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Spouse obligation in Islam

As a reference for action and reflection and even, following

outlines the rights and obligations of husband and wife in
Islam from the book "Guide Sunnah and Complete Everyday
Manners" by HA Abdurrahman Ahmad.

Joint Husband Wife Rights

- Husband and wife, should foster an atmosphere
mawaddah and mutual compassion. (Ar-Rum: 21)
- Should mutual trust and understanding of the nature of
each partner. (An-Nisa ': 19 - Al-Hujuraat: 10)
- Let adorned with harmonious relationships. (An-Nisa ': 19)
- Let the good advice each other. (Agreed Alaih)

Manners husband to wife

- The husband should realize that his wife is a test in the
exercise of religion. (At-aubah: 24)
- A wife may become the enemy of her husband in the clan
obeys Allah and His Messenger. (At-Taghabun: 14)
- It should always pray to God asking Sholehah wife. (AI-
Furqan: 74)
- Among the obligations of husband and wife, are: Paying
dowry, provide maintenance (food, clothing, shelter), treat
good, of justice, if more than one wife. (Al-Ghazali)
- If the wife does 'Nusyuz', it is recommended the following
actions in sequence: (a) Provide advice, (b) Split the room,
(c) Hitting the shots did not hurt. (An-Nisa ': 34) ...' Nusyuz
'are: rebellion in the case of a wife to her husband obedience
to God.
- The most perfect believer in faith is, the best and most
friendly character of her / his family. (Tirmudzi)
- The husband should not be parsimonious in their wealth to
his wife and son. (Ath-Thalaq: 7)
- The husband may not apply rough on his wife. (Tirmidhi)
- Let the wife do not always obey the household. loved
sometimes they should. In loved them, no
blessing. (Bayhaqi, Umar bin Khattab., Hasan Bashri)
- The husband should be patient in dealing with her bad
attitude.(Abu Ya'la)
- Her husband is obliged to mix a good way. With loving care
with no rough and despotic. (An-Nisa ': 19)
- The husband must give her to eat what he eats, give him
clothes, do not hit her face, not insults, and no separate bed,
except in their own home. (Abu Dawud).
- The husband must always give the sense, religious
guidance of his wife, and told him to always obey Allah and
His Messenger. (Al-Ahzab: 34, At-Tahrim: 6, Agreed Alaih)
- Her husband is obliged to teach the knowledge related to
women (menstruation laws, istihadhah, etc..). (Al-Ghazali)
- The husband must be fair and wise to the wife. (An-Nisa ':
- The husband can not open a disgrace to his wife to
- When the wife does not obey her husband (disobedience to
the husband), then the husband must educate them and
bring it to obedience, even by force. (AIGhazali)
- If the husband be dead, it is recommended intestate prior
to his wife. (AI-Baqarah:? 40)

Manners Wife to Husband

- Let the wife realizes that the clan received the sincere folk-
Iaki men are leaders of women. (An-Nisa ': 34)
- Let the wife realizes that the right (the position) level higher
than the husband and wife. (Al-Baqarah: 228)
- My wife must obey her husband for not disobedience. (An-
Nisa ': 39)
- Among the obligation of a wife against her husband, are:
a. Itself,
b. Obey her husband,
c. Not out of the house, except with ijinnya,
d. Live in accommodation provided for her husband
e. Husband with a good mix. (Al-Ghazali)
- Wives should always meet the need of biological husband,
despite being busy. (Nasa 'i, Agreed Alaih)
- When a husband invites his wife to bed to treat, and the
wife refuses, then the people that the sky will curse for
pleasure her husband. (Muslim)
- Husband and wife should prioritize the rights of
parents. God Almighty forgive the sins of a wife is putting her
husband's right of parents rights. (Tirmidhi)
- That is very important for the wife is pleased with her
husband. Wife, who died in the pleasure of her husband
would go to heaven.(Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi)
- Importance of the wife to obey her husband, was spoken
by the Prophet. "If allowed to prostrate themselves with other
people, then I will instruct adoring wife to her
husband (Timidzi)
- My wife must keep her husband's property after
him. (Thabrani)
- Wives should always make him always interesting in front
of her husband (Thabrani)
- My wife must maintain her dignity both in presence or in the
back (when the husband is not at home). (An-Nisa ': 34)
- There are four ordeal in marriage, namely: (1) Many
children (2) A little property (3) bad neighbors (4) lstri the
treacherous. (Hasan Al-Bashri)
- Women are allowed only believers mourned the death of
her husband for four months and ten days. (Agreed Alaih)
- Women and men are believers, shall cast down their looks
and guard their privates. (An-Nur: 30-31)
Wife Sholehah
- If 'a wife, keep praying five times, fast during the month
Ramddhan, guard their modesty, and to obey her husband,
Allah swt. will enter into heaven. (Ibn Hibban)
- Wife Sholehah it more often is in the house, and very rarely
out of the house. (Al-Ahzab: 33)
- My wife should perform prayers five times at his home. Up
to awake from the trial. Prayers a woman in her home is
more important than prayer in the mosque, and her prayers
more women in the main room in the house of prayer. (Lbnu
- It should make Allah's wives as an illustration major.

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