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What is Natural Bodybuilding?

 In Bodybuilding competition where the competitors abstain from drugs and does not
use doping then we call it as Natural Bodybuilder.
 If we go deeper into this then basically they do not use Steroids, Testosterone
Boosters , Growth Hormones and Anabolic.
 Their diet is all based on supplements and food like non-veg ,paneer and some of
most common protein rich foods like Eggs, Almonds, Tofu, Black gram ,Milk etc.
 Measurably on these basis we use to call a bodybuilder a natural bodybuilder.
Spotting a natural bodybuilder
 When it comes to
spotting a natural
bodybuilder it is
quit easy to
identify .
 Generally they
show some of the
common factors
by which you can
easily identify.
 Here are some of
the most effective
ways you can try to find then so that you just not get blind for them just
by seeing their pics on Instagram

1) Depleted Body
 Yes, you here it right they look depleted too . Not just like a steroid
bodybuilder they look depleted you can easily recognize the just by
looking at their traps and shoulder they look thin sometime.
 While losing weight at the same time they cannot grow a muscle as such
in case of non natural it might happen.
2) Body Fat ratio to bodyweight

 As mentioned above they cannot lose weight and grow muscle at same
time so there body fat ratio is quite good with bodyweight
 As seen in unnatural bodybuilder their bodyweight is high and they bear
less body fat
Head to body Ratio
One of the most common factor that comes in the way of defining a natural which
created a hype is head to body ratio ..Yes!! You can easily identify a person not only
by their Bodyweight ratio but also by their Head to Body ratio.

 Although some of teen bodybuilders transform their body by using steroids

but they lack in their Head to Body Ratio .Their Head looks too tiny as
compare to their body which makes them looking unusual in looking , And
can easily identified

As we know everything that use to enhance something with the alteration of
natural consisted that also lead to some of bad impacts.
As similar it is quite common fact that the steroid used athlete face early
ageing than a natural bodybuilder. Shocking isn’t it.
Examples of some Big Natural Bodybuilders
 Jeff Said.
 Simeon Panda.
 Sadik Hadzovic.
 Lazar Angelov.
 Sergi Constance.
 Ronnie Coleman
 Mike Thurston

So the conclusion is quite simple as far as there are possibility of getting a good body as shown the
best in examples of natural bodybuilders then why go for drug and steroid abusing .Lets make drug
free India .

Thank you !!

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