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School of Business/BBA Program

Course Code: BUS 301-03

Name: Nudrat Zaheen

ID: 173011078

Answer to the question no. 1

Affects on HRM:

a) Aging of the labor force: Older labor force has wide-range impact on the company’s
economy. They are the assets to the organization. So when the most experienced work-
group retires, the economy’s potential growth rate slows down. That time it gets hard for
HRM to find their replacements.
b) Diversity of the labor force: People from the different society, cultural background come
with different innovation ideas, opinions, creative thinking. Every employee has equal
rights regardless of their race, religion, gender, national origin or disability. And it’s
HRM’s responsibility to ensure their rights. They will be responsible if those laws get
c) Skill deficiencies of the labor force: To keep pace employee must have technological
skills. In this modern world physical strength and full bookish knowledge are no longer
important. HRM’s responsibilities are to recruit skillful employee and give them further
more training on modern technologies to keep up. Or else the company will fail.

Answer to the question no.2

Human aspect of HRM would be affected by introducing a new system. By analyzing it we can
find that, as a new MRP system is introduced to the company, the recruitment and selection
function of HR would be affected the most. Also, motivation sector of the HR would also be
affected. Materials resource planning is a new system introduced in the company. Due to this
many employees would get lazy as they are used to the old system. The employee’s productivity
might also go down. They might feel frustrated over the decision of introducing a new system.
While recruiting the company has to prioritize people who have the knowledge to process the
new system.

HR section can help them to overcome these problems. The HR can start to train the employees
to make them able to the function the new system. They can start a demo system. By doing this
they will let the managers who were lazy by the system a chance to try it first. By doing this they
will be able to get there good side then those managers will motivate workers under him to use
the system. Doing this will create a chain of reaction.

Answer to the question no. 3

Trends, which are changing the skill requirements for managerial jobs in Bangladesh:

a) Increasing use of computers and the internet: Technology is transforming jobs across the
nation’s economy. For an example, for getting a managerial job the person has to know
how to work on computers with the use of internet. The HRM department must have the
proper knowledge about computers and internet so they can train the employees about
technologies and internet to get the maximum work done in short period of time.
b) Increasing international competition: Organization’s HRM need to learn about the world
and expand their knowledge given that they will have to know more about their
competition in order to know how to better compete with them. Specially, in our
country’s perspective. As we lack in knowledge compare to foreign organizations.
c) Increasing work-family conflict: Every human has their personal life and family too. Also
they have to manage every sort of work, conflicts and other stuffs in the organization. So
sometimes it gets hard for them to manage both properly. So if management is allowed to
work from home sometimes that would be helpful in managing both job and family and
then come back to work environment in a peaceful mindset.

Answer to the question no. 4

Examples of a situation in which each of these approaches might be particularly effective:

a) Time to hire: Requirement through online is more time consuming. Human resource management
needs to collect all the information of the applicants and analyze them. Then call them and take a
proper interview of them. Example: A company gets a big order but they don’t have enough
employee to prepare that in time so the company has to hire employees just for a specific time
period to just finish a specific project.
b) Ideas from other industries: External requirement allows other industry employees to go to their
competitor’s industry. Example: If any company is going through a tough time they can send
their employees to the other companies to get the information about them and what they are going
to do in future.
c) Cost: Internal requirement needs no advertisement so it cheap.
Answer to the question no. 5

Three questions to include in interviews for each of the following jobs:

a) Cashier at one of the company’s stores: 1) “How was your experience as a cashier?” By
this question I as a manager will know if the applicant needs training and what
investment the company would have to make in order to get the applicant trained. 2)”Tell
me, when you went above and beyond in your work position.” By this question it will
show the character of the applicant and willingness to cooperate and assist consumers or
co-workers. 3) “Tell me your flexible times and shifts for working.” By this question I
will find out how this applicant would be able to fill in for employees who might call out.
b) Buyer of the stores’ teen clothing line: 1) “Tell us your background in becoming a buyer
especially of teen clothing.” This would let me know if the applicant to reveal his or her
expertise in buying and how it pertains to this particular buyer level of specifically "teen
clothing." 2) “What do you feel you can bring to the table becoming a buyer of teen
clothing?” This question allows for the applicant to reflect on their abilities and to
interject their talents that can be utilized by the company. 3) “Describe the process you
use for purchasing a new line of teen clothing.” This would tell me if the applicant knows
how a buyer approaches finding out new information and pricing on the latest fad in teen
styles along with keeping pace with inventory supply.
c) Accounts payable clerk at company headquarters: 1) “Analytical case study.” By this I
can know applicant’s analytical abilities. 2) “Accounting math solving.” By this I will
know if applicant has basic accounting knowledge or not. 3) “Show me your
mathematical knowledge on MS Excel” This will allow me to know applicant’s proficient
Microsoft knowledge and skills.

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