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25/04/2020 Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL


Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL

The best and most critical enterprise-level components from the open-source
community, designed and tested to work together in one single source.

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The Developer Friendly Database of Choice

With over 23 years of active development, PostgreSQL is known for its reliability, feature robustness,
and performance. Able to handle all levels of workload with thousands of tools, extensions, connectors
and community-contributed add-ons, it is a popular choice for Oracle database migration. 1/6
25/04/2020 Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is designed to be developer-friendly, with support for special data types, a robust
procedural language, and special functions, making it easy to expand to t any environment or need.

Meeting the Needs of a Modern Enterprise

While at its core the PostgreSQL server has many features, it does not meet all the needs of a modern
enterprise. The community has built many extensions and add-ons to ll in the gaps. However, these
often overlap or provide similar functionality to one another which can lead to confusion and possible
incompatibility when using combinations of tools together.

Enterprise companies need a way to guarantee that the tools, add-ons, and extensions they require are
going to work together, are easy to deploy, are certi ed, and supported by a trusted vendor.

Enterprise-Level Functionality from a One Single Source

Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL provides the best and most critical enterprise components from the
open-source community, in a single distribution, designed and tested to work together. Patroni,
pgBackRest, pg_repack, and pgaudit are amongst the innovative components we utilize.

Backed by Percona’s world-class support and engineering teams, the Percona Distribution for
PostgreSQL gives companies the peace of mind that these components are tested and con gured to
work together, with 24x7 support.

Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL Features

Industry-leading high availability. Minimize outages and keep your application up and running at peak

Auditing and security enhancements. Ensure your database is safe and secure. 2/6
25/04/2020 Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL

Backup and recovery. Robust set of tools to protect you in case of problems, data issues, or corruption.

Add-ons. Speed database operations and prevent excessive locking during routine maintenance.

Enterprise-grade. Oracle like procedural language, great scalability, and security features make this a
popular choice for migrations.

Flexibility. Experience the same developer friendliness and extensibility as the community versions of

Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL is the easy,

yet powerful way to implement an enterprise-grade,
fully open source PostgreSQL environment.

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25/04/2020 Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL

Why Percona

92% of all companies have more than one database in their environment.
As the only provider of distributions for all three of the most popular open source databases—
PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB—Percona provides expertise (/services/consulting), software
(/software), support (/services/support/mysql-support), and services (/services/managed-services)
no matter the technology.


41% of enterprises running databases in multiple cloud providers and 61%
running a hybrid with both on-premises and cloud.
Percona partners with all major cloud providers, providing expertise (/services/consulting) and
support (/services/support/mysql-support) for a multitude of platforms.


Percona drives open source database performance and scale like no one
Whether its enabling developers or DBAs to realize value faster with tools, advice, and guidance, or
making sure applications can scale and handle peak loads, Percona is here to help.


Percona is committed to being open source and preventing vendor lock-in.
Percona contributes all changes to the upstream community for possible inclusion in future product
releases. 4/6
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Contact Us
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(888) 316-9775 (USA) (tel:(888) 316-9775)
(208) 473-2904 (USA) (tel:(208) 473-2904)
+44 203 608 6727 (UK) (tel:+44 203 608 6727)
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0-800-724-4569 (GER) (tel:0-800-724-4569)

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