Exercise Diary

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Physical Education Area



A. Description:

The Video Dairy activity is a self -regulated activity for fitness that will ensure the
students continued commitment to the objective of Physical Education to be fit for life.

B. Objectives:

1. Provide continuous education among students of PATHFI2 during quarantine period.

2. Encourage students to do physical activities/workout due to COVID lockdown
3. Share knowledge to the rest of the family by encouraging members to actively participate in
the activity.

C. Material:
Mobile Phone
Music for Exercise

D. Procedure:

1. Prior to the Activity

The activity is divided into 4 parts. Take a video of yourself doing the whole procedure and
compile it in one (1) folder on your phone. Label each video with the date and time you
started until the end of the activity (this will be submitted when you return to class.). Follow
the procedure below
1.1 Fill out the form attached with the information asked for.
1.2 Take your resting heart rate and compute your training heart rate. Record them in the form
provided for you.
1.3 Click the link for your reference
OR you can:
a. create your own workout
b. search other link that suits you
1.4 Watch the video and familiarize yourself with the routine.
2. Getting started

Note: Get your pulse rate before, at the middle and after the cool down and record in your form.

2.1. Make sure that you are in your exercise attire for this activity. Wearing of shoes is a must
for your own safety.
2.2. Do the patterns of exercise based on the video presented. Practice the routine until you
memorize the sequence. (2 days)

3. Practice and Apply

3.1. Repeat the activity
3.2. Video yourself doing the workout
3.3. You have the option to cover/blur your face for Data Private Policy Act (DPA). Rest
assured that your video will only be viewed by your instructor.

4. Share

4.1. Once you mastered the dance exercise encourage at least 2 - 3 members of your family to
do the routine with you. Teach them the steps and exercise together.
Physical Education Area


NAME: Cabañas, Kristine Diane P. SECTION: BSA – A1B

AGE: 19 HEIGHT:5’2 in WEIGHT: 50kg (current) Weight 47kg (Post)

Key Guidelines:
All adults should avoid inactivity. Some physical activity is better than none, and adults who
participate in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefits .For substantial health benefits,
adults should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) a week of moderate-intensity, or 75
minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent
combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. Aerobic activity should be performed
in episodes of at least 10 minutes, and preferably, it should be spread throughout the week.

For additional and more extensive health benefits, adults should increase their aerobic physical
activity to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity, or 150 minutes a week of vigorous-
intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity
activity. Additional health benefits are gained by engaging in physical activity beyond this amount.
Adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities that are moderate or high intensity and involve all
major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week, as these activities provide additional health benefits.

a. Complete the table below by putting exercise/routine.
b. Do this task as alternate for the dance exercise (Part I).

1. Compute for your THR: (refer to the formula given)

A. RESTING HEART RATE : pulse beat when at rest usually taken in the morning,
pre -workout pulse rate.

B. TRAINING HEART RATE : defines the upper and lower limits of training intensities

C. MAXIMUM HEART RATE : limit of your heart beat while exerting effort in exercise

D. POST EXERCISE HEART RATE : heart beat immediately after the workout

E. RECOVERY HEART RATE : Subtract your 2-minute heart rate from the heart rate you

took immediately after exercising. The faster your heart rate recovers (or slows down) the
fitter and healthier your heart. If the difference between the two numbers is: Less than 22:
Your biological age is slightly older than your calendar age.
***To check your pulse  at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery —
which is located on the thumb side of your wrist. When you feel your  pulse, count the number of beats in 15
seconds. Multiply this number by four to calculate your beats per minute. (

www.mayoclinic.org › expert-answers › heart-rate › faq-20057979

 Maximum Heart Rate
MHR = 220- 19 = 201

 Target Heart Rate

THR = 201 – 19 – 100 (*.70) + 100 = 157

To have healthy and fit body in accordance with my weight.

II. PLAN YOUR EXERCISE:( fill out the Form)

WARM UP: MARCH 23- April 14

1. Head Stretching
2. Leg Stretching
April 15-21
1. Arm Stretching
2. Shoulder Exercise
April 22-30
1. Neck Stretching
2. Jumping Exercise
COOL DOWN MARCH 16 cts Continue by adding stretches
1. Turning waist
2. Breath in and out

April 15-21
1. Turning waist
2. Breath in and out

April 22-30
1. Turning waist
2. Breath in and out


DATE and DURATION Of PRE Post Workout Recovery Heart

(Resting Heart
March 26, 2020 7 mins 80 134 56
March 27, 2020 11 mins 76 127 61
April 03, 2020 15 mins 84 139 52
April 04, 2020 15 mins 80 130 58
April 08, 2020 10 mins 75 130 55
April 09, 2020 10 mins 70 123 55
April 13, 2020 15 mins 73 138 60
April 14, 2020 15 mins 75 130 54
Physical Education Area




A. Answer as briefly as you can.

1. What is the primary goal of this activity?

To have a fit body that in accordance with my weight and height.

2. What is the role of THR in your workout?

The role of THR in my workout serves as my capacity in doing physical exercises.

3. How do you find the movements used in the workout?

It was never easy because I am not used in doing such workouts, but I managed
to do the task every week. The workout for women app also helped me to achieve
my desire body.

4. How does your music affect your movement?

Music has an impact with my movement because I enjoyed doing workouts when
there’s music or even a beat.

5. How much time did you allocate every workout session?

During the first week, I allotted 18 mins for workout. Second week, 30 mins. Third
week, 20 mins and Fourth week was also 30 mins.

6. How is the activity beneficial to you during the quarantine period?

I benefited from this activity, as it removes my boredom and at the same time I
had a healthy body that keeps me from getting such illness.
7. What health benefit did you get from the exercise?

My cardiovascular improved a lot, as well as my muscles in each area of my body.

8. Where you able to reach your training heart rate during the activity?

Yes, I was able to reach my training heart rate with the help of workouts every
week. So that I can clearly say that my cardiovascular improved a lot.

9. Name 3 ways on how you can increase the intensity of your activity:
1. Make a plan and goal every week.
2. Do not settle for just one workout, as much as possible change your workouts every
time you will do the workout or every week.
3. Decrease your rest time, and do the workouts more.

10. How do you feel during the post workout?

At first it was exhausting but once you get used to it, your body will be able to
endure those workouts.

11. What changes did you observe on yourself as the day progresses with your exercise?

One thing I noticed is that something is changing in my body every week, I

noticed that I started having muscles in my arms, butt and such.

12. Did you find it easy to convince the member of your family to join the activity? Why?

Yes, I do my workouts together with my two sisters and they enjoyed it a lot as
they also love to exercise.

13. How does it feel to do this kind of activity with your family?

It feels nice because this kind of activity also serves as our bonding.

14. Will you be including this type of activity with your family regularly? Why?

Yes, up until now, my sisters and I are still working out to have a fit and healthy
B. RATE the activity by shading the circle ( O ) of your answer.

Agree Disagree
1 I enjoy doing the activity O
2 The activity meets my personal goal O
3 I will do the workout as a regular family activity O

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