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Student Project Proposal

Name of  Renee Chew Admin  1907134I
Student: No.:
School: ☐ASC Current ☐1.1  Diplom  Business
☒BUS Year of ☒1.2 a:
☐IIT Study: ☐2.1
☐DES ☐2.2
☐ENG ☐3.1
☐HSS ☐3.2

Project ☐Professional Skills & Development (e.g. If you  Exploring Social Issues and Current
Category: Competitions, certifications) have Affairs
☐Entrepreneurship & Innovation chosen
☐Sports & Arts Leadership others,
☐Sustainable Development please
☒Others specify:
Project/Competi Please indicate the name of competition/certification if applicable. If not applicable indicate N.A.
tion Name:
Personalised  Project Nourish
Project Title:
Target Individuals struggling with eating disorders, My ☐School/Department Nominated
beneficiary/ Temasek Polytechnic staff and students, project ☒Self-Initiated
beneficiaries (if Individuals related or close to patients with is:
applicable): eating disorders
My Learning Learning Goal: E.g. to work on my marketing skills.
Goals Please state at least 1 learning goal. Refer to Sample Proposal in LMS. 2 or 3 goals will suffice.
I wish to learn about:
1. What is an eating disorder?
2. The common stigmas of eating disorders
3. What causes an eating disorder?
4. How eating disorders are linked to mental health
5. What is the difference between different eating disorders?
6. What are the common groups of people who are diagnosed with eating disorders?

Reviewed in May 2019

7. What are the types of treatments for eating disorders?
8. How to start a campaign and publicise.
What is my What am I going to do? (50 words)
project about?  My project aims to raise awareness on how eating disorders is a very common issue at the moment and helping more
people understand what an eating disorder is. Also provide opportunities for individuals who may have an eating disorder
to learn about it as well as have an outlet to seek help and advice. I would like to help people realise that an eating
disorder is not just wanting to eat more or not eating a lot.
How am I going to do it? (100 words)
I intend to:
1. Conduct a survey for Temasek Poly students on what they know on and if they have eating disorders
2. Search the internet and research on common eating disorders (especially in Singapore)
3. Interview anyone with an eating disorder about what difficulties they face
4. Interview a doctor about the medical aspect of eating disorders
5. Talk to a help centre for eating disorders on how they help individuals with eating disorders
6. Set up a campaign to raise awareness about and destigmatise eating disorders (eg. Social media, website, flyers
7. Find a potential way to help the patients with eating disorders (eg. fundraising, combining with an organisation to
raise awareness etc)
What will I show E.g. Report, prototype, checklist, glossary of terms, reflection, draft designs, surveys, survey analyses, interview
as evidence of transcripts, etc. (50-100 words).
1. Website or social media page on raising awareness
my learning in 2. Physical copies and drafts of the ways to publicise (eg. flyers, posters)
my project 3. Checklist of my goals for the project
portfolio? 4. Reflection on what I have learnt or experienced learning about eating disorders
5. The data and analysis on the survey carried out for Temasek Poly students
6. Interview transcripts with Patient, Doctor, Care person, Organisation

What else would Share how this project is important or meaningful to you personally.
I like to say E.g. I have never done marketing before. Now I have a product which I would like to market. I really hope to pick up some
useful skills and ideas on how to market my product and get opportunity to meet some industry expert to mentor me.
about my
project? I have many friends and family members who have struggled with their weight and over watched their diets which have
caused them to lose or gain drastic amount of weight which is medically concerning. I want to understand why eating
disorders are common and why many people in our society overlook the issue. There are many people who struggle with
eating disorders however most people do not realise or understand. This project is important to me not only because of
family and friends but also because as a teenager who struggles with body insecurities and body shaming, I want to
understand and help people who have especially developed eating disorders due to society’s shaming,

Reviewed in May 2019

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