Crisis Faced To Survive

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Crisis faced to survive

This story is pretty much related to the life story of Elon Musk as he has afterwards taken the
responsibilities of Tesla Motors. The journey begin with the selling of Pay pal to a reputed company
which has a great name in market at the time of that era and for this Elon Musk receives $165 million
dollars. And this is a lot for a person to achieve in his or her life but Musk did not stop at that moment.
He wanted to change the habitual fact of human beings to improvise the life in Mars. So Elon Musk tried
to send a green house in Mars and he formed a team to do so and he formed Space X. Though he was
ambitious he was not ready to invest in this project more than $20 million dollars. Then Elon saw that
parts of rockets were pretty much expensive in USA but he did not stop. He went Russia to buy rocket
parts for cheap and then he started the project of FALCON-1 and here in the meantime he joined the
project of TESLA Motors and he was announced as the member of chairman of the board of TESLA
Motors by providing $6.35million US dollars. And an interesting fact is that the logo of TESLA Motors and
Space X were made by the same engineers and designers they borrowed for. And it was a low budget
perspective as the work is done by same workers so. Well at the same time TESLA Motors were working
on design of their first fast car project named ROADSTER. And to complete as the TESLA Motors wanted,
they hired many artificial and living expertise and machines from Apple and for this TESLA Motor’s
project the CEO Martin Embarhard and other members of trustees hired employee such as single ,
ignorant to relations and engineering students so that the project goes with a flow. TESLA Motors
wanted to publish the model in market at the time of July 2006 but unfortunately they could not do so
and they had first 1000 preorders for making this product but they were running out of cash as Elon
Musk invested in FALCON-1 most. And due to this reason Elon and CEO of TESLA Motors could not
complete the first attempt of their first project named ROADSTER. And because of this fault the present
CEO of TESLA Motors named Martin Embarhard resigned from the job and left all responsibility to Elon
Musk and in the meantime he failed his first launch of FALCON-1 and so Elon was frustrated. And all his
effort went in vain but then also he did not lose hope and tried for 2 nd launch of FALCON-1 and that also
failed and the future of TESLA Motors and Space X was in a destructive mode. And because of this TESLA
Motors could not release their project 1 the ROADSTER at 2008 too. And because of these lost project
Elon got divorced and he came on roads to beg position as there was no fund for TESLA Motors and
Space X. After the 3rd attempt of FALCON-1 it failed while in the fund of TESLA Motors were only $9
million dollars left which was unpretentive or not protective movement for a company to survive .TESLA
Motors were not able to give salary to their employees and failed many expertise due t this condition .
Next Elon was in a woozy minded situation that whether save Space X or TESLA Motors. But then also
Elon owed many money from friends family and relatives and neighbors and accumulated about $70
million Dollars and tried for the launch of FALCON 1 for the fourth time. And this time he succeeded and
was very happy that his dream came true but still there was no fund for saving the both company and he
was also out of money to cope up with this condition. And every source of TESLA Motors were
collapsed . And while Elon Musk was thinking of saving the companies all of a sudden he received a call
from NASA and they agree to a treaty of building rockets for $1.6 billion dollars. And it was a great news
for both of the companies and it was a great news for TESLA Motors that they could use more fund and
release their first product ROADSTER and there will be no delay for it and Space X will provide more fund
for their rockets and all.
So this is how TESLA motors and Space X got retrieved from bankruptcy and from getting closed. So we
have seen that what are the crisis TESLA motors faced to survive and how Elon Musk saved the company
and keep faith of the then CEO Martin Embarhard.


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