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TPACK Template



Grade Level 11th

Learning Objective VUS.11 The student will apply social science skills to understand
World War II by analyzing the Holocaust (Hitler’s “final
solution”), its impact on Jews and other groups, and the
postwar trials of war criminals.

(This tour will focus on the sections in bold.)


Online Activity This activity will teach students about the Holocaust and its
impact the Jews. Once completing the tour, they will use their
critical thinking skills to explain both the significance of this
event and the impact it left on the Jews.

We will meet in Zoom as it is a very commonly used for classes

and other meetings.

Before beginning their tour, I will ask the students what the
world would be like if people were locked away from society
and killed because they had a different faith or looked
differently from the larger population. How would they respond
to living in that type of environment, would they be afraid to
speak up regardless of repercussions, and would they help
shelter those being persecuted.

The students will download and use Google Expedition using

either their mobile phones, Mac Book or Chromebook. Once
they have, they will open the virtual tour named, “The
Holocaust: History and Memory.” Once the students have
opened the tour, I will begin to virtually lead them through the
museum itself. Throughout each room there are 4 tabs that
have pictures and a description of major events such as
“Kristallnacht,” liquidation of the ghettos, concentration camps,
and more. Students will be required to take notes as they
receive information from each room.

At the end of the tour the students will be prompted to write

three short response. One about what they believe about the
Holocaust that has left such a significant mark in history. And the
second response will be how they believe it has affected the
Jewish community not only directly but as well into the
presence. And the final response will be if the tour from the
museum itself was able to portray the severity of the Holocaust
and why it did or didn’t.

Technology Students will be using either their cellular devices, Mac Book, or
Chromebook as Google Expedition is available on all these

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