Wildlife Trafficking in The AmazonTRABA 6 de INGLES 15-4

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Wildlife trafficking in the Amazon

Birds and animals are part our environment. Their survival is

necessary for the conservation of the environment. Illegal wildlife
trade is one of the largest illicit businesses in the world. It is a threat
to the survival of several species worldwide. Countless species of
birds and animals are on the verge of total extinction because of this
illicit business run by organized and powerful networks of traffickers.
Illegal wildlife trade is rampant in South America. The animals, their
parts, souvenirs, or products from the animals are sold in the local
market, as well as in North America, Europe and Asia.In 2003, Louie
Favorite went to the Amazon to cover a news story on wildlife
trafficking. He stayed there for three weeks.

Talking about the nature of his assignment, he said, ‘the story we were working on was
extremely interesting. So many animals are illegally captured and exported from Brazil. This
was our reason for being there, to document the illegal animal trade from starting point to end
point.’ Covering the story from ‘starting point to end point’ means covering it from indigenous
poachers to end buyers of the birds and animals. Therefore, he not only had to go to remote
places and rainforests in the Amazonia at Manaus but also Sao Paulo and some locations in the
United States.

Disponible en: lunes, 8 de abril de 2013, 06:00

Fecha de entrega: lunes, 15 de abril de 2013, 23:55

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