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Universitas Gadjah Mada

Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan

Prodi Sarjana Teknik Sipil
Mg .ke-08

Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

06 Momen
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

• Pengertian Momen (Momen dr sebuah Gaya; Momen Kopel)

• Resultan Gaya-gaya Sejajar
• Prinsip Keseimbangan Statik
Baca materi terkait dalam buku berikut ini:
Mg .ke-08

1. Structural and Stress Analysis, 3rd Ed. (Megson, 2014)

Chap. 2
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

2. Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 4th Ed. (Hibbeler, 2014)

Chap. 3

Rotational effect of a force
Mg .ke-08

A force, F, whose line of action passes through the pivot,

will have no rotational effect on the bar/beam, but when
applied at some distance along the bar will cause it to
rotate about the pivot.
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

It is common experience that the nearer the pivot the

force F is applied the greater must be its magnitude to
cause rotation. At the same time its effect will be greatest
when it is applied at right angles to the bar.

F is said to exert a moment on the bar about the pivot.

Clearly the rotational effect of F depends upon its
3 magnitude and also on its distance from the pivot.
Consider a wrench used to unscrew the bolt in Fig.(a). If a
force is applied to the handle of the wrench it will tend to
turn the bolt about point 0 (or the z axis).
Mg .ke-08

(a) The magnitude of the moment is directly proportional to

the magnitude of F and the perpendicular distance or
moment arm d. The larger the force or the longer the
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

moment arm, the greater the moment or turning effect.

Note that if the force F is applied at an angle q ≠ 90,

(b) Fig. (b), then it will be more difficult to turn the bolt since
the moment arm d’= d sin q will be smaller than d.

If F is applied along the wrench, Fig. (c), its moment arm

will be zero since the line of action of F will intersect point
0 (the z axis). As a result, the moment of F about 0 is also
(c) zero and no turning can occur.
Moment (M) of a force F about a given point O is the product of the
force and the perpendicular distance of its line of action from the
Mg .ke-08


M=F.h with: h = lever arm

Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

= moment arm

h M N m
Moment is a vector:
Unit: N.m - has magnitude and
Rotational O rotational direction
sense - product of vector and
It can be seen from the above that a moment possesses both magnitude
and a rotational sense. In above example, F exerts a clockwise moment
about O. A moment is therefore a vector (an alternative argument is that
Mg .ke-08

the product of a vector, F, and a scalar, a, is a vector).

It is conventional to represent a moment vector graphically by a double-

Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

headed arrow, where the direction of the arrow designates a

clockwise moment when looking in the direction of the arrow.

Therefore, the moment M would be represented by
a double-headed arrow through O with its direction
M into the plane of
O O the paper.

Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Resolution of a moment
Moments, being vectors, may be resolved into compo-
nents in the same way as forces.
Mg .ke-08

Consider the moment, M (Fig.(a)), in a plane inclined at

an angle θ to the xz plane. The component of M in the xz
plane, Mxz, may be imagined to be produced by rotating
the plane containing M through the angle θ into the xz
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

plane. Similarly, the component of M in the yz plane, Myz,

is obtained by rotating the plane containing M through
the angle 90-θ.

Vectorially, the situation is that shown in Fig.(b), where

the directions of the arrows represent clockwise
moments when viewed in the directions of
the arrows.
The action of a moment on a structural member
depends upon the plane in which it acts.
Mg .ke-08

For example, in Fig. (a), the moment, M, which

is applied in the longitudinal vertical plane of
symmetry, is called as bending moment, will
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

cause the beam to bend in a vertical plane.

Bending Moment

In Fig. (b) the moment, M, is applied in the

plane of the cross section of the beam and will
therefore produce twisting; in this case M is
called a torque or Torsion Moment.
Torsion Moment
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08 Resultan Moment
Example 1:
For each case illustrated in Fig. 3-4 (a – e), determine the moment of the force about point 0.
Mg .ke-08

The line of action of each force is extended as a dashed line in order to establish the
moment arm d. Also illustrated is the tendency of rotation of the member as caused by the
force. Furthermore, the orbit of the force about 0 is shown as a colored curl.
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

Example 1:
For each case illustrated in Fig. 3-4 (a – e), determine the moment of the force about point 0.
Mg .ke-08

The line of action of each force is extended as a dashed line in order to establish the
moment arm d. Also illustrated is the tendency of rotation of the member as caused by the
force. Furthermore, the orbit of the force about 0 is shown as a colored curl.
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Example 2:
Example 3:
Determine the moment of the force in Fig. 3-18a about point 0.
Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

Example 3:
Determine the moment of the force in Fig. 3-18a about point 0.
Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
A couple is defined as two parallel forces that have the same
magnitude, but opposite directions, and are separated by a
Mg .ke-08

perpendicular distance d, Fig. 3-24.

Since the resultant force is zero, the only effect of a couple is to
produce a rotation or tendency of rotation in a specified direction
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

For example, imagine that you are driving a car with

both hands on the steering wheel and you are making a
turn. One hand will push up on the wheel while the
other hand pulls down. which causes the steering wheel
to rotate.

The moment produced by a couple is called a couple moment.
We can determine its value by finding the sum of the moments of both couple
forces about any arbitrary point.
Mg .ke-08

F The sum of their moments about

any point O in their plane:
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

A Mo = F x OA – F x OB
= F x (OA – OB)
= F x AB

Mo = F x AB independent from position of O

This result indicates that a couple moment is a free vector, i.e., it can act at any point
since M depends only upon the distance between the forces and not from the arbitrary
21 point 0 to the forces. This concept is unlike the moment of a force, which requires a
definite point (or axis) about which moments are determined.
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Equivalent Couples
If two couples produce a moment with the same magnitude
Mg .ke-08

and direction, then these two couples are equivalent.

For example, the two couples shown in Fig. 3-27 are

equivalent because each couple moment has a magnitude of
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

M = 30 N(0.4 m) = 40 N(0.3 m) = 12 Nm, and each is directed

into the plane of the page. Notice that larger forces are
required in the second case to create the same turning effect
because the hands are placed closer together.

Also, if the wheel was connected to the shaft at a point other

than at its center, then the wheel would still turn when each
couple is applied since the 12 Nm in couple is a free vector.
Example 1:
Determine the resultant couple moment of the three couples
acting on the plate in Fig. 3-29.
Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

Example 2:
Determine the couple moment acting on the pipe shown in Fig. 3-31a.
Segment AB is directed 30o below the x-y plane.
Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

Example 2:
Determine the couple moment acting on the pipe shown in Fig. 3-31a.
Segment AB is directed 30o below the x-y plane.
Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

See another problems in

27 Hibbeler (2014)
Equivalent force systems
In structural analysis it is often convenient to replace a force
Mg .ke-08

system acting at one point by an equivalent force system acting

at another. For example, in Fig.(a), the effect on the cylinder of
the force F acting at A on the arm AB may be determined as
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

If we apply equal and opposite forces F at B as shown in Fig.(b),

the overall effect on the cylinder is unchanged. However, the
force F at A and the equal and opposite force F at B form a
couple which, as we have seen, has the same moment (F.a) about
any point in its plane. Thus the single force F at A may be
replaced by a single force F at B together with a moment equal
to F.a as shown in Fig.(c). The effects of the force F at B and the
moment (actually a torque) F.a may be calculated separately and
28 then combined using the principle of superposition.
We can also move a force to a point that is not on the line
of action of the force. If F is applied perpendicular to the
stick, as in Fig. (a), then we can attach a pair of equal but
Mg .ke-08

opposite forces F and -F to B, Fig.(b). Force F is now applied

at B and the other two forces, F at A and -F at B, form a
couple that produces the couple moment M = F.d, Fig.(c).
Therefore, the force F can be moved from A to B provided
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

a couple moment M is added to maintain an equivalent

system. This couple moment is determined by taking the
moment of F about B. Since M is actually a free vector, it
can act at any point on the stick. In both cases the systems
are equivalent which causes a downward force F and
clockwise couple moment M = F.d to be felt at the grip.

Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil 17-Mar-20
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil 17-Mar-20
The Resultant of a System of Parallel Forces
Since, as we have seen, a system of forces may be replaced by their resultant, it follows
that a particular action of a force system, say the combined moments of the forces
Mg .ke-08

about a point, must be identical to the same action of their resultant. This principle
may be used to determine the magnitude and line of action of a system of parallel
forces such as that shown in Fig. (a).
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

The point of intersection of the lines of

action of F1 and F2 is at infinity so that
the parallelogram of forces degenerates
into a straight line as shown in Fig. (b)
where, clearly R = F1 + F2.

The Resultant of a System of Parallel Forces
The position of the line of action of R may
be found using the principle stated above,
Mg .ke-08

i.e. the sum of the moments of F1 and F2

about any point must be equivalent to the
moment of R about the same point. Thus
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

from Fig.(a) and taking moments about,

say, the line of action of F1 we have F2 a = R
x = (F1 + F2) x

Note that the action of R is equivalent to that of F1 and F2, so that, in this case, we equate clockwise to clockwise
34 moments.
The principle of equivalence may be extended to any number of parallel forces irrespective of their directions and is
of particular use in the calculation of the position of centroids of area or support reaction of a structure.
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Example 1:
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Example 2:
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Example 2:
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil Mg .ke-08
Example 2:
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil 17-Mar-20
Exercise: 2 soal
Sebuah benda akan berada dalam keadaan diam, yaitu dalam keadaan
seimbang statik, jika resultan gaya-gaya yang bekerja pada benda itu
Mg .ke-08

sama dengan nol.

Hal ini berarti:

Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

jika benda tidak berpindah dalam arah tertentu (misal arah x), maka
resultan gaya-gaya dalam arah x tersebut sama dengan nol.

Sebuah benda akan berada dalam kadaan seimbang (tidak berpindah
tempat) jika resultan (jumlah) gaya-gaya dalam arah x dan dalam arah y
masing-masing sama dengan nol:
42 SFx = 0 dan SFy = 0
Namun demikian, persyaratan SFx = 0 dan SFy = 0 belum menjamin
keseimbangan benda tersebut terhadap gaya2 coplanar yang bekerja.
Mg .ke-08

y Dalam sistem ini persyaratan

F SFx = 0 dan SFy = 0 terpenuhi
a x Tetapi dengan adanya kopel (F.a) yang
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

F berputar kekiri, maka benda akan

berputar terhadap pusatnya berlawanan
arah dengan arah putaran jarum jam.

Jadi agar terpenuhi keadaan seimbang statik, maka persyaratan SFx = 0

dan SFy = 0 harus dilengkapi dengan persyaratan lain, yaitu: Resultan
(jumlah) moment dari gaya-gaya yang bekerja pada benda tersebut
43 terhadap sembarang titik di dalam benda tsb sama dengan nol → SMz = 0
Jadi keadaan seimbang statik suatu benda yang terletak dalam
bidang X-Y (kasus 2D) terhadap gaya-gaya coplanar pada bidang
Mg .ke-08

tersebut terpenuhi jika:

SFx = 0 SFy = 0 SMz = 0
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

Jika diperluas untuk kasus 3D dalam sistim sumbu X-Y-Z maka

persyaratan keseimbangan menjadi:

SFx = 0 SFy = 0 SFz = 0

SMx = 0 SMy = 0 SMz = 0

(Megson, pp.9-10)
Jika suatu struktur, reaksi-reaksi tumpuan dan gaya-gaya dalamnya (internal
Mg .ke-08

forces) dapat dihitung cukup dengan menggunakan persyaratan keseimbangan

SFx = 0 SFy = 0 SMz = 0
maka struktur tersebut dikelompokkan sebagai sistim struktur statis tertentu
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

(statically determinate structures)

Jika suatu struktur, reaksi-reaksi tumpuan dan atau gaya-gaya dalam-nya

(internal forces) tidak dapat dihitung hanya dengan menggunakan persyaratan
keseimbangan statik:
SFx = 0 SFy = 0 SMz = 0
(misalnya karena jumlah variabel yang tidak diketahui melebihi jumlah
persamaan keseimbangan yang hanya 3 buah itu), maka struktur tersebut
45 dikelompokkan sebagai sistim struktur statis tak tertentu (statically indeterminate
structures or hyperstatic)
Dikumpulkan 1 minggu

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4 soal
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

(See Hibbeler (2014), Problem: F3-1 up to F3-12, page: 89 – 90))
Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

Mg .ke-08
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil

See another problems in

48 Hibbeler (2014)
Fisika untuk Teknik Sipil 17-Mar-20
Exercise: 2 soal

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