Individual Take Home Exam

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School of Business/BBA Program

Term/Semester: Spring 2020 Individual Take Home Exam

Course Code: BUS 301 Course Title: Human Resource Management

Answer the following questions Full Marks: 25

1. How does each of the following labor force trends affect HRM?
a. Aging of the labor force.
b. Diversity of the labor force.
c. Skill deficiencies of the labor force.

2. Imagine that a small manufacturing company decides to invest in a materials resource planning
(MRP) system. This is a computerized information system that improves efficiency by
automating such work as planning needs for resources, ordering materials, and scheduling work
on the shop floor. The company hopes that with the new MRP system, it can grow by quickly and
efficiently processing small orders for a variety of products. Which of the human resource
functions are likely to be affected by this change? How can human resource management help the
organization carry out this change successfully?

3. Discuss how the following trends are changing the skill requirements for managerial jobs in
a. Increasing use of computers and the Internet.
b. Increasing international competition.
c. Increasing work-family conflicts.

4. Discuss the relative merits of internal versus external recruitment. Give an example of a situation
in which each of these approaches might be particularly effective.

5. Suppose you are a human resource professional at a large retail chain. You want to improve the
company’s hiring process by creating standard designs for interviews, so that every time someone
is interviewed for a job category, that person answers the same questions. You also want to make
sure the questions asked are relevant to the job and maintain equal employment
opportunity. Think of three questions to include in interviews for each of the following jobs. For
each question, state why you think it should be included.
a. Cashier at one of the company’s stores
b. Buyer of the stores’ teen clothing line
c. Accounts payable clerk at company headquarters
Submission Guidelines

 This is an ‘Individual Take Home Exam’ and will carry 25 marks.

 Answer all the questions.
 You must submit it Moodle within 29th March, 2020.
 Understand answer the questions based on your learning from the class lectures.
 The Front will be Times New Roman-12, Margin round 1, line space 1.5 and in total the
answers will not exceed 4 pages.
 Write in your own words and take help wherever you want to, but remember plagiarism
will be checked and if more than 15% similarity is found (even two submitted papers of
the students within same class or other sections), you will get a zero.

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