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The NIV study Bible divides the book of 1st John into the following blueprint:
1. God is light, 1:1-2:27
2. God is love, 2:28-4:21
3. God is life, 5:1-21

The commentary summarizes the book as follows, “In our dark world, God is light. In our
cold world, God brings the warmth of love. In our dying world, God brings life.” This summary
statement so aptly describes what Kenyan believers ought to be in our present situation,
we need to be light, love and life amongst our fellow countrymen. The RBC Cell-Groups
invite you to journey through the book of 1st John as we seek to emulate our God and

This introduction is meant to bring forth the reason we chose to study 1st John in the
season that we find ourselves in. Believers are meant to emulate Christ in all seasons of life,
and this Book challenges us (in summary) that the God we seek to emulate is light, love
and life.

Frequently asked Questions

Venue and Time: Who and Why:
The RBC-Cell Groups meet in church The RBC-Cell Groups are open to all RBC
members’ homes. Several church congregants; all you have to do is sign up.
members living in close proximity to each You do not have to be an RBC member to
other are place in one group and it is up to be a part of one; however we believe that
the group to agree upon a convenient you cannot be a part of one long without
meeting time. The Cell-Group studies are eventually wanting to be a member.
designed to take one and a half to two Joining a Cell Group is invaluable because
hours, with the time spent together often it offers a place for earnest lifelong
kicking off or ending with some tea and fellowship while at RBC. This fellowship
refreshments. leads to spiritual growth, encouragement,
comfort and service.

Why do you think Kenya finds itself in the situation it is in today and how can we as
believers help remedy the situation? Proverbs 14:34 states “Righteousness exalts a
nation, but sin condemns any people.” Sins such as greed, tribalism and corruption have
brought about the political situation we find ourselves in today.

This hook seeks to lead us into the major push of this 1st study-that to see true
healing and reconciliation take place in our communities we must deal with the
underlying cause of sin.

Look: Read 1st John Chapters 1:1-2:2

1. In 1st John 1:1-4 we learn that John invited others to join in on their fellowship with
God so that what may happen? Would you say you share his motivation, why or
why not?
John states in verse 3 that the reason they proclaimed Jesus was so that others may
enjoy the fellowship they (He and other believers) enjoyed with God. The reason
this question is key in your discussion groups is because staying on task is one of
the key ways the church can withstand being swept away by the tides of tribal
politics. 2nd Timothy 2:4 would say to us, “No one serving as a soldier gets
entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.” The
follow-up questions will make it plain that we can only stay on task when we
have the proper motivations for outreach.

a. Verses 1-3 reveal to us that an abiding and abundant fellowship with God
should be our motivation to witness. However many a time believers share out
of guilt and fear. Why do these motivations fall short?
If our motivation to share the gospel is not love then our efforts will quickly
disappear. 1st Corinthians 13:7 states that true love always perseveres. And the
only way we can acquire an enduring and earnest love for our brother is if we
are walking in intimate fellowship with God. As a church the reason we so
quickly forget our task when elections come around is because we are yet to
be filled with the 1st Corinthians 13 love; which in turn means we are not
truly walking in intimacy with our Lord Jesus Christ.

b. Our country needs believers who are enjoying a deep and personal walk with
God, and who go out each day inviting others (from all walks of life) to this
fellowship. How has this election season affected your intimacy with God and
what will you do to remedy this?

2. (Chapter 1: Verse 5-2:2) According to this passage there are two ways we deceive
ourselves. The first is to believe that we can live in any manner and still walk in
fellowship with a Holy God (minimizing the graveness of sin). The other way to
deceive ourselves it to deny that there is sin in our lives and act like we have it all
a. What sins in this political season have you (and us as Kenyans) minimized?
God would still call these sins grave and state that they break fellowship with
him. Have you noted how Christians can send one post that is not Biblical and
follow it up with a very” spiritual” post claiming that God is not on their side.
The Bible would call this deception. Or how believers can speak ill of other
tribes outside the church but expect God to hear their prayers once they are
inside the church? This is the deception we need to repent off.
b. What sins as a nation and even as individuals are we refusing to face up to and
deal with? What sins as a nation are we sweeping under the rag?
The second form of deception is referred to in chapter 1 verse 8. We deceive
ourselves when we claim not to have sin, we claim to be unbiased and point
out how tribal and sinful other people are. Matthew 7:3 would tell us that the
reason we often fall into this trap is because we compare ourselves to others;
“"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no
attention to the plank in your own eye?”
c. If we and Kenya desire God’s favor we must walk in righteousness (vs.7). Take
time as a cell group to confess individual sins and those of the nation
remembering the words of verses 9 & 2:2.

Took: Practical Exercise, “Celebrating Each Other”

Write down the names of the cell group members into small pieces of paper and
crumple them up. After mixing the papers ask the members to each pick a piece of
paper. Whomever they select will be the person they pray for throughout the study.
Each Cell-Leader must guide this process giving proper guidelines. I.e. When buying
each other gifts at the end of the time together one should spend a maximum of this
amount. Please consult if you need further clarification.

Fearful of what will happen
Worshipping our leaders

1)We should respect each others view.

2)God should come first, brethren and then politics.
3) We should be able to talk about National politics without any hard
feeling e.g governor, Mp, women rep etc
4) Prayers - Not to see people through the lenses of the political
parties they support because of their tribes.

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