Tema La Engleză Future Simple

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Card 1 FUTURE SIMPLE/Going to Future/Conditional sentences (type I)

FUTURE SIMPLE: Will + verb

affirmative interrogative negative

I will go (I”go) Will I go? I will not (won’t) go
You will go (You’ll go) Will you go? You won’t go
He, she, it will go (He’ll go) Will he, she it go? He, she, it won’t go
We will go Will we go? We won’t go
You will g Will you go? You won’t go
They will go Will they go? They won’t go
Signal words: tomorrow/next week, next year etc/ in an hour, in two weeks, in three years/tonight

Use 1. “Will” to express a voluntary action

 I’m really hungry. I will make some sandwiches.

 I won’t do your homework for you.

Use 2. “Will” to express a promise

 Don’t worry, I will be careful

 I promise, I won’t tell him about the surprise

Use 3. “Be going to” to express a plan. (a avea de gand, a intentiona))

 He is going to spend his vacation at home

 We are going to meet at 6 p.m. tonight
 I am going to be an actor when I grow up

Use 4. “will” or “Be going to” to express a prediction

 The year 2022 will be a very interesting year

 The year 2022 is going to be a very interesting year

Use 5. “Will” in conditional sentences (type I)

În propoziții condiționale, după if nu se folosește viitorul, dar prezentul.

De ex. If the weather is fine tomorrow, I will go to the country.

In conditionala se foloseste Present Simple, iar în principală-Future Simple.

 If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home

 If you give me the letter, I will take it to the post

Use 6. No Future in time clauses

În subordonatele de timp, ca si in conditionale ,tip I, NU se foloseste viitorul, dar prezentul. Aceste

subordinate se incep cu urmatoarele cuvinte: when, before, after, as soon as, as long as, until, unless

 I will call you when I arrive at my hotel

 He will text you as soon as he is on the bus.
 John will study until he knows all the answers.
Exercise 1 Complete the sentences in the Future
1. It (rain/not) _______________________ tomorrow.
2. I promise I (be/not) __________________late.
3. We (go) _____________________ shopping in an hour.
4. I (not/play) __________________ tennis tomorrow.
5. __________ you (open) ______________ the window, please?
6. The weather tomorrow (be) __________________ sunny and warm.
7. We (finish) _____________________ our work in an hour.

Exercise 2. Use GOING TO and the verb in brackets

Ex._______________________ (you /buy) a new bike?
Are you going to buy a new bike?
1. Tom _________________________(not/be) a doctor.
2. I _____________________________(buy) some new shoes.
3. Who ________________________(carry) the shopping for me?
4. Jim and Dellia ____________________________ (not/get)married.
5. What time __________________________ (you/phone) me?
6. Where ______________________ (we/eat) tonight?

Exercise 3. Conditional sentences (type I)

1. If you (eat) _______________ all the cake, you (feel) ________________ sick.
2. If she (pass) _________________ the exam, she (be) _________________ very happy.
3. If John (keep) _________________ drinking, he (lose) ________________ his job.
4. If it (nice) ________________ out tomorrow, we (go) _______________ to the beach; and if
it (rain) ____________________ , we (watch) ____________________ a movie.
5. If I (enter) _________________the University next year, I (study) __________________ 3
foreign languages.
Exercise 4. Time clauses
1. Today after I (get) _______________ out of class, I (go) __________________to a movie
with some friends.
2. Tom (call_ ______________ when he (arrive) ________________ in Madrid. He (stay)
_________________ with you for two or three days until his new apartment (be)
___________________ available.
3. I (call) ____________________ you as soon as I (arrive) _________________ in Dublin. If I
(not be) ____________________ there when you (call) ___________________, make sure
to leave a message.
4. When he (come) __________________back, I (tell) ____________________ him what to do.
5. We (not/start) ________________________ the meeting until everybody (arrive)
6. I (not/forgive) ___________________ him until he (apologize) ____________________.
7. When I (get) __________________home after work, I (take) ___________________ a rest
foe a while.
8. He (not/take) _____________________ the job unless we (offer) _____________________
him a higher salary.
9. You (stay)____________________ here until it (stop) ___________________ raining.
10. I (give) __________________you everything as long as you (remain) ____________ loyal to
(concretizeaza momentul actiunii intr-un anumit moment in viitor)

affirmative interrogative negative

I will be reading Will I be reading? I won’t be reading
You will be reading Will you be reading? You won’t be reading
He, she, it will be reading Will he, she be reading? He, she, it won’t be reading
We will be reading Will we be reading? We won’t be reading
You will be reading Will you be reading? You won’t be reading
They will be reading Will they be reading? They won’t be reading
Signal words: at this time tomorrow (pe timpul acesta maine)
At 5 o’clock tomorrow
From 5 till 7 o’clock tomorrow
The whole morning (day, evening) tomorrow
Ex.5. Complete the sentences using Future Continuous
1. At this time tomorrow, we (fly) ______________________to New York.
2. At 9 o’clock, the baby (sleep) _______________________________.
3. They (watch TV) ___________________________ the whole evening tomorrow.
4. At this time next year I (sunbathe) _________________________at the beach.
5. She (watch) _____________________________ a movie with her friends the whole evening.

Ex.6. Use Future Simple or Future Continuous

1. I (do) _______________________ my homework tomorrow.
2. I (do) _______________________my homework at 6 o’clock tomorrow.
3. Don’t come to my place tomorrow, I (write) __________________________ a composition the
whole evening.
4. I (not to go) ________________________to the library tomorrow.
5. What you (do) _________________________tomorrow?
6. What you (do) ______________________at 8 o’clock tomorrow?

Ex.7 Use Present Simple/Present Continuous/ Past Simple/Past Continuous/Future

Simple/Future Continuous It (to blow)

Present Simple Present Past Simple Past Future Simple Future

Continuous Continuous Will +V Continuous
Am/is/are + V+ing Was/were Will+be+V+ing
It blows every It is blowing now. It blew yesterday. It was blowing It will blow It will be
day. Is it blowing now? Did it blow at this time tomorrow. blowing at
Does it blow It isn’t blowing yesterday? yesterday. Will it blow this time
every day? now. It didn’t blow Was it blowing tomorrow? tomorrow.
It doesn’t blow yesterday. at this time It won’t blow Will it be
every day. yesterday? tomorrow. blowing…?
It wasn’t It won’t be
blowing at this blowing at this
time yesterday time
1. They (run)
2. I (do) my homework
3. She (make) a cake
4. You (eat) an apple
5. He (ride) a bike
6. The sun (shine)

Ex.8 Translate the sentences

1. Ce vei face peste un an?
2. Pe acest timp anul viitor voi preda engleza.
3. Eu voi alerga 2 km saptamana viitoare daca timpul va fi frumos.
4. Ea nu are de gand sa ma sune.
5. Toata ziua maine ea isi va face temele.
6. Cand ea va ajunge acasa, eu voi citi.
7. Vom pleca de aici cat mai repede posibil.
8. Presupun ca maine timpul va fi bun.
9. La ora 4 maine eu voi juca tennis.
10. Daca voi invata bine verbele, nu voi face multe greseli la test.

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