3.1 Quality Function Deployment

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Quality Function Deployment

3.1 Quality Function Deployment:

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a process and set of tools used to effectively define
customer requirements and convert them into detailed engineering specifications and plans to
produce the products that fulfill those requirements. QFD is used to translate customer
requirements or Voice of customers into measureable design targets and drive them from the
assembly level down through the sub-assembly, component and production process levels. QFD
methodology provides a defined set of matrices utilized to facilitate this progression.

First developed in Japan in the late 1960s as a form of cause-and-effect analysis, QFD was
brought to the United States in the early 1980s. It gained its early popularity as a result of
numerous successes in the automotive industry.

A series of matrices are utilized at each phase to translate the Voice of the Customer to design
requirements for each system, sub-system and component.

The Four phases of QFD are:

Product Definition: The Product Definition Phase begins with collection of VOC and
translating the customer wants and needs into product specifications. It may also involve a
competitive analysis to evaluate how effectively the competitor’s product fulfills the customer
wants and needs. The initial design concept is based on the particular product performance
requirements and specifications.

Product Development: During the Product Development Phase, the critical parts and assemblies
are identified. The critical product characteristics are cascaded down and translated to critical or
key part and assembly characteristics or specifications. The functional requirements or
specifications are then defined for each functional level.

Process Development: During the Process Development Phase, the manufacturing and assembly
processes are designed based on product and component specifications. The process flow is
developed and the critical process characteristics are identified.

Process Quality Control: Prior to production launch, the QFD process identifies critical part
and process characteristics. Process parameters are determined and appropriate process controls
are developed and implemented. In addition, any inspection and test specifications are
developed. Full production begins upon completion of process capability studies during the pilot

3.2 House of Quality (HOQ):

House of Quality refers to a well-known process for product development that is inspired by
customer desires for product or process development and anchored by the capabilities and
resources of the organization seeking to meet those desires. It is a process of listening to
customers, translating their desires into a written plan, prioritizing steps of execution based on
what is most important to the customer, and putting a realistic plan on paper.

House of Quality

Figure No 3.1: Quality Function Deployment’s House of Quality for Automatic Oil Extraction

3.3 Relationship between Different Customer and Technical Requirements:

 Relationship between Portability and Power is low because if we want more power a
bigger motor has to be used.
 Relationship between Portability and Body weight has a high relationship if the body
weight increases the portability will be decreased.
 Relationship between light weight and Power is medium because to increase power the
motor will be bigger in size and the weight will be increased.
 Relationship between Portability and Body weight has a high relationship because if the
body weight increases the product won’t be a light weight product.
 There is a high relationship between power and expanse because to increase power we
have to buy an expensive motor.
 There is a high relationship between safety and temperature because there is a high risk
of accident if the temperature is high. For Example: Skin Burn.
 There is a high relationship between safety and RPM because higher RPM can create a
problem to this light weight small machine.
 The Relationship between easy operability and Power is low because the power just
needed to turn on or off.
 The reason of high relationship between sustainable and power is the usage of only one
motor as the power source.
 The Relationship of sustainable, stress and strain is medium. The sustainability of the
product depends much on the stress and strain of material.
 Higher temperature will be decreased the sustainability of the motor so the relation is
 Pressure and sustainable relationship is medium because excessive pressure of shaft can
be a reason of failure of the machine.
 There is a high relationship between sustainable and tool life because failure of any tool
will be decreased the sustainability.
 As only a motor will be used as a power source it won’t be harmful for the environment
so the relationship is medium.

 The relationship between Eco-friendly and noise is medium cause the noise of the
machine can cause sound pollution.
 The relationship between repairable and power is high because in this machine the power
source or motor can be replaced.
 The relationship between repairable and tool is low because sum of the tools can be
replaced. For Example: Belt, Shaft.

3.4 Relationship between Different Technical Requirements:

 The relation between power and noise is positive because the power source or the motor
will create noise.
 The relation between power and rpm is highly positive because the motor is the only
source of the rpm.
 Relationship between stress and strain is highly positive because stress in proportional to
 Relationship between noise and rpm is highly positive because the more rpm will create
more noise.
 Relationship between rpm and tool life is positive because the excessive rpm can reduce
the tool life.

3.5 Calculation:

Improvement Factor = [{(Existing Rating – Planned Rating)/Highest Rating} + 1]

Overall Weight = Improvement Factor*Sales Point*Customer Importance

Percentage of Total for Design = (Overall weight/Summation of overall weight) * 100

Technical Properties = Customer Rating* Technical Rating

Percentage of Total for Technical Properties = (Technical Property/Summation of

Technical Property)*100
For Customer Requirements:

Improvement factor = {(5-5)/5 +1}
Overall Weight = 1*1.5*5
= 7.5
Percentage of Total = (7.5/43.14)*100
Light Weight:
Improvement factor = {(4-4)/5 +1}
Overall Weight = 1*1.4*5
Percentage of Total = (7/43.14)*100

Improvement factor = {(5-5)/5 +1}
Overall Weight = 1*1.4*4
= 5.6
Percentage of Total = (5.6/43.14)*100
Improvement factor = {(5-4)/5 +1}
= 1.2
Overall Weight = 1.2*1.2*4
= 5.76
Percentage of Total = (5.76/43.14)*100
Easily Operable:
Improvement factor = {(5-4)/5 +1}
= 1.2
Overall Weight = 1.2*1.3*3
= 4.68
Percentage of Total = (4.68/43.14)*100
Improvement factor = {(4-3)/5 +1}
= 1.2
Overall Weight = 1.2*1.3*3
= 4.68
Percentage of Total = (4.68/43.14)*100

Improvement factor = {(5-3)/5 +1}
= 1.4
Overall Weight = 1.2*1.4*3
= 5.04
Percentage of Total = (5.04/43.14)*100
Improvement factor = {(3-2)/5
= 1.2
Overall Weight = 1.2*1.2*2
= 2.88
Percentage of Total = (2.88/43.14)*100

For Technical Requirements:

Technical Properties = 5*1+
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(117/332)*100
Technical Properties =3*3
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(9/332)*100

Technical Properties =3*3
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(9/332)*100
Technical Properties =3*3
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(9/332)*100
Technical Properties =4*3 + 3*3
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(21/332)*100
Technical Properties =3*3
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(9/332)*100
Technical Properties =4*9 + 3*1
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(39/332)*100

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Tool Life:
Technical Properties =3*9 + 1*2
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(29/332)*100
Body Weight:
Technical Properties =5*9 + 5*9
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(90/332)*100

3.6 Conclusion:

Quality function deployment is an important term which is the most obligate to simplify planning
and decision making for a product deployment team. It is not just a document or a random
paperwork exercise. It must be completed according to the proceeding of the next deployment. It
brings the new product or the modified product more closer to the expected target and also
reduces the time cycle of deployment and also reduces the cost and represents the product with
high accuracy.

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