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(Secondary Teacher Education Department)
Course: Higher Education (828)
Semester: Autumn, 2019
Level: M.Ed
Assignment No.2

Q.1 'India has a highly dynamic, progressive and appropriate system of education at higher
level' according to Joshi. Up to what extent you agree with the statement also highlight the
salient features of higher education system in India?
India, the country with the largest headcount of young age population is moving towards becoming
the largest economy of the world.
6 1
We are progressing towards becoming a world power, but we still have many roadblocks in the
9 1
journey. One of the main roadblocks is our education system
Currently, the education system is based on Quantity (scoring marks). It is the only9
- 8 criteria schools
teach students and in the process, Quality (Learning) is ignored completely.
0 4 growth of students.
They have playgrounds but students carry the burden of getting high grades,
3 which does not let them
We could hardly see schools with facilities for physical activities, or for mental

play. /
The School System O M
5 . C
India is divided into 28 states and 7 so-called “Union Territories”. The states have their own elected
governments while the Union Territories are ruled 6
President of India appointing an administrator for3each Union Territory. As per the constitution of
directly by the Government of India, with the

India, school education was originally a stateT

subject —that is, the states had complete authority on
deciding policies and implementing them.N The role of the Government of India (GoI) was limited to
coordination and deciding on the standards of higher education. This was changed with a

constitutional amendment in 1976 so that education now comes in the so-called concurrent list. That
is, school education policies and programmes are suggested at the national level by the GoI though
GThe Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE), set up in 1935,
the state governments have a lot of freedom in implementing programmes. Policies are announced at
continues to play a lead S role in the evolution and monitoring of educational policies and
the national level periodically.

There is a national organization that plays a key role in developing policies and programmes, called
the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) that prepares a National
Curriculum Framework. Each state has its counterpart called the State Council for Educational
Research and Training (SCERT). These are the bodies that essentially propose educational strategies,
curricula, pedagogical schemes and evaluation methodologies to the states' departments of education.
The SCERTs generally follow guidelines established by the NCERT. But the states have
considerable freedom in implementing the education system.

Exclusive Schools

In addition to the above, there are a relatively small number of schools that follow foreign curricula
such as the so-called Senior Cambridge, though this was largely superseded by the ICSE stream
elsewhere. Some of these schools also offer the students the opportunity to sit for the ICSE

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examinations. These are usually very expensive residential schools where some of the Indians
working abroad send their children. They normally have fabulous infrastructure, low student-teacher
ratio and very few students. Many of them have teachers from abroad. There are also other exclusive
schools such as the Doon School in Dehradun that take in a small number of students and charge
exorbitant fees.

State Schools

Each state in the country has its own Department of Education that runs its own school system with
its own textbooks and evaluation system. As mentioned earlier, the curriculum, pedagogy and
evaluation method are largely decided by the SCERT in the state, following the national guidelines
prescribed by the NCERT.

The Case of Kerala 6 1

9 1
The state of Kerala, a small state in the South Western coast of India, has been different from the rest
of the country in many ways for the last few decades. It has, for instance, the highest literacy rate 9 1
among all states, and was declared the first fully literate state about a decade back. Life expectancy, - 8
both male and female, is very high, close to that of the developed world. Other parameters such as
0 3
fertility rate, infant and child mortality are among the best in the country, if not the best. The total
fertility rate has been below the replacement rate of 2.1 for the last two decades. Probably as a side-
effect of economic and social development, suicide rates and alcoholism are also very high. /
Government policies also have been very different from the rest of the country, leading to the
development model followed in Kerala, with high expenditure in education and welfare, coming to
be known as the “Kerala Model“ among economists.
5 . C
The main features of the modern education system6in India are as follows:
S 3
 A system of obligatory education to allT or any children up to the year of fourteen. Under this

 E
If any child is forced to do any other
age, all children must be given education
in any government or private school.
excluding from being educated the person concerned

in such activities will be treated as per law.
After gaining primary education, a child can be given secondary education.

For providing this level of education each, the central and state governments are involved
through their boards,Iwhich are created for this purpose.

S S boards who conduct a high school or intermediate exams.
There are also private

After their 10+2 (secondary schooling), a person can pursue bachelor, master and an
alternative specialization degree in several fields of their selection.
Q2: ExplainW the concepts and reasons of Wastage in higher education .Give suggestion to
minimize Wastage in higher education Pakistan.
Starting its journey in 1947 with only one university, the University of the Punjab (established in
1882), Pakistan today has 177 universities and degree awarding institutions (DAIs), spreading across
its map and the number is growing fast. Of these 177 universities and DAIs, 103 are public while the
rest have been established by the private sector. The government has awarded charter to 33 of these
universities and DAIs while the rest have been chartered by the respective provincial governments.
The federally chartered universities and the DAIs are mostly located in the federal capital,
Islamabad, but some operate in other cities of the country too. For example, the Karakoram
International University is a federal chartered university and is based in Gilgit-Baltistan.

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Pakistan’s most populous province, Punjab, with an estimated population of over 90 million, half of
the country’s total population, is on top of the rank with its 51 chartered universities and DAIs (27
public and 24 private) while the Sindh province, which has almost population equal to half of
Punjab’s, ranks second with its 49 universities and DAIs. But unlike Punjab, Sindh province has
more private universities and DAIs as only 20 out of 49 are public.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) has 29 universities, Balochistan province eight while there are seven
universities chartered by the Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) government.

PhDs produced in Pakistan since 1947

From 1947 to 2014, Pakistan’s higher education institutes (HEIs) produced 11,988 PhDs. As of
2014, Pakistan, having an estimated population of over 180 million, had student enrollment of 1.4
million, including over 900 foreign students and Afghan refugees, studying in various HEIs. The
percentage of female students in the HEIs was around 40 percent.
6 1
From 1947 to 2002, Pakistani universities had produced only over 3,000 PhDs. However, the country 9 1
witnessed a sharp rise vis-à-vis PhDs produced per year. From 202 in the year 2001 before the
9 1
Higher Education Commission (HEC) was established, to 1,211 PhDs in year 2013 and 1,325 PhDs
- 8
in the year 2014.
0 3
Most of the PhDs, 1,541, were produced in Language and Literature, followed by 1,462 in Chemistry
and 933 in Agriculture. Up to the year 2014, the country’s HEIs had produced only 500 PhDs in
Engineering and Technology while 908 PhDs were awarded in Religious Studies.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) which drew its powers from The University Grants
. C
Commission Act, 1974 was replaced by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) in 2002.
A comparison of funding to the universities by the UGC
3 6 and the HEC is enough to understand the
level of commitment to higher education by the
provided funding of PKR 7,538.835 million to T S
governments in Pakistan. The UGC
from financial year 1978-79 to 2001-
02 while after the establishment of the N HEC, a whopping PKR 115,413.194 million have been
E from the financial year 2002-03 to 2015-16.
pumped into universities by the commission

University education versus school education
The Pakistani universities and DAIs are offering academic and research programs in anthropology,
agriculture, space sciences,Ifisheries and aquaculture, computer science and IT, business and
management, engineering
S Sand technology, veterinary science, psychology, so on and so forth.
With institutes of.Ahigher learning like the Virtual University (VU), the country’s first university

programs W
W on modern information and communication technologies offering academic
based completely
while “using free-to-air satellite television broadcasts and the Internet” and the Information
W with its state-of-the-art facilities, world-class faculty, in-house startups incubator
Technology University (ITU) which is nurturing “an environment of hightech research and
and well-established government and industry linkages,” Pakistan’s higher education landscape is
certainly versatile.

The Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN), an initiative of the HEC, launched in 2002,
is providing communication infrastructure to the 250 plus universities and institutes of higher
learning, including colleges and research organizations of the country to meet their networking and
internet requirements.

Whereas, as per the latest Pakistan Education Atlas, a staggering 46 percent of public sector primary
schools (124,284 primary schools) in Pakistan are without electricity. The Pakistan Education Atlas,
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prepared by the federal government’s Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM)
and UN World Food Program, was launched in September 2015. Besides many others, the country’s
school education system is facing challenges of missing facilities. Luckily, most Pakistani
universities do not face such challenges.

Scholarships galore

Presently, there are some 40,000 faculty members in public and private sector universities and DAIs
of the country and only about 10,000 of them are PhDs which makes it a 25 percent of the total
teaching strength in Pakistani universities.

After the establishment of the HEC, Pakistan witnessed a kind of ‘revolution’ in indigenous and
foreign scholarships for MPhil and PhD programs both for the faculty members and the students.

6 1
The HEC, under its Faculty Development Program (FDP), has so far awarded 2,450 foreign
scholarships, executed by universities and DAIs, with maximum 938 scholarships in the discipline of
9 1
Engineering and Technology. These are followed by 493 scholarships in Physical Sciences and 431
9 1
in Social Sciences.
- 8
So far, the HEC has sent 7,806 Pakistani students under its Overseas Scholarships
0 4 Program out of
which 5,683 have returned while 2,123 are currently pursuing MPhil 3leading to PhD or PhD
programs abroad. Those who have returned 1,874 scholars completed their
Medical Sciences, 1,406 in Physical Sciences and 979 in Engineering and / 0Technology.
studies in Biological and

Of those who availed Overseas Scholarships, 1,341 were sent O Mto United States, 1,226 to United
Kingdom and 907 to Cuba.
5 . C
Academics believe that Pakistani universities should6work as research centers because, they argue,
research output is directly linked with development 3by fighting the challenges faced by the country.
This also matches with the HEC’s mission ofT facilitating the ‘institutions of higher learning to serve
as an engine of socio-economic development
the need of promoting research cultureE
N of Pakistan.’ The academics also frequently highlight
in universities and allocating the maximum resources for in-
house research and development (R&D) facilities.
I G many of these indicators are also used by national bodies (like
There are different parameters and indicators to measure the performance and research output of a
university. With slight variations,
HEC) and international S
A S bodies like QS World Universities Rankings, World University Rankings
and Times Higher Education.
W and learning environment, research and its influence and impact, including
These are: teaching
Windexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge in the year 2001, Pakistan had 8,163 publications
citations, patents and international outlook both in terms of faculty and students. From only 877

Win the Web of Knowledge by the year 2014.


Since 2006, a total of 73 patents have been filed by Pakistani universities and so far only 22 have
been issued. Most of these patents, 34, have been filed by universities from Karachi (Sindh), 20 from
Punjab, three from KP and 16 from universities and DAIs of the federal capital, Islamabad. No
patent has been filed from universities of Balochistan. Of those issued, universities of Sindh lead
with 12 followed by eight of Punjab and two universities of federal government.

Q.3 Discuss in detail the evaluation system in higher education in Pakistan. Extent you are
satisfied with the present system and how it can be improved.

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campaigns have been mostly lacking in education ideas, the candidates have given us some hints:
Secretary Hillary Clinton has shared plans for making college debt free and how to have access to
high-quality preschool for all, while Donald Trump has highlighted the importance of school
choice for low-income families.
Here are six policy recommendations for the next president to boost opportunity and help make the
American Dream a reality by ensuring children and youth get the right start.
1. Expand access to high-quality early childhood education programs.
America currently invests less in children under the age of 5 than most other developed countries and
has a low level of enrollment in early education programs. We know that a dollar invested in children
before kindergarten can have great impact, especially for students born into lower socio-economic
2. Focus on recruiting, training and supporting teachers.
High-quality teachers help students succeed. We must reform how we recruit, train, and support such
teachers. Teacher residencies and preparation programs like Urban Teacher Center represent 6 1
opportunities to increase the number of teachers with real-world training experiences. National
9 1
service programs like Citizen Schools work in high-need schools, share best practices such as
9 1
recruiting people with strong leadership skills and connections to the community and are sources of a
diverse talent pool. - 8
3. Improve and expand school-based Early Warning Systems and tie them to evidence-based
interventions for at-risk students.
0 3
Research has helped us identify clear indicators and benchmarks that tell us when a student is at risk
of dropping out. These students 
can be immediately connected to the assistance they need to 

back on track by assigning them a school-connected mentor who would create an educational plan.
Interventions like these will help keep us on track to achieve a 90% high school graduation rate by
5 . C
4. Encourage college-savings plans. Many low-income families lack the resources to save for the
3 6
future. Research shows that low-income children who have a college savings account in their names

are at least three times more likely to attend college and four times more likely to graduate than their
peers who lack such savings accounts for post- secondary training and education programs.
Top of Form
Bottom of Form EN
support services. N M
5. Increase high-quality, college-ready secondary level instruction combined with comprehensive

A number of our coalition members such as YouthBuild USA, The Corps Network, Year Up, Urban

Alliance and Jobs for the Future have developed effective programs to reconnect Opportunity Youth,
who have been disconnected from their communities, and first-generation students to post-secondary
education and training. Their strategies involve engaging youth in a career and college-going culture
that supports service and work experiences, case management, and counseling and/or mentoring
There is a need for implementation of national education policy and vision 2030 education goals. An
analysis of education policy suggests that at the policy level there are several admirable ideas, but
practically there are some shortcomings also.
It may not be possible for the government at the moment to implement uniform education system in
the country, but a uniform curriculum can be introduced in educational institutes of the country. This
will provide equal opportunity to the students of rural areas to compete with students of urban areas
in the job market.
Since majority of Pakistani population resides in rural areas and the access to education is a major
problem for them, it seems feasible that a balanced approach for formal and informal education be
adopted. Government as well as non-government sector should work together to promote education
in rural areas.

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The government should take measures to get school buildings vacated which are occupied by feudal
lords of Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab. Efforts should be made to ensure that proper education is
provided in those schools.
The federal government is paying attention to the vocational and technical training, but it is
important to make the already existing vocational and technical training centres more efficient so that
skilled youth could be produced.
Since education is a provincial subject, the provincial education secretariats need to be strengthened.
Special policy planning units should be established in provinces’ education departments for
implementation of educational policies and formulation of new policies whenever needed. The
provincial education departments need to work out financial resources required for realising the
compliance of Article 25-A.

Federal Government should play a supportive role vis-à-vis the provinces for the early compliance of
the constitutional obligation laid down in Article 25-A. Special grants can be provided to the 6 1
provinces where the literacy rate is low.
9 1
Pakistan is not the only country which is facing challenges regarding promotion of literacy and
9 1
meeting EFA and MDGs commitments. Education remains a subject which is paid least attention in
the whole South Asian region. UNDP report 2014 suggests that there has been an improvement in - 8
other elements of human development such as life expectancy, per capita income and human
development index value (in past 3 years); but there has been no progress in the number of schooling
years. The expected average for years of schooling in 2010 was 10.6 years but the actual average of
schooling remained 4.7 for all South Asian countries. In the year 2013 the expected average of

number of years increased to 11.2 but the actual average of years of schooling of South Asian
countries remained 4.7. Regional cooperation mechanism can also be developed to promote literacy
. C
in South Asian region. Sharing success stories, making country-specific modifications and their
implementation can generate positive results. 5
3 6
 S
Technical education should be made a part of secondary education. Classes for carpentry, electrical,
and other technical education must be included in the curriculum.

Providing economic incentives to the students may encourage the parents to send their children to
school and may help in reducing the dropout ratio.
 M
Local government system is helpful in promoting education and literacy in the country. In local
government system the funds for education would be spent on a need basis by the locality.

Corruption in education departments is one of the factors for the poor literacy in the country. An

 S S
effective monitoring system is needed in education departments.
For any system to work it is imperative that relevant structures are developed. Legislation and
structure should be framed to plan for the promotion of education in the country. After the
18th amendment the education has become a provincial subject, therefore, the provinces should form
legislations and design educational policies which ensure quality education.
 W
Unemployment of educated men and women is a major concern for Pakistan. There should be career
counselling of the pupils in schools so that they have an understanding of job market and they can
develop their skills accordingly.
 Counselling of parents is required, so that they can choose a career for their child which is market
 There are two approaches to acquiring education: First, which is being followed by many in Pakistan
is to get education to earn bread and butter. The second approach is to get education for the sake of
personal development and learning. This approach is followed by affluent and economically stable
people who send their children to private schools and abroad for education. The problem arises when
non-affluent families send their children to private schools, and universities. This aspiration for
sending children for higher education is wrong, because the country does not need managers and

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officers only. There are several other jobs where people are needed. Hence the mind-set of sending
one’s children to university only for becoming officers and managers needs to be changed.

Q4: Discuss quality and access as the two major problems in higher education in Pakistan.
Suggest some ways to deal with these problems
Education is the backbone in the development of any nation, it is a fact that the countries with an
effective system of education lead the world, both socially and economically. The key to
development is good education system. Pakistan is one of those very few countries where the system
of education has constantly deteriorated. The situation at present is so bad that our system of
education is almost near collapse.

Student life is not as easier as it seems. Even it is not easy to wake up for schools early in the
morning everyday that is a very big responsibility to reach in time. Here are some common problems
of student mentioned below. 6 1
9 1
Financial problems
Pakistan is an underdeveloped nation, majority of our people are living on the poverty line that can 9 1
barely make their both ends meet. They cannot afford even the negligible fees being charged in the - 8
government institutions, let alone the books and uniforms for which they are to pay from their own
selves but to support their families too. 0 3
pockets. Majority of our young ones are child labor, they indulge in child labor not only to feed them

In Pakistan education is very expensive due to the shortage of public educational institutes. We have
only 73 public universities and most of the population study in these universities. Similarly, there is

. C
short number of public colleges where students can get free education. Our most of the students
belong to the middle class and they have very limited resources. Parents can’t afford easily the

3 6
expenses of studying their children. Lots of students have to work part time to sponsor their studies
themselves. In students life nearly every student usually face financial crisis.
Students usually have to buy books, note books, notes of their course outline and meet transportation
expenses. They have to bear some extra expenses for that they can’t ask to their parents as bunk

classes and going out with fellows, buying gifts for their girl friends / boyfriends and many other

Solution: I G
Students can cope with these crises very easily by a little effort. There are lots of home tuition

available for to teach students for 2 or 3 hours and earn money to meet their expenditures. Students
can also do a part time job which is related to their studies this would give them a practical
experience of their field. This experience would be helpful in future for getting a job.
Another option for students is start some form of freelancing. can be one of their best choices to earn
while studying. For the jobs on WriterBay,
(1) you have to fill a form,
(2) pass a test on grammar and formatting styles,
(3) write a little essay, and (4) upload a higher education certificate. However, this could be one
your best choices.
Students can increase their chances of getting hired as freelancer and earn a good amount of money
by reading the tips on another article).
Banking system of education

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Education that becomes an act of depositing in which the students are the depositories & the teacher
is the depositor. Instead of communicating, the teacher issues the communiquers& makes deposits
which the students patiently receive, memorize & repeat.

This is the banking concept of education in which the scope of action allowed to student extends
only as far as receiving, filling & storing the deposits. Knowledge emerges only through invention &
re-invention through restless, impatient containing hopeful inquiry Human being pursue in the world,
with the world & with each other.

In the banking concept of education, knowledge is the gift bestowed by those who consider
themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing, projecting an absolute
ignorance on to others a characteristic of the ideology of oppression, negates, education as a process
of inquiry. The teacher presents himself to his students as their necessary opposite, by considering
their ignorance absolute, he justified his own existence. The students, alienated like the slave in the
6 1
Hegelian dialectic, except their ignorance as justifying the teacher’s existence but unlike the slave,
9 1
they never discover that they educate the teacher.
9 1
- 8
The education should be through problem Posing, a method in which a teacher Pose a problem in
front of students & teacher & students do brain storming & they do dialogue which leads them
towards the conclusion. 0 3
Lack of guidance
In our country, students face a lot of problems during their educational career.

5 . C
They are the most unguided students in the world. Neither the parent due to their ignorance due to

3 6
which they can’t chose proper subject and proper filed nor the teachers due to lack of
professionalism are able to guide them. Lack of guidance is very serious problem which students
The purpose of early education is to induce in to the students an interest of education but children are
taught by untrained teachers in their early stage, so they lose interest in education. The high
expectation of families and absence of guidance affects the ability of the students.
Students should get basic knowledge about any profession before deciding to take it as their future
profession. For this purpose they should consult the persons which are already attached with that
profession are great source of information. So you can consult a person which is related to the
profession which you want to join in future.

Examination system
Students are evaluated in our institutions not on the basis of their abilities but on the basis of their
class. This disheartens students who have weak financial/social backgrounds. Also our examination
system evaluates students not on the basis of their cognitive abilities but is more of a rote memory
test. All this is simply due to the fact that modern evaluation techniques are not applied.

Q. 5 Write a note upon Continuing education. What are the benefits of continuing education
for individual and society? What role Allama Iqbal Open University can perform in promotion
of continuing education in Pakistan.

Continuing education:

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Continuing education programs are educational opportunities offered to individuals throughout their
lifecycle. These programs cover a range of experiences including courses, camps, conferences,
and certificate programs.
If you already have a degree, you may take continuing education courses to upgrade your skills or
expand your knowledge base. The university’s continuing education offerings provide flexible and
innovative options, encompassing everything from intimate workshops in creative writing to
intensive certificate programs for business leaders.


The beauty with learning in today’s environment is that you can decide how and when you learn. As
a firm believer in continuing education, I’ve identified four benefits to keep you inspired on your

6 1
Keeps You Current
9 1
Changes can be hard to process, especially if the change seems drastic. When you stay informed
through continuing education, updates to theories or practices are more manageable to absorb. 9 1
Additionally, you stand out from everyone else when you stay abreast of the latest developments.
- 8
Advances Your Career
0 3
You might be perfectly happy in your current position, and that’s okay. However, down the road,
you may want the option to progress your career to the next level. Continuing education keeps your
skills sharp, which makes you marketable and ready for your next career move.
Improves Job Performance
5 . C
3 6
While you are in a constant state of learning, you begin to realize how your new found knowledge

helps with productivity. This is when the application of your continuing education comes in to play.
Moreover, the more you learn and the more you are able to apply what you learned, the more

successful you will be.

Leads to Innovation
When you are involved in continuing education, not only do you learn more but you expose yourself

environment be your muse. I G

to new ideologies. This opens the door to innovation or creativity. That is to say, let your educational

Role Allama Iqbal Open University can perform in promotion of continuing education in
The main objectives of the University as enunciated in the Act are as under:
 WTomanner
provide educational facilities to people who cannot leave their homes and jobs in such
as it may determine.
 To provide such facilities to the masses for their educational uplift as it may determine.
 To provide facilities for the training of teachers in such manner as it may determine.
 To provide for instruction in such branches of learning technology or vocations as it may
deem fit, and to make provision for research and for the advancement and dissemination of
knowledge in such manner as it may determine.
 To hold examinations and to award and confer degrees, diplomas, certificates and other
academic distinctions.

 ‫۔‬       ‫     ا ر‬ ‫ ا‬        ‫ اور‬  ‫ اس    وہ‬، ‫ وا  ا   ا‬،  ‫  ر  اى‬، ‫ ا ل او   ر       ہ ا‬
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