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1 Harald J. van Price Advertising Survey patterns are not Online -The higher the price of a
Heerde* Maarten effectiveness the same across product the more I get the
feeling to do without some other
J. Gijsenberg For business categories and products I would like topurchase
Marnik G. Dekimpe cycle brands, which
Jan-Benedict E.M. offers .2 perceive the price of a product
Steenkamp opportunities for in a negative role because it
indicates the amount of money
firms that know that must begiven up in order to
how to ride the obtain the product.
economic tide
3. Before making a purchase I
consider the amount of money
available for spending on other
products I wouldlike to

2 Hyeonjin Soh, Trust Adv , Experimental that trust results Offline -I am willing to rely on ad-
Leonard N (willing to effectiveness Secondary from conveyed information when
use) data trustworthiness making purchase-related
and the strength decisions.
and security of a -I am willing to make important
trusting purchase-related decisions based on
ad-conveyed information.
3 Pooja Sharma Creativity Adv Expert creative advertising Offline The ad made me curious
effectiveness interviews, that actually sells in about the advertised brand.
published the market and live
material a hard impression I would like more information
about the product.
in mind
3.would like to use the
advertised product on a trial

4 MARGARET C. Brand in the Adv , Experiment Consumers will Offline I am more interested in the brand as a
CAMPBELL KEVIN ad Effectiveness process an ad with result of seeing the message.?
LANE KELLER* an unfamiliar brand I dislike the brand. (r).?
sponsor more I feel positively towards the
extensively than an brand.?
ad with a familiar I react favorably to the brand.?
brand sponsor The brand in the ad is likely to
possess the stated ad claims.?
5 Patrick De Media Adv Interview low involvement Online /
Pelsmacker , context Effectiveness Experiment individuals perceived offline \
Maggie Geuens, style Survey ads embedded in a
Leuven Gel congruent context as
Anckaert clearer and more
likable. High
individuals perceived
ads embedded in a
contrasting context
as having a higher
likeability and clarity
6 Paul A. Pavlou and Interactive Adv Experiment The reciprocal Online
David W. Stewart Advertising effectiveness Secondary communication
data between marketer
and consumer will
make it difficult to
isolate the
influence of any
one advertising
7 Type of adv Airport ad Experiment ethnographic, Offline
Rick T. effectiveness recognition, and
Wilson &Brian D. recall—produced
Till five general
themes. Of
particular interest
is that depending
on the type of
8 Ademola B. Consumer Adv Experiment positive mood offline
Owolabi, Ph.D. mood effectiveness group have a
more positive
attitude and
intention to try
products when
compared with
in the induced
negative mood
9 Dalia Mohammed celebrities’ Adv survey celebrities’ Online
Elzubier Diab credibility effectiveness questionnaire likeability and their
attractiveness have
the greatest impact
on both consumers
Attitude and their
purchase behavior
10 Bobby J. Calder a , Online Adv Experiment when consumers Online
Edward C. engagement effectiveness are highly
Malthouse b,⁎ & “engaged” with a
Ute Schaedel media vehicle they
can be more
responsive to
That’s a good brand and I wouldn’t hesitate recommending it to others.
2. know that the advertised brand is a dependable, reliable one.

3.What they said about the product was dishonest. (r)4

.As I watched, I thought of reasons why I should not buy the product. (r)

5.The commercial described certain specific product characteristics that are undesirable to me. (r)

6.I found myself disagreeing with some things in the commercial. (r)

7.The commercial made exaggerated and untrue claims about the product. (r)

8I will definitely buy the brand in the commercial.

I am more likely to remember__________ after seeing the ad

.2 i would recommend__________ to my friends who are interested in it

.3 I am more likely to purchase__________ after seeing the ad.

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