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Keywords in Questions Similar words in the text

1. Conflicting theories A matter for disagreement.

2. Widespread destruction of life Wipe out three quarters of species.
3. Existed all over the world Colonised all continents.
4. Clear proof Establishing definitely.
5. Hunted from the air Catching fish over open water.
6. Concrete evidence Proof of this.
7. Have been discovered Are known today.
8. There is no limit Never reach a maximum.
9. Depend on insects Require fertilization by insects.
10. The availability of food Adequate food resources.
11. Temperatures are unpredictable Temperatures fluctuate greatly.
12. Longer days Increasing day lengths.
13. There is plenty of scientific evidence The amount of experimental evidence is
14. Types of birds Species of birds.
15. The trigger for The cue for.
16. Scientists have yet to determine It is not yet known.
17. About 1900 The early years of the 20th century.
18. Records date from Began keeping records.
19. Intensive burst of energy Explosive release of energy.
20. Growing international importance Increasing global participation.
21. Recognized at a younger age Identified early.
22. Aims to develop power Focus on increasing power.
23. Inadequate diet Deficiencies in minerals.
24. Links to Can lead to.
25. Current knowledge is basic Our understanding is fundamental.
26. People power Local pressure groups.
27. Increases in travelling time Commuting times far higher.
28. Higher incomes Wealthier.
29. Avoiding an overcrowded Centre Pushing everyone into the city Centre was not the
best approach.
30. Benefits of working together Valuable to place people working in related fields
31. Improve the quality of life Creating a better place to live.
32. Only averagely good Reasonable but not special.
33. Different from many western countries Unusual in the western world.
34. Reluctant to accept Having conservative attitude to.
35. Consulted therapists more often Made more visits to therapists.
36. In increasing numbers Has seen the popularity climb.
37. Over the past 20 years During the past 20 years.
38. Had a higher opinion than they do Public has become disillusioned.
39. Retraining Taking courses.
40. Long term medical complaints Chronic illnesses.

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