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COURSE TITLE : Air pollution and Management


SUBMITTED TO : Mam Almas Hamid

SUBMITTED BY : Iqra Amin, Sidra Khan

DATE : 24-04-2019

TOPIC : Climate change effectson


Climate change effects on agriculture

Plants and crop yields are both effected by changes in environmental factors. They are influenced
by variation in environment. These factors can include moisture, temperature and etc. These
factors can act either directly or indirectly on agricluture.In general, temperature increase can be
found to reduce yield and quality of both crops. Moisture can sometimes reduce the quality of
crops. So the net change in crops can be determined by both positive and negative effects on
plant growth and yield.

Impacts on crops:

Climate change can have direct impact on crops. Increase in temperature can have both positive
and negative impact on crops. It may be beneficial for one crop and harmful for the other.In
some areas, warming may nenefits the crops for their growth and reproduction. For example,
high cabon dioxide can affect crop yields. Like it may be sstmated that high carbon dioxide level
can increase the plant growth. But when there is not sufficient temperature, moisture, water for
plant growth, then high carbon dioxide cannot increase the plant growth.

Increased carbon dioxide can also be associated with reduced protein and nitrogen content which
can ultimately reduce the pasture to support grazing livestock. More extreme temperature thye
stunt the growth of crops. There is increased irrigation in some areas depending upon the water

Impacts on livestock:

Heat waves and heat stress can affect animals both directly and indirectly. Heat stress usually
have negative effect on livsatock as it can reduce fertility, reduce the milk production of animals
and etc.

Drought may also effect the livestock. As it may threatened pasture and food supplies. Droughts
reduce the quality of food available to the livestock.

Increase in carbondioxide can increase the productivity of livestock but in other way it can
reduce the quality of food available to the livestock.

Impacts on fisheries:

Climate change can also effects the fisheries. For example, high temperature and high salinity
can enable the oyster to spread farther along the atlantic coast. Temperature change can change
their pattern of reproduction and growth.

In case of warming, the oceans of thye world become more acidic gradually because of increase
in atmospheric carbon dioxide.Increased acidity can inturn harms the aquatic life.Acidification
can also effects the aquatic life.

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