
"When charmed, will try to disable CameraBound. This keeps track if we've done it,
so we can enable it back"
mCharmEnabledTeleporting 0 [0, 1]
"When charmed, will try to enable teleporting (tag:teleportable_NOT). This keeps
track if we've done it, so we can disable it again"
mInvisible 0 [0, 1]
"Are we invisible?"
mCounter 0 [0, 1]
"Counts stuff"
mCooldown 0 [0, 1]
"Counts cooldown"

- Members -----------------------------
report_death 1 [0, 1]
"switches on reporting things"
report_damage 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will report when receiving damage"
report_new_biomes 1 [0, 1]
"if false, won't report when player enters new biomes"
- Privates -----------------------------
mNewBiomeCheckFrame 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
name -
"no one uses the name variable on entity, so we have to do this to make it happen"
stats_filename -
"also generated from the gunk"
is_player 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will use the session file for loading stats"
extra_death_msg -
"set when e.g. polymorphed"

- Members -----------------------------
acceleration -1 [-100, 0]
max_speed 20 [0, 20]
- Privates -----------------------------
mVelocity 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
is_predator 0 [0, 1]
"Predators are considered threats by other species and hunt for food."
food_chain_rank 0 [0, 200]
"0 means king of the hill. Greater number = more likely to get eaten by other

- Members -----------------------------
speed 5 [0, 1]
"pixels per second"
new_hunt_target_check_every 0 [0, 1]
"how often do we look for targets"
hunt_box_radius 512 [0, 1]
aggressiveness 100 [0, 1]
"if higher than relations then will attack"
max_distance_from_home 300 [0, 1]
"how far from home can we go?"
die_if_no_home 1 [0, 1]
"if set to false will die, if it can't find home"
target_tag player_unit [0,
1] "if something else (like mortal), will attack the home"
- Privates -----------------------------
mEntityHome 0 [0, 1]
"where is our home?"
mFramesWithoutHome 0 [0, 1]
mTargetPosition -
mTargetEntityId 0 [0, 1]
mRandomTarget -
mNextTargetCheckFrame 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
mana_current 0 [0, 1000]
"How much mana the player now has to use"
mana_max 500 [0, 1000]
"Max size of the mana pool"
gold 0 [0, 1000]
"How much gold the player has"
- Privates -----------------------------
god_entity -

- Privates -----------------------------
mLuaManager -


- Members -----------------------------
value 0 [0, 100]
"Usage depends on selected 'effect_hit'"
value_string -
"Usage depends on selected 'effect_hit'"

- Members -----------------------------
is_player 0 [0, 1]
is_enemy 1 [0, 1]
is_item 0 [0, 1]
aabb_min_x -5 [-15, 15]
aabb_max_x 5 [-15, 15]
aabb_min_y -5 [-15, 15]
aabb_max_y 5 [-15, 15]
damage_multiplier 1 [0, 1]
"All damage from hits to this hitbox is multiplied with this value before applying
- Privates -----------------------------
dead 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
target_tag homing_target
[0, 1] ""
target_who_shot 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, targets who shot the projectile, ignores 'target_tag'."
detect_distance 150 [0, 1000]
homing_velocity_multiplier 0.9 [-100, 100]
homing_targeting_coeff 160 [0, 1000]
- Privates -----------------------------
mPredefinedTarget 0 [0, 1]
"If set, we track this entity"

- Members -----------------------------
transform_with_scale 1 [0, 1]
sprite_hotspot_name -

- Members -----------------------------
radius 54 [0, 1]
leg_velocity_coeff 15 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mTargetEntity 0 [0, 1]
mState 0 [0, 1]
mStateTimer 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
length 40 [0, 1]
thigh_extra_lenght 2 [0, 1]
mJointSideInterpolation 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
ground_attachment_min_spread 16 [0, 1]
ground_attachment_max_tries 10 [0, 1]
ground_attachment_max_angle 0.8 [0, 1]
ground_attachment_ray_length_coeff 1.15 [0, 1]
leg_velocity_coeff 15 [0, 1]
affect_flying 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will cause the mFlyingTime (in CharacterDataComponent) of the parent to be
0 or 1 depending on if we're touching anything"
mState 0 [0, 1]
"0 = detached, 1 = attached"

- Members -----------------------------
DEBUG_allmaterials 0 [0, 1]
"if set to true will track all materials all the time..."

- Members -----------------------------
use_root_parent 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, we use the root of our entity hierarchy instead of the immediate parent"
only_position 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, we only inherit position. it is calculated as follows: parent_position +
parent_offset * parent_scale"
parent_hotspot_tag -
"if set, we apply the offset of parent HotSpot with this tag"
parent_sprite_id -1 [0, 1]
"if >= 0, the Nth sprite transform in parent entity is inherited"
always_use_immediate_parent_rotation 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, we use the immediate parent for rotation, no matter what other properties
rotate_based_on_x_scale 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, the rotation is set to 0 deg if scale >= 0 else to 180 deg"
- Privates -----------------------------
mUpdateFrame -1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
quick_inventory_slots 10 [0, 30]
full_inventory_slots_x 8 [0, 30]
full_inventory_slots_y 8 [0, 30]
- Privates -----------------------------
mActiveItem 0 [0, 1]
"NOTE: Don't attempt to directly change the value of this field via lua code. It
will probably break the game logic in obvious or subtle ways."
mActualActiveItem 0 [0, 1]
"NOTE: Don't attempt to directly change the value of this field via lua code. It
will probably break the game logic in obvious or subtle ways."
mActiveStash 0 [0, 1]
mItemHolstered 0 [0, 1]
mInitialized 0 [0, 1]
mForceRefresh 0 [0, 1]
mSmoothedItemXOffset 0 [0, 1]
mLastItemSwitchFrame 0 [0, 1]
mIntroEquipItemLerp 1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
ui_container_type 1 [0, 1]
data/ui_gfx/inventory/inventory_box.png [0, 1] "ui back sprite"
actions -
"list of actions, used for serialization"
- Privates -----------------------------
update_listener -
"listener to keep ui up with ability changes"
items -

- Members -----------------------------
has_opened_inventory_edit 0 [0, 1]
wallet_money_target 0 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
imgui -
mLastFrameInteracted -100 [0, 1]
mLastFrameActionsVisible -1 [0, 1]
mLastPurchasedAction -
mActive 0 [0, 1]
mAlpha 1 [0, 1]
mBackgroundOverlayAlpha 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
is_ranged_weapon 0 [0, 1]
is_throwable_weapon 0 [0, 1]
is_melee_weapon 0 [0, 1]
is_self_healing 0 [0, 1]
is_other_healing 0 [0, 1]
is_self_buffing 0 [0, 1]
is_other_buffing 0 [0, 1]
is_weapon 0 [0, 1]
is_known 0 [0, 1]
is_safe 1 [0, 1]
is_consumed 0 [0, 1]
ranged_min_distance 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
action_id -
"the name ID of the action"


- Members -----------------------------
item_count_min 0 [0, 1e+006]
item_count_max 0 [0, 1e+006]
level 0 [0, 1e+006]
enemy_drop 0 [0, 1]
"enemy_drop, if set will modify the item_count_min, item_count_max..."
actions -
"e.g. 'bullet,bullet,damage' ... actions are parsed into a string"
action_uses_remaining -
"e.g. '10,10,-1' ... action uses remaining counts are parsed into a string"
other_entities_to_spawn -
"file names of other entities we should spawn from this chest, comma separated"
mSeed 0 [0, 1]
"this is used to figure out what we spawn from this chest"

- Members -----------------------------
item_name -
"the name of the item"
is_stackable 0 [0, 1]
"does this item stack on other items the same 'item_name' in the inventory?"
is_consumable 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, using this item will reduce 'uses_remaining'. When it reaches zero the item
is destroyed"
stats_count_as_item_pick_up 1 [0, 1]
"does this count as an item that was picked up in the stats"
auto_pickup 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, item will be automatically picked up, no pickup hint is shown"
permanently_attached 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, this item can't be removed from a container once it is put inside one"
uses_remaining -1 [0, 1]
"how many times can this item be used?"
is_identified 1 [0, 1]
"is it known what this item does?"
is_frozen 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, this item can't be modified or moved from a wand"
collect_nondefault_actions 0 [0, 1]
"does player keep this item when respawning?"
remove_on_death 0 [0, 1]
"is this entity destroyed when it's in an inventory and the inventory owner dies?"
remove_on_death_if_empty 0 [0, 1]
"is this entity destroyed when it's in an inventory, empty and the inventory owner
remove_default_child_actions_on_death 0 [0, 1]
"if true, the default AbilityComponent.child_actions in this items will be removed
when it dies"
play_hover_animation 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, the item will play a hovering animation"
play_spinning_animation 1 [0, 1]
"if 1, the item will play a spinning animation, if player_hover_animation is 0"
is_equipable_forced 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, the default logic for determining if an item can be equiped in inventory is
overridden and this can be always equipped"
play_pick_sound 1 [0, 1]
"if 1, plays a default sound when picked"
max_child_items 0 [0, 1]
"number of items this can hold inside itself. TODO: get rid of all uses of
'ability->gun_config.deck_capacity' and replace them with this!"
ui_sprite -
"sprite displayed for the item in various UIs. If not empty overrides sprites
declared by Ability and ItemAction"
ui_description -
"item description displayed in various UIs"
enable_orb_hacks 0 [0, 1]
is_all_spells_book 0 [0, 1]
next_frame_pickable 0 [0, 1]
is_pickable 1 [0, 1]
"can this be picked up and placed on someone's inventory"
is_hittable_always 0 [0, 1]
"to override the weirdness that is is_pickable, which affects if this is hittable
or not. If true, will always be hittable regardless of is_pickable"
item_pickup_radius 14.1 [0, 1]
"how many pixels away can this item be picked up from"
camera_max_distance 50 [0, 1]
"how far can we move the camera from the player when this item is equipped"
camera_smooth_speed_multiplier 1 [0, 1]
"how quickly does the camera follow player?"
has_been_picked_by_player 0 [0, 1]
mFramePickedUp 0 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mItemUid 0 [0, 1]
mIsIdentified 1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
cost 100 [0, 3500]
stealable 0 [0, 1]
"if set - will check that it's within an area called shop"
- Privates -----------------------------
mExCost -1 [0, 1]
"used to change the text on the sprite"

- Members -----------------------------
is_in_npc 0 [0, 1]
is_immune_to_kicks 0 [0, 1]
"if set, won't drop the wand if kicked. Mainly used by wand ghosts."

- Members -----------------------------
TEMP_TEMPY 0 [0, 3.5]
TEMP_TEMP_TEMP 0 [0, 3.5]

- Members -----------------------------
throw_openable_cooldown_frames 30 [0, 180]
init_children 1 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mNextFrameOpenable 0 [0, 1]
mFrameOpened -1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
kick_radius 3 [0, 3.5]

- Members -----------------------------
radius 20 [1, 50]
"the radius in which we look for entities / bodies to float"
entity_force 0.3 [0, 1]
"how much do we apply the mouse movements to the entitiy"
box2d_force 0.3 [0, 1]
"how much do we apply the mouse movements to the entitiy"
effect_lifetime_frames 600 [1, 600]

- Members -----------------------------
lifetime -1 [0, 1]
"if anything else than -1 will kill this entity when this many frames have passed"
- Privates -----------------------------
creation_frame 0 [0, 1]
"we'll set this to GG.GetFrameNum() when this component is created"
kill_frame 0 [0, 1]
"frame that this is killed at"
render_physics_blink 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, and the entity has a physicsbody, the body blinks when the lifetime is
running out"

- Members -----------------------------
update_properties 0 [0, 1]
"turn this on if you expect this to function like the other components"
radius 0 [0, 3000]
"The radius of the light in world pixels."
r 255 [0, 255]
"Color red 0-255"
g 178 [0, 255]
"Color green 0-255"
b 118 [0, 255]
"Color blue 0-255"
offset_x 0 [-3000, 3000]
"Offset from the center of entity."
offset_y 0 [-3000, 3000]
"Offset from the center of entity."
fade_out_time 0 [0, 5]
"time in seconds, if not 0, this is how long this takes to die, when the component
is destroyed"
blinking_freq 1 [0, 1]
"if less than 1, will blink randomly when rand() < blinking_freq"
- Privates -----------------------------
mAlpha 1 [0, 1]
mSprite -

- Members -----------------------------
data/particles/lightning_ray.png [0, 1] "particle effect, from where the file is
loaded that lightning is generated from"
is_projectile 0 [0, 1]
"if this is true, it's a projectile lightning and looks for ProjectileComponent and
uses the data from there to move it"
explosion_type 1 [0, 1]
"1 = lightning trail"
arc_lifetime 60 [0, 1]
"remaining number of frames the arc exists"
- Objects -----------------------------
config_explosion -
- Privates -----------------------------
mExPosition -
"stores the ex position of this entity"
mArcTarget 0 [0, 1]
"if 'mArcTarget' points to an existing entity a lighting arc will be created
between this entity and 'mArcTarget'"

- Members -----------------------------
state 0 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mStatePrev -1 [0, 1]
mMoveToPositionX 0 [0, 1]
mMoveToPositionY 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
radius 1 [0, 20]
velocity_x 30 [0, 100]
velocity_y 30 [0, 100]
- Privates -----------------------------
mPrevX 0 [0, 1]
mPrevY 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
entity_file -
"path to the entity file we should load"
kill_entity 1 [0, 1]
"if 1, we kill our entity when it is created"
timeout_frames 0 [0, 180]
"for timer"
mTimerTriggerFrame -1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
id 0 [0, 3]

- Members -----------------------------
probability 0 [0, 1]
"how often do we do this... shoots a ray in random direction and does the
max_durability 2147483647 [0,
1] "if material durability > max_durability, it is not loosened"
max_distance 256 [0, 1]
"how far raytraces to find things to loosen up"
max_angle 1.57 [0, 1]
"how much raytraces go to different directions around the up-vector. pi=full
min_radius 3 [0, 1]
"the minimum radius of our loosening of pixels"
max_radius 8 [0, 1]
"the maximum radius of our loosening of pixels"
chunk_probability 0 [0, 1]
"if > 0, will drop box2d chunks of the ceiling"
chunk_max_angle 0.7 [0, 1]
"how much raytraces go to different directions around the up-vector. pi=full
chunk_count -1 [0, 1]
"how many chunks are we allowed to do, -1 = infinite"
data/procedural_gfx/collapse_big/$[0-14].png [0, 1] "loads these files randomly to
do the collapse shapes"
- Privates -----------------------------
mChunkCount 0 [0, 1]
"how many chunks are we allowed to do, -1 = infinite"

- Members -----------------------------
script_source_file -
execute_on_added 0 [0, 1]
execute_on_removed 0 [0, 1]
execute_every_n_frame 1 [1, 150]
"1 = execute every frame. 2 = execute every second frame. 3 = execute every third
frame etc. -1 or > 10000 is forever"
execute_times 0 [0, 1]
"How many times should the script be executed? < 1 means infinite"
remove_after_executed 0 [0, 1]
enable_coroutines 0 [0, 1]
script_damage_received -
"if set, calls function 'damage_received( float damage, string message, int
entity_thats_responsible, bool is_fatal )' when we receive a message about damage
script_item_picked_up -
"if set, calls function 'item_pickup( int entity_item, int entity_pickupper, string
item_name )' when message 'Message_ItemPickUp' is called"
script_shot -
"if set, calls function 'shot( projectile_entity_id )' when we receive
script_collision_trigger_hit -
"if set, calls function 'collision_trigger_hit( colliding_entity_id )' when we
receive Message_CollisionTriggerHit"
script_collision_trigger_timer_finished -
"if set, calls function 'collision_trigger_timer_finished()' when we receive
script_physics_body_modified -
"if set, calls function 'physics_body_modified( is_destroyed )' when physics body
has been modified"
script_pressure_plate_change -
"if set, calls function 'pressure_plate_change( new_state )' when
PressurePlateComponent decides that things have change"
script_inhaled_material -
"if set, calls function 'inhaled_material( material_name, count )' once per second
for each inhaled material"
script_ingested_material -
"if set, calls function 'ingested_material( material_name, count )' once per second
for each ingested material"
script_death -
"if set, calls function 'death( int damage_type_bit_field, string damage_message,
int entity_thats_responsible, bool drop_items )' when we receive message
script_throw_item -
"if set, calls function 'throw_item( from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y )' when we receive
message Message_ThrowItem"
script_material_area_checker_failed -
"if set, calls function 'material_area_checker_failed( pos_x, pos_y, )' when we
receive message Message_MaterialAreaCheckerFailed"
script_material_area_checker_success -
"if set, calls function 'material_area_checker_success( pos_x, pos_y, )' when we
receive message Message_MaterialAreaCheckerSuccess"
script_electricity_receiver_switched -
"if set, calls function 'electricity_receiver_switched( bool is_electrified )' when
we receive message Message_ElectricityReceiverSwitched"
script_kick -
"if set, calls function 'kick( bool is_electrified )' when we receive message
mLastExecutionFrame -1 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mNextExecutionTime -1 [0, 1]
mTimesExecuted 0 [0, 1]
mLuaManager -
mPersistentValues -

- Members -----------------------------
radius 256 [0, 512]
is_circle 0 [0, 1]
steps_per_frame 10 [0, 512]
from_material_tag -
"the tag of material, e.g. [liquid]"
from_any_material 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, converts any cells of any material to 'to_materia'"
clean_stains 0 [0, 1]
extinguish_fire 0 [0, 1]
loop 0 [0, 1]
kill_when_finished 1 [0, 1]
convert_entities 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, kills entities with a damagemodel and converts them to 'to_material'"
stain_frozen 0 [0, 1]
"petri hax"
mRadius 0 [0, 512]

- Members -----------------------------
radius 256 [0, 512]
steps_per_frame 10 [0, 512]
mStep 0 [0, 1]
mRadius 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
update_every_x_frame 0 [0, 1]
"if something other than 0 or 1, will only update_every_x_frames "
look_for_failure 1 [0, 1]
"if true, will send message Message_MaterialAreaCheckerFailed if the material
doesn't exist. If false, will send a message Message_MaterialAreaCheckerSuccess if
the aabb is full of material and material2"
kill_after_message 1 [0, 1]
"will kill this entity after sending the message"
- Privates -----------------------------
mPosition 0 [0, 1]
"keeps track where we are"
mLastFrameChecked 0 [0, 1]
"keeps track of how often we've checked"

- Members -----------------------------
material_name -
material_index 10 [-100, 100]
material_min 0.1 [0, 3.5]
material_max 0.1 [0, 3.5]
add_perlin 0 [0, 1]
add_perlin_scale_x 1 [0, 1]
add_perlin_scale_y 1 [0, 1]
is_rare 0 [0, 1]
limit_y 0 [0, 1]
limit_min_y 100 [-1024,
2048] ""
limit_max_y 2048 [-1024,
2048] ""
rare_use_perlin 0 [0, 1]
rare_use_fbm_perlin 0 [0, 1]
rare_use_polka 1 [0, 1]
rare_scale_x 0.05 [0, 0.05]
rare_scale_y 0.05 [0, 0.05]
rare_polka_radius_low 0.2 [0, 1]
rare_polka_radius_high 0.65 [0, 1]
rare_polka_is_boxed 1 [0, 1]
rare_polka_probability 0.2 [0, 1]
rare_required_min 0.2 [-1, 1]
rare_required_max 1 [-1, 1]
is_polygon 0 [0, 1]
"if true, uses points inside polygon to determine if this material is placed "
- Privates -----------------------------
celldata -

- Members -----------------------------
drop_as_item 1 [0, 1]
"if true, drops a bag that the player can big up"
on_death_spill 0 [0, 1]
"if true, on the death this will explode all the materials into air"
leak_on_damage_percent 0 [0, 1]
"if higher than 0 then it might leak when projectile damage happens"
leak_pressure_min 0.7 [0, 1]
"leak pressure coefficient"
leak_pressure_max 1.1 [0, 1]
"leak pressure coefficient"
min_damage_to_leak 0.09 [0, 1]
"the minimum damage that has to be done in order for a leak to occur"
b2_force_on_leak 0 [0, 10]
"if 0, nothing happens, elsewise will add a b2 force to the particleemitter which
will push the b2body"
death_throw_particle_velocity_coeff 1 [0, 1]
"how far do we throw material particles on death?"
kill_when_empty 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will send MessageDeath when materials are drained"
halftime_materials 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will multiply the materials with the given halftimes"
max_capacity -1 [0, 1]
"how much materials we can store in total. < 0 = infinite"
audio_collision_size_modifier_amount 0 [0, 1]
"if > 0, 'fullness of this container' * 'audio_collision_size_modifier_amount' is
added to collision audio event size"
- Privates -----------------------------
is_death_handled 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
speed 10 [1, 100]
"How many pixels to cover per one direction per one frame"
sine_wavelength 10 [0, 2]
"Parameters for sine wave that affects material spawn pattern"
sine_amplitude 5 [0, 2]
"Parameters for sine wave that affects material spawn pattern"
noise_scale 0.1 [0, 1]
"Parameters for noise that affects material spawn pattern"
noise_threshold 0.05 [0, 1]
"Parameters for noise that affects material spawn pattern"
m_position 0 [0, 1]
frames_run 0 [0, 1]
"to help keep the effect"

- Members -----------------------------
material_type 0 [0, 3]
"what's the type of cells that we suck (liquid, sand...)"
barrel_size 50 [0, 1024]
"how many pixels can we suck up"
num_cells_sucked_per_frame 1 [0, 5]
"How many cells at max can we suck per frame?"
set_projectile_to_liquid 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will set the projectile what ever we're sucking...?"
last_material_id 0 [0, 1]
"hax... this is set if we use set_projectile_to_liquid"
suck_gold 0 [0, 1]
"if set will just suck gold and update wallet"
suck_health 0 [0, 1]
"if set will just suck healthium material and add 1 hp every sucked healthium"
mAmountUsed 0 [0, 1]
"how full are we"
- Privates -----------------------------
mGoldAccumulator 0 [0, 1]
"accumulates amount of gold picked during consecutive frames"
mLastFramePickedGold -2 [0, 1]
"last frame we picked gold"

- Members -----------------------------
lookup_radius 64 [0, 64]
offset_from_surface 2 [0, 10]
ray_count 4 [0, 8]
verlet_min_joint_distance 32 [0, 128]

- Members -----------------------------
energy_target 0.5 [0, 1]
"the energy this makes music go towards"
fade_range 0 [0, 256]
"if > 0, fade between 0 and energy_target based on distance to this entity"
trigger_danger_music 1 [0, 1]
"if 1, attempts to trigger danger music no matter what energy level is reached"
fog_of_war_threshold 200 [0, 255]
"if fog of war at position of this entity is greater than 'fog_of_war_threshold',
this has no effect"
is_enemy 1 [0, 1]
energy_lerp_up_speed_multiplier 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
max_length 356 [0, 2000]
mLength 0 [0, 2000]
- Privates -----------------------------
mSegments -

- Members -----------------------------
orb_id 0 [0, 20]
"must be unique for every orb in the world"

- Members -----------------------------
emitted_material_name blood [0, 1]
create_real_particles 0 [0, 1]
"used to be emit_real_particles - creates these particles in the grid, if that
happens velocity and lifetime are ignored"
emit_real_particles 0 [0, 1]
"this creates particles that will behave like particles, but work outside of the
emit_cosmetic_particles 0 [0, 1]
"particle does have collisions, but no other physical interactions with the world.
the particles are culled outside camera region"
cosmetic_force_create 1 [0, 1]
"cosmetic particles are created inside grid cells"
render_back 1 [0, 1]
"for cosmetic particles, if they are rendered on front or in the back..."
collide_with_grid 1 [0, 1]
"for cosmetic particles, if 1 the particles collide with grid and only exist in
screen space"
collide_with_gas_and_fire 1 [0, 1]
"does it collide with gas and fire, works with create_real_particles and raytraced
images "
particle_single_width 1 [0, 1]
"for cosmetic particles, forces them (gas,fire) to be only 1 pixel wide "
emitter_lifetime_frames -1 [0, 1]
"emitter lifetime in frames. -1 = infinite"
fire_cells_dont_ignite_damagemodel 0 [0, 1]
"if set, and fire cells are created, this changes their default behaviour of
igniting DamageModels"
x_pos_offset_min 0 [-20, 20]
y_pos_offset_min 0 [-20, 20]
x_pos_offset_max 0 [-20, 20]
y_pos_offset_max 0 [-20, 20]
area_circle_sector_degrees 360 [0, 360]
x_vel_min 0 [-100, 100]
x_vel_max 0 [-100, 100]
y_vel_min 0 [-100, 100]
y_vel_max 0 [-100, 100]
direction_random_deg 0 [0, 90]
velocity_always_away_from_center 0 [-256, 256]
"if set, will make the velocity's rotation always away from center of randomized
lifetime_min 5 [0, 10]
lifetime_max 10 [0, 10]
airflow_force 0 [0, 6]
airflow_time 1 [0, 2]
airflow_scale 1 [0, 2]
friction 0 [0, 10]
attractor_force 0 [0, 100]
"If > 0, an attractor is created at the position of the entity that owns this
count_min 1 [0, 10]
count_max 3 [0, 10]
emission_interval_min_frames 5 [0, 120]
emission_interval_max_frames 10 [0, 120]
emission_chance 100 [0, 100]
delay_frames 0 [0, 1]
"if set will delay this many frames until starts"
is_emitting 1 [0, 1]
use_material_inventory 0 [0, 1]
"if set, it'll use MaterialInventoryComponent as the source of the particles
is_trail 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will do a trail based on the previous position and current position"
trail_gap 0 [0, 1]
"if > 0, trail particles will be generated this far from each other between our old
and new position, else [count_min-count_max] particles will be generated on the
render_on_grid 0 [0, 1]
"if set, particle render positions will be snapped to cell grid"
fade_based_on_lifetime 0 [0, 1]
"if set, particle's position in its lifetime will determine the rendering alpha"
draw_as_long 0 [0, 1]
"if set, particle will rendered as a trail along it's movement vector"
b2_force 0 [0, 10]
"if 0 nothing happens, if 1 will apply a force to the physics body (if has one),
also requires that we use the material inventory"
set_magic_creation 0 [0, 1]
"if set will set the magic creation 1 in the cells and do the white glow effect"
image_animation_file -
"file to use for image-based animation"
image_animation_colors_file -
"file to use for image-based animation"
image_animation_speed 1 [0, 255]
"how long do we stay on one frame of image-based animation. 0.5 means two game
frames per one animation frame. 2.0 means two animation frames per one game frame,
and so on. 0 means we always emit at time 0 of the animation."
image_animation_loop 1 [0, 1]
"does image-based animation keep looping while this component is active?"
image_animation_phase 0 [0, 1]
"the point in time [0,1] where the image-based animation will start the first
image_animation_emission_probability 1 [0, 1]
"[0,1], probability of emitting image based particles is multiplied with this"
image_animation_raytrace_from_center 0 [0, 1]
"enable this to disable image_animations (from the center) going through the world"
- Privates -----------------------------
mExPosition -
"is used with is_trail"
mMaterialInventoryMax 1024 [0, 1]
"this is how we figure out the pressure, when using material_inventory"
m_material_id 0 [0, 1]
m_next_emit_frame 0 [0, 1]
m_has_emitted 0 [0, 1]
m_last_emit_position -
m_cached_image_animation -
m_image_based_animation_time 0 [0, 1]
m_collision_angles -
m_particle_attractor_id -1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
search_depth_max_no_goal 20 [0, 1e+006]
"TODO: Comment"
iterations_max_no_goal 1500 [0,
1e+006] "TODO: Comment"
search_depth_max_with_goal 2500 [0,
1e+006] "TODO: Comment"
iterations_max_with_goal 1500 [0,
1e+006] "TODO: Comment"
cost_of_flying 20 [0, 100000]
"TODO: Comment"
distance_to_reach_node_x 2 [0, 200]
"TODO: Comment"
distance_to_reach_node_y 6 [0, 200]
"TODO: Comment"
frames_to_get_stuck 60 [0, 600]
"TODO: Comment"
frames_between_searches 30 [0, 300]
"TODO: Comment"
y_walking_compensation 0 [-100, 100]
"TODO: Comment"
can_fly 1 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
can_walk 1 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
can_jump 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
can_dive 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
can_swim_on_surface 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
never_consider_line_of_sight 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, we require a path to have an entity at the goal, having line of sight to the
entity is not enough"
space_required 0 [0, 20]
"how far (in cells) must a point on our route be from the nearest wall to consider
it passable?"
max_jump_distance_from_camera 400 [0, 400]
"TODO: Comment"
jump_speed 200 [0, 1000]
"TODO: Comment"
initial_jump_lob 1 [0, 5]
"TODO: Comment"
initial_jump_max_distance_x 100 [0, 1000]
"TODO: Comment"
initial_jump_max_distance_y 80 [0, 1000]
"TODO: Comment"
- Privates -----------------------------
input -
"TODO: Comment"
job_result_receiver -
"TODO: Comment"
waiting_for 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
next_search_frame 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
path -
"TODO: Comment"
path_next_node -
"TODO: Comment"
path_next_node_vector_to -
"TODO: Comment"
path_next_node_distance_to 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
path_previous_node -
"TODO: Comment"
path_frames_stuck 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
path_is_stuck 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
path_last_frame_with_job 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
mLogic -
"this defines what is an acceptable path"
mFallbackLogic -
"we use this to define an acceptable path if mLogic doesn't return one"
mSelectedLogic -
"TODO: Comment"
mEnabled 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
mState -
"TODO: Comment"
mTimesStuck 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
mNextClearDontApproachListFrame 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
mNodeProximityCheckCorrectionY 0 [0, 1]
"TODO: Comment"
debug_path -
"TODO: Comment"
jump_velocity_multiplier -
"TODO: Comment"

- Members -----------------------------
marker_work_flag 0 [0, 255]
marker_offset_x 0 [-1000, 1000]
marker_offset_y 0 [-1000, 1000]
player_marker_radius 0 [0, 128]
- Privates -----------------------------
mNode -
"we change the work state of this node. thus we need to keep a reference to it"

- Members -----------------------------
target_vec_max_len 5 [0, 1]
force_coeff 30 [0, 1]
force_balancing_coeff 1.5 [0, 1]
force_max 100 [0, 1]
torque_coeff 50 [0, 1]
torque_balancing_coeff 0.2 [0, 1]
torque_max 50 [0, 1]
damage_deactivation_probability 80 [0, 1]
damage_deactivation_time_min 30 [0, 1]
damage_deactivation_time_max 60 [0, 1]
die_on_remaining_mass_percentage 0.3 [0, 1]
levitate 1 [0, 1]
keep_inside_world 1 [0, 1]
"fix to the bug in which the spiders spawned inside the holy mountain, if set will
try not to go into places which aren't loaded "
free_if_static 0 [0, 1]
"set true for the boss, because box2d might turn this body into a static body, if
it thinks it's glitching out. "
- Privates -----------------------------
rotation_speed 0 [0, 1]
mStartingMass 1 [0, 1]
mMainBodyFound 0 [0, 1]
mNextFrameActive 0 [0, 1]
mRotationTarget 0 [0, 1]
mLastPositionWhenHadPath -
mHasLastPosition 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
speed_threshold 60 [0, 100]
damage_multiplier 0.016667 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
is_external 0 [0, 1]
"if mBody is set from outside, will ignore all the things"
hax_fix_going_through_ground 0 [0, 1]
"if set will lift the body upwards if it is inside ground"
hax_fix_going_through_sand 0 [0, 1]
"hax_fix_going_through_ground has to be set, if set will lift the body upwards if
it is inside sand"
hax_wait_till_pixel_scenes_loaded 0 [0, 1]
uid 0 [0, 1000]
"if the entity has multiple physics bodies and has specific shapes for those and
possible joints, you should use this. 0 is default for shapes"
is_enabled 1 [0, 1]
"Use this to kill the physics body of. if is_enabled is set to false, will destroy
the physics body"
linear_damping 0 [0, 1]
angular_damping 0 [0, 1]
allow_sleep 1 [0, 1]
fixed_rotation 0 [0, 1]
buoyancy 0.7 [0, 1]
is_bullet 0 [0, 1]
is_static 0 [0, 1]
is_kinematic 0 [0, 1]
is_character 0 [0, 1]
"if it is a character, then we need to few interesting things from time to time"
go_through_sand 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will go through sand PhysicsBridge::mGoThroughSand = 1"
gridworld_box2d 1 [0, 1]
"default is 1. You should only change this if you know the body isn't going to
touch gridworld"
auto_clean 1 [0, 1]
"if set, the simulation might destroy this body if it's hidden under sand.
Problematic if you have a small piece with joint attached to something like the
wheels of minecart. Set to 0 in cases like that"
on_death_leave_physics_body 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will leave the b2body into the world, even if the entity is killed"
on_death_really_leave_body 0 [0, 1]
"camera bound... god damn... we need something special when we want to leave the
update_entity_transform 1 [0, 1]
"WARNING! Don't touch this unless you know what you're doing. If false, doesn't
update the entitys transform to match the physics body. This is used with multi
body entities, to use the correct body to update the entity, e.g. minecart"
force_add_update_areas 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, we will mark our predicted aabb as a box2d update area."
kills_entity 1 [0, 1]
"if set, will kill the entity when physics body is destroyed"
randomize_init_velocity 0 [0, 1]
"randomizes the init velocity"
mActiveState 0 [0, 1]
"private variable, please don't mess around with this"
- Privates -----------------------------
mBody -
mBodyId 0 [0, 1]
"this is mBody->GetBodyId() - not to be confused with uid shit, has to be tracked
separately, since the mBody pointer is not unique"
mPixelCount 0 [0, 1]
"if set, tracks the number of csolidcells the body has"
mLocalPosition -
mRefreshed 0 [0, 1]
"this is sure the bodies are only parsed once"

- Members -----------------------------
body_id 0 [0, 1000]
"which body is this attached to, uses body uid, 0 is default for both"
use_sprite 0 [0, 1]
"will try to find the SpriteComponent and use that"
is_circle 0 [0, 1]
"tries to fit this into a circle, looks at bounding box of the pixels and sets the
circle to the center of that with radius being the line from there to a straight
centered 0 [0, 1]
"if this is true, moves offset to be in the center of the image, overwrites the
offset_x, offset_y"
offset_x 0 [0, 1]
"offset x in pixels"
offset_y 0 [0, 1]
"offset y in pixels"
z 0 [0, 1]
"offset in the z direction"
image_file -
"the png file from which the body is created from"

- Members -----------------------------
nail_to_wall 0 [0, 1]
grid_joint 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will do a grid joint that tracks which part of the body is it when the
body is destroyed / chipped away"
breakable 0 [0, 1]
"if set will break if theres a force too strong"
body1_id 0 [0, 1]
body2_id 0 [0, 1]
pos_x 0 [0, 3.5]
pos_y 0 [0, 3.5]
delta_x 0 [-10, 10]
"For mouse joint only ... moves the mouse joint by *dt "
delta_y 0 [-10, 10]
"For mouse joint only ... moves the mouse joint by *dt "
mMotorEnabled 0 [0, 1]
"enable motor, by setting this to true"
mMotorSpeed 0 [0, 20]
"if enabled this gets set to speed"
mMaxMotorTorque 1 [0, 1]
"max torque for motor"
- Privates -----------------------------
mJoint -

- Members -----------------------------
pick_up_strength 200 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
isBroken 0 [0, 1]
leftJointPos -
rightJointPos -
leftJoint -
rightJoint -

- Members -----------------------------
filename -
"file that should include just a list of other files, that have all the parts"
filenames -
"a list of body parts as png images, separate the files by ','. e.g.
'data/temp/ragdoll/leg.png, data/temp/ragdoll/head.png,...'"
offset_x 0 [0, 20]
"offset of where the ragdoll will be created"
offset_y 0 [0, 20]
"offset of where the ragdoll will be created"
- Privates -----------------------------
bodies -

- Members -----------------------------
recreate 0 [0, 1]
is_circle 0 [0, 1]
is_box 1 [0, 1]
is_capsule 0 [0, 1]
is_based_on_sprite 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will use sprite component to figure out a box that fits this"
friction 0.75 [0, 1]
restitution 0.1 [0, 1]
density 0.75 [0, 5]
local_position_x 0 [-5, 5]
local_position_y 0 [-5, 5]
radius_x 1 [0, 10]
radius_y 1 [0, 10]
capsule_x_percent 0.25 [0, 1]
capsule_y_percent 0.3 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
throw_force_coeff 1 [0, 2]
max_throw_speed 180 [0, 256]
min_torque 0.5 [0, 20]
max_torque 8 [0, 20]
tip_check_offset_min 3 [0, 20]
tip_check_offset_max 5 [0, 20]
tip_check_random_rotation_deg 9 [0, 180]
attach_min_speed 70 [0, 180]
attach_to_surfaces_knife_style 0 [0, 1]
hp 100 [0, 200]
- Privates -----------------------------
mHasJoint 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
pixel_scene -
"loads this pixel scene file"
pixel_scene_visual -
"this is the colors that get used for the pixels, if empty will use material
pixel_scene_background -
"this is the background file that gets loaded, if empty won't do anything"
background_z_index 50 [0, 1]
"the standard z_index of pixel scene backgrounds"
offset_x 0 [-30, 30]
"how much off from the entity x,y will this be. Top left corner is where it loads
the pixel scene"
offset_y 0 [-30, 30]
skip_biome_checks 0 [0, 1]
"biome check is on by default - it will check that pixel scene is loaded so that
every corner is in the same biome"
skip_edge_textures 0 [0, 1]
"if on - won't do the edge textures for the pixel scene"

- Members -----------------------------
image_file -
"loads pixelsprite based on this file"
anchor_x 0 [0, 3.5]
"the anchor and center_offset"
anchor_y 0 [0, 3.5]
"the anchor and center_offset"
material wood_loose [0,
1] "what's the material that things are made out of, TODO - change
this into MetaCustom"
diggable 1 [0, 1]
"if 1, this can be broken with digger"
clean_overlapping_pixels 1 [0, 1]
"cleans up the pixels that are ovelapping in the world"
kill_when_sprite_dies 1 [0, 1]
"kills the entity, if the pixel sprite is dead (empty)"
create_box2d_bodies 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will create new pixel sprites with box2d bodies, instead of gridworld

- Members -----------------------------
aiming_reticle_distance_from_character 40 [0, 1000]
camera_max_distance_from_character 25 [0, 1000]
blood_healing_speed 0.004 [0, 1000]
blood_drunken_speed 0.002 [0, 1000]
alcohol_drunken_speed 0.005 [0, 1000]
blood_fungi_drunken_speed 0.006 [0, 1000]
blood_worm_drunken_speed 0.006 [0, 1000]
eating_cells_per_frame 1 [0, 100]
eating_probability 5 [0, 100]
eating_delay_frames 30 [0, 100]
stoned_speed 0.1 [0, 1000]
center_camera_on_this_entity 1 [0, 1]
move_camera_with_aim 1 [0, 1]
"if true, moves camera with the aim."
- Privates -----------------------------
mSmoothedCameraPosition -
mSmoothedAimingVector -
mCameraRecoil 0 [0, 1]
mCameraRecoilTarget 0 [0, 1]
mCrouching 0 [0, 1]
mCameraDistanceLerped 0 [0, 1]
mRequireTriggerPull 0 [0, 1]
mWarpDelay 0 [0, 1]
mItemTemporarilyHidden 0 [0, 1]
mDesiredCameraPos -
mHasGamepadControlsPrev 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
getting_crushed_threshold 5 [0, 100]
moving_up_before_getting_crushed_threshold 3 [0, 100]
- Privates -----------------------------
getting_crushed_counter 0 [0, 1]
"1.12.2018 - Is this still used?"
stuck_in_ground_counter 0 [0, 1]
"used this mostly for player to figure out if it's stuck in ground"
DEBUG_stuck_in_static_ground 0 [0, 1]
"used to report error + also to free the player in case something horrible has gone
mCollidedHorizontally 0 [0, 1]
mPhysicsCollisionHax -

- Members -----------------------------
lives 1 [0, 1]
max_hp 4 [0, 1]
speed 1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
pos_x 0 [0, 3.5]
pos_y 0 [0, 3.5]

- Members -----------------------------
spray_velocity_coeff 1 [0, 2]
spray_velocity_normalized_min 0.5 [0, 1]
body_colored 0 [0, 1]
throw_bunch 0 [0, 1]
throw_how_many 5 [0, 1]
never_color 0 [0, 1]
"Petri: body_colored didn't seem to work, so I added never_color. It can be set to
true if you never want the potion to be colored"

- Members -----------------------------
check_every_x_frames 30 [0, 1]
"how often do we check the world"
state 0 [0, 1]
"0 is up, 1 is down"
material_percent 0.75 [0, 1]
"how much material should there be in the aabbs that we go down "
- Privates -----------------------------
mNextFrame 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
lifetime -1 [0, 1]
"lifetime, -1 means it's endless, otherwise it's the frame count"
lifetime_randomness 0 [0, 1]
"final lifetime will be lifetime + random(-
on_lifetime_out_explode 0 [0, 1]
"when lifetime runs out, should we explode?"
collide_with_world 1 [0, 1]
"true by default. Some projectiles you don't want to collide with the world, e.g.
speed_min 60 [0, 60000]
speed_max 60 [0, 60000]
friction 0 [0, 60000]
direction_random_rad 0 [0, 3.14151]
"when fired, randomizes the velocity -this, this"
direction_nonrandom_rad 0 [-3.14, 3.14]
"when fired, multiplies this with projectile_i and adds it to direction"
lob_min 0.5 [0, 60000]
lob_max 0.8 [0, 60000]
camera_shake_when_shot 0 [0, 60000]
shoot_light_flash_radius 0 [0, 60000]
shoot_light_flash_r 255 [0, 255]
shoot_light_flash_g 180 [0, 255]
shoot_light_flash_b 150 [0, 255]
create_shell_casing 0 [0, 1]
"should we create shell casings?"
shell_casing_material brass [0, 1]
"material of the shell casing"
muzzle_flash_file -
"this entity is created along with the projectile, oriented along the projectile's
bounces_left 0 [0, 1e+008]
bounce_energy 0.5 [0, 1]
"when bouncing, velocity is multiplied by this"
bounce_always 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will do a fake bounce if can't do the proper bounce, but will always try
to bounce"
bounce_at_any_angle 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will bounce at any reflection angle"
attach_to_parent_trigger 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will attach to the projectile entity that created this projectile via a
bounce_fx_file -
"this entity is created at the bounce position. it gets the bounce angle as
angular_velocity 0 [-3.1415,
3.1415] "this is only applied if velocity_sets_rotation == false"
velocity_sets_rotation 1 [0, 1]
"whether we set the rotation based on velocity, as in spear or if we update the
rotation with angular_velocity"
velocity_sets_scale 0 [0, 1]
"if true, the sprite width is made equal to the distance traveled since last frame"
velocity_sets_scale_coeff 1 [0, 1]
"Larger value means velocity affects the scale more"
velocity_sets_y_flip 0 [0, 1]
"if true, the sprite is flipped based on which side the projectile is currently
velocity_updates_animation 0 [0, 1]
"updates the animation based on far the sprite moved"
ground_penetration_coeff 0 [0, 5]
"this, along with VelocityComponent.mass affects how far we penetrate in materials"
go_through_this_material -
"if set, we never collide with this material"
do_moveto_update 1 [0, 1]
"this should probably be true, to get normal projectile behaviour, but you might
want to disable this for some physics-based projectiles, like bombs"
on_death_duplicate_remaining 0 [0, 1]
"if greater than 0, the projectile creates two clones of itself on death.
'on_death_duplicate_remaining' on the clones is reduced by one"
on_death_gfx_leave_sprite 1 [0, 1]
"if true, finds all the sprites and leaves as sand cells into the grid"
on_death_explode 0 [0, 1]
"if true, does explosion with config_explosion"
on_death_emit_particle 0 [0, 1]
"if true, emits on_death_emit_particle_type on death"
on_death_emit_particle_count 1 [0, 1]
"how many particles should we emit"
die_on_liquid_collision 0 [0, 1]
"if true, dies on collision with liquids"
die_on_low_velocity 0 [0, 1]
"if true, dies when speed goes below die_on_low_velocity_limit"
die_on_low_velocity_limit 50 [0, 1]
"please see die_on_low_velocity"
on_death_emit_particle_type -
on_death_particle_check_concrete 0 [0, 1]
"if you want it to stick as concrete, you should enable this"
ground_collision_fx 1 [0, 1]
"if 1, spurt some particles when colliding with mortals"
explosion_dont_damage_shooter 0 [0, 1]
"if true, explosion doesn't damage the entity who shot this"
on_death_item_pickable_radius 0 [0, 1]
"if > 0, makes items closer than this radius pickable on death"
penetrate_world 0 [0, 1]
"if true, the projectile doesn't collide with ground, liquids, physical objects
penetrate_world_velocity_coeff 0.6 [0, 1]
"if 'penetrate_world' is true, the projectile moves with a velocity multiplied by
this value when inside world"
penetrate_entities 0 [0, 1]
"if true, the projectile doesn't stop when it collides with entities. damages each
entity only once"
on_collision_die 1 [0, 1]
"if true, this is killed as soon as it hits the ground"
on_collision_remove_projectile 0 [0, 1]
"if true, ProjectileComponent is removed from the entitiy"
on_collision_spawn_entity 1 [0, 1]
"if true, spawns the spawn_entity"
spawn_entity -
"this is spawned if hit something an on_collision_spawn_entity = 1"
spawn_entity_is_projectile 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will use ShootProjectile instead of LoadEntity()"
physics_impulse_coeff 300 [0, 1]
"projectile applies an impulse to physics bodies it hits. Impulse =
physics_impulse_coeff * velocity"
damage_every_x_frames -1 [0, 1]
"if set != -1, will only do damage every x frames, used for fields and such, which
would otherwise do damage every frame"
damage_scaled_by_speed 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, damage is multiplied by (projectile speed / original projectile speed)
collide_with_entities 1 [0, 1]
"if 1, looks for entities with tag, collide_with_tag and collides with them, giving
them damage"
collide_with_tag hittable [0, 1]
"default: mortal, if you needed can be changed to something more specific"
collide_with_shooter_frames -1 [0, 1]
"remember friendly_fire 1, if -1 won't collide with shooter at all, otherwise uses
the value as frame count and while it's running won't damage the shooter "
friendly_fire 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will damage same herd id"
damage 1 [0, 1]
"how much Projectile damage does this do when it hits something"
knockback_force 0 [0, 1]
"How far do entities get thrown if a knockback occurs. final_knockback =
ProjectileComponent.knockback_force * VelocityComponent.mVelocity *
VelocityComponent.mass / who_we_hit.mass"
ragdoll_force_multiplier 0.025 [0, 1]
"velocity * ragdoll_force_multiplier is applied to any ragdolls that are created by
entities killed by this"
hit_particle_force_multiplier 0.1 [0, 1]
"hit particle velocity = projectile_velocity * hit_particle_force_multiplier * some
blood_count_multiplier 1 [0, 1]
"how much blood does this projectile cause"
damage_game_effect_entities -
"a list of game_effects entities separated with ','. e.g.
never_hit_player 0 [0, 1]
"If 1, does not hit player no matter what herds this and player belong to"
collect_materials_to_shooter 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, looks up the 'who_shot' entity and its MaterialInventoryComponent on
destruction and updates it based on the cells destroyed on our explosion."
play_damage_sounds 1 [0, 1]
mLastFrameDamaged -1024 [0, 1]
- Objects -----------------------------
config -
config_explosion -
"if we have explosion, it's the setup for it"
damage_by_type -
"the amounts of different types of damage this does"
damage_critical -
"config for critical hit"
- Privates -----------------------------
mWhoShot 0 [0, 1]
mWhoShotEntityTypeID 0 [0, 1]
"used for stats"
mShooterHerdId 0 [0, 1]
mStartingLifetime 0 [0, 1]
mTriggers -
mDamagedEntities -
mInitialSpeed -1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
entity_with_tag player_unit [0,
1] "will rotate this entity towards the closest entity with tag"

- Members -----------------------------
max_velocity 50 [1, 150]
- Privates -----------------------------
mPrevPosition -


- Members -----------------------------
extra_modifier -
"name of modifier function executed per projectile from 'gun_extra_modifiers.lua'"

- Members -----------------------------
can_go_up 1 [0, 1]
"if set, will not try to move this upwards"
- Privates -----------------------------
mOldPosition -
"used for box2d simple physics"

- Members -----------------------------
sinewave_freq 1 [0, 1]
"sinewave_m * sinf( sinewave_freq * lifetime++)"
sinewave_m 0.6 [0, 1]
"sinewave_m * sinf( sinewave_freq * lifetime++)"
lifetime -1 [0, 1]
"-1 seems to fix some problems with this... sinewave_m * sinf( sinewave_freq *

- Members -----------------------------
target_sprite_comp_name character [0,
1] ""
rotate_to_surface_normal 0 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mStates -
mCachedTargetSpriteTag -
mSendOnFinishedMessageName -

- Members -----------------------------
data/temp/temp_gun.png [0, 1] ""
ui_is_parent 0 [0, 1]
"Adds this to the GG.GetUISprite() as a child, instead of the mSpriteContainer"
is_text_sprite 0 [0, 1]
"if you want to load a text sprite, set this to true and image_file to a font file"
offset_x 0 [-24, 24]
offset_y 0 [-24, 24]
alpha 1 [0, 1]
visible 1 [0, 1]
emissive 0 [0, 1]
additive 0 [0, 1]
fog_of_war_hole 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, the alpha channel of this texture punctures a hole in the fog of war"
smooth_filtering 0 [0, 1]
rect_animation -
next_rect_animation -
text -
z_index 1 [-256, 256]
"0 = world grid, -1 = enemies, -1.5 = items in world, player = 0.6"
update_transform 1 [0, 1]
update_transform_rotation 1 [0, 1]
kill_entity_after_finished 0 [0, 1]
has_special_scale 0 [0, 1]
"if this is set, sets special_scale_x and _y to scale"
special_scale_x 1 [0, 1]
"this overrides the scale of the entity, if has_special_scale"
special_scale_y 1 [0, 1]
"this overrides the scale of the entity, if has_special_scale"
never_ragdollify_on_death 0 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mSprite -
mRenderList -
mRenderListHandle -1 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
x_amount 0 [0, 5]
x_speed 0 [0, 5]
y_amount 2 [0, 5]
y_speed 2 [0, 5]
sprite_id 0 [0, 8]
x_phase 16 [0, 32]
x_phase_offset 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
sprite_file -
"filepath to the sprite(s), supports the $[0-3] syntax"
sprite_centered 0 [0, 1]
"sets the offset to the center of the image"
sprite_random_rotation 0 [0, 1]
"rotates the sprite randomly in 90 degree angles"
render_back 0 [0, 1]
"if true, will set this particle to be behind entities (won't emit light)"
delay 0 [0, 1]
"delay in seconds..."
lifetime 0 [0, 1]
"lifetime in seconds..."
additive 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, the sprites will be rendered using additive blending"
emissive 0 [0, 1]
"if 1, the sprites will be rendered onto the emissive render target"
velocity_slowdown 0 [0, 1]
"what percent of the velocity is slowed by *dt"
rotation 0 [0, 1]
"original rotation in rads"
angular_velocity 0 [0, 1]
"how much rotation there is in a second"
use_velocity_as_rotation 0 [0, 1]
"do we rotate the sprite based on the velocity"
use_rotation_from_velocity_component 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will set the initial rotation based on the velocity component's velocity"
use_rotation_from_entity 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will 'inherit' rotation from the entity"
entity_velocity_multiplier 0 [0, 1]
"0 = doesn't use the velocity from spawning entity at all, 1 = uses all"
randomize_position_inside_hitbox 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will randomize position inside the hitbox aabb"
velocity_always_away_from_center 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will make the velocity's rotation always away from center of randomized
camera_bound 1 [0, 1]
"if true, will be culled if not near the camera"
camera_distance 75 [0, 1]
"if the distance from camera (edges) is higher than this, this will be culled"
is_emitting 1 [0, 1]
"disable this from emitting..."
count_min 0 [0, 1]
"how many particles do we spawn at one time"
count_max 1 [0, 1]
"how many particles do we spawn at one time"
emission_interval_min_frames 5 [0, 200]
"how often do we emit particles"
emission_interval_max_frames 10 [0, 200]
"how often do we emit particles"
entity_file -
"if set, this entity is loaded to the emission position by the emitter when it
- Privates -----------------------------
mNextEmitFrame 0 [0, 1]
- Members -----------------------------
sprite_id 0 [0, 10]
"which sprite (in the order in which they appear in the entity) are we going to
fade_stains_towards_srite_top 1 [0, 1]
"if 1, shades get less opaque near the top of the sprite"
- Privates -----------------------------
mTextureHandle -
mState -

- Privates -----------------------------
mLastAttackingPlayerFrame -99999 [0, 1]
mStainEffectsSmoothedForUI -

- Members -----------------------------
TEMP_TEMPY 0 [0, 3.5]
TEMP_TEMP_TEMP 0 [0, 3.5]

- Members -----------------------------
target_x_is_absolute_position 0 [0, 1]
"If set, target position x is in world coordinates, otherwise it's an offset"
target_y_is_absolute_position 0 [0, 1]
"If set, target position y is in world coordinates, otherwise it's an offset"
data/entities/particles/teleportation_source.xml [0, 1] "This entity is loaded at
the source position when teleportation occurs"
data/entities/particles/teleportation_target.xml [0, 1] "This entity is loaded at
the target position when teleportation occurs"
- Privates -----------------------------
safety_counter 0 [0, 1]
"used to keep track that we're not stuck in waiting for a pixel scene to load, that
is not going to be loaded"
state -
teleported_entities -
source_location_camera_aabb -

- Members -----------------------------
min_distance_from_wall 16 [0, 16]
actionable_lifetime 3 [0, 20]
- Privates -----------------------------
mWhoShot 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
key -
image_filename -
- Privates -----------------------------
mCachedName -

- Members -----------------------------
probability_of_ignition_attempt 15 [0, 100]
"how likely are we to ignite colliding cells"
suffocation_check_offset_y -2 [-10, 10]
"check offset in world coordinates from our position"
frames_suffocated_to_extinguish 5 [0, 30]
"how many frames the torch needs to be suffocated before it stops emitting fire"
extinguishable 1 [0, 1]
"if 1, the torch needs to be re-ignited in case it is turned off"
fire_audio_weight 0 [0, 2]
"how loud is the sound of our fire? 0 = no sound"
- Privates -----------------------------
mFlickerOffset 0 [0, 1]
mFramesSuffocated 0 [0, 1]
mIsOn 1 [0, 1]
mFireIsBurningPrev 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
icon_sprite_file -
name -
description -

- Members -----------------------------
name -

- Members -----------------------------
name -
value_string -
value_int 0 [0, 1]
value_bool 0 [0, 1]
- Members -----------------------------
is_visual 0 [0, 1]
"the type of the tree. If is_visual=0 will insert the pixels into the world as
cells. is_visual=1 will add a single cell and attach an image to that particle"
is_real_pixels 0 [0, 1]
"if true will create the actual pixels into the world of the material given"
is_grass 0 [0, 1]
"if set will treat this as grass and lay it on surfaces defined in
material_on_top_of ( if not set will put it ontop of everything). "
is_ceiling_plant 0 [0, 1]
check_safety 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will check the 4 corners for safty"
rand_seed 1234 [0, 10000]
"uses this to randomize the positions"
tree_width 120 [0, 512]
"partitions the space into tree_width lengths each partion might have a tree"
tree_radius_low 0.3 [0, 1]
"within the tree width what's the min distance it can spawn in (0) all the way to
the left"
tree_radius_high 0.7 [0, 1]
"within the tree width what's the max distance (1) all the way to right"
tree_probability 0.7 [0, 1]
"what's the probability of a tree being spawned in a tree_width section"
is_rare 0 [0, 1]
"if true, the tree is spawned only 1/3 of cases"
tree_extra_y 2 [0, 50]
"if is_visual is true, then this will move it down by this much"
tree_image_file -
"filename of the png that will get loaded as the tree. The filename can have the
$[1-4] notation in it"
tree_image_visual -
"this will be used if is_visual=1, if it's not set then we will use
tree_material wood [0, 1]
"material that the tree is made out of, or is_visual=1 then it's material that the
seed is made out of"
visual_offset_x 0 [0, 1]
"is_visual=1, will set the centerpoint (SetCenterOffset) of the image to this"
visual_offset_y 0 [0, 1]
"is_visual=1, will set the centerpoint (SetCenterOffset) of the image to this"
visual_color 0xFFFFFF [0, 1]
"is_visual=1, the color of the single cell that is created for the plant"
grass_requires_neighbors 0 [0, 1]
"is_grass=1, and this is set, then will check that there is a pixel to down left
and down right (so it doesn't leak down)."
material_on_top_of -
"Creates this only on top of this material, if empty then anything goes"
height_check 0 [0, 1]
"if != 0 will check that there is air up to this height"
max_y 99999 [0, 1]
"this is the max y that the plant / tree can be placed"
- Privates -----------------------------
mVisualColor 0 [0, 1]
tree_material_id -1 [0, 1]
material_id_on_top_of -1 [0, 1]
mTreeData -

- Members -----------------------------
gravity_x 0 [0, 1]
gravity_y 400 [0, 1]
mass 0.05 [0, 10]
air_friction 0.55 [0, 1]
apply_terminal_velocity 1 [0, 1]
terminal_velocity 1000 [0, 1]
updates_velocity 1 [0, 1]
displace_liquid 1 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mLatestLiquidHitCount 0 [0, 1]
mAverageLiquidHitCount 0 [0, 1]
mPrevPosition -

- Members -----------------------------
num_points 2 [0, 1]
num_links 2 [0, 1]
width 1 [0, 1]
resting_distance 2 [0, 16]
mass_min 0.8 [0.03, 2]
mass_max 1 [0.03, 2]
stiffness 1 [0, 1]
velocity_dampening 0.99 [0.2, 1]
gets_entity_velocity_coeff 0 [0, 10]
collide_with_cells 1 [0, 1]
simulate_gravity 1 [0, 1]
simulate_wind 1 [0, 1]
wind_change_speed 1 [0, 1]
constrain_stretching 0 [0, 1]
pixelate_sprite_transforms 1 [0, 1]
scale_sprite_x 1 [0, 1]
follow_entity_transform 1 [0, 1]
animation_amount 2 [0, 1]
animation_speed 5 [0, 1]
animation_energy 0.6 [0, 1]
cloth_sprite_z_index 1 [0, 1]
stain_cells_probability 0 [0, 1]
"0 = never, 1 = most likely, 10 = less likely - and so on"
m_is_culled_previous 0 [0, 1]
"Developer note: this needs to be serialized in case we serialize
- Privates -----------------------------
masses -
positions -
positions_prev -
velocities -
dampenings -
freedoms -
links -
sprite -

- Members -----------------------------
damage_radius 5 [0, 10]
physics_force_radius 3 [0, 10]
damage_min_step 0.01 [0, 3.5]
damage_max 1 [0, 3.5]
damage_coeff 1 [0, 3.5]
impulse_coeff 1 [0, 3.5]
fade_duration_frames 10 [0, 100]
physics_impulse_coeff 1 [0, 3.5]

- Members -----------------------------
verlet_point_index 0 [0, 32]
"Index of the verlet point we attach"
- Privates -----------------------------
mUpdated 0 [0, 1]
mCell -

- Members -----------------------------
money 0 [0, 10000]
money_spent 0 [0, 1]
"tracks how much money the player has spent"
mMoneyPrevFrame 0 [0, 1]
"HAX to give player towards infinite moneys"
mHasReachedInf 0 [0, 1]
"once it hits this value... keep it there"

- Members -----------------------------
money_value 10 [0, 100]

- Members -----------------------------
is_initialized 0 [0, 1]
time 0 [0, 1]
time_total 0 [0, 1000]
day_count 0 [0, 3.5]
rain 0 [0, 1]
"should be called clouds, controls amount of cloud cover in the sky"
rain_target 0 [0, 1]
"should be called clouds_target, controls amount of cloud cover in the sky"
fog 0 [0, 1]
fog_target 0 [0, 1]
intro_weather 0 [0, 1]
"if set, will set the weather to be nice all the time"
wind 0 [0, 1]
wind_speed 2 [-50, 50]
wind_speed_sin_t 10 [0, 1]
wind_speed_sin 3 [-50, 50]
clouds_01_target 0 [-27, 100]
clouds_02_target 0 [-100, 185]
gradient_sky_alpha_target 0 [0, 1]
sky_sunset_alpha_target 1 [0, 1]
lightning_count 0 [0, 100]
"this gets decreased to 0, this is the frame count of how many times do we do our
awesome lightning effect"
endgame_location 0 [0, 2]
tutorial_symbol 0 [0, 51]
next_normal_symbol_index 0 [0, 51]
next_endgame_symbol_index 0 [0, 51]
endgame_stage 0 [0, 1]
next_portal_id 1 [0, 1]
session_stat_file -
"if empty, we'll create one. This tracks the play time, death, kills... etch"
player_polymorph_count 0 [0, 1]
"how many times player has been polymorphed"
player_polymorph_random_count 0 [0, 1]
"how many times player has been random polymorphed"
global_genome_relations_modifier 0 [0, 1]
"Genome_GetHerdRelation adds this value to the results. 100 = good relations, 0 is
bad "
mods_have_been_active_during_this_run 0 [0, 1]
"if true everything will be gold + used to track if the wallet should go to
"the secret ending with infinite gold"
"how many times have loaded from autosaves"
"how many times have we loaded from an old version of the game"
- Privates -----------------------------
rain_target_extra 0 [0, 1]
fog_target_extra 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
speed 1 [0, 10000]
speed_hunt 3 [0, 10000]
direction_adjust_speed 1 [0, 10000]
direction_adjust_speed_hunt 1 [0, 10000]
random_target_box_radius 512 [0, 10000]
new_hunt_target_check_every 30 [0, 10000]
new_random_target_check_every 120 [0, 10000]
hunt_box_radius 512 [0, 10000]
cocoon_food_required 30 [0, 1]
"how much food do we need to consume before we can cocoon"
cocoon_entity -
"if empty, won't cocoon, if set it'll spawn this after it's eaten enough"
give_up_area_radius 50 [0, 10000]
give_up_time_frames 300 [0, 10000]
debug_follow_mouse 0 [0, 1]
- Privates -----------------------------
mRandomTarget -
mTargetEntityId 0 [0, 1]
mNextTargetCheckFrame 0 [0, 1]
mNextHuntTargetCheckFrame 0 [0, 1]
mGiveUpStarted 0 [0, 1]
mGiveUpAreaMinX 0 [0, 1]
mGiveUpAreaMinY 0 [0, 1]
mGiveUpAreaMaxX 0 [0, 1]
mGiveUpAreaMaxY 0 [0, 1]

- Members -----------------------------
direction 1 [-1, 1]
"1 = attracts worms, -1 detracts worms"
radius 50 [0, 100]
"radius of detracting worms"

- Members -----------------------------
speed 1 [0, 10000]
acceleration 3 [0, 10000]
gravity 3 [0, 10000]
tail_gravity 30 [0, 10000]
part_distance 10 [0, 10000]
ground_check_offset 0 [0, 10000]
hitbox_radius 1 [0, 1e+006]
bite_damage 1 [0, 10]
"how much damage does this do when it hits an entity"
target_kill_radius 1 [0, 1e+006]
target_kill_ragdoll_force 1 [0, 1e+006]
jump_cam_shake 4 [0, 10000]
jump_cam_shake_distance 256 [0, 10000]
eat_anim_wait_mult 0.05 [0, 10000]
ragdoll_filename -
is_water_worm 0 [0, 1]
"if true, tries to stay in liquids"
max_speed 25 [0, 1]
"max speed, used when attracted to a point"
- Privates -----------------------------
mTargetVec -
mGravVelocity 0 [0, 1]
mSpeed 0 [0, 1]
mTargetPosition -
mTargetSpeed 0 [0, 1]
mOnGroundPrev 0 [0, 1]
mMaterialIdPrev 0 [0, 1]
mFrameNextDamage 0 [0, 1]
mDirectionAdjustSpeed 1 [0, 1]

- Privates -----------------------------
mPrevPosition -
mDirection -
"if mDirection == 0,0 nothings works"

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