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New Triorigin sequence of endocrine organs

Hetero type sequence of endocrine organs (excluding of adenopituitary relations).

The phenomenon Neuto Hetero Homo Neutro

Endocrine organs APUD system Peripheral endocrine Organs integrated Central regulatory
organs endocrine and not endocrine organs
endocrine function
Peripheral endocrine parathyroid glands Thyroid Adrenal glands
organs (function)
Parathyroid glands parathyrin Calcitonin (paracalci-
(function) tonin)
Thyroid (structure) Hormones of C-cells Hormones of The B-cells Hormones of A cell
(thyrocalcitonin) (neyroamines) (thyronines)
Neyroamines norepinephrine somatostatin Serotonin
thyronines thyroglobulin Thyroxine (T4) Diiodothyronine (T2) Triiodothyronine (T3)
Adrenal glands APUD Corticosteroids Catecholamines
Corticosteroids Mineralkorticoids sex steroids Glucocorticoids

mineralocorticoids aldosterone Desoxykortikosterone

sex steroids dehydroepiandroster androstanes estrones Progesterones

androstanes Digidroepi- Dihydrotestosterone androstenedione testosterone
androsterone (DHT).
sulphate (DHEA-S)
Glucocorticoids Cortisone corticosterone Cortisol
Catecholamines Dopamine Adrenalin (epinephrine) norepinephrine
Organs integrated fetoplacental Pancreas gland Gonads ( testes and Thymus
endocrine and not complex (placenta) ovaries )
endocrine function Neuto 0, kidneys and
liver Neuto
fetoplacental complex Proteins Steroids
Proteins inhibin relaxin prolanes (proliferin - He, chorionic
placental lactogen - Ho) gonadotropin
Steroids Progesterone Estrogen cortisol
Steroids function Estrogen Progesterone cortisol
The kidneys and liver Erythropoietin Prostaglandins renin Calcitriol
Pancreas APUD system Proglycemical Kontrglycemical regulation of glycemia
(glucagon) (somatostatin)
APUD system bombesin Centropnein Vagotonyn Lipokain
Kontrglycemical Amilin insulin
Гонады Hormones of secreting Hormones of APUD system
cells gametogenesing cells
Hormones of secreting Androgenes progestines relaxin
Androgenes Digidrotestosterone Androsterone (dihydro- testosterone
Hormones of Estrogens regulatory hormones
gametogenesing cells
Estrogens Estron Estriol Estradiol
regulatory hormones Antimullerian activins inhibins Folliclestimulines
APUD system growth factors Glycodelines
Thymus Analogues of hormones Regulators T-
other organs lymphocytes
Analogues of hormones Calcitonin-like factor insulin-like factor Homeostatic thymic
other organs hormone
Regulators T Limfocytstimulating thymopoietin thymosins
lymphocytes hormone
The central regulatory The retina Neuto 0, pineal gland Pituitary gland hypothalamus
endocrine organs reticular formation
(fotoneuroendocrine Neuto
system )
Retina glutamate Dofamin, acetylcholine nitrogen monoxide
and indolamine
Pineal gland Peptides Proteins Indolamines
Peptides Arginine vasotocin Luliberin Antigonadotropin Thyroliʙerin,
indolamines serotonin melatonin norepinephrine
Pituitary gland APUD Hormones of the Hormones of the The hormones of the
middle lobe posterior lobe anterior lobe
Hormones of the Proopiomelano- lipotropic Melanocyte-stimulating Endogenous opioids
middle lobe cortines
Hormones of the Oxytocin Vasopressin
posterior lobe
The hormones of the adrenocorticotropic somatotropin follicle-stimulating
anterior lobe hormone (ACTH)   Hetero, hormone FSH -
prolactin Homo Hetero, luteinizing
hormone LH - Homo,
thyrotropic hormone
TTG - Neutro
Hypothalamus peptides of posterior Peptides of middle Peptides of the anterior APUD system
hypothalamic hypothalamus hypothalamus
Peptides of middle Liberins Statins (somatostatin -
hypothalamus Hetero, prolaktostatin -
Homo )
Liberins somatoliberin GnRH corticotropin
The peptides of the Oxytocin, vasopressin
anterior hypothalamus
APUD system Serotoninergic Adrenergic hormones enkephalins
hormones (norepinephrine-
producing - He,
dopamine-producing -

I. Homo type sequence of endocrine organs (including of adenopituitary


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