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Project Management in Practice

The Olympic Torch Relay Project



New York


Angeles Atlanta

New Orleans


Getting the Olympic Flame, known as the Olympic original torch went out. The caravan included: 50 cel-
Torch Relay, to the Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 2002 lular telephones; 60 pagers; 120 radios; 30 cars; 10
Olympic Games promised to be no simple matter. motorcycles; and clothing for 10,000 runners, 10,000
Generally, the Torch Relay has gotten longer and more volunteers, as well as 2,500 escort runners.
complex with every Olympic event. This complexity However, the torch relay is also a major marketing
is driven by the realization of host-country citizens campaign, primarily for the relay’s sponsors. Thus,
that it is a rare opportunity to have the Olympic torch accompanying the Atlanta-bound caravan were trucks
pass through your hometown and the corresponding hawking Olympic memorabilia: t-shirts, sweatshirts,
goal of the Olympic Committee to touch as many baseball caps, tickets to the soccer matches, and on
lives as possible in a positive way. and on. In addition to retail commercialism, a number
Planning for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Torch Relay of companies were piggybacking on the torch relay to
(see figure) took two years, cost over $20 million, and further their own commercial interests: IBM, Motor-
involved an 84 day, 42 state campaign using 10,000 ola, BellSouth, Texaco, BMW, Lee, Coca-Cola, and
runners to carry the torch for 15,000 miles! Accompa- so on. All in all, a very successful relay!
nying the runners was a 40-vehicle caravan carrying
security officers, media personnel, medical person- Source: G. Ruffenach, “Getting the Olympic Flame to Atlanta
nel, computers, telecommunications gear, clothing, Won’t Be a Simple Cross-Country Run,” The Wall Street Journal,
food, and spare lanterns with extra flames in case the February 26, 1996.


The basic purpose for initiating a project is to accomplish specific goals. The reason for
organizing the task as a project is to focus the responsibility and authority for the attainment of
the goals on an individual or small group. In spite of the fact that the PM often lacks authority

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