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Trends in Food Science & Technology 97 (2020) 29–37

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Finite element modelling for fruit stress analysis - A review T

a a,b,∗ a,b
Nurazwin Zulkifli , Norhashila Hashim , Hazreen Haizi Harith ,
Mohamad Firdza Mohamad Shukerya,b
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
SMART Farming Technology Research Centre (SFTRC), Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia


Keywords: Background: A deep understanding of the motion and the intensities of forces endured by the fruits overtime
Finite element method during the various handling processes is necessary if improvements are to be made in the handling systems or
Fruit response related tools. The finite element method (FEM) has been used to investigate the effect of mechanical loading on
Stress-strain analysis fruit before developing a prototype of the intended design. Simulation tests were performed to visualise the time-
dependent deformation behaviour. Various studies have been reported on the use of FE for studying the effect of
compression and drop forces on fruits. However, to the best of the knowledge of the authors, the application of
finite-element analysis in fruit mechanics has not been summarized yet.
Scope and approach: This review is concerned with establishing the introductory concept of FEM for evaluating
fruit response under the static and dynamic loading. The FE equations were formulated based on the stress-strain
constitutive equations.
Key findings and conclusions: The review summarises the application of FEM for fruit stress-strain analysis. A
brief description of the fundamentals and the existing models that have been developed to cope with problems of
fruit mechanics are reported. This paper provides a review of the main FEM studies and a comparison between
different types of stress analysis as well as outlining the potential use of FEM for future reference. This review
can become an appropriate, timely and beneficial reference for any relevant follow-up research for the assess-
ment of the quality of agricultural produces.

1. Introduction important to identify the factors affecting fruit deterioration and to use
the appropriate technological procedures to provide only the best
Market demand for fruits has grown steadily all over the world, with quality produce throughout the supply chain. The management of fruit
a total production of 785.25 million (M) metric tonnes (t) in 2017 as quality in distribution begins with understanding the nature of the
compared to 779.55 Mt in 2016 (FAOSTAT 2019). Apart from this, Asia distribution chain, from production to consumption which involves
led in 2017, accounting for 462.87 Mt which is equivalent to 58.94% of numerous mechanical operations. This is because all kinds of fruit are
the world total production. With an increase in consumption, many characterised by the complex rheological behaviour of the non-homo-
distinct, true breeding varieties have been developed for desired phe- geneous material, which constantly changes with time (Romero & Rose,
notypes such as the shape, size, taste, flesh colour, firmness and disease 2019). Much work is required to express the relationships between
resistance (Majerska, Michalska, & Figiel, 2019). Fruit has become part rheological and textural properties into a constitutive form as a math-
of the daily diet for most people as they are now aware of the health ematical function (Chen & Opara, 2013; Chen & Opara, 2013).
benefits that come with an adequate fruit intake, for example to redu- The determination of the textural and rheological properties of
cing the risk of cancer (Poirier et al., 2019). fruits implies the measurement of stress and strain over a function of
The availability of fruit for consumption must be increased by re- time. Compression, tensile, drop and pendulum tests are performed to
ducing the amount of post-harvest losses and by improving the hand- measure the different mechanical properties of fruits (Giongo et al.,
ling operation (Chegere, 2018). Improper physical handling during 2019; Komarnicki, Stopa, Szyjewicz, & Młotek, 2016; Opara & Fadiji,
harvesting, grading, packaging and transport can result in structural, 2018; Pham & Liou, 2017; Stopa, Szyjewicz, Komarnicki, & Kuta,
tissue and cell damage to fruits (Yuri et al., 2019). Therefore, it is 2018). However, the conceptualisation either as a static or dynamic

Corresponding author. Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor,
E-mail address: (N. Hashim).
Received 29 October 2019; Received in revised form 23 December 2019; Accepted 26 December 2019
Available online 02 January 2020
0924-2244/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Zulkifli, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 97 (2020) 29–37

mechanical problem should be first defined before choosing the in- provide an obvious alternative for gaining the understanding using the
strumental method, as different tests measure specific properties. For framework of continuum mechanics. Formulation of the system equa-
instance, the texture analyser and universal testing machine are used to tion is developed to express the conservation of between mass, applied
measure the compression properties and the pendulum device is used to force and energy, supplemented with the established constitutive
measure the impact properties of fruits respectively. In practice, it is equations.
difficult to study every possible combination of critical stresses because The FE model can be developed using various choices of FEA soft-
each test is expensive and requires a specific experimental set-up. Plus, ware. The practicability of FEM is that it can reduce the number of
the probe sizes and shapes should be able to accommodate the sample physical experiments by replacing with a simulation study of the pro-
geometry or the measurement would not provide reliable results (Li, totype. Developing the FE model allows for simulation under the pre-
2013). It is also noticed that the given properties of a fruit are specific at defined case study. FE software such as ANSYS, ABAQUS and SOLID-
a given time, and that the mechanical response is also affected by the WORKS have prepossessing facilities to define the complicated
instrument properties. geometrics and to simulate structural, heat transfer and fluid flow
This current decade has seen the development of non-destructive problems.
techniques based on image processing technology (Hashim et al., 2013;
Mohd Ali, Hashim, Bejo, & Shamsudin, 2017; Zulkifli, Hashim, Abdan,
2. Finite element modelling
& Hanafi, 2019), thermo-acoustic ultrasound (Vasighi-Shojae, Gholami-
Parashkouhi, Mohammadzamani, & Soheili, 2018), electronic and
Fruits are diverse in nature, complex in structure and biodegradable
spectroscopy devices (Figueiredo Neto, Cárdenas Olivier, Rabelo
such that the nature of the deformation depends on the material con-
Cordeiro, & Pequeno de Oliveira, 2017) have been developed for au-
ditions of the fruit body. In order to gain an understanding of the sig-
tomatic quality detection of agricultural products. However, these
nificance of the material characterisation, studies have been done on
techniques require extensive research to anticipate real-time mon-
the characterisation of different biomaterials for predicting the rheo-
itoring, especially when fruit progressively and continuously tends to
logical properties of fresh fruit. A deep understanding of the motion and
soften throughout the ripening process (Goldberg, Agra, & Ben-Arie,
the intensities of forces endured over time during various handling
2019). The systems also require a standard setup for a particular type of
processes is necessary if improvements are to be made to the handling
fruit, which is even more challenging to develop a practical and por-
table usage of the system (Abasi, Minaei, Jamshidi, & Fathi, 2018).
FE mechanical modelling in fruit stress analysis is the process of
With the advancement in computer modelling and simulation, nu-
approximating the system equation, as well as simulating and pre-
merical methods have been adopted for studies of fruit mechanics.
dicting the mechanical responses in fruit upon loading. The results are
Finite element analysis (FEA) is used to solve multidimensional me-
assumed as the consequence of effects that need to be considered in
chanical problems which are derived by the partial differential equation
analysing specified mechanical problems. Fig. 1 illustrates the steps
of the mechanised systems. This method can be used to solve for ex-
involved in FE stress analysis as proposed by Fadiji, Berry, Coetzee and
ample, the estimation of the fruit responses to applied forces, making it
Opara, (2018). However, this chapter onwards will focus more on the
possible to determine the influence of post-harvest handling systems
pre-processing step as most work is done at that stage to develop the FE
that affect the susceptibility of the fruit to damage (Li, 2017). This
model. This includes the preparation of a geometrical model, assigning
method includes the finite volume method (FVM), the finite difference
method (FDM), and the finite element method (FEM). In FDM, partial
differential equations are discretised directly, and the functions are
written as a linear algebraic equation, represented by a grid point
within the continuum space (Rapp, 2017, pp. 623–631). FDM is more
suitable to model the behaviour of solids that have a simple and regular
geometrical shape for example granular materials. The results have
shown to be reliable to solve mechanics problems for soybean seeds
(Xu, Yu, Yu, & Wang, 2018), rapeseeds (Wojtkowski, Pecen, Horabik, &
Molenda, 2010) and grapes (Coetzee & Lombard, 2013). For FVM, the
system equation is discretised into several control volumes. The solu-
tion is usually formulated based on a related fluid or gas conservation
law, and the approximate functions are assumed to be the fluxes over
the surfaces of finite volume (Mazumder, 2016, pp. 277–338). Deriva-
tion of such functions is best used to solve fluid-flow (Kannan et al.,
2018; Brunetti, Šimůnek, & Bautista, 2018) gas adsorption (Rossi et al.,
2019) and heat transfer problems (Cevoli & Fabbri, 2017).
Meanwhile, for FEM, the system equation is solved by measuring
the local effects of point nodes. The domain is discretised into geome-
trical elements, and the approximate solutions over these elements are
represented by continuous functions at the nodes of each element. The
localised-solution for each element is measured and will be assembled
to represent the entire problem of the regional domain (Klimchik,
Pashkevich, & Chablat, 2019). The microscopic structural scale in fruit
tissues is a composite material, combining stiff reinforcing elements and
a compliant binding medium that assembled into increasingly larger
scale configurations to form the macroscopic tissue structure (Zhang,
Xiong, Yang, & Wu, 2019). Hence the macroscopic properties of fruit
issues are significantly affected by the composition and structure of the
microscopic tissues. With FEM, it can be assumed that fruit responses to
loading were reflected from the cells that assembled the entire physical Fig. 1. Steps involved in stress analysis by means of FEM (Adapted from Fadiji,
and mechanical properties (Dintwa et al., 2011). The FEM models Coetzee, Berry, Ambaw & Opara, 2018).

N. Zulkifli, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 97 (2020) 29–37

material properties, meshing, and defining the constraints and However, if the size is inappropriately small, a longer computational
boundary conditions for the designated simulation study. time to solve the model may be required, especially for multiple
The dataset of the geometry, mechanical properties and the applied iterations of the nonlinear and dynamic stress analyses (Li, Li, Yang, &
load of the fruit model will be generated as inputs for the FE codes to Liu, 2013).
generate matrix equations for each element. By means of FEM, the Automated meshing is normally employed. However, the element
equation is derived as a weak form of integral function which contains nodes may not incorporate all features of the irregular shape of the
an expression of a single-point solution to a given set of boundary geometrical model even at the smallest scale of elements. Skills will be
conditions and constraints. Theoretically, the element function U h is then required, for instance, to use the combination of different types of
approximated using polynomial interpolation within the nodes func- elements to mesh the complex geometrical region. Some authors have
tion, in the direction of x, y and z axes which can be expressed as assigned the different types of elements to mesh the different geome-
Equation (1) (Liu & Quek, 2014, pp. 43–79). trical attributes within the fruit regions. For instance, Li, Andrews, and
Wang (2017) and Miraei Ashtiani et al. (2019) assigned the tetrahedral
U h = (x , y, z ) = ∑ Ni (x , y, z ) di elements for modelling the peel, whereas hexahedral elements were
i=1 (1) used for the pulp for both tomato and grapefruit respectively.

where Ni is the sub-matrix of the function for nodal displacement, nd is

the number of nodes, di is the nodal displacement at the i -th node. The 2.3. Fruit properties
approximate functions use to govern the system equation can be re-
presented by the following equation (Equation (2)). Fruits have inherent mechanical properties such as elasticity, visc-
osity and plasticity which are related to their structural components.
[R] = [K ][u] − [F ] (2) The choice of material model depends on the measured properties ob-
tained from the experimental data. The mechanical testing such as
where [u], [K ], [R], F ] are the displacement matrix, stiffness matrix,
compression, tensile, creep and stress-relaxation will be physically
reaction matrix and the load matrix respectively. Based on the for-
executed to measure the specific properties to input in to the simulation
mulation of the FEM equations, possible solutions can be obtained for
test studies. The computation of the mechanical properties will be done
problems involving static or dynamic stress analysis.
using mathematical formulations.

2.1. Preparing the geometrical model

2.3.1. Elastic properties
Determination of the elastic modulus is most used to describe the
Ideally, the FE model should be able to define the geometrical
rheological behaviour of a biomaterial. For the isotropic model, the
properties of the fruit structure. Normally, a scanning procedure cou-
elasticity behaviour can be assumed such that when a certain level of
pled with an image processing technique is adopted in the modelling
force is applied, the model will be able to instantaneously and finitely
procedures. As the scanned fruit reflects the complexity of the geome-
deform upon its release. Hertz (1896) proposed a solution measuring
trical features within the different fruit regions i.e. the peel, flesh and
the modulus of the contact stresses in two sphere-elastic-isotropic
placenta, the processor might require more computational time to
bodies that were subject to uniaxial compression as shown in Table 1.
convert the surface model into a solid model. Therefore, in order to
To calculate the modulus of an irregular shape of material, assumptions
measure the compression properties of a kiwifruit, Kunpeng et al.
regarding the deformation can be made (Kosma & Cunnigham, 1962).
(2017) simplified the solid model by modifying the fruit placenta into a
The value of constant K can be calculated once cos θ is known (Equa-
fusiform shape with an internal chamfer representing the seed chamber.
tion (3)).
Li and Wang (2016) modelled only a quarter of a tomato to evaluate the
stress and strain distribution during compression within the pericarp, 1

R1 R1′
locule and septa regions. Meanwhile, a whole-single scale model is cos θ = 1 1 1 1
often used to predict the level of fruit susceptibility to bruising caused R1
+ R1′
+ R2
+ R2′ (3)
by impact loadings (Du, Wang, Wang, Yao, & Hong, 2019; Yousefi,
Farsi, & Kheiralipour, 2016). This simplification has been considered where R1 and R2 both are the major radiuses for the primary and sec-
due to the limitations of unpredictable changes in the material prop- ondary curvatures respectively, while R1 ′ and R2 ′ are both minor
erties within the different fruit regions. Plus, the severity of bruises of
Table 1
the whole fruit is influenced by the drop orientation and the area of
Calculation for Modulus of elasticity based on Hertz's theory (Hertz, 1896).
contact surface.
Form of loading Formula

2.2. Meshing Contact between a 3

1 1 2
sphere at two 0.338(1 − μ2) ⎡ 1 1 ⎞3 1 1 ⎞3 ⎤
E= 3 ⎢KU ⎛ R ⎜ + ⎟ + KU ⎛ +
⎜ ⎟

The applicable of FEM depends on the generation of high-quality parallel plates D2 ⎢ ⎝ U RU′ ⎠ ⎝ RL RL′⎠

⎣ ⎦
computational meshes. A good mesh operator should be able to provide Contact between half 1
0.338(1 − μ2) ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 2
a faster sand non-convergent solution, which affects a significant dif- sphere/curved E= 3
⎜ + ⎟

surface and two D2 ⎝ RU RU′ ⎠

ference in degrees of freedom. Tetrahedral and hexahedral elements are
parallel plates
often used to mesh the fruit models as these elements exhibit good
Spherical indenter on a 1
geometrical adaptability with the irregular shape, size and curvature of 0.338(1 − μ2) ⎛ 1 1 4 2
curved surface E= 3
⎜ + + ⎞ ⎟

the fruit. D2 ⎝ RU RU′ d

Spherical indenter on a 0.338(1 − μ2)
Care should be taken to make sure that an appropriate number of
elements are included to capture the behaviour of the solution of the
flat surface E=
3 () 4 2

entire model domain. Mesh density is a significant metric used to

Note: D is the deformation (mm); d is the diameter of curvature of the spherical
control the accuracy of the FE model. The number and type of elements
indenter mm; RU is the minimum radii of curvature of the sample at the upper
chosen must be able to represent the elemental distribution of the ac- point of contact (mm); RU′ is the minimum radii of curvature of the sample at
tual fruit. Typically, the larger the number of elements and the smaller the lower point of contact (mm); RL is the maximum radii of curvature of the
size of the elements would give a better approximate solution to the sample at the upper point of contact (mm); RL′ is the maximum radii of cur-
problem (Guessasma, Chaunier, Della Valle, & Lourdin, 2011). vature of the sample at the upper point of contact (mm).

N. Zulkifli, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 97 (2020) 29–37

instantaneous shear modulus and long term of shear modulus of the

material respectively.

3. Boundary condition and constraints

3.1. Static stress studies

The simulation of the compression test is performed to evaluate the

distribution of tangential and radial stresses within the fruit regions.
The severity of damage will be dependent on the amount and direction
of the applied load. At the beginning of the compression state, the stress
will be concentrated at the contact area between the fruit peel and the
upper and lower compression plates respectively. As the compression
force extends towards the radial and tangential directions, the amount
of stresses increases gradually and distributes from the peel towards the
internal part of the fruit tissues. Both the Von Mises and Tresca yielding
criterions are used to predict the formation of compression damage
within the fruit, exceeding the limit of yield strength of peel and flesh
Fig. 2. A stress-strain distribution of kiwi flesh during compression test (Du
et al., 2019). regions (Li et al., 2013).
For a simple FE compression test, a fruit model will usually be as-
sumed to be geometrically asymmetric, purely elastic in behaviour and
radiuses for the primary and secondary of the solid curvatures respec- having isotropic mechanical properties (Dintwa et al., 2011; Sadrnia
tively. et al., 2008). However, different approaches have been taken in recent
Earlier, the FEM models of apples (Celik, Rennie, & Akinci, 2011) years to better predict either the large linear or the non-linear analysis
and pears (Salarikia, Miraei Ashtiani, Golzarian, & Mohammadinezhad, of fruit compression, which also follows the criteria of Von Mises cri-
2017; Yousefi et al., 2016) were developed under the assumption of teria for failure (Khodabakhshian & Emadi, 2015). Kunpeng et al.
having the isotropic-linear elastic properties for drop test simulations. (2017) assigned different physical properties for peel and flesh for ki-
The core, skin, flesh, stem and seed were considered a whole solid fruit. wifruit. The peel was assumed as an isotropic material, and the fruit
The properties Young's modulus, density and Poisson's ratio were as- flesh was deemed as an anisotropic material. To imitate the actual
signed to the material model to investigate the stress distribution and compression, plates were constructed at both the axial and radial ends
deformation behaviour under dynamic loading. of the kiwifruit. A fixed constraint was set at the lower plate, and a
downward force velocity of 5 mm min was imposed on the upper plate.
2.3.2. Plastic properties Meanwhile, the coefficient was 0.4, representing the frictional contact
FEM can analyse the localised stresses at different points in the fruit between peel and both plates. Stress distributions within the fruit were
and gives the limit for spontaneous fracture propagation. Therefore, the compared with the different values of compression strain during the
elastic-plastic consecutive model is used to investigate the fruit yield entire time of loading.
criterion during plastic deformation. Fig. 2 illustrates the stress-strain In order to shorten the length of time required to perform the
curve that shows the elastic-plastic behaviour of kiwi flesh upon suf- computational process, Li and Wang (2016) used only a quarter fruit
fering compression force (Du et al., 2019). As illustrated, a linear in- model. The fruit section was modelled showing the different part of the
crease in stress was seen at the beginning of the compression. The de- pericarp, septal and locular structure. Symmetry constraints were ap-
formation is recoverable within the elastic region. The increase in stress plied to the two orthogonal sections and to the reference point of the
with strain will be less linear for a large deformation. For the large and locule in the model. The displacement function was applied, and a
small strain analysis, the properties of Young's modulus, the bioyield 5 mm downward-compressive strain was applied to the reference point
stress, failure stress, and tangent modulus can be measured using either of the upper plate. Li et al. (2017) used the same model to simulate the
the isotropic or kinematic hardening models respectively (Celik, 2017). compression behaviour and measure the mechanical damage from the
von Mises stress distribution of the FE model. The FE analysis showed
2.3.3. Viscoelastic properties that the maximum stress occurs at the contact point between the plate
The generalised Maxwell's model which consists of the elements of a and the peel, where the septal and pericarp tissues receive more da-
linear elastic spring and a linear viscous dash-pot is used to represent mage than the cuticle. The damaged was calculated either by summing
the viscoelastic properties of fruits. The assigned fruit properties of up the area or the volume from the integration point to the nodes of the
stress-relaxation function E (t ) can be derived from the generalised yielded elements respectively.
Maxwell's model which can be expressed in exponential series Table 2 summarises the application of FEM to predict the behaviour
(Equation (4)) (Gao, Song, Rao, & Ying, 2018). of fruit under linear and non-linear static loading. Most validation of
the FEA results was achieved by comparing the model predictions with
E (t ) = E1 e−t / T1 + E∞ (4)
the compression properties of the fruits.
where E∞ is the equilibrium modulus, E1 is the disintegration modulus
and T1 is the relaxation time. 3.2. Dynamic stress
The assumed linear viscoelastic behaviour of fruit can also be ex-
pressed by the shear modulus (Ahmadi, Barikloo, & Kashfi, 2016). The The Hertz theory of impact is used to measure the pressure dis-
viscoelastic deviatoric stress σvit , n + 1 at time increment n + 1 is taken as tribution between either spherical, elliptical or cylindrical bodies
the total stress used in the simulation, as expressed by Equation (5). (Hertz, 1896). According to the theory, the collision of bodies under a
static compressive load is based on specific fundamental assumptions.

σvit , n + 1 = σvit , n e−βΔtn +

2(G0 − G∞) ( 1 − E −βΔtn
β ) (Δε )
n In general, the material should be homogeneous, the contact force
should act over a small area relative to the size of the compression
Δtn (5)
plate, the radii of curvature of the contacting solids should exceed the
where β is the viscoelastic decay constant, while G0 and G∞ are the radius of the compression plate surface and the surface area should be

N. Zulkifli, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 97 (2020) 29–37

smooth. The requirement for smooth surfaces implies that only normal

Seyedabadi, Khojastehpour, and Sadrnia

stress arises over the contact surface, and the tangential forces will be

Khodabakhshian and Emadi (2015)

neglected. However, this theory is not applicable to biomaterials having

Pieczywek and Zdunek (2014)

material properties analysis accounting for non-elastic behaviour. Im-
Miraei Ashtiani et al. (2019)

pact phenomenon in fruits describes the collision that develops high-

magnitude forces being exerted and transmitted through the micro-
Kunpeng et al. (2017)

Sadrnia et al. (2008)

Dintwa et al. (2011)
scale of fruit tissues (Li, 2017).
As suggested by Dintwa, Van Zeebroeck, Ramon, and Tijskens
Li et al. (2017)

(2008), the energy of colliding fruits is provided in three forms. One is


the usual potential energy due to material resistance to deformation

and manifested in the arising stresses and strains. Second is the vibra-
tion energy associated with stress or strain waves that propagate across
COMSOL Multiphysics the dimensions of the colliding bodies, and lastly is the energy dis-
sipation due to material inelastic deformation behaviour. From the
impact test, the relationship between these impact parameters and the

response properties of impact velocity, maximum force response, im-



pact time and force impulse can be evaluated (Stropek & Gołacki,




With FEM, the characterisation of dynamic responses in fruit can be
carried out by drop test simulation. Stress distribution within the con-
Young's modulus; Poisson's ratio; Equivalent
Young's modulus; Poisson's ratio; Density;

tact area at the time of collision can be determined by assigning the

Young's modulus; Poisson's ratio; Density

Density; Hydraulic conductivity; Young's

model with inputs of drop height, drop orientation, mechanical prop-

Equivalent stress; Young's modulus

erties of fruit and the contact surfaces (Stopa, Szyjewicz, Komarnicki, &
Young's modulus; Shear modulus

Young's modulus; Poisson's ratio

Young's modulus; Poisson's ratio

Kuta, 2018; Stropek & Gołacki, 2019; Zhou, He, Karkee, & Zhang,
Failure stress; Failure strain

2016). Consecutive equations based on the elastic or the elastic-plastic

Poisson's ratio; Yield stress

modulus; Poisson's ratio

of material behaviour are normally applied to simplify the computa-

Inputs for simulation

tional problem of the FE dynamic model. Due to uncertainties and

limitations caused by factors such as the impact mechanism, physical
Poisson's ratio
Bulk modulus

properties and environmental conditions, such assumptions are made

Yield stress

Yield stress

constant throughout the entire time of modelling. Such a model has


been established for kiwi (Du et al., 2019) pears (Celik, 2017; Salarikia
et al., 2017) and apples (Celik et al., 2011).
Therefore, the FEM viscoelastic model would be a potential alter-








native to describe the dynamic behaviour of viscoelastic material (Gao

et al., 2018). Ahmadi et al. (2016) developed a model by assigning
elastic properties to peel and viscoelastic properties to both the cortex



and core of an apple. The relaxation functions were used to represent

the viscous force generated by the flow inside the core and cortex. Two





values of impact velocities were input for the FE solution, considering


the impact from the collision between the moving apple to still apple
and the collision between the moving apple to a rigid surface at 1 m/s
Determination of mechanical behaviour under different loading positions

and 0.2 m/s respectively. The variation in displacement, stress and

Quantification of an external area and internal volume of fruit damage

hydrostatic pressure distribution within the fruit were compared to the

Quantification of mechanical properties under compression loading

different rates of impact loading. In the simulation, the dropping force

Comparison of the axial and radial compression damage areas

Evaluation of non-linear deformation within epidermis tissue

was assumed to be dependent on the acceleration and impact velocity.

The results showed that for the collision between apples, the stress
distribution initially started at the point of collision, from the internal
layer towards the fruit peel (Fig. 3). The energy was absorbed within
the core and cortex region before being transmitted into the peel region.
Compression simulation on single tomato cell

Meanwhile for the collision between an apple and a rigid surface, the
of longitudinal and transverse directions

stress distribution started from the peel towards the cortex and core of
Finite element modelling for static stress analysis.

the fruit. The energy was transmitted from the elastic region towards
Prediction of internal bruising
Prediction of bruising area
Objective (s)

Pumpkin seed


Fig. 3. The recorded simulation of collision between apples (left). The visua-

Table 2


lisation of stress distribution started from within the core to the cortex and
towards the fruit peel (right) (Adapted from Ahmadi et al., 2016).

N. Zulkifli, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 97 (2020) 29–37

account for fruit softening (Romero & Rose, 2019; Zhang et al., 2019).
In general, the yielding stress is dependent on the strain rate, which
is lower at a lower deformation rate. Yielding take place on the loca-
lised stress planes, which are separated by the different layers of fruit
tissue. Thus, the yield limit of the different regions of fruit tissue can be
used to predict the overall strength or hardness of fruits. The estimation
of fruit hardness can be described by the affected cellular wall structure
and its composition. The behaviour of fruit resistance to loading varies
with different stages of ripening (Tinoco & Peña, 2019). Earlier, FEM
has been utilised in the assessment of ripeness for watermelon by vi-
sualising the mode shape of the displacement vector as a function of
resonance frequency by Abbaszadeh et al. (2014). With modal shape
Fig. 4. The recorded simulation of the collision between an apple and a rigid
surface (left). The visualisation of stress distribution initiated from the peel to and natural frequency analysis, the identification of the optimum lo-
the cortex and core of the fruit. (Adapted from Ahmadi et al., 2016). cation for output vibration, maximum deformation and nodal position
were obtained from the corresponding bending pattern of the different
ripeness index.
the more viscous region with the assumption of a slight delay in release
Meanwhile Yousefi et al. (2016) measured the dynamic properties
(Fig. 4).
of pears at different ripeness levels. Using the same simulation condi-
Table 3 summarises the application of FEM to predict fruit responses
tions, in terms of contact surface, height, and drop orientation, the
under dynamic loadings. The validation of the FEM was achieved by
over-ripe fruit has the highest value of bruising area as compared to the
comparing results from the collision model with the mechanical prop-
unripe and ripe fruits. The degradation of the cell wall structure during
erties of fruits.
ripening tends to significantly affect the physical, mechanical and
chemical properties of fruit. In fact, a few studies have shown the
4. The advantages of finite element mechanical modelling correlation between the firmness and total soluble solids in fruits
(Diamante & Umemoto, 2015; Guessasma et al., 2011). Plus, a higher
Using FEM analysis, the prediction of rheological properties will be sugar concentration in the highly ripe fruit decreases the intrinsic
beneficial to help to understand the resistance to damage mechanism of viscosity hence decreasing the yield stress significantly (Nambi,
fruit. FEM provides a reliable result for the quantification of rheological Thangavel, Rajeswari, Manickavasagan, & Geetha, 2016).
properties within the different regions of fruit, without having to en-
gage in numerous laborious types of work. The measured properties of 4.2. Prediction of fruit bruise damage
the fruit will help to provide references regarding the influence of
mechanical impact during fruit handling. A comparative analysis of the Fruits are often exposed to a range of disorders associated with
contribution between the fruit peel and flesh on fruit firmness can mechanical injury affected by the various procedures such as abrasion
provide fundamental information to improve postharvest performance. and impact during the handling operations. The presence of various
types of contacting surfaces may result in different levels of mechanical
4.1. Prediction of fruit quality properties damage (Opara & Pathare, 2014). Bruise damage is a type of sub-
cutaneous tissue failure without rupture of the skin of fresh produce
Consumer preferences have not been limited to only the good ap- resulting from the action of excessive external force on the fruit surface
pearance, but also the texture characteristics such as the firmness, during impact, compression or vibration against a rigid body or fruit
hardness, succulence, or the juiciness of fruit. For example, the con- against fruit which results in cell breakage (Hussein, Fawole, & Opara,
sumer preference for levels of juiciness is normally used to define the 2018). A bruise may take up to a few hours or days to become visible,
texture in fleshy fruits (Bianchi et al., 2016; Contador, Shinya, & depending on the severity of the impact damage (Fan, Li, Huang, &
Infante, 2015). The juicier fruit contains more dissolved solids such as Chen, 2017). The occurrence and visibility of bruises differ in time as
sugar, acid and volatile components that influence the flavour of the the level of damage is found to be dependent with the time of exposure
fruit (Seppä, Peltoniemi, Tahvonen, & Tuorila, 2013). Meanwhile, and the damaging mechanism caused by the different types of loading
firmness has been linked to water content, changes in pericarp mor- (Van linden, Scheerlinck, Desmet, & De Baerdemaeker, 2006). Ac-
phology, cell wall hydrolase activity and cell wall composition which cording to Hussein et al. (2018), external bruising is usually described

Table 3
Finite element modelling for dynamic stress analysis.
Sample Objective (s) Model Properties Input for simulation Software Reference

Kiwi Prediction of bruise susceptibility during Elastic-plastic Isotropic Young's modulus; Bioyield stress; Tangent modulus; ANSYS Du et al. (2019)
ripening Material density
Drop height
Potato Evaluation of dynamic responses Elastic Isotropic Young's modulus; Drop height ABAQUS Gao et al. (2018)
Viscoelastic Impact time
Pear Susceptibility of pear to bruise under dynamic Elastic-plastic Isotropic Young's modulus; Tangent modulus ANSYS Celik (2017)
loadings Poisson's ratio; Bioyield point; Tensile force;
Density; Drop height; Drop orientation
Pear Quantification of mechanical properties under Elastic Isotropic Young's modulus; Poisson's ratio; Drop height; ABAQUS Salarikia et al.
dynamic loading Density, (2017)
Apple Viscoelastic finite element analysis for the Viscoelastic Isotropic Young modulus; Shear modulus; Viscoelastic decay ANSYS Ahmadi et al.
measurement of dynamic properties in apple constant; Poisson's ratio; Density; Impact velocity (2016)
Pear Prediction of bruising area under drop test Elastic Isotropic Young's modulus; Drop height ANSYS Yousefi et al.
simulation Density (2016)
Apple Evaluation of deformation behaviour during Elastic Isotropic Young's modulus; Poisson ratio SOLIDWORKS Celik et al. (2011)
drop test Drop height; Density

N. Zulkifli, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 97 (2020) 29–37

by the presence of a defect such as skin rupture or browning in the et al. (2014) carried out FEM using modal analysis to fabricate a fruit-
exocarp surface of a fruit. Meanwhile, internal bruising involves either peduncle system. With the identified physical properties of Young's
damage to the fruit tissues beneath the exocarp, mesocarp and en- modulus, shape function and the approximate finite element function,
docarp tissues. The spot of mechanical injury can then serve as an in- the convergences of vibrational frequencies were analysed to determine
fection site for numerous wound pathogens that can result in much of the harvesting frequencies. The mechanisms of damping and modes of
the postharvest disease. These spots, even without infection by patho- vibration were considered to describe the dynamic behaviour of the
gens, are unsightly and cause moisture loss and excessive shrivelling system. The acceleration of tree branches was recorded to determine
(Singh, Katiyar, & Singh, 2014). the magnitude and frequency. Peng et al. (2017) established an FE
Bruise susceptibility is a measure for response to external loading model of a jujube tree to simulate the mechanical responses under vi-
and depends on factors such as variety, texture, maturity, water status, brational loadings that resembled an actual harvester. From the accel-
firmness, temperature, size, shape and fruit position. This has been eration distribution of the nodal solution, the inertia force could be
confirmed by Wojtkowski et al. (2010) who found that the mechanical used as a parameter to judge whether the shaking frequency would be
behaviour of biomaterials is influenced by the moisture content that large enough to cause fruit detachment. Meanwhile Souza, Santos,
changed the surface and mechanical properties and influenced the bulk Costa, Santos, and Magalhães (2018) undertook a study to investigate
behaviour of fruit. Ahmadi, Ghassemzadeh, Sadeghi, Moghaddam, and the interaction with the position of the harvester rod and the branch
Neshat (2010) stated that the level of impact forces, fruit properties, clamping position. To investigate an effective way of harvesting (Xie,
storage temperature and the radius of fruit curvature have a substantial Wang, Cheng, Zeng, and Yang (2018) considered the rotational speed of
effect on the bruising damage. the blade drum, overlapping length of the upper and lower chopping
Proper fruit handling practices are critical to protect the produce blade and the bevel angle for the optimisation of a chopping harvester
from impact and vibration forces, for example during transportation. for sugarcane.
With FEM, the fruit package can be designed to better protect the fruit There has been an increase in development over the past year, due
especially during long hours of transportation. The package should be to the usefulness of the FEM application in agricultural industries.
able maintain product quality and enhance shelf life, for example by Characterisation of mechanical properties has been highlighted to be an
minimising transpiration-induced moisture loss and the resulting essential factor in making any sound decision. With FEM, many cases
shrinkage. Numerous simulations have been performed to predict the and numbers of trials can be performed during simulation, despite it not
strength and performance of corrugated paperboard packages used to being practical to perform conventional and destructive experiments.
package fruit. The design of packages with specific size, weight, and An extensive analytical method can be used for results analysis of the
mechanical properties of the composing components of cellulose fibres developed mathematical models to improve the performance, reliability
should be able to absorb the impact energy to protect the fruit from and consistency of the related mechanised systems.
collisions between fruits and with the surfaces of the box.FEM has also
been used to investigate the mechanical behaviour of ventilated cor- 5. Conclusions: towards the development of FE modelling
rugated paperboard (VCP) packages when subjected to compression
and impact loading (Fadiji et al., 2018). Studies undertaken by Fadiji A deep understanding of the motion and the intensities of the forces
(2019) used FEM to investigate the role of geometrical configurations of endured by the fruits over time during various handling processes is
ventilated holes to improve the strength of paperboard packages. The necessary if improvements are to be made to the handling systems or
vent area and the selection of corrugated paperboard types significantly equipment. On the level of one impact, there are several experimental
affected the strength of the package. Based on the same type of mate- techniques such as pendulum experiments, puncture tests and universal
rial, the increase in vent area linearly reduced the strength of the testing system tests to study the mechanical relationships between the
packages. forces involved and the resulting material deformations. However, in
practice, it is difficult to study every possible combination of critical
4.3. Developing the harvesting machines stresses because each test is expensive, and a large number of cases are
A grasping robot has been developed to emulate skilled workers in Studies have been undertaken to measure and predict the rheolo-
manipulating different sizes, shapes and mechanical properties of fruits. gical properties of fresh fruits. At present, the main objective of the
The grasp stability is primarily affected by the object weight, the re- agricultural industry is to improve the product quality to meet the
lative curvature, the distance between the two contact points and the growing expectations of consumers. Sensory analysis can be used to
friction force between the gripper and fruit surface (Zhang et al., 2018). help producers to meet the market demand by understanding the tastes
The gripper must be able to maintain the gripping force without da- and preferences of the consumers. Evaluation of texture sensation is
maging the fruits. Researchers Ji, Qian, Xu, Chen, and Zhao (2019) associated with the composition of moisture and sugar content, me-
established a FE viscoelastic model to simulate the process of grasping chanical and geometrical attributes. Mechanical tests are performed to
at constant velocity with continuous energy input. The authors of that acquire the characteristic curves of the rheological behaviour of agri-
study aimed at designing, constructing, testing and evaluating a pro- cultural produce. Practically, the measurement of fruit firmness is
totype based on the identification of physical and other properties, and usually assessed with a penetrometer. The penetrometer is easy to use
the contact surface pressure developed between the grasper and an and portable. It is used for the assessment of ripeness. However, the
apple. From the simulation results, the distribution of a deformation reading only demonstrates a single point on the force-deformation
wave began from the contact point towards the internal flesh and core curve. Determination of texture is challenging because it comprises
of the apple displacement. The maximum deformation of the apple was multiple sensory parameters and associated changes in physicochemical
at the contact point and increased with increasing grasping velocity. properties during the ripening processes. The changes in textural and
However, the maximum deformation rate decreased gradually, due to rheological properties of fruit during ripening are important for char-
the viscoelastic property of the apple and relaxation stress and energy acterisation and standardisation of postharvest operations. Depending
absorption. on the type of cultivar, harvest date and storage conditions, the textural
Using FEM, a novel property has been employed for target assess- properties vary greatly with the extent of fruit softening.
ment of mechanical harvesting (Carvalho, Magalhães, & Santos, 2016; Computer simulation is the process of analysing and predicting an
Tinoco, Ocampo, Peña, & Sanz-Uribe, 2014). With the application of outcome based on the supporting data to predict the system properties.
FEM, the development of a robust design for fabricating agricultural The results of the simulation model should be able to exhibit the out-
machinery and related tools can be implemented. For example, Tinoco comes of the designated-model and the real systems. FEM can be used

N. Zulkifli, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 97 (2020) 29–37

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Mohamad Firdza Mohamad Shukery together work with the manu- Figueiredo Neto, A., Cárdenas Olivier, N., Rabelo Cordeiro, E., & Pequeno de Oliveira, H.
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script, reviewed and revised the content. scopy. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 143, 222–226.
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The authors wish to thank the Southeast Asian Regional Center for means of backscattering imaging. Journal of Food Engineering, 116, 28–36.
Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) for their fi- Hertz, H. (1896). Miscellaneous papers. New York: MacMillan and Company.
Hussein, Z., Fawole, O. A., & Opara, U. L. (2018). Preharvest factors influencing bruise
nancial support.

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