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5 Calculation:

Improvement Factor = [{(Existing Rating – Planned Rating)/Highest Rating} + 1]

Overall Weight = Improvement Factor*Sales Point*Customer Importance

Percentage of Total for Design = (Overall weight/Summation of overall weight) * 100

Technical Properties = Customer Rating* Technical Rating

Percentage of Total for Technical Properties = (Technical Property/Summation of

Technical Property)*100
For Customer Requirements:

Easily installation:
Improvement factor = {(4-3)/5 +1}
= 1.2
Overall Weight = 1.2*1*4
= 4.8
Percentage of Total = (4.8/35.4)*100
Low maintenance cost:
Improvement factor = {(5-4)/4 +1}
= 1.25
Overall Weight = 1.25*1.2*3
= 4.5
Percentage of Total = (4.5/35.4)*100
Improvement factor = {(4-4)/4 +1}
Overall Weight = 1*1.5*5
= 7.5
Percentage of Total = (7.5/35.4)*100
Cost effective:
Improvement factor = {(4-4)/4 +1}
Overall Weight = 1*1.5*4
Percentage of Total = (6/35.4)*100
Repairable :
Improvement factor = {(4-4)/4 +1}
Overall Weight = 1*1.4*4
= 5.6
Percentage of Total = (5.6/35.4)*100
Easy operating:
Improvement factor = {(5-5)/5 +1}
Overall Weight = 1*1.4*5
Percentage of Total = (7/35.4)*100
For Technical Requirements:

Technical Properties = 4*1+3*0+5*9+4*3+4*1+5*0
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(65/382)*100
Technical Properties =4*0+3*3+5*3+4*9+4*1+5*1
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(69/382)*100

Technical Properties =4*3+3*3+5*1+4*3+4*0+5*0
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(38/382)*100
Tool life:
Technical Properties =4*0+3*3+5*9+4*1+4*0+5*0
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(58/382)*100
Body weight:
Technical Properties =4*9 + 3*0+5*1+4*3+4*0+5*0
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(53/382)*100
Technical Properties =4*0+3*0+5*0+4*3+4*1+5*0
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(16/382)*100
Technical Properties =4*0 + 3*3+5*1+4*3+4*3+5*9
Percentage of Total for Technical Properties =(83/382)*100

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