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ARTICLE I – Title, Declaration of Policy, Definition of Terms

 SECTION 1: Short Title
 SECTION 2: Declaration of Policy
 SECTION 3: Definition of Terms
a. Audiology
b. Audiometry
c. Audiologist
d. Audiologist in good standing
e. Audiometrist
f. Audiometrist in good standing
g. Certificate of registration
h. Professional license
i. Certificate of Accreditation
j. Code of Professional Ethics
ARTICLE II – The Practice of Audiology
 SECTION 4: The Scope of the Practice of Audiology
a. About human auditory function + procedures/tests
b. About hearing aids
c. About educational techniques/exercises
d. About counseling
e. About establishments that offer services
f. About professional fees
 SECTION 5: Prohibition Against the Unauthorized Practice of Audiology
o Provided, This prohibition shall not apply to regularly license and duly registered physicians who received post-graduate training in the
diagnosis & treatment of hearing disorders and ear disease
o Provided, the examination of the human ear and auditory apparatus by duly registered physicians in connection with the physical
examination of patients shall not be considered as practice of audiology
o Provided, the evaluation & management of speech & voice functions & dysfunctions by speech pathologists, therapists, and phoniatrists
shall not be considered as practice of audiology
o Provided, public health workers and health care providers trained and involved in the government’s RA9709 (UNHS Program) and other
hearing conservation programs may conduct only specific hearing acuity tests and hearing screening
 SECTION 6: Disclosure of Authority to Practice
ARTICLE III – The Professional Regulatory Board of Audiology
 SECTION 7: The Professional Regulatory Board of Audiology
o Board composed of 5 members who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines, upon the recommendation of the PRC, from a
list of 10 nominees submitted by the duly integrated and accredited national organization of audiologists, the Philippine Society of
 SECTION 8: Qualification of Members of the Board
a. PH citizen and resident for the last 5 years
b. Registered audiologist in good standing; holding valid Certificate of Registration
 Provided, in the case of the 1st members of the Board of Audiology, they shall be issued Certificates of Registration as
Audiologists without prior examination
c. Not convicted of any competent court of an offense involving moral turpitude
d. Actively practicing in the profession for at least 10 years prior to appointment
 Provided, for purposes of creating the initial Board, active practice of the profession for at least 5 years prior to appointment
will suffice
 Provided, a member of faculty (part or full time or lecturer of any school/college/university where a regular course of Audiology
is taught, or who has any pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, in such institution) must forgo membership in said faculty or
relinquish interests in said institution before/upon taking oath as member of the board
 Provided, an incumbent officer of the Philippine Society of Audiology or any audiologic association is disqualified from
concurrently being appointed to or serving in the board
 SECTION 9: Term of Office
o Non-renewable term of 5 years, starting date of appointment and until their successors shall have been appointed
 Provided, the 1st appointees to the board shall hold office as follows:
 Chairperson for 5 years
 4 other members for fixed terms of 4, 3, 2, 1 year/s such, that the term of 1 member shall be due to expire every
 Thereafter, 1 member shall be appointed for the full term every year and such member, in the last year of term, shall
automatically become the chairperson of the board
 Vacancies brought about by reasons other than expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term only
 SECTION 10: Removal/Suspension of Board Members
o After given the opportunity to defend one’s self in a proper administrative investigation conducted by the PRC
o May be removed by the PH President for neglect of duty, incompetence, malpractice, or unprofessional, unethical, immoral or
dishonorable conduct.

o PH President may suspend member under investigation for not more than 60 days an appoint a temporary member in place
 SECTION 11: Compensation of Board Members
 SECTION 12: Functions & Powers of Board (authority)
o Subsections a-o
 SECTION 13: Quorum in Board Meetings
 SECTION 14: Votes required in Administrative Cases
 SECTION 15: Supervision of Board and Custody of Records
 SECTION 16: Annual Report
ARTICLE IV – The Audiology Board Examinations
 SECTION 17: Licensure Examination Requirement
 SECTION 18: Scope of Examination
 SECTION 19: Qualification of Applicant for Licensure Examinations
a. PH Citizen
b. Good moral character
c. Holds BA/BS Audiology or equivalent/higher degree (MClinAud, AuD, PhD, DSc) + courses
d. No convictions of offenses involving moral turpitude
 SECTION 20: Ratings in Examination
o Pass rating of 75% in each subject during exam
o Provided, an examinee who obtains passing in majority but obtains in other subjects 60-75% shall be allowed to take 1 removal exam on
those subjects
o Provided, if examinee fails to obtain passing rating in removals, then is considered to fail the entire license exam
o Provided anyone who fails to pass exam 3 successive attempts shall not be admitted for 4th exam unless he could present to the board a
certification that the examinee had re-enrolled and undergone with the year preceding, a pre-board review course from a rreview center
duly organized by the commission
 SECTION 21: Report of Rating
ARTICLE V: Registration and Licensure of Audiologists
 SECTION 22: Oath
 SECTION 23: Disqualification
a. Don’t posses qualifications from SECTION 19
b. Fail license exam
c. Convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude
d. Guilty by Board of immoral/dishonorable conduct
e. Declared to be of unsound mind
 SECTION 24: Registration
 SECTION 25: Registration without taking Licensure Examination
a. Was a bachelor’s/master’s/doctoral degree holder in audiology from a recognized institution with at leat 3 years of teaching audiology
courses and/or audiology practice in the Philippines for the same period
b. Was a PRC duly-registered Doctor of Mediciin in the PH and fully certified diplomate of the Phil Board of ORL Head and Neck Surgery
with at least 5 years clinical experience in the practice of audiology in the PH
c. Had passed at least 18 units of tertiary level courses in Audiology and had at least 7 years clinical experience in Audiology
 Provided the applicant filed wit the board within 3 years after its creation, an application of registration, issuance of a
certificate of registration and professional ID card by submitting credentials showing that the applicant was a member of good
standing in the PH Society of Audiology for 3 years before effectivity of the act
 SECTION 26: Accreditation
 SECTION 27: Revocation of Certificates & Suspension of Professional Licenses
 SECTION 28: Appeals
 SECTION 29: Reinstatement, Reissuance or Replacement of Certifiation
 SECTION 30: Renewal of Professional Licenses
o Every 3 years

ARTICLE VI – Audiologic Education

 SECTION 31: The Technical Panel on Audiological Education
a. Sets minimum standard curriculum
b. Establishes teaching standards
c. Monitors progress of program
d. Evaluates periodically the performance of institutions offering audiological education for the purpose of granting accreditation and
incentives as well as for the impositions of sanctions when warranted

ARTICLE VII – Prohibited Acts & Penalties

 SECTION 32: Prohibited acts
a. false/forged evidence to Board to obtain certification/license
b. assumption/use/advertisement conveying the impression of a duly registered audiologist without valid certificate of registration and a valid
professional license
c. advertisement in media giving impression/information to the public that the particular audiologist is better than the others, collecting lower
professional fees or selling cheaper hearing devices
d. engaging in unauthorized practice of audiology (as defined in SECTION 5)
e. violation of any provisions of this act and the rules nad regulations promulgated for its effective implementation
 SECTION 33: Penal Provisions

o 1-8 years, or a fine P50,000-P100,000 + penalties in SECTION 27 whenever applicable
o If committed by a group, all persons responsible shall be liable

ARTICLE VIII – Professional & Ethical Standards

 SECTION 34: Foreign Reciprocity
o No foreigner for boards unless the country he is a citizen is either admits Filipino citizens to the practice of audiology without restriction or
allows Filipinos to practice audiology after exams on terms of strict and absolute equality with citizens of said country, including
recognition of prerequisite degrees prescribed by CHED
 Provided the board, with PRC approval, may grant special permit to a foreign audiologist to practice in the PH regardless of
existence of reciprocity in his country if foreigner is internationally known to be an outstanding expert in the profession or a
well-known specialist in any of its branches, and that his services will promote the advancement of the profession in the PH
o Board can prescribe, with PRC approval, additional requirements or grant certain privileges ot foreigners seeking registration in the PH if
the same privileges are granted to or some additional requirements are required of PH citizens in acquiring the same certificate in
foreigner’s country.
 SECTION 35: Rules and Regulations
 SECTION 36: Integration of Audiologists
o All audiologists encourages to join and be integrated into 1 national organization, the PH Society of Audiology, which shall be recognized
by the Board and the PR.
o Every audiologist, upon Board registration, may register as members within 3 years after effectivity
 SECTION 37: Purposes
o PH Society of Audiology shall promulgate the Code of Ethics
 SECTION 38: Membership Fees and Dues
o Payment of reasonable fees and dues which allow receiving of benefits and privileges once paid
 SECTION 39: Other Organizations
o Integration of audiologists into 1 national organization – the PH Society of audiology, shall not prohibit the creation of associations of
audiologists organized by individual audiologists themselves
 SECTION 40: Code of Professional Ethics
o Subsections a-f

ARTICLE XI – Miscellaneous Provisions

 SECTION 41: Funding Provisions
 SECTION 42: Assistance of Law Enforcement Agency
 SECTION 43: Implementing Rules and Regulations
 SECTION 44: Separability Clause
 SECTION 45: Repealing Clause
 SECTION 46: Effectivity

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