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The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips

The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips – Moving day

‘It’s my very last night in my own bedroom. Until now I don’t think I thought it would every really happen, not to us, not
to me. It was happening to everyone else. Everyone else was moving out, but somehow I just didn’t imagine that day
would ever come when we’d have to do the same. But tomorrow is the final day and tomorrow will come.’
(The Amazing Story of Adolpus Tips, Monday December 27th 1943, Page 89)

Imagine a ‘Lord Something Or Other’ has come to your town or village and has told you that you and your
families to pack up and leave immediately.
Just like Lily, write a page in your diary describing ‘moving day’.
How do you feel?
Where will you go?

Dear Diary .

The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips
The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips – The forbidden area
‘Tips has gone missing….
(The Amazing Story of Adolpus Tips, Tuesday 28th December 1943, Page 90)

‘They closed the barbed wire behind us then, cutting us off from our home and from Tips. I promised myself as I
watched them that I would go back and find harm and I will too.’
(Lily – The Amazing Story of Adolpus Tips, Friday 31st December 1943, Page 101)

In the story of Adolphus Tips, Lily and her family are evacuated from their village during the war in 1943. However her
cat gets left behind and she returns to the dangerous forbidden area to look for her.
You are now a child in 1943. You have left a precious item behind when you were evacuated from your
village. What was the precious item and why was it precious?
Draw a cartoon strip sequencing your secret mission to return to the forbidden area and the retrieval of
your precious possession.
The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips
The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips – It’s like a miracle
‘“Got something for you, Lily,” said Adie, and his smile seemed like a laugh waiting to happen. “Something that’s gonna
make you real happy.”
I thought it would be some chocolate or something. But it wasn’t. Harry reached into the back of the jeep and lifted
out a cardboard box – a cardboard box which was mewing! “You said black and white, right?” Harry said giving it
to me. “We found this one hiding away in that old hotel down on the beach. She’s blacker’n me and whiter’n you.
Scratches some too.”
Adie took her and held her out to me. “This the one you been looking for?” I knew her at once from her green eyes,
from her markings, her white paws, and from the deep roaring purr inside her as I took her into my arms and hugged
her to my cheek.’
(The Amazing Story of Adolpus Tips, Friday March 3rd 1944, Page 130)

Imagine you are the cat, Tips. You have been left behind in a forbidden area during the war.
You need food and shelter and to avoid shellfire and the land mines.
You see and hear everything that takes place from the practice landings to the real invasion.
Write your story, as Tips, about your survival in the forbidden area.

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